Are Fox News and MSNBC irresponsible news networks?

Which network is more biased: Fox News or MSNBC?

  • Fox News

    Votes: 12 23.1%

    Votes: 24 46.2%
  • Equally

    Votes: 16 30.8%

  • Total voters


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I think their distortion makes anyone who watches these networks on a daily basis terribly misinformed about contemporary issues in America.

Am I wrong?

BONUS: Who is more biased: Fox News or MSNBC?
...owned by special interest groups. Y do U think our USA has been involved in perpetual war since 1916???
I think their distortion makes anyone who watches these networks on a daily basis terribly misinformed about contemporary issues in America.

Am I wrong?

BONUS: Who is more biased: Fox News or MSNBC?

Not really. I think both networks HAVE learned to market news in such a way to make it more palatable to their target audience.

But if you take a story, a watcher of networks would know the basics of a story.

The thing I noticed is that as worked up as we get here, most people just aren't paying that much attention. I asked a bunch of my co-workers if they even knew who Herman Cain was, and most of them didn't. They just didn't care.
...owned by special interest groups. Y do U think our USA has been involved in perpetual war since 1916???

FOX egged on the war with Iraq.

MSNBC has done no such thing.

MSNBC egged on craven surrender at every oppurtunity. After it started.

Fact is, all the news media breathelessly ran "Saddam is Evil" stories in the runup to the war. They all happily told us what a monster Uday was and how the poor Iraqi people were suffering.

The only thing Fox did differently was that when the rest of the media turned against the war, they were for finishing what we started.
ummmmmm... i don't think MSNBC pretends to be a "news" station. It's mostly political discussion. Fauxnews is the propaganda arm of the republican party dressed up as a "news" channel...
...owned by special interest groups. Y do U think our USA has been involved in perpetual war since 1916???

FOX egged on the war with Iraq.

MSNBC has done no such thing.

MSNBC egged on craven surrender at every oppurtunity. After it started.

Fact is, all the news media breathelessly ran "Saddam is Evil" stories in the runup to the war. They all happily told us what a monster Uday was and how the poor Iraqi people were suffering.

The only thing Fox did differently was that when the rest of the media turned against the war, they were for finishing what we started.

"surrender"??? to whom?

you have a problem with them telling the truth about how we shouldn't have been in Iraq?

Too bad. *shrug*

do you believe any of what you post?
FOX egged on the war with Iraq.

MSNBC has done no such thing.

MSNBC egged on craven surrender at every oppurtunity. After it started.

Fact is, all the news media breathelessly ran "Saddam is Evil" stories in the runup to the war. They all happily told us what a monster Uday was and how the poor Iraqi people were suffering.

The only thing Fox did differently was that when the rest of the media turned against the war, they were for finishing what we started.

"surrender"??? to whom?

you have a problem with them telling the truth about how we shouldn't have been in Iraq?

Too bad. *shrug*

do you believe any of what you post?

I have no problem at all. We were in Iraq because Saddam was an asshole.

And once we were in, we had an obligation to finish what we started.

All wars are ultimately a failure of diplomacy and policy. But once initiated, you have to finish them. Otherwise, no one takes you seriously the next time.
I think their distortion makes anyone who watches these networks on a daily basis terribly misinformed about contemporary issues in America.

Am I wrong?

BONUS: Who is more biased: Fox News or MSNBC?

Not really. I think both networks HAVE learned to market news in such a way to make it more palatable to their target audience.

But if you take a story, a watcher of networks would know the basics of a story.

The thing I noticed is that as worked up as we get here, most people just aren't paying that much attention. I asked a bunch of my co-workers if they even knew who Herman Cain was, and most of them didn't. They just didn't care.

and if you put enough bullshit out there that is what happens so could it be a plan?
...owned by special interest groups. Y do U think our USA has been involved in perpetual war since 1916???

FOX egged on the war with Iraq.

MSNBC has done no such thing.

MSNBC egged on craven surrender at every oppurtunity. After it started.

Fact is, all the news media breathelessly ran "Saddam is Evil" stories in the runup to the war. They all happily told us what a monster Uday was and how the poor Iraqi people were suffering.

The only thing Fox did differently was that when the rest of the media turned against the war, they were for finishing what we started.

Be that as it wasn't MSNBC that was egging us on. And in was Keith Olbermann that was one of the biggest critics of the war.
ummmmmm... i don't think MSNBC pretends to be a "news" station. It's mostly political discussion. Fauxnews is the propaganda arm of the republican party dressed up as a "news" channel...

Even so..they don't make shit up. And when they get stuff wrong..they say so.
Be that as it wasn't MSNBC that was egging us on. And in was Keith Olbermann that was one of the biggest critics of the war.

This is the same Olberman who got so crazy that MSNBC fired him...

I mean, how fucking crazy to you have to be to get fired from MSNBC?

Well, at least they didn't give him the Howard Beale Treatment.

I thought there was supposed to be truth in advertising...

MSNBC tagline" "The Place for Politics" (Okay, that seems right)

CNN tagline: "The most trusted name in News" (Highly questionable as the most trusted, but they were first and have been around the longest so they have some wiggle room)

Fox tagline: "Fair and Balanced" (Pinocchio called...he wants his nose back)
I think their distortion makes anyone who watches these networks on a daily basis terribly misinformed about contemporary issues in America.

Am I wrong?

BONUS: Who is more biased: Fox News or MSNBC?

Research was done a a UCLA Prof of all the major news networks.

In the end, FOX was 1% to the right, CNN was 15-20% to the left in thier bias.

MSN was the furthest to the left of all in the review.

Take that for what it's worth, and understand that the people that scream "FOX lies!" are themselves, lying.
I thought there was supposed to be truth in advertising...

MSNBC tagline" "The Place for Politics" (Okay, that seems right)

CNN tagline: "The most trusted name in News" (Highly questionable as the most trusted, but they were first and have been around the longest so they have some wiggle room)

Fox tagline: "Fair and Balanced" (Pinocchio called...he wants his nose back)

:clap2:And my point is proven. :clap2:

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