Are Congressman John Lewis College Records Public?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
This clown is trying to undermine our democracy here in the USA and it is about time to do some research on who he really is. He was born in 1940 and apparently never had a paying job until 1977 when Jimmy "I'll Never Lie To You" Carter appointed him to some inconsequential job that required no skills.
This clown is trying to undermine our democracy here in the USA and it is about time to do some research on who he really is. He was born in 1940 and apparently never had a paying job until 1977 when Jimmy "I'll Never Lie To You" Carter appointed him to some inconsequential job that required no skills.

awww.... look at the cute little white supremacist.

i love how you think dumb donald getting almost 3 million votes less than clinton gives you kkk'ers license.
What goes around comes around, Trump is a Russian tool or so they hope. He is a phony.

Excerpt from p45 'The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election' by Malcolm Nance

"Ego or Excitement (or both) is the last of the categories of basic recruitment. Bezmenov emphasized that there is an archetype of potential asset in the West that the service desired most of all - Egocentric narcissists, like Trump.

"Ego-centric people who lack moral principles-who are either too greedy or who suffer from exaggerated self-importance. These are the people the KGB wants and finds easiest to recruit."

If Putin so chose to develop him, only the highest-level state agents would be involved in a potential cultivation of Trump as an exponent of Russian interests. Putin himself, under advisement of the FSB management and SVR's top human intelligence experts, would have to assess the suitability of the candidate and his potential to assist Russia, whether the candidate knew it or not. In Trump's case, it would be very easy. At almost every turn, his "bromance" with Putin would potentially stand on a foundation of his desire for their riches, and to be universally recognized as a man of substance and stature. It would cost Russia nothing to entertain his desires while furthering their own." [bold added]
This clown is trying to undermine our democracy here in the USA and it is about time to do some research on who he really is. He was born in 1940 and apparently never had a paying job until 1977 when Jimmy "I'll Never Lie To You" Carter appointed him to some inconsequential job that required no skills.

awww.... look at the cute little white supremacist.

i love how you think dumb donald getting almost 3 million votes less than clinton gives you kkk'ers license.
Awe another uneducated loon that doesn't realize that we have president Trump. Elected by more States than the treasonous bitch you voted for.
This clown is trying to undermine our democracy here in the USA and it is about time to do some research on who he really is. He was born in 1940 and apparently never had a paying job until 1977 when Jimmy "I'll Never Lie To You" Carter appointed him to some inconsequential job that required no skills.

lol, I thought the U.S. was not a democracy.
This clown is trying to undermine our democracy here in the USA and it is about time to do some research on who he really is. He was born in 1940 and apparently never had a paying job until 1977 when Jimmy "I'll Never Lie To You" Carter appointed him to some inconsequential job that required no skills.
The KKK is a terrorist organisation your the only one who wants to undermine American democracy
This clown is trying to undermine our democracy here in the USA and it is about time to do some research on who he really is. He was born in 1940 and apparently never had a paying job until 1977 when Jimmy "I'll Never Lie To You" Carter appointed him to some inconsequential job that required no skills.

awww.... look at the cute little white supremacist.

i love how you think dumb donald getting almost 3 million votes less than clinton gives you kkk'ers license.
You just can't accept a fact even though it is different from your own without insults, can you Jillian? White supremacist when the OP just stated a fact of when and how Lewis got his first job....

KKK? Really Jillian, you are quite the insignificant bore.
awww.... look at the cute little white supremacist.

i love how you think dumb donald getting almost 3 million votes less than clinton gives you kkk'ers license.

304 - 227, sugar plum.

Friday can't get here soon enough.
This clown is trying to undermine our democracy here in the USA and it is about time to do some research on who he really is. He was born in 1940 and apparently never had a paying job until 1977 when Jimmy "I'll Never Lie To You" Carter appointed him to some inconsequential job that required no skills.

lol, I thought the U.S. was not a democracy.

Generically, we are. Specifically, we are a Representative Republic which is a form of democracy.

No Direct Democracy has ever worked.

You just learned more about our Country by reading this post than you evidently did in your prior 16 years of schooling.
Further, a Constitutionally Federated Republic might be a more complete definition. But indeed the act of voting is by definition a form of democracy.

Question for the butthurt, white-haters...Isn't it hypocritical for the clown John Lewis to be against allowing the vote of white people responsible in large part for his landslide victory to be counted, yet in the early 60's he demand illiterate, low IQ, uneducated non-white people be allowed to vote which culminated in the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

But getting back on topic, who financed the clown John Lewis when he was doing his "community organizing" for the 10-20 years he agitated and attempted to get arrested.
Ex-Black Panther Mason Weaver disavows Congressman John Lewis...

Former Black Panther: ‘John Lewis Is the Illegitimate Congressman’
January 17, 2017 – In an interview with Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” former Black Panther Mason Weaver said Monday that Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), who was brutally beaten during a march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala., in 1965, was demonstrating against Democrats at the time, then he later “joined the oppressors” in “presiding over the destruction of the black community.”
“Mr. Lewis, you have presided over the destruction of black America, and you owe us an apology, and matter of fact, … he’s more concerned about Trump being the illegitimate president. Well, John Lewis is the illegitimate congressman,” Weaver said. “In the early 70s and late 60s, we were demonstrating and protesting for the right to compete as adult citizens in America. We were not demonstrating to be taken care of,” said Weaver. Weaver said the black community was protesting the policies of Democrats, citing then Democrat Alabama Gov. George Wallace and Bull Connor, president of the Alabama Public Service Commission. “Now Congressman Lewis, he marched across the Pettus Bridge, and they beat him and ran over him, but those were Democrats. It was Democrat George Wallace [who] stood at the schoolhouse yard. It was Democrats’ Bull Connor that oppressed folks. It was Democrats that voted for the litmus test called a literacy test and a poll tax. He was fighting Democrats, but after they beat his behind on that bridge and ran over him and stomped him in the ground, he got up and turned and joined them,” Weaver said.

Weaver said Lewis “joined the oppressors and became a stool to them where he was now sitting and presiding over the destruction of the black community, the destruction of the black men, the destruction of the black woman with drugs and gangs.” Weaver also said that Lewis “has presided over the worst school system in the world.” “I’m outraged that the demonstration that he had earlier in his life has turned into a subjugation of his rights and authority at the black leader,” Weaver said of Lewis. “So when you say he has presided over, are you speaking of his congressional district?” Carlson asked. “Not just his congressional district, but the Congressional communist Black Caucus that has every district they own and control is a ghetto hell hole. It’s a place that no one wants to go to. They’re in control of every inner city school system, every inner city police, every inner city jail,” Weaver said. “They have produced nothing but drugs and misery. Black-owned businesses, black-owned housing has been produced. They have presided over the destruction of black people. They should be ashamed of themselves, and I don’t understand why any black person could be a Democrat,” he said.

“So you believe that John Lewis when he gets up and says anything is already discredited because of what he’s failed to do since the Civil Rights era?” Carlson asked. “He has done nothing. If John Lewis – bless his heart—you know it took courage to do what he did in his early life, but he has done now, he has turned himself to his enemy like a little girl being beaten by daddy and joins daddy, like an abused woman beaten by her husband, she joins the husband. He has joined the enemy,” said Weaver. “He has joined the oppressor, and what he should do—if you’re a real man, John Lewis, if you’re a real, real hero, you stand up tomorrow morning and you look at the American people, and you apologize. You have led them through decades of hell. You should apologize, say you made a mistake, say that you tried to work with them, but the Democratic Party has always been the party of abuse, always been the party of the Klan, the party that went to war to keep slaves, the party that’s always been the destruction of black people,” Weaver added. “Mr. Lewis, you have presided over the destruction of black America, and you owe us an apology, and matter of fact, … he’s more concerned about Trump being the illegitimate president. Well, John Lewis is the illegitimate congressman,” he said.

“You don’t believe that John Lewis is doing this on purpose or the other members of the Congressional Black Caucus are doing this on purpose, do you?” Tucker asked. Weaver said all he’s seen is that Lewis has gotten richer, and his people have gotten poorer, and the same goes for the Congressional Black Caucus. “The Black Caucus has gotten more power and influence, and the black people they’re presiding over has gotten poorer – more drugs, more gangs, less business, less homeownership, less education, more jail, more drugs. Now if you did that in your job, you’d be fired. If you did that in any place else, you’d be fired,” Weaver said. “The worst black people are, the poorer we are, the stronger the Congressional Black Caucus is. The more powerful Democrats are - the worse off black people are. So I’m just saying as a citizen in America, looking around my country, I’m saying that every place you find black people and Democrats, you find poverty. Now, I’m waiting for someone to say where I’m wrong. You find disgrace,” Weaver said. “You find no jobs. You find a place that is utterly unlivable. That’s his legacy,” Weaver said about Lewis.

Former Black Panther: ‘John Lewis Is the Illegitimate Congressman’
This clown is trying to undermine our democracy here in the USA and it is about time to do some research on who he really is. He was born in 1940 and apparently never had a paying job until 1977 when Jimmy "I'll Never Lie To You" Carter appointed him to some inconsequential job that required no skills.

So you think someone raised on a farm never had a job- just because it wasn't a 'paying' job? Tell that to any American farmer.

But here is why you really are pissed off about John Lewis- his fight to end segregation.

As a student at Fisk University, John Lewis organized sit-in demonstrations at segregated lunch counters in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1961, he volunteered to participate in the Freedom Rides, which challenged segregation at interstate bus terminals across the South. Lewis risked his life on those Rides many times by simply sitting in seats reserved for white patrons. He was also beaten severely by angry mobs and arrested by police for challenging the injustice of Jim Crow segregation in the South.

During the height of the Movement, from 1963 to 1966, Lewis was named Chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), which he helped form. SNCC was largely responsible for organizing student activism in the Movement, including sit-ins and other activities.

While still a young man, John Lewis became a nationally recognized leader. By 1963, he was dubbed one of the Big Six leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. At the age of 23, he was an architect of and a keynote speaker at the historic March on Washington in August 1963.

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