Are Democrats evolving to be the American fascist Party?

Oh come on. He's not hiding.
Maybe I have him/her on my "ignore" list. Give me a hint or send me a PM.
.... I was merely pointing out that Surada is echoing 1950's Soviet propaganda.
I tend to agree although she is good on other subjects.
Nazis are NOT righties, not by any stretch of the imagination. ...
Of course not. NAZIS and Fascists don't always have a swastika tattooed on their arm. Some day NAZI/FASCIST might make up part of the Republican Party but for today they (the NAZIS/FASCISTS) are voting Democat, plain and simple.
Are Democrats evolving to be the American fascist Party?

Someone who's judgment I respect, has told me of meeting people who went along with the crowd that entered into the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2020. I said you mean they went along with the mob that forced their way past the city and federal officers to enter the building”. He replied “No, the officers welcomed them to enter the building, and they were among many other people who were respectfully touring through the halls and offices of the building within a few feet of the many officers who were watching and not seeking to interfere with the crowd of visitors”. He then showed me a video of the crowd, including the infamous "shaman" wearing red, white and blue make-up. a Buffalo Horned helmet who toured through the Capitol Building uninterrupted by uniformed officers less than a yard away from him.

Were these "false" videos produced by computer tricks, or recorded prior to the crowds turning into a seditious mob? My acquaintance couldn't assure me of the video's authenticity; but I couldn't understand if such video's were commonly passed among the general public within so many Republican Congressional Districts, why weren't they reported and explained or refuted by any of the news services I trust? They haven't been subjects of reports from NPR, the Washington Post, CNN and many others news reports. Why haven't these major news reporting organizations done their jobs?

Why are Democrats, ostensibly liberal proponents of free speech, trying to censure hate messages? What happened to respect for ACLU's position? The American Civil Liberties Union has defended the NACP, The American Nazi Party, and the American Communist Party. Opposition to the free speech of any individual or group, enables the future silencing of all other individuals or groups.

Respectfully, Supposn
Evolving? Sorry, the boat has already sailed.
Maybe I have him/her on my "ignore" list. Give me a hint or send me a PM.

I tend to agree although she is good on other subjects.

Of course not. NAZIS and Fascists don't always have a swastika tattooed on their arm. Some day NAZI/FASCIST might make up part of the Republican Party but for today they (the NAZIS/FASCISTS) are voting Democat, plain and simple.
I'm a fascist and I assure you that I'm not voting Democrat. Nor am I voting Republican.

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