Are Conservatives Set to Screw Over America Yet Again?

Right, out of control spending and adding more debt to the 17Trillion is what we need to keep our good credit rating. We will be downgraded if we can't control our big spending politicians, and rightfully so.
Spending is going to stop, one way or another.

Before ruin, or after?

I think it will be after..but it is going to stop.
Right, out of control spending and adding more debt to the 17Trillion is what we need to keep our good credit rating. We will be downgraded if we can't control our big spending politicians, and rightfully so.

A person can argue that spending is too high, but it's not out of control since it IS controled by the legislative process.

But something is out of whack. It's the imbalance between spending and the necessary revenue stream to support such spending. And THAT has happened because Republicans have adopted a policy of not only not raising taxes under any circumstances (which is fiscally irresponsibile in and of itself), but they have also pushed the mantra of cutting taxes under any and all circumstances which is ALSO fiscally irresponsible.

So, when a Republican president cuts taxes in a time of war, and spends a boatload of money on other measures similtaneously, it should be no surprise that the deficit explodes.

Just as Democrats have to embrace spending cuts, Republicans must face facts that taxes must go up to previous levels in order to help lower the national debt. Let me know when they accept that.

But what's happening now is an unnecessary self-inflicted wound that's being perpetrated on us even as all the warnings are coming in from around the country and the world not to let it happen. They can't say they weren't warned. In fact, they're marching the nation head on into the fray as if they WANT it to happen. Why would that be? Could it really be that they want to precipitate this crisis?

In that vein, I'll remind you of the sequester. It was proposed as an idea that (supposedly) would be SO unacceptable to both sides that both sides would eventually reach a compromise. But what happened? No compromise was reached, and the sequester went into effect even though the president was quite clear that he didn't want it. And it's still in effect today. This looming event is starting to look very much like that event in that regard since we assumed that everyone didn't want a default and would blink before it happened because they were just posturing for a better deal.

But what if they actually WANT a default to happen and we don't realize it until it's too late?
I like to watch our most extreme lunatics shit themselves in public.

It means that things are going in the right direction.

When people adopt the attitude that a disaster is a good thing, you have to question their motives, or their sanity, or both.

Here's another article that seems to show an impending disaster, one which is completely within the power of our Representatives to stop.

Yet, on they march as if they're oblivious. But we know that they're NOT oblivious. So, the only logical conclusion is that they want it to happen.

That's madness.
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I like to watch our most extreme lunatics shit themselves in public.

It means that things are going in the right direction.

When people adopt the attitude that a disaster is a good thing, you have to question their motives, or their sanity, or both.

Here's another article that seems to show an impending disaster, one which is completely within the power of our Representatives to stop.

Yet, on they march as if they're oblivious. But we know that they're NOT oblivios. So, the only logical conclusion is that they want it to happen.

That's madness.
You wouldn't know a disaster if it hit you between the eyes.
They're about ready to screw America right out of our leadership on this planet.

I don't want to see them waving the flag again. These people piss me off.
Round them up, lock them up, and kill them

right? Because your interests are the most important ones.
Right, out of control spending and adding more debt to the 17Trillion is what we need to keep our good credit rating. We will be downgraded if we can't control our big spending politicians, and rightfully so.

If the tea party trash even cared in the slightest about getting the deficit under control, the would call for gutting the crap out of the biggest pork barreled spending the nation has, which is the military industrial complex. But they won't do that, just the opposite. They want to spend even more that we don't need.

The the GOP does is spending the nation into oblivion over and over again. When was the last time a republican president balanced the budget? That's right, never.
I'd be for going back to 2008 spending levels across the board.

Why? Tech, science and infrastructure was funded more and the bull shit that's causing our debt would be removed.
No you would not.

Reid has already claimed it is dead on arrival.

Why don't you just sit in the corner and pull on your Democrat while the Dems flush the country down the toilet.

I'm tired of your infantile whining. Ignore list for you.
SO here we are again. It's all the evil republicans fault.....

You would think that we would have learned to look at the facts and the truth and then learned from it.

Standard & Poor’s announced Friday night that it has downgraded the U.S. credit rating for the first time, dealing a symbolic blow to the world’s economic superpower in what was a sharply worded critique of the American political system.

Lowering the nation’s rating to one notch below AAA, the credit rating company said “political brinkmanship” in the debate over the debt had made the U.S. government’s ability to manage its finances “less stable, less effective and less predictable.” It said the bipartisan agreement reached this week to find at least $2.1 trillion in budget savings “fell short” of what was necessary to tame the nation’s debt over time and predicted that leaders would not be likely to achieve more savings in the future.

S&P downgrades U.S. credit rating for first time - Washington Post

Now read it carefully....Seems to me they were right...As long as we keep adding to our debt they will keep downgrading our credit ratings....

-Spend less don't borrow more....We can't pay what we owe already.
They're about ready to screw America right out of our leadership on this planet.

I don't want to see them waving the flag again. These people piss me off.

That could very well happen. America was responsible for the worldwide great recession in the first place. But we may have been given a bit of a pass because they bought into it, and we were also responsible for the boom that preceeded it.

But this fiasco, if it happens, is being caused by some of our elected representatives seemingly intentionally, and the rest of the world is NOT going to just sit back and take it. They WILL develop another standard world currency, thereby leading to a further devaluation of the dollar as it would then no longer be the preferred currency and safe haven for other countries.

And even, if by some miracle (a messy and contentious one, no doubt), our leaders are able to pull an emergency miracle out of the hat at the 11th hour, it's still going to make us look like we can no longer be counted on to govern ourselves in a fashion that's reassuring to other nations. That means that the die will be cast to make changes that we will have increasingly little leverage in affecting whereas before, America was more or less in the driver's seat.

How ironic. Conservatives who are constantly talking about America's leadership position in the world may very well be laying the groundwork for the rest of the world deciding that we no longer deserve that role.

Maybe the biggest mistake the rest of us made was in assuming that no Republican representatives wanted this default to happen when some really did want it the whole time.
I like to watch our most extreme lunatics shit themselves in public.

It means that things are going in the right direction.

When people adopt the attitude that a disaster is a good thing, you have to question their motives, or their sanity, or both.

Here's another article that seems to show an impending disaster, one which is completely within the power of our Representatives to stop.

Yet, on they march as if they're oblivious. But we know that they're NOT oblivios. So, the only logical conclusion is that they want it to happen.

That's madness.
You wouldn't know a disaster if it hit you between the eyes.

I can see how conservatives keep driving this country right into the ground like a suicidal test pilot after they take power claiming that they're going to save us from the Democrats and nonconservative Republicans who have generally done a competent job of governing.
When people adopt the attitude that a disaster is a good thing, you have to question their motives, or their sanity, or both.

Here's another article that seems to show an impending disaster, one which is completely within the power of our Representatives to stop.

Yet, on they march as if they're oblivious. But we know that they're NOT oblivios. So, the only logical conclusion is that they want it to happen.

That's madness.
You wouldn't know a disaster if it hit you between the eyes.

I can see how conservatives keep driving this country right into the ground like a suicidal test pilot after they take power claiming that they're going to save us from the Democrats and nonconservative Republicans who have generally done a competent job of governing.

How is it competent to spend more than you can ever hope to pay back and then want to spent even more?

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