Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

Hey meat, was that the question? Who is Gruber?
I guess Jon Stewart did not talk about Gruber. You've got to admit it's a bit staggering that someone so opinionated can be so uniformed:

No what is more amazing is how people like you, when presented with a topic you can't twist and turn to your advantage, want to change the subject. Typical.

You want me to comment on this guy your seem obsessed with? OKdokey. The guys an asshole. He knows the legislation was written for the benefit of the insurance companies. And we Americans were stupid to let this plan move forward without insisting that it truly meet the needs we have.

But once again, to the topic that WAS being "discussed", where were the Republican contributions to make this a better, more workable HC plan?
Your ignorance speaks for itself.
Well...anyone who would claim W is NOT a progressive big government statist/elitist, can't be very knowledgeable.

This is a really good example of what I am talking about - here you use FOUR terms to describe Bush: 'progressive', 'statist', 'elistist' and 'big government'.

All of these words have defined meanings. Some of them are also contradictory. Hence your post makes very little sense.

You might think using terms like 'statist' makes you look smart - but it tends to not work terribly well if you clearly don't know what it means.
Your ignorance speaks for itself.

That's all you've got meat? I wrote a couple paragraphs setting out what I think.

You wrote 5 words claiming I am the ignorant one? LMAO. I think you just very well proved the assertion being make by Saigon; there are a lot of stupid, weak Republicans posting on here.
Your ignorance speaks for itself.

That's all you've got meat? I wrote a couple paragraphs setting out what I think.

You wrote 5 words claiming I am the ignorant one? LMAO. I think you just very well proved the assertion being make by Saigon; there are a lot of stupid, weak Republicans posting on here.
You asked who Gruber was. His role in Obamacare is front page stuff now. I guess it's OK, as Pelosi claimed she had never heard of him despite mentioning him pointedly in a previous news conference.

Nancy Pelosi caught lying Never heard of Gruber despite citing him in 2009 - Washington Times

Pretty much says it all.
Hey meat, was that the question? Who is Gruber?
I guess Jon Stewart did not talk about Gruber. You've got to admit it's a bit staggering that someone so opinionated can be so uniformed:

Did you actually READ the article you posted?

Didn't think so...
Which part? The one that says Gruber said Obamacare was passed because of the stupidity of American voters?
You asked who Gruber was.

No I didn't. And you know that. So are you purposefully lying? What I did ask, after you brought the name up, was what that had to do with the topic that WAS being discussed. Which was; Republican contributions to the health care plan.

If you can show otherwise, have at it. If you can't, don't be lying about what I said. Lying is not nice. Makes you look bad.
I think one of the keys to me in reading through this thread is that the posters who devote most of their time insisting that everyone else in the room is stupid tend to come across as severely limited.

The abuse often seems to replace logical argument, rather than simply embellish it!! :eusa_drool:

It's also hard to escape the fact that the most abusive posters and the ones most at pains to point out everyone elses' stupidity generally seem to be weaker posters.

It baffles me that people assume 'you don't get it you fuciking moron' on topics they obviously know nothing about themselves.
What would you say about someone that says liberals were more informed about Obamacare and someone who doesn't know who Gruber is?
Yup, you did. Don't worry, Pelosi didn't know either.
Hey meat, was that the question? Who is Gruber?
I guess Jon Stewart did not talk about Gruber. You've got to admit it's a bit staggering that someone so opinionated can be so uniformed:

Did you actually READ the article you posted?

Didn't think so...
Which part? The one that says Gruber said Obamacare was passed because of the stupidity of American voters?

First question...are you interested in the truth, or just interested in bashing Obama and Democrats? What Gruber is telling us is not that the bill was written to deceive the public. It was crafted so the CBO didn't score the mandate as a tax...

"If C.B.O. scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies.” - Jonathan Gruber

Here is some more "truth" that might not be of any interest if the truth is irrelevant to your objectives...

The Jonathan Gruber Controversy and Washington’s Dirty Little Secret
First question...are you interested in the truth, or just interested in bashing Obama and Democrats? What Gruber is telling us is not that the bill was written to deceive the public. It was crafted so the CBO didn't score the mandate as a tax...

"If C.B.O. scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies.” - Jonathan Gruber

Here is some more "truth" that might not be of any interest if the truth is irrelevant to your objectives...

The Jonathan Gruber Controversy and Washington’s Dirty Little Secret

Obamacare Architect Yeah We Lied to The Stupid American People to Get It Passed - Katie Pavlich
"You can't do it political, you just literally cannot do it. Transparent financing and also transparent spending. I mean, this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies. Okay? So it’s written to do that," Gruber said. "In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass. Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not."

Another Video of Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber Calling American Voters Stupid Surfaces Video
Fox News host Megyn Kelly, however, didn’t appear to buy into his explanation, airing a never-before-seen video on her program where Gruber used similar language.

“The American voters are too stupid the understand the difference,” the Obamacare architect said in the 5-second clip taken in October 2013.

WATCH: Affordable Care Act architect calls American voters “stupid” (remark made around 2 minute mark):
Well...anyone who would claim W is NOT a progressive big government statist/elitist, can't be very knowledgeable.

This is a really good example of what I am talking about - here you use FOUR terms to describe Bush: 'progressive', 'statist', 'elistist' and 'big government'.

All of these words have defined meanings. Some of them are also contradictory. Hence your post makes very little sense.

You might think using terms like 'statist' makes you look smart - but it tends to not work terribly well if you clearly don't know what it means.

You clearly do not understand the terms I used. All have similar meanings. They all essentially mean big unlimited government run by a small elite, is the best form of government...which is just what you believe.

Progressive = big unlimited gov
Statist = big unlimited gov
elitist = people are dumb, so the power elite must lead the people.
big gov = people are stupid and need government to control every aspect of their such, big gov must confiscate the property of some and give to others at ever increasing rates.

Tell me where I am wrong and why you do not ascribe to all of them?
IMO, anybody who plays what amounts to little more than a game of cowboys and Indians with politics isn't intelligent at all.

The intelligent people realize there is more to life than deriving a sense of identity from the way they label themselves politically.
And health care. You shitting me. Just what is the Republicans "health care" plan. What was their contribution to the process of writing health care legislation?
Gruber was one of the formulators of Obamacare. You know, the kind who thinks the voters are ignorant. Don't blame the Republicans for that.

Hey meat, was that the question? Who is Gruber?

Republicans had every opportunity to help craft a better health care plan. Instead they didn't do jack shit except let the health care companies write legislation that benefits the health care companies. Which the Republicans are fine with because they receive their fair share of campaign contributions from that industry.

You ever look at HC stocks? Look at what has happened with health care stocks. Yes sir this Obamacare has sure been good (bad) for them.

The Congress was stupid to not pass a single payer plan. But that wasn't going to enrich the health care companies like Obamacare does.

Nah, I don't want to listen to Republican bitch about this plan when they did NOTHING to try and make it better.

How many times have they tried to repeal Obamacare? And I take it you and people like NG don't have health care through your employer. Hell I don't even know if you all have an employer.

btw, there are lots of ignorant voters out there. Both sides. That is not news.

Meat, there is my post. See those question marks I was asking you IF you knew what the topic was.
Are you functionally illiterate or just a fucking liar? Your call. But you do know what a "?" mark is? Right?
That's so entirely retarded.

I don't know any libs who want to destroy America.
Newsflash....There is one in the White House...
Funny how people say that about Obama, but I've never heard Obama say that.
Why would he.
See, the difference between you libs, who only pay attention to the things your side says. We conservatives reference what they DO.
Big difference. So let's see. An example of Obama SAYING he wants to "put America back to work".....What he does is Threaten to veto legislation to build Keystone XL....Promised with his stimulus "shovel ready jobs"....Oh that one frosted the cake. Some two years later Obama admitted there were no shovel ready jobs.
Care to change your bullshit story?
You're a huge reeetard

Funny words from a far left drone..
But Obama has never expressed a desire to destroy America. And it's a sad commentary that people like you, believe anyone who doesn't feel his trying to destroy America is from the "far left"

Well, that in mind...52% of American voters were far lefties in November 2012.

That is irrational.
Newsflash....There is one in the White House...
Funny how people say that about Obama, but I've never heard Obama say that.
Why would he.
See, the difference between you libs, who only pay attention to the things your side says. We conservatives reference what they DO.
Big difference. So let's see. An example of Obama SAYING he wants to "put America back to work".....What he does is Threaten to veto legislation to build Keystone XL....Promised with his stimulus "shovel ready jobs"....Oh that one frosted the cake. Some two years later Obama admitted there were no shovel ready jobs.
Care to change your bullshit story?
You're a huge reeetard

Funny words from a far left drone..
But Obama has never expressed a desire to destroy America. And it's a sad commentary that people like you, believe anyone who doesn't feel his trying to destroy America is from the "far left"

Well, that in mind...52% of American voters were far lefties in November 2012.

That is irrational.

Destroy might be a bit harsh.

Does diminish work better?
IMO, anybody who plays what amounts to little more than a game of cowboys and Indians with politics isn't intelligent at all.

The intelligent people realize there is more to life than deriving a sense of identity from the way they label themselves politically.
Well it does appear democrats "the smart" people appear to be supporting a lot of stupid shit here lately.
Hey meat, was that the question? Who is Gruber?
I guess Jon Stewart did not talk about Gruber. You've got to admit it's a bit staggering that someone so opinionated can be so uniformed:

Did you actually READ the article you posted?

Didn't think so...
Which part? The one that says Gruber said Obamacare was passed because of the stupidity of American voters?

First question...are you interested in the truth, or just interested in bashing Obama and Democrats? What Gruber is telling us is not that the bill was written to deceive the public. It was crafted so the CBO didn't score the mandate as a tax...

"If C.B.O. scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies.” - Jonathan Gruber

Here is some more "truth" that might not be of any interest if the truth is irrelevant to your objectives...

The Jonathan Gruber Controversy and Washington’s Dirty Little Secret

The Court also ruled that the mandate was unconstitutional and made it a tax or the bill would have died right there in the Supreme Court.
That is deceit and in and of it's self violates the Constitution.

Your link with the supposed theory of iphones is also a violation of the Constitution.
If the government forced everyone to have a iphone with the two theories on how to pay for it , it takes away the freedom of the people who wants the free market to lower the cost of the iphones so that everyone including the poor can afford to get one, rather than the Government forcing it.
Government forcing any program is not freedom and both sides do it.
It does not matter whether it is the right on abortion or the left on a theory of iphones or actual programs like health care
What is sad here is the New York Times theory on iphones,but at the same time called it out for what it is for both parties.
This kind of gamesmanship is very much a bipartisan affair
Gamesmanship? It is outright political deceit done by both parties.
These issues should be for the individual States and not the Federal Government.

Many on the left also think that people on the right wants to get rid of the safety nets which is not true.
Cons want to reform them so that they work more efficiently and have them scaled down so that they are manageable and can be more controlled by the States for fraud and abuse.
Newsflash....There is one in the White House...
Funny how people say that about Obama, but I've never heard Obama say that.
Why would he.
See, the difference between you libs, who only pay attention to the things your side says. We conservatives reference what they DO.
Big difference. So let's see. An example of Obama SAYING he wants to "put America back to work".....What he does is Threaten to veto legislation to build Keystone XL....Promised with his stimulus "shovel ready jobs"....Oh that one frosted the cake. Some two years later Obama admitted there were no shovel ready jobs.
Care to change your bullshit story?
You're a huge reeetard

Funny words from a far left drone..
But Obama has never expressed a desire to destroy America. And it's a sad commentary that people like you, believe anyone who doesn't feel his trying to destroy America is from the "far left"

Well, that in mind...52% of American voters were far lefties in November 2012.

That is irrational.
Where were those 52% at during the mid term if they support obama now? After all obama did say his policies were on the ballot even though he wasn't.
But Obama has never expressed a desire to destroy America. And it's a sad commentary that people like you, believe anyone who doesn't feel his trying to destroy America is from the "far left"

Well, that in mind...52% of American voters were far lefties in November 2012.

That is irrational.
America was lied to. That's what the left does. obama said he wanted to fundamentally change America. Apparently it wasn't up to his standards. Whether it's destruction or not depends on your desire to see us turn into a European style socialist democracy.

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