Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

Indoctrination... We're waging war in Communist Indoctrination, which you fraudulently label as 'education'.

Anyone with an education would know that there is no communism in America to speak of.

As with Kosh - please try to learn what words mean before you use them. I don't think it is too much to ask that someone posting about education at least pretend to have one.

Like I said the far left programming would go nuts..

Thus proving my original points.

The far left did not bother to read the link as it would defeat their far left propaganda..
Kosh -

Again, can you please learn the meaning of words before you post them?

Many of your comments simply make no sense at all because you are using the wrong words.

No I am point out the far left (like you) can not understand anything beyond their far left programmed religious propaganda and the far left prove my comments with each and every post..
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?
They claim they are intellectually superior, as they wage an ongoing war against education?

I think they watch too much TV.
Too much Rush Limbaugh and the like.

Their posts in this thread indicate they are in no position to assess the intellectual level of others.
So let me make sure I understand what you are saying Einstein. The Jews were at fault for not defending themselves from genocide.

Yeah... As hard as it may be for you to comprehend, the Jews in Germany and the surrounding nations ALLOWED THEMSELVES TO BE EVISCERATED... like sheep to the slaughter.

(That's sorta the whole thing behind the "NEVER AGAIN!" sentiment and why Israel exists and the purpose of the IDF. )

But if it helps, the other minorities are also responsible... most notably the homosexuals who were VERY MUCH proponents of the NAZIS... right up to the point where the NAZIS rounded 'em up, yanked their teeth out, shaved their heads and slaughtered 'em by the GROSS! The Gypsies, they didn't vote...proving once again that truth serves reason all the way through the negative.
Wow. How sick does it get? Blaming the death camps and the murder of millions of people on themselves. Unbelievable.
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?
They claim they are intellectually superior, as they wage an ongoing war against education?

I think they watch too much TV.
Too much Rush Limbaugh and the like.

Their posts in this thread indicate they are in no position to assess the intellectual level of others.

Oh my another far left drone irony post..
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?
They claim they are intellectually superior, as they wage an ongoing war against education?

I think they watch too much TV.
Too much Rush Limbaugh and the like.

Their posts in this thread indicate they are in no position to assess the intellectual level of others.

Oh my another far left drone irony post..
Pot kettle.
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?
They claim they are intellectually superior, as they wage an ongoing war against education?

I think they watch too much TV.
Too much Rush Limbaugh and the like.

Their posts in this thread indicate they are in no position to assess the intellectual level of others.

Oh my another far left drone irony post..
Pot kettle.

Yes I know the far left can not think for themselves so they must repeat things they have seen already..

College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot Study Finds
Meathead -

Nowhere in this thread have I said that liberals are more intelligent. I don't believe that is the case.

What I believe is that there is no link between political beliefs and intelligence.

And yes, I believe that voters on both sides of the political divide had more than enough information on Obamacare to make an informed decision at the ballot box when they elected Obama. Twice.
Meathead -

Nowhere in this thread have I said that liberals are more intelligent. I don't believe that is the case.

What I believe is that there is no link between political beliefs and intelligence.

And yes, I believe that voters on both sides of the political divide had more than enough information on Obamacare to make an informed decision at the ballot box when they elected Obama. Twice.

Then you would be wrong!

Just like all far left posters!
Meathead -

Nowhere in this thread have I said that liberals are more intelligent. I don't believe that is the case.

What I believe is that there is no link between political beliefs and intelligence.

And yes, I believe that voters on both sides of the political divide had more than enough information on Obamacare to make an informed decision at the ballot box when they elected Obama. Twice.
You said that liberals were more informed about Obamacare, thus in a thread which you OPed, a clear inference relating to the topic. If this is so, then please explain these quotes by the very top liberals in the country:

Obama : If you like your plan, you can keep it.

Pelosi : We have to pass the bill to see what's in it.

Perhaps they were the only liberals in America who did not understand Obamacare.

You're obviously way out of your league here.
Meathead -

I can't defend comments I did not make.

I in no way think that liberals were MORE informed than conservatives about the legislation, and did not say that.

As I have now explained four times, what I have said is that liberals were well-enough informed to make a decision at the ballot box.

I apologise if this is not clear enough for you, but that's all there is.
Meathead -

I can't defend comments I did not make.

I in no way think that liberals were MORE informed than conservatives about the legislation, and did not say that.

As I have now explained four times, what I have said is that liberals were well-enough informed to make a decision at the ballot box.

I apologise if this is not clear enough for you, but that's all there is.

Proof that the far left is not in any way connected to reality, they just vote far left because they are programmed to so..

Thus proving that the far left is more dangerous than any terrorist organization on the planet.

And yes being far left is NOT being a Liberal! But then again the OP is a far left drone from another country, that would vote for Obama if they could, just because Obama is far left..
Meathead -

I can't defend comments I did not make.

I in no way think that liberals were MORE informed than conservatives about the legislation, and did not say that.

As I have now explained four times, what I have said is that liberals were well-enough informed to make a decision at the ballot box.

I apologise if this is not clear enough for you, but that's all there is.
You need to reevaluate what you view as well informed is, because voting for failure is not being well informed, and then again you are not an American and want America to fail so I guess I see your point.
One question:

When Obama said that people would be able to keep their plan.....did he believe that to be the case at the time?
If he didn't, then according to Saigon, he might have been the only liberal who didn't.

I'm sure both Obama and most liberals understood that conservatives would kick, scream, lie and cheat in order to compromise the bill whenever and wherever they could - as they still doing through the courts, of course.

I stand by what I said earlier - most people who voted for Obama voted for Obamacare understanding the principle of universal healthcare and the basic idea of the plan, if not the details of the plan.

I actually think the GOP should respect that.
FFS, this is your quote, "... whereas to my mind most liberals understood the pros and cons of universal healthcare very well, "

Now, the president of the United States didn't know, the Speaker of the House Pelosi said we had to pass the bill to see what's in it, and yet you claim liberals were well-versed on the plan.

You're not American and you're way over your head trying to discuss these things. I call absolute and unadulterated BS once again.

Simply stupid!
Your quote Saigon, "... whereas to my mind most liberals understood the pros and cons of universal healthcare very well, "

If Obama did not understand and Pelosi had no idea, please explain how you arrived to that conclusion, Stop being so damned disingenuous.
BigReb -

There is a huge difference between not agreeing in a policy, and that policy being a failure. Of course you can consider Obamacare a failure simply because you disagree with its politicial stance, but that makes no more sense than liberals considering it a huge success simply because they voted for the idea.

Realistically, any major change in any healthcare system would take 5 - 10 years to really settle into place, and at this stage I don't think any of us can say whether Obamacare will really work or not work. If much of the legislation is repealed or struck down in courts, we may never know.

Or it may be that in a few years from now we see more clearly what impact there has been on health outcomes. If more people are receiving better care for a cheaper total cost for society, then it will have succeeded. If less people receive poorer care for higher costs, then it will have failed.

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