Are gag orders constitutional?

Yes, they're constitutional. As far as the 2nd question, in the jury selection process lawyers are crafty in questioning potential jurors.
Are you sure you responded properly to the questions I posed?
Nope, not even a little bit.

You said, and I quote....No, it doesnt say they can just take away peoples rights

So, are peoples rights taken away when they are put in prison?


"these are your words" no, madam, I didnt say that. So you lie again.
NEGATIVE….you definitely did not.
Explain to those of us who are not ass-cheek spreading statists how your post illustrates the empowerment of government to levy such orders and infringe upon our 1A right?
View attachment 849050
unconstitutional laws and picking and choosing who has rights is perfectly constitutional, man. Even though it isnt in the constitution. DUH
Not sure how I can impede on someone elses rights by expressing my rights.
Doesnt make much sense does it? It certainly wouldnt be my fault some juror became biased because of something I said outside the courtroom. The constitution agrees, or it would have fucking mentioned that :thup:
Crazy how people think making up imaginary shit is an actual argument :rofl:
The militia IS self defense tard noggin
The militia provides security for the free state.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,...

Similar to the way the police provide security for the people of the state.

Read the words for yourself.
Prosecutions are supposed to be based on evidence, not public opinion. If the government fears public opinion they can file for a change of venue, not violate the rights of citizens.
And if the entire US population is prejudiced. Do you suggest moving the venue to another country?

A simple yes/no.
Rogue AI but my2¢ and Golfing Gator say gag orders are constitutional…they just can’t illustrate for us the legal pathway that makes them constitutional.
Do you think they’re just going on “since Father Government does it it must be constitutional”?
Start with the 6th amendment right to an "impartial jury"

You can't have an impartial jury that's been corrupted by someones speech. Hence all things necessary to guarantee an impartial jury must be done by the government.
"these are your words" no, madam, I didnt say that. So you lie again.

yes, you said these words, are you so drunk you cannot recall what you posted?

.No, it doesnt say they can just take away peoples rights

Not sure how I can impede on someone elses rights by expressing my rights.
Doesnt make much sense does it? It certainly wouldnt be my fault some juror became biased because of something I said outside the courtroom. The constitution agrees, or it would have fucking mentioned that :thup:
The constitution gave the judicial powers of the US to the supreme and all inferior courts. One of the jobs of the judicial powers is to revoke peoples constitutional rights.

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