Are gag orders constitutional?

As if 1860 compares to todays multi-media world of instant communications. Where Dirty Don Corleone's lies spread across the world twice before the truth has it's morning cup of coffee. The judge has every reason to believe the mob boss like verbal attacks on his clerk would result in death threats by unhinged followers of the Don.

When you have absolutely nothing of value to say, you post all that much more.

The judge is a hack like you. His decisions aren’t based on the law for the most part.

Trump is right about him. He’s also right about the judge’s law Secretary and about Michael Cohen. And his saying those things should be beyond the reach of any legal sanctions.
The militia provides security for the free state.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,...

Similar to the way the police provide security for the people of the state.

Read the words for yourself.
Shit for brains
A militia is made up of armed volunteers from a certain region. That is how the militia keeps the state free, via armed volunteers and some paid
Lets ignore the peaches-and-chief for a minute. Lets forget him and his gag orders. This is a general question.
Are gag orders constitutional? How can ones speech be silenced with threat of hefty fines, jail, imprisoned to their home etc for talking about the government?
I know there is a Supreme court case about it, but that doesnt really mean anything in this thread. They also said it was constitutional for the tyrant FDR to imprison citizens simply for their heritage, forcing people to salute the flag was constitutional, and a state saying a black and white person couldnt get married was legal :rolleyes:
Again, please leave trump out of this. I know TDS is a serious mental condition, but damn..
Is the use of deadly force justified?

Should Taylor marry Travis?

The answer?

It depends.
yes, you said these words, are you so drunk you cannot recall what you posted?

.No, it doesnt say they can just take away peoples rights

View attachment 849061
You said this, dumbass.
"So, again you are against anyone being put in jail since that takes away a number of their rights."
Then you said
"those are your words"
No, moron, they arent. I didnt say that.
Lie again, FAGAt.
Shit for brains
A militia is made up of armed volunteers from a certain region. That is how the militia keeps the state free, via armed volunteers and some paid
And the Air Force is made up of volunteers with nuclear weapons. The weapons of the militia and the weapons of the citizens aren't the same.
You said this, dumbass.
"So, again you are against anyone being put in jail since that takes away a number of their rights."
Then you said
"those are your words"
No, moron, they arent. I didnt say that.
Lie again, FAGAt.

So, putting people in prison is not taking away their rights?
Hence if you can't move the venue outside of the US, you have to preserve the jury pool within the US, which goes right back to gag orders.
So, i lose my rights, because some juror became biased by me exercising my constitutional rights in a perfectly constitutional way?
Where does it say that can happen in the constitution?
I have been waiting for these exceptions in the constitution, and no one can quote them.
The right to bear arms

The right to assemble

The right to vote

Just to name a few
The judge doesnt do that, the states do.
They dont lose their guns going to jail, they cant have them in jail.
Voting isnt a constitutional right.
Try harder.
Where does the judicial branch get the power to just take away someones rights?

Good question. They should never take away anyone's rights no matter what they do. Murder someone, the judicial branch should not have the power to take away your rights.
So, i lose my rights, because some juror became biased by me exercising my constitutional rights in a perfectly constitutional way?
Where does it say that can happen in the constitution?
I have been waiting for these exceptions in the constitution, and no one can quote them.
It's no different than somebody loses their right to hunt within city limits. Towns have all kinds of edible critters running around, but you're not allowed to use your 2nd amendment rights to hunt them, because the government is protecting the rights of the other people in the town, the right not to be shot by stray bullets.
It's no different than somebody loses their right to hunt within city limits. Towns have all kinds of edible critters running around, but you're not allowed to use your 2nd amendment rights to hunt them, because the government is protecting the rights of the other people in the town, the right not to be shot by stray bullets.
Still waiting.

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