Are globalized corporations unamerican?

No, you have no facts on this matter only your opinions. You are name calling and get mad when served the same.

The way the far right is playing, BHO and the Senate are safe, and the House is for takes. Since the GOP are clearly protecting the rich at the expense of the average citizen, the far right gets the blame.

The GOP has to jettison the far right if it wants to be a major player in the future. It has to abandon your type of demagoguery.
Alinsky and Beck are merely opposite sides of the coin but carry the same worth. They are both Americans. Get over it, sillies.

yes both Americans but Beck supports the basic principals of America; as liberals or socialists, Alinsky and BO are opposed to the principles of America.

The Constitution was intended to make liberalsim illegal!
You are your Extremist Righty Fascists will not be permitted to rewrite American history, such as you are failing at above. The Constitution protects political free speech so that good Americans can out wrong headed Americans like you.

You practice the lie making tactics of Beck and the smearing tactics of an Alinsky.

The Founders would turn you folks into the alley.
The Founders would turn you folks into the alley.

but why would they given that they were for freedom and liberty from government too??? It is liberals who spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb because they don't believe in basic American principles. It is liberals who elected BO dispite his 2 communist parents?

IF I'm wrong please tell me specificially where or admit to being a typical liberal without the IQ for it. You don't fool anyone by changing the subject.
The Founders were for representative government, which we have. Folks like you fought for the crown in the War of Independence.

Oh, you set up an opinion without any evidence, trying to change the subject, then accuse me of that. Typical Extremist Righty Fascist lies. You fool no one.
The Founders would turn you folks into the alley.

but why would they given that they were for freedom and liberty from government too??? It is liberals who spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb because they don't believe in basic American principles. It is liberals who elected BO dispite his 2 communist parents?

IF I'm wrong please tell me specificially where or admit to being a typical liberal without the IQ for it. You don't fool anyone by changing the subject.

Oh.... so the choices are to show you... in specifics(that you won't believe anyway).... or... admit to being some Communist? Wow... you must really think you are a "master baiter".

did Liberals spy for Stalin... or radical Communists? Is there a difference in your mind? Especially now that moderate Republicans have now been labeled "RINOs" and are basically the same as liberals in your eyes.

Did you EVER stop to think that it's you that took a radical stance? Did you ever think that YOU may be the extremists here?

Now... go ahead and say it....Nahh... couldn't be... "I'm too smart, you fucking COMMIE!!!!"
The Founders were for representative government, which we have. Folks like you fought for the crown in the War of Independence.

actually Republicans then and now were/are opposed to central government!!! This is something a child could grasp. sorry
I mean where do their loyalties lie?
Do they care if America goes down the tubes as long as their profits increase?
Same with those who play the global market.

Does America owe them any breaks or support?

The CEO of the Global 100 multinational company I work for stated emphatically that we are not a US company even though they were incorporated in the US.

He considers the company stateless and will put jobs whereever is in the best interest of the stockholders.
I mean where do their loyalties lie?

Corporations are not "unAmerican."

America doesn't owe corporations anything. America has to have a competitive and attractive environment to attract and retain corporations, who create jobs and are the engine of growth. Without corporations, the economy would collapse. Without a strong business community, America will wither. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Toro - I agree with your comments but that also means we have to be thoughtful in terms of how we compete. We must also realize that other nations are doing things we abhor like providing subsidies for engineering jobs located in their country.

Also I don't think any senior VP that I have interacted with cares whether America will wither long term or not. They have short term profit targets and one of the expected ways of reaching those targets is via labor arbitrage. In the 60's the saying was what was good for GM is good for the country. That may or may not be the case in 2010.

The company I work for has an explicit growth strategy that goes something like this:
1) Increase earnings and cashflow by moving jobs from high cost geographies to low cost geographies.
2) Invest the free cash flow in acquiring business in adjacent markets
3) Increase earnings and cashflow by moving jobs from the acquired businesses to low cost geographies.
and they cycle continues..........

The senior VP's all profit form this quite handsomely via stock options and the capital gains from the sales of the company. BTW, if we eliminate the capital gains tax this model goes into hyperdrive.
He considers the company stateless and will put jobs whereever is in the best interest of the stockholders.

imagine if liberals passed a law that American companies could not be primarily concerned with profits for stockholders?? Exactly 100% of American capital would go abroad and America would die 1000 deaths.

A liberal will simply lack the IQ to understand basic economics. That is the definition of liberalism. When they talk they talk pure uneducated nonsense.
Outsourcing is not the reason for our debt problem. Our debt problem exists because we had a financial collapse and Americans are not willing to embrace solutions which will fix our fiscal balance.


I disagree here. The middle class makes up a significant portion of our revenue collection and middle class jobs have dropped significantly. We have to have appropriate programs that address new international realities and restore American jobs or the deficit will continue to grow.
The Founders were for representative government, which we have. Folks like you fought for the crown in the War of Independence.

actually Republicans then and now were/are opposed to central government!!! This is something a child could grasp. sorry

so they are anti-American?
America was founded on a representative centralized government
The Founders were for representative government, which we have. Folks like you fought for the crown in the War of Independence.

actually Republicans then and now were/are opposed to central government!!! This is something a child could grasp. sorry

Not at all, bumpkin. The actual defenders of liberty were for representation and control of taxation, which we have today.

You Righty Extremists would have supported the crown. Shoot, you would even have had a King George. How groovy for you!
The Founders were for representative government, which we have. Folks like you fought for the crown in the War of Independence.

actually Republicans then and now were/are opposed to central government!!! This is something a child could grasp. sorry

so they are anti-American?
America was founded on a representative centralized government

Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, Madison and the majority of Founders supported exactly that.
actually Republicans then and now were/are opposed to central government!!! This is something a child could grasp. sorry

so they are anti-American?
America was founded on a representative centralized government

Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, Madison and the majority of Founders supported exactly that.

Washington marched more troops on the opposers of the whiskey tax than he commanded in any battle during the revoloutionary war.
Kinda sounds like he believed in centralized govt and taxes to me.
so they are anti-American?
America was founded on a representative centralized government

Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, Madison and the majority of Founders supported exactly that.

Washington marched more troops on the opposers of the whiskey tax than he commanded in any battle during the revoloutionary war.
Kinda sounds like he believed in centralized govt and taxes to me.

GW commanded almost twice as many troops at Long Island than he did during the Whiskey Rebellion. But, yeah, he was a big government guy who forced Jefferson and Madison to accept Hamilton's funding and assumption plan for the government debt and credit, so that he (GW) could get the national capitol located across the river from his home.
Global Corporations obviously aren't American in their scope. But it would be absurd to equate being international to being anti-American, at least in my view. And I don't see why a firm's executive board which may or may not be made up of citizens of the United States ought to be beholden to the interests of the US Government, or that their goal should be to serve "American interests"(whatever that means) first. That idea sounds rather slavish in it's conception.
The Founders were for representative government, which we have. Folks like you fought for the crown in the War of Independence.

actually Republicans then and now were/are opposed to central government!!! This is something a child could grasp. sorry

A minority then and a minority now. Then the Founders were in the majority for a home ruled central government. Folks like you were for the crown. You don't get to rewrite history, bub.
Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, Madison and the majority of Founders supported exactly that.

Washington marched more troops on the opposers of the whiskey tax than he commanded in any battle during the revoloutionary war.
Kinda sounds like he believed in centralized govt and taxes to me.

GW commanded almost twice as many troops at Long Island than he did during the Whiskey Rebellion. But, yeah, he was a big government guy who forced Jefferson and Madison to accept Hamilton's funding and assumption plan for the government debt and credit, so that he (GW) could get the national capitol located across the river from his home.

I said in any battle, not totally commanded.
The battles at Brooklyn, Harlem, Ft Washington, and White Plains were under GW's command. He started with almost 30K and ended up with 3K. You can read it for yourself.

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