Are Conservatives Set to Screw Over America Yet Again?

You wouldn't know a disaster if it hit you between the eyes.

I can see how conservatives keep driving this country right into the ground like a suicidal test pilot after they take power claiming that they're going to save us from the Democrats and nonconservative Republicans who have generally done a competent job of governing.

How is it competent to spend more than you can ever hope to pay back and then want to spent even more?

One would think that you would place the blame squarely on where it belongs at least once. The supply siders is one place to start. Grover Norquist would be another. Bush's unprecedented incompetence would be a biggy. Yet, Obama inherits the biggest mess in in over 70 years, and guys like you act as if he caused it. That may work on the campaign trail, but it doesn't do anything to get the problem solved. That's the difference between posturing and governing. Conservatives are great at the former. They suck at the latter.

Luckily, our country has had some competent governing from time to time as long as idiot conservatives (Bachmann comes to mind) can be kept out of leadership positions. But even in a minority in the House of Representatives, look what havoc they've wrought on our country in such a short time. They couldn't win the election, and now they're having a fit, and all that talk of changing their approach after the election of 2012 looks like about 40 years ago now.
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The Republicans have now found a new toy, a way to screw up America. For the next fifty years if Republicans don't like something, bingo down goes the government, and down goes our credit rating and up goes our interest. What has America done?
It's the lefts fault, it's the right's fault...It's the lefts fault, it's the right's fault...It's the lefts fault, it's the right's fault...

blah, blah, fucking blah.
The only thing bi-partisan going on in Washington is the fucking over of American's asses. The two party system needs to disappear and Americans should demand that all in office are subject to term limits and the laws that they impose upon the people without illegal exemptions.
All of them are crooks regardless of party, because the term "career politician" means ignoring the population and getting your ass and party elected.
They're about ready to screw America right out of our leadership on this planet.

I don't want to see them waving the flag again. These people piss me off.
AWWWW Did you get your widdle fee fees hurt because those mean ol' Republicans won't be bent over the table anymore for the Democrats?? You are one pathetic little douchebag.
I can see how conservatives keep driving this country right into the ground like a suicidal test pilot after they take power claiming that they're going to save us from the Democrats and nonconservative Republicans who have generally done a competent job of governing.

How is it competent to spend more than you can ever hope to pay back and then want to spent even more?

One would think that you would place the blame squarely on where it belongs at least once. The supply siders is one place to start. Grover Norquist would be another. Bush's unprecedented incompetence would be a biggy. Yet, Obama inherits the biggest mess in in over 70 years, and guys like you act as if he caused it. That may work on the campaign trail, but it doesn't do anything to get the problem solved. That's the difference between posturing and governing. Conservatives are great at the former. They suck at the latter.

Luckily, our country has had some competent governing from time to time as long as idiot conservatives (Bachmann comes to mind) can be kept out of leadership positions. But even in a minority in the House of Representatives, look what havoc they've wrought on our country in such a short time. They couldn't win the election, and now they're having a fit, and all that talk of changing their approach after the election of 2012 looks like about 40 years ago now.

You see that's your problem, you have to place blame. Yes bush spent too much. But if you want to place blame so did the Democrat congress in 07 and 08. Only to continue in 09 an 10.

But I don't care who did what and when and why.
I do care that it has gone too far and no one left or right want to take it seriously enough to stop the debt from growing even more out of control. One side says borrow more and another side says spend less (though they don't mean it) only a very very few actually understand that when you can't pay your bills you don't make more....

You obviously are not one of those....
They're about ready to screw America right out of our leadership on this planet.

I don't want to see them waving the flag again. These people piss me off.
AWWWW Did you get your widdle fee fees hurt because those mean ol' Republicans won't be bent over the table anymore for the Democrats?? You are one pathetic little douchebag.

You're fucking over 7 billion people as the entire world will suffer because of this.
They're about ready to screw America right out of our leadership on this planet.

I don't want to see them waving the flag again. These people piss me off.
AWWWW Did you get your widdle fee fees hurt because those mean ol' Republicans won't be bent over the table anymore for the Democrats?? You are one pathetic little douchebag.

You're fucking over 7 billion people as the entire world will suffer because of this.

You know all the Dems have to do is agree to talk about the debt and they will get the increase. But they refuse even that....
They're about ready to screw America right out of our leadership on this planet.

I don't want to see them waving the flag again. These people piss me off.
AWWWW Did you get your widdle fee fees hurt because those mean ol' Republicans won't be bent over the table anymore for the Democrats?? You are one pathetic little douchebag.

You're fucking over 7 billion people as the entire world will suffer because of this.
AWWWW Wet me Call Da Whaaaammbulance for you, pathetic Leftwing douchebag.
They're about ready to screw America right out of our leadership on this planet.

I don't want to see them waving the flag again. These people piss me off.

Not leading the planet is the best thing we can possibly do.
Right, out of control spending and adding more debt to the 17Trillion is what we need to keep our good credit rating. We will be downgraded if we can't control our big spending politicians, and rightfully so.

A person can argue that spending is too high, but it's not out of control since it IS controled by the legislative process.

But something is out of whack. It's the imbalance between spending and the necessary revenue stream to support such spending. And THAT has happened because Republicans have adopted a policy of not only not raising taxes under any circumstances (which is fiscally irresponsibile in and of itself), but they have also pushed the mantra of cutting taxes under any and all circumstances which is ALSO fiscally irresponsible.

So, when a Republican president cuts taxes in a time of war, and spends a boatload of money on other measures similtaneously, it should be no surprise that the deficit explodes.

Just as Democrats have to embrace spending cuts, Republicans must face facts that taxes must go up to previous levels in order to help lower the national debt. Let me know when they accept that.

But what's happening now is an unnecessary self-inflicted wound that's being perpetrated on us even as all the warnings are coming in from around the country and the world not to let it happen. They can't say they weren't warned. In fact, they're marching the nation head on into the fray as if they WANT it to happen. Why would that be? Could it really be that they want to precipitate this crisis?

In that vein, I'll remind you of the sequester. It was proposed as an idea that (supposedly) would be SO unacceptable to both sides that both sides would eventually reach a compromise. But what happened? No compromise was reached, and the sequester went into effect even though the president was quite clear that he didn't want it. And it's still in effect today. This looming event is starting to look very much like that event in that regard since we assumed that everyone didn't want a default and would blink before it happened because they were just posturing for a better deal.

But what if they actually WANT a default to happen and we don't realize it until it's too late?

So the 51% of Americans that pay nothing, are they paying too much or too little or is it just the responsibility of rich people to finance the out of control spending?
Right, out of control spending and adding more debt to the 17Trillion is what we need to keep our good credit rating. We will be downgraded if we can't control our big spending politicians, and rightfully so.

A person can argue that spending is too high, but it's not out of control since it IS controled by the legislative process.

But something is out of whack. It's the imbalance between spending and the necessary revenue stream to support such spending. And THAT has happened because Republicans have adopted a policy of not only not raising taxes under any circumstances (which is fiscally irresponsibile in and of itself), but they have also pushed the mantra of cutting taxes under any and all circumstances which is ALSO fiscally irresponsible.

So, when a Republican president cuts taxes in a time of war, and spends a boatload of money on other measures similtaneously, it should be no surprise that the deficit explodes.

Just as Democrats have to embrace spending cuts, Republicans must face facts that taxes must go up to previous levels in order to help lower the national debt. Let me know when they accept that.

But what's happening now is an unnecessary self-inflicted wound that's being perpetrated on us even as all the warnings are coming in from around the country and the world not to let it happen. They can't say they weren't warned. In fact, they're marching the nation head on into the fray as if they WANT it to happen. Why would that be? Could it really be that they want to precipitate this crisis?

In that vein, I'll remind you of the sequester. It was proposed as an idea that (supposedly) would be SO unacceptable to both sides that both sides would eventually reach a compromise. But what happened? No compromise was reached, and the sequester went into effect even though the president was quite clear that he didn't want it. And it's still in effect today. This looming event is starting to look very much like that event in that regard since we assumed that everyone didn't want a default and would blink before it happened because they were just posturing for a better deal.

But what if they actually WANT a default to happen and we don't realize it until it's too late?

So the 51% of Americans that pay nothing, are they paying too much or too little or is it just the responsibility of rich people to finance the out of control spending?

You're getting lost on the wrong statistic. Naturally, some people will focus on their share of federal income taxes conveniently bypassing how their federal income tax burden is approximately half of what it was some thirty years ago when the marginal rate was 70%.

Plus there's state tax, sales tax, capital gains taxes, estate taxes, payroll taxes (which are highly regressive) plus other taxes and fees. On balance, Bush and company shifted the tax burden toward labor and away from money, thereby putting a greater strain on working men and women while lowering the taxes paid by the wealthy whose income was not based on working a 40 hour a week job.

And very often when the federal tax rate is lowered, states are often forced to raise their taxes and/or lower their services which has a ripple effect in people's lives. For example, college tuition is up 500% since 1985. Do you think that's a direct reflection of inflation? Of course not. It's because state gov'ts have slashed public financing of higher education which shifts the burden to families who now find that a college education is out of their reach. That, in turn, decreases upward mobility in our society since the wealthy don't have a problem with tuition and often send their kids to private schools. The rise in tuition is one of the reasons that the number of foreign students is exploding on our college campuses because the wealthy from all around the world are now sending their kids to the schools most Americans can no longer afford without going into massive debt in the process.
Conservatives want to elect a worthless socialist and low life community organzer for president ? Say it aint so.....
A person can argue that spending is too high, but it's not out of control since it IS controled by the legislative process.

But something is out of whack. It's the imbalance between spending and the necessary revenue stream to support such spending. And THAT has happened because Republicans have adopted a policy of not only not raising taxes under any circumstances (which is fiscally irresponsibile in and of itself), but they have also pushed the mantra of cutting taxes under any and all circumstances which is ALSO fiscally irresponsible.

So, when a Republican president cuts taxes in a time of war, and spends a boatload of money on other measures similtaneously, it should be no surprise that the deficit explodes.

Just as Democrats have to embrace spending cuts, Republicans must face facts that taxes must go up to previous levels in order to help lower the national debt. Let me know when they accept that.

But what's happening now is an unnecessary self-inflicted wound that's being perpetrated on us even as all the warnings are coming in from around the country and the world not to let it happen. They can't say they weren't warned. In fact, they're marching the nation head on into the fray as if they WANT it to happen. Why would that be? Could it really be that they want to precipitate this crisis?

In that vein, I'll remind you of the sequester. It was proposed as an idea that (supposedly) would be SO unacceptable to both sides that both sides would eventually reach a compromise. But what happened? No compromise was reached, and the sequester went into effect even though the president was quite clear that he didn't want it. And it's still in effect today. This looming event is starting to look very much like that event in that regard since we assumed that everyone didn't want a default and would blink before it happened because they were just posturing for a better deal.

But what if they actually WANT a default to happen and we don't realize it until it's too late?

So the 51% of Americans that pay nothing, are they paying too much or too little or is it just the responsibility of rich people to finance the out of control spending?

You're getting lost on the wrong statistic. Naturally, some people will focus on their share of federal income taxes conveniently bypassing how their federal income tax burden is approximately half of what it was some thirty years ago when the marginal rate was 70%.

Plus there's state tax, sales tax, capital gains taxes, estate taxes, payroll taxes (which are highly regressive) plus other taxes and fees. On balance, Bush and company shifted the tax burden toward labor and away from money, thereby putting a greater strain on working men and women while lowering the taxes paid by the wealthy whose income was not based on working a 40 hour a week job.

And very often when the federal tax rate is lowered, states are often forced to raise their taxes and/or lower their services which has a ripple effect in people's lives. For example, college tuition is up 500% since 1985. Do you think that's a direct reflection of inflation? Of course not. It's because state gov'ts have slashed public financing of higher education which shifts the burden to families who now find that a college education is out of their reach. That, in turn, decreases upward mobility in our society since the wealthy don't have a problem with tuition and often send their kids to private schools. The rise in tuition is one of the reasons that the number of foreign students is exploding on our college campuses because the wealthy from all around the world are now sending their kids to the schools most Americans can no longer afford without going into massive debt in the process.

My point is everyone that lives in this country needs to pay something to support this country. Each year we spend a Trillion$$ more that we take in in taxes and 51% of the citizens pay nothing to the Federal Government while complaining about being taxed too much and the rich being taxed too little. If we want the government to spend what they do now we all need to pay enough so their is no deficit. If you don't want to pay more make sure your elected representatives cut spending to 2.3Trillion.
This current shutdown is costing the government $160 million a day and billions of dollars in economic lost to the country and what has the Tea Party gained? A chance to do it all over again in another month or so. In fact the only people who got anything out of this fiasco is the 350,000 government employees who are getting a 2 week paid vacation and a chance for another one in a few months.
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First George Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme the destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then the Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then the Republicans in the House shut down the government to try to defund the Affordable Care Act.

And now they are threatening to send the country into default and crash the economy again.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?

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