Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

The way to understand the conservative moral system is to consider a strict father family.

Agreed, I've always looked at conservatives as being animated by their paternal side, liberals animated by their maternal side.

"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" vs. "here, let me help you".

What's best for a child, of course, is proper equilibrium between the two, carefully working together as mature, responsible adults.


Authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting are two different things.
Holy shit! Gruber is the new USMB b nutter super hero! The funny thing is that if one is intelligent enough to pull back the layers of what he actually isn't insulted by it.

Idiots like to think that his primary point was that liberal voters are stupid. Well...liberal voters didn't need to be convinced of the benefits of universal health care and liberal voters don't get freaked out by paying taxes. He was referring to nutjob idiot cons. The only people who think the dude was talking about them and calling them stupid.....are.....oddly enough.......right.
Well what is it? Four days and because one of your fellow libs has gotten your side busted, you have now thrown him under the bus. it figures. I guess circling the wagons around Gruber after the first two videos was no longer palatable after videos 3, 4 and 5....
The individual issues are all too real: assaults on unions, public employees, women's rights, immigrants, the environment, health care, voting rights, food safety, pensions, prenatal care, science, public broadcasting, and on and on.

Unions are not under attack, they're archaic and counter-productive.

Public employees are not under attack, management of public employees which fails to hold them accountable, is rightly criticized, due to its destructive nature... see: Unions are archaic.

No one is attacking women's rights.... you're likely trying to argue that a right exists to murder another due to one's behavior having conceived the other, thus demanding a right to murder another, for whom you're solely responsible, as a means to avoid bearing responsibility for one's actions.

No one is attacking immigrants... you're likely trying to conflate legal immigration with the destructive ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. It's illegal for a host of sound reasons.

No one is advocating for destruction of the environment.

The only people known to have harmed healthcare in the US are those who are responsible for using DECEIT AND FRAUD as a means to INFLUENCE THE STUPID.

No one is contesting voter's rights... you're likely confusing voter's rights with the voter's responsibility to identify themselves through the use of a credible ID.

And so on... with each and every one of the other issues you noted.
Wow! That's really groundbreaking theory you have there.

The OP was clear. The are differing degrees of this trait here.

Most of you guys like to bring up RDean all the time. Well....he's not stupid. He's just weird and has no filter. Whether or not he calls others stupid I couldn't tell you. I never read his shit any more. have BigDerp in this thread calling every Obama supporter stupid. There are only a handful of USMB members who are less intelligent than BigDerp. Him calling most anyone besides Staph, Mud or Steve McRacist stupid is a huge pile of shit.

Tell him as much.

While there are exceptions... the average Democrat is dumber than a bag of Hammers.

If this were a real time discussion, I'd launch into asking ANY of the in-house comrades BASIC questions regarding civics, business, US and world history, science and you'd find that very few if ANY of the contributors who advocate through Left-think would be able to correctly answer any of them, while most Americans would have no trouble answering most... .

Go for it pea have a liberal right here ready to hammer you...

I'll be waiting....
Only if you promise not to look up the answers to the questions.

There's no point of a Leftist making promises... as there's no potential for credibility behind the assertion.

Translation, pea brain is AFRAID he will get hammered by a superior liberal mind...
No...You would look up the answers and you know it.
Translation, pea brain is AFRAID he will get hammered by a superior liberal mind...

This, even as she can't answer the standing query... So, the question quickly becomes is she stupid, a liar or the ever so unenviable: COMBO! ??
The way to understand the conservative moral system is to consider a strict father family.

Agreed, I've always looked at conservatives as being animated by their paternal side, liberals animated by their maternal side.

"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" vs. "here, let me help you".

What's best for a child, of course, is proper equilibrium between the two, carefully working together as mature, responsible adults.


Authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting are two different things.
And they in concert with each other work well.
Like my Mom used to say...This is not a democracy. This is a benevolent dictatorship.
Our parents were not our friends. They were our parents. The boss. What they said went. No questions asked.
Disobey and pay the consequences for your actions. Do well and receive the just rewards.Carrot and stick.
Holy shit! Gruber is the new USMB b nutter super hero! The funny thing is that if one is intelligent enough to pull back the layers of what he actually isn't insulted by it.

Idiots like to think that his primary point was that liberal voters are stupid. Well...liberal voters didn't need to be convinced of the benefits of universal health care and liberal voters don't get freaked out by paying taxes. He was referring to nutjob idiot cons. The only people who think the dude was talking about them and calling them stupid.....are.....oddly enough.......right.
Well what is it? Four days and because one of your fellow libs has gotten your side busted, you have now thrown him under the bus. it figures. I guess circling the wagons around Gruber after the first two videos was no longer palatable after videos 3, 4 and 5....

The dude is calling YOU too stupid to grasp the importance of universal healthcare. Basically. He was saying that you can't handle the truth. You, like a child, need to be cajoled into doing that which is right. Figure it out.

People,like me don't care if universal health care has upfront costs. We understand that the long term benefits outweigh the costs.

Shit. Maybe if you keep talking about Gruber, you can get some weak assed Democratic politicians to denounce him for you. Idiot.
The way to understand the conservative moral system is to consider a strict father family.

Agreed, I've always looked at conservatives as being animated by their paternal side, liberals animated by their maternal side.

"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" vs. "here, let me help you".

What's best for a child, of course, is proper equilibrium between the two, carefully working together as mature, responsible adults.


Authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting are two different things.
And they in concert with each other work well.
Like my Mom used to say...This is not a democracy. This is a benevolent dictatorship.
Our parents were not our friends. They were our parents. The boss. What they said went. No questions asked.
Disobey and pay the consequences for your actions. Do well and receive the just rewards.Carrot and stick.


Of course, working in concert is not currently allowed by either silly, narcissistic "side".

No surprise the family is so dysfunctional.

The way to understand the conservative moral system is to consider a strict father family.

Agreed, I've always looked at conservatives as being animated by their paternal side, liberals animated by their maternal side.

"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" vs. "here, let me help you".

What's best for a child, of course, is proper equilibrium between the two, carefully working together as mature, responsible adults.


Authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting are two different things.
And they in concert with each other work well.
Like my Mom used to say...This is not a democracy. This is a benevolent dictatorship.
Our parents were not our friends. They were our parents. The boss. What they said went. No questions asked.
Disobey and pay the consequences for your actions. Do well and receive the just rewards.Carrot and stick.

Wow! You must be perfect.
The way to understand the conservative moral system is to consider a strict father family.

Agreed, I've always looked at conservatives as being animated by their paternal side, liberals animated by their maternal side.

"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" vs. "here, let me help you".

What's best for a child, of course, is proper equilibrium between the two, carefully working together as mature, responsible adults.


Authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting are two different things.
And they in concert with each other work well.
Like my Mom used to say...This is not a democracy. This is a benevolent dictatorship.
Our parents were not our friends. They were our parents. The boss. What they said went. No questions asked.
Disobey and pay the consequences for your actions. Do well and receive the just rewards.Carrot and stick.


Of course, working in concert is not currently allowed by either silly, narcissistic "side".

No surprise the family is so dysfunctional.


Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?
Oh shut up, go read ANY RDean thread, as one example, and you will see a liberal claiming conservatives are stupid.

And guess what? Both views are wrong. There are smart and dumb liberals and smart and dumb conservatives.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Wow! That's really groundbreaking theory you have there.

The OP was clear. The are differing degrees of this trait here.

Most of you guys like to bring up RDean all the time. Well....he's not stupid. He's just weird and has no filter. Whether or not he calls others stupid I couldn't tell you. I never read his shit any more. have BigDerp in this thread calling every Obama supporter stupid. There are only a handful of USMB members who are less intelligent than BigDerp. Him calling most anyone besides Staph, Mud, Mathew, Steve McRacist, Billyrock or 2A stupid is a huge pile of shit.

Tell him as much.

Who's BIgDerp?

Matthew I know, he is clearly not very smart.
matthew is NOT conservative. Neither is shoot speeders who is another one of these "let me jump on the bandwagon of racism when its an easy target"...
I don't pay a lick of attention to anything those two cave dwellers post.
The way to understand the conservative moral system is to consider a strict father family.

Agreed, I've always looked at conservatives as being animated by their paternal side, liberals animated by their maternal side.

"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" vs. "here, let me help you".

What's best for a child, of course, is proper equilibrium between the two, carefully working together as mature, responsible adults.


Authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting are two different things.
And they in concert with each other work well.
Like my Mom used to say...This is not a democracy. This is a benevolent dictatorship.
Our parents were not our friends. They were our parents. The boss. What they said went. No questions asked.
Disobey and pay the consequences for your actions. Do well and receive the just rewards.Carrot and stick.

Wow! You must be perfect.
Is there a problem with that style of parenting?
I used it with my kids. They are doing fine, thank you. No booze, no crime, no drugs, good grades, good work ethic, intelligent.
No. There is no "perfect"....There isn't even "really good"....The only reality is using a good parenting method and it is more than likely the kid(s) will turn out to be respectful productive citizens
The way to understand the conservative moral system is to consider a strict father family.

Agreed, I've always looked at conservatives as being animated by their paternal side, liberals animated by their maternal side.

"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" vs. "here, let me help you".

What's best for a child, of course, is proper equilibrium between the two, carefully working together as mature, responsible adults.


Authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting are two different things.
And they in concert with each other work well.
Like my Mom used to say...This is not a democracy. This is a benevolent dictatorship.
Our parents were not our friends. They were our parents. The boss. What they said went. No questions asked.
Disobey and pay the consequences for your actions. Do well and receive the just rewards.Carrot and stick.

Wow! You must be perfect.
Is there a problem with that style of parenting?
I used it with my kids. They are doing fine, thank you. No booze, no crime, no drugs, good grades, good work ethic, intelligent.
No. There is no "perfect"....There isn't even "really good"....The only reality is using a good parenting method and it is more than likely the kid(s) will turn out to be respectful productive citizens

No problem. It is how I was raised and how my kids were raised. You are not special. That's my point. Stop bragging about normal shit.
I am an authoritarian parent. My 5 kids obey their mother and I , PERIOD. I'm not their friend, I'm not their smoking buddy, I'm their FATHER.

Two of them are out of college and off to great lives, and the other will follow along .

They are also healthy, and happy.
The way to understand the conservative moral system is to consider a strict father family.

Agreed, I've always looked at conservatives as being animated by their paternal side, liberals animated by their maternal side.

"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" vs. "here, let me help you".

What's best for a child, of course, is proper equilibrium between the two, carefully working together as mature, responsible adults.


Authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting are two different things.
And they in concert with each other work well.
Like my Mom used to say...This is not a democracy. This is a benevolent dictatorship.
Our parents were not our friends. They were our parents. The boss. What they said went. No questions asked.
Disobey and pay the consequences for your actions. Do well and receive the just rewards.Carrot and stick.


Of course, working in concert is not currently allowed by either silly, narcissistic "side".

No surprise the family is so dysfunctional.


Bullshit what?.....Explain yourself.
Agreed, I've always looked at conservatives as being animated by their paternal side, liberals animated by their maternal side.

"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" vs. "here, let me help you".

What's best for a child, of course, is proper equilibrium between the two, carefully working together as mature, responsible adults.


Authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting are two different things.
And they in concert with each other work well.
Like my Mom used to say...This is not a democracy. This is a benevolent dictatorship.
Our parents were not our friends. They were our parents. The boss. What they said went. No questions asked.
Disobey and pay the consequences for your actions. Do well and receive the just rewards.Carrot and stick.


Of course, working in concert is not currently allowed by either silly, narcissistic "side".

No surprise the family is so dysfunctional.


Bullshit what?.....Explain yourself.

Only one party is opposed to working in concert. That's clear to anyone who observes Washington objectively.

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