Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

Anyone who believes in big gov controlled by a small elite, as libs do, is ignorant of history....and definetly not smart.

And anyone who does not see a small elite controlling power in the kind of right-wing administration we saw under Bush is also ignorant of history...and definitely not smart.

Perhaps the most remarkable thing about this thread is the lack of awareness in posts like this....many of which read like they need an irony font.
Anyone who believes in big gov controlled by a small elite, as libs do, is ignorant of history....and definetly not smart.

And anyone who does not see a small elite controlling power in the kind of right-wing administration we saw under Bush is also ignorant of history...and definitely not smart.

Perhaps the most remarkable thing about this thread is the lack of awareness in posts like this....many of which read like they need an irony font.
Tell us again how well-versed liberals were about Obamacare. Even though you're not a voter, Gruber was talking about the likes of you and the idiots who supported Obama and Pelosi.
Do you want all of your personal information and all of the personal questions to answer before you can see a doctor to be stored in a government super computer? Are you fucking retarded? You are such an idiot that you should just hand over all your rights by giving full guardian ship of you over to the government, because really theres no ddifference in what you are saying and this. Better to just get it overwith. Moron.

And again, the point of the thread is proven.
That conservative are geniuses compared to libs on freedom and healthcare. You better fucking believe is you russian fucker.
Anyone who believes in big gov controlled by a small elite, as libs do, is ignorant of history....and definetly not smart.

And anyone who does not see a small elite controlling power in the kind of right-wing administration we saw under Bush is also ignorant of history...and definitely not smart.

Perhaps the most remarkable thing about this thread is the lack of awareness in posts like this....many of which read like they need an irony font.
"We" saw under bush? So you are an american! I caught you fucking troll. It was only a matter of time. Moron.
That conservative are geniuses compared to libs on freedom and healthcare.

LMAO. And who was that President that brought us the Patriot Act. Now that's a "freedom loving" bit of legislation brought to us by a Republican if I ever saw one.

And health care. You shitting me. Just what is the Republicans "health care" plan. What was their contribution to the process of writing health care legislation?
Speaker boner had a great plan that costed less than a fraction of obama care that kept gov out of exam room, but you know your libs leadership they just coudnt have that see the light of day and prevent their take over of the american people now could they? But you know this already so quit the fucking bullshit. Let the big boys who are educated on this subject speak.
Anyone who believes in big gov controlled by a small elite, as libs do, is ignorant of history....and definetly not smart.

And anyone who does not see a small elite controlling power in the kind of right-wing administration we saw under Bush is also ignorant of history...and definitely not smart.

Perhaps the most remarkable thing about this thread is the lack of awareness in posts like this....many of which read like they need an irony font.

The problem with your post is you are trying to make a distinction between right and left citing Obama and Bush. How can you be so....STUUUUUUUPID?

W and Big Ears are very much alike...and like you, they are both big government statist progressives.

It is you who lack awareness.
But you know this already so quit the fucking bullshit. Let the big boys who are educated on this subject speak.

Well you dumb mother fucker, what was the fucking plan? What were the details? What were the premiums?
How did it work. You are the dumb cocksucker that made the claim.

What about that Patriot Act. You asshole, you skipped right over that.

But go ahead big dude. Explain away. Especially Speaker boners plan. He has never had one before, so you go ahead an explain it big boy.
And health care. You shitting me. Just what is the Republicans "health care" plan. What was their contribution to the process of writing health care legislation?
Gruber was one of the formulators of Obamacare. You know, the kind who thinks the voters are ignorant. Don't blame the Republicans for that.
But you know this already so quit the fucking bullshit. Let the big boys who are educated on this subject speak.

Well you dumb mother fucker, what was the fucking plan? What were the details? What were the premiums?
How did it work. You are the dumb cocksucker that made the claim.

What about that Patriot Act. You asshole, you skipped right over that.

But go ahead big dude. Explain away. Especially Speaker boners plan. He has never had one before, so you go ahead an explain it big boy.
If i was in the room with you id whip your ass.

Boners plan was to establish state run high risk pools for 75 billion a year which does what the libs said what was the original point if obamacare to cover the unisurable people with preexisting conditions. Those premiums are based on age and range from $125 to $450 max and have a choice ii f 1500 deductable or 2500 deductable. See the uninsureable can afford the premiums but never got to that point because they were denied. Everybody else qualify s for medicaid or medicare or employer coverage. To bring down premiums costs bying across state lines fir compitition which naturally lowers pricing, and tort reform. High risk pools are state run by private health insurance companies. Damn good inurance that every hospital and doctor takes. I have personal experience with this. Compare that to obamacare you dipshit. Go hide in a cave now.
If i was in the room with you id whip your ass.

Sure you would dude. Sure you would. Feel froggy? You ever read that part about not making threats. Especially when you can't back them up. Stupid fucker.

All over that google looking for John Boehner's health care plan. Couldn't find it. What I did find was where John signed up for Obamacare. I did find where John wants to take away health care coverage for a million or so Americans. I even found where one of John's aides went to work for a large lobbying group for healthcare.

The rest of the drivel you posted has been soundly discredited and shown to be mostly bullshit.
Like your posts. So fuck you.
And health care. You shitting me. Just what is the Republicans "health care" plan. What was their contribution to the process of writing health care legislation?
Gruber was one of the formulators of Obamacare. You know, the kind who thinks the voters are ignorant. Don't blame the Republicans for that.

Hey meat, was that the question? Who is Gruber?

Republicans had every opportunity to help craft a better health care plan. Instead they didn't do jack shit except let the health care companies write legislation that benefits the health care companies. Which the Republicans are fine with because they receive their fair share of campaign contributions from that industry.

You ever look at HC stocks? Look at what has happened with health care stocks. Yes sir this Obamacare has sure been good (bad) for them.

The Congress was stupid to not pass a single payer plan. But that wasn't going to enrich the health care companies like Obamacare does.

Nah, I don't want to listen to Republican bitch about this plan when they did NOTHING to try and make it better.

How many times have they tried to repeal Obamacare? And I take it you and people like NG don't have health care through your employer. Hell I don't even know if you all have an employer.

btw, there are lots of ignorant voters out there. Both sides. That is not news.
I think one of the keys to me in reading through this thread is that the posters who devote most of their time insisting that everyone else in the room is stupid tend to come across as severely limited.

The abuse often seems to replace logical argument, rather than simply embellish it!! :eusa_drool:

It's also hard to escape the fact that the most abusive posters and the ones most at pains to point out everyone elses' stupidity generally seem to be weaker posters.

It baffles me that people assume 'you don't get it you fuciking moron' on topics they obviously know nothing about themselves.
I think one of the keys to me in reading through this thread is that the posters who devote most of their time insisting that everyone else in the room is stupid tend to come across as severely limited.

The abuse often seems to replace logical argument, rather than simply embellish it!! :eusa_drool:

It's also hard to escape the fact that the most abusive posters and the ones most at pains to point out everyone elses' stupidity generally seem to be weaker posters.

It baffles me that people assume 'you don't get it you fuciking moron' on topics they obviously know nothing about themselves.

Well...anyone who would claim W is NOT a progressive big government statist/elitist, can't be very knowledgeable.
I think one of the keys to me in reading through this thread is that the posters who devote most of their time insisting that everyone else in the room is stupid tend to come across as severely limited.

The abuse often seems to replace logical argument, rather than simply embellish it!! :eusa_drool:

It's also hard to escape the fact that the most abusive posters and the ones most at pains to point out everyone elses' stupidity generally seem to be weaker posters.

It baffles me that people assume 'you don't get it you fuciking moron' on topics they obviously know nothing about themselves.
What would you say about someone that says liberals were more informed about Obamacare and someone who doesn't know who Gruber is?
Hey meat, was that the question? Who is Gruber?
I guess Jon Stewart did not talk about Gruber. You've got to admit it's a bit staggering that someone so opinionated can be so uniformed:

No what is more amazing is how people like you, when presented with a topic you can't twist and turn to your advantage, want to change the subject. Typical.

You want me to comment on this guy your seem obsessed with? OKdokey. The guys an asshole. He knows the legislation was written for the benefit of the insurance companies. And we Americans were stupid to let this plan move forward without insisting that it truly meet the needs we have.

But once again, to the topic that WAS being "discussed", where were the Republican contributions to make this a better, more workable HC plan?

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