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Are Hillary and the Dem Establishment now Radioactive? (Dossier Funding)

Collusion Discovered: DNC, Hillary, Comey And FBI ALL Financed Anti-Trump Fusion GPS Dossier Group

Of this, I have the same thing to say that I have learned to say of the "Russia" investigation: "collusion" is not a defined crime in the federal code. Collusion is a set of activities whereby, insofar as the word is pejorative, multiple individuals/entities aid, abet, commit, facilitate and/or hide a crime that one or more of them have or will commit.
correct, but it is if there was a quid pro quo which is what they are looking into. you know that 145 million received by Clinton Foundation and the 500K Willie received for his speech.
In light of all their new scandals coming out and the old ones being confirmed...

How is that 2018 DNC 'comeback' bid looking? :p


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Is it BAD to use a FAKE DOSSIER paid for by the DEMOCRATIC PARTY as the BASIS of a SPECIAL INVESTIGATION into TRUMP/RUSSIA collusion?

That seems bad to me.
didn't the DNC rig an election ahead of the federal election? These guys are dirty and evil.
As it turns out, there was a political party that was colluding with the Russians leading up to the 2016 Election; it wasn't Trump, it was Mueller, Comey, Hillary and the entire Democrat Party.

Does using the proceeds from the Uranium One transaction, where Hillary extorted $145,000,000, a titanic amount, maybe the biggest bribe ever paid, in order to procure the faked wee weed up dossier now make the entire Democrat Establishment and St Hillary radioactive (did you follow that?)
Umm Mueller and Comey are republicans

Next worthless post?

What does them being Rs have to do with anything? They worthless just like mccain, ryan, mcconnel.
Crusader posted they are Democrats.

They are not

No I didnt. I posted that their registered party is irrelevant
As it turns out, there was a political party that was colluding with the Russians ~ Mueller, Comey, Hillary

LOL, you said it was republicans colluding ~ 2 rep, 1 dem

What does that have to do with Hillary colluding with Russia?
Is it BAD to use a FAKE DOSSIER paid for by the DEMOCRATIC PARTY as the BASIS of a SPECIAL INVESTIGATION into TRUMP/RUSSIA collusion?

That seems bad to me.
didn't the DNC rig an election ahead of the federal election? These guys are dirty and evil.
I honestly can't believe those in here defending this giant piece of DNC crap! How proud you all must be. I swear. makes you no better than the dirt that is the DNC. hello dirt!
I have no doubt that McConnell and Ryan will be all over this.

Not a doubt.

Not one

Really? Even though the dossier was first started by the GOP, and then when Trump became the nominee, they contacted the Clinton campaign to see if they would pay for the research to continue.

You've gotta own this one GOP'ers, you started it.

Clinton campaign, DNC helped fund Trump dossier research, report says - CNNPolitics

As CNN has previously reported, the Fusion efforts researching Trump were first funded by Republican foes of Trump, and Democrats began paying the research firm later on, after Trump became the presumptive nominee. The identity of the Republican client or clients has not yet been publicly revealed. Without noting the party affiliation, Gehringer calls for other Fusion presidential campaign clients to step forward as well.

You are really missing something. All Deplorables are dying to find out who first funded this mess. And the time line. I want to see a Never Trumper's head on the freaking wall. I also can't wait for John McCain to testify in the two defamation lawsuits in two countries for his part in running the dossier to the FBI.

Seriously the talking point tactic that a GOP Never Trumper started this doesn't make any difference. We're rejoicing that we're getting close to finding out who the scumbuckets were..

Is it BAD to use a FAKE DOSSIER paid for by the DEMOCRATIC PARTY as the BASIS of a SPECIAL INVESTIGATION into TRUMP/RUSSIA collusion?

That seems bad to me.
didn't the DNC rig an election ahead of the federal election? These guys are dirty and evil.
I honestly can't believe those in here defending this giant piece of DNC crap! How proud you all must be. I swear. makes you no better than the dirt that is the DNC. hello dirt!
I can only conclude they are connected to the dirt.
I have no doubt that McConnell and Ryan will be all over this.

Not a doubt.

Not one

Really? Even though the dossier was first started by the GOP, and then when Trump became the nominee, they contacted the Clinton campaign to see if they would pay for the research to continue.

You've gotta own this one GOP'ers, you started it.

Clinton campaign, DNC helped fund Trump dossier research, report says - CNNPolitics

As CNN has previously reported, the Fusion efforts researching Trump were first funded by Republican foes of Trump, and Democrats began paying the research firm later on, after Trump became the presumptive nominee. The identity of the Republican client or clients has not yet been publicly revealed. Without noting the party affiliation, Gehringer calls for other Fusion presidential campaign clients to step forward as well.

You are really missing something. All Deplorables are dying to find out who first funded this mess. And the time line. I want to see a Never Trumper's head on the freaking wall. I also can't wait for John McCain to testify in the two defamation lawsuits in two countries for his part in running the dossier to the FBI.

Seriously the talking point tactic that a GOP Never Trumper started this doesn't make any difference. We're rejoicing that we're getting close to finding out who the scumbuckets were..

better yet...'are'!
So $9M is just tossed around to anyone without oversight?

Find out who handed this Steele guy $9M. Demand to know and go down the line until the rat is named. There might be some culpable deniability, but someone had to have made the payment and the record of this kept.
So $9M is just tossed around to anyone without oversight?

Find out who handed this Steele guy $9M. Demand to know go down the line until the rat is named.
so I hear about money launderers a lot lately on TV shows. Not sure how much is factual, but it is stated in those shows that sums of money this large are generally investigated. So how is it this took so long?
“As someone who’s run for office five times, if the devil called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on my opponent, I’d be on the first trolley to Hell to get it,” Pirro said Sunday on “Justice with Judge Jeanine."
I have no doubt that McConnell and Ryan will be all over this.

Not a doubt.

Not one

Really? Even though the dossier was first started by the GOP, and then when Trump became the nominee, they contacted the Clinton campaign to see if they would pay for the research to continue.

You've gotta own this one GOP'ers, you started it.

Clinton campaign, DNC helped fund Trump dossier research, report says - CNNPolitics

As CNN has previously reported, the Fusion efforts researching Trump were first funded by Republican foes of Trump, and Democrats began paying the research firm later on, after Trump became the presumptive nominee. The identity of the Republican client or clients has not yet been publicly revealed. Without noting the party affiliation, Gehringer calls for other Fusion presidential campaign clients to step forward as well.

You are really missing something. All Deplorables are dying to find out who first funded this mess. And the time line. I want to see a Never Trumper's head on the freaking wall. I also can't wait for John McCain to testify in the two defamation lawsuits in two countries for his part in running the dossier to the FBI.

Seriously the talking point tactic that a GOP Never Trumper started this doesn't make any difference. We're rejoicing that we're getting close to finding out who the scumbuckets were..

trump claims he knows


Trump: 'I think I know' identity of Republican client funding Fusion GPS research during GOP primary
I have no doubt that McConnell and Ryan will be all over this.

Not a doubt.

Not one

Really? Even though the dossier was first started by the GOP, and then when Trump became the nominee, they contacted the Clinton campaign to see if they would pay for the research to continue.

You've gotta own this one GOP'ers, you started it.

Clinton campaign, DNC helped fund Trump dossier research, report says - CNNPolitics

As CNN has previously reported, the Fusion efforts researching Trump were first funded by Republican foes of Trump, and Democrats began paying the research firm later on, after Trump became the presumptive nominee. The identity of the Republican client or clients has not yet been publicly revealed. Without noting the party affiliation, Gehringer calls for other Fusion presidential campaign clients to step forward as well.

You are really missing something. All Deplorables are dying to find out who first funded this mess. And the time line. I want to see a Never Trumper's head on the freaking wall. I also can't wait for John McCain to testify in the two defamation lawsuits in two countries for his part in running the dossier to the FBI.

Seriously the talking point tactic that a GOP Never Trumper started this doesn't make any difference. We're rejoicing that we're getting close to finding out who the scumbuckets were..

trump claims he knows


Trump: 'I think I know' identity of Republican client funding Fusion GPS research during GOP primary

Sooner that scumbucket Never Trumpers name is out there the better.

This is one thing that has always stuck in my craw. The DNC only started with Fusion in April. Comey starts investigating Trump and spying on the campaign in July using the dossier to get the FISA warrants. But McCain didn't give him a copy of the dossier till the fall.

So how did the FBI pull this off?
Pull what off?

Steele told the FBI in July and gave them the dossier

In June 2016, it was revealed that the Democratic National Committee website had been hacked by Russian sources, so Fusion GPS hired Orbis Business Intelligence, a private British intelligence firm, to look into any Russian connections.[15] The investigation was undertaken by Orbis co-founder Christopher Steele, a retired British MI6 officer with expertise in Russian matters.[15] He later told Mother Jones that he soon found "troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, 'there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit.'" He described the finding as "an extraordinary situation" and that it was "sufficiently serious" enough for him to share it with the FBI. He did this in July, without the permission of Fusion GPS.[10]

Donald Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
As it turns out, there was a political party that was colluding with the Russians leading up to the 2016 Election; it wasn't Trump, it was Mueller, Comey, Hillary and the entire Democrat Party.

Does using the proceeds from the Uranium One transaction, where Hillary extorted $145,000,000, a titanic amount, maybe the biggest bribe ever paid, in order to procure the faked wee weed up dossier now make the entire Democrat Establishment and St Hillary radioactive (did you follow that?)
I've known it for more than a year.
I have no doubt that McConnell and Ryan will be all over this.

Not a doubt.

Not one

Really? Even though the dossier was first started by the GOP, and then when Trump became the nominee, they contacted the Clinton campaign to see if they would pay for the research to continue.

You've gotta own this one GOP'ers, you started it.

Clinton campaign, DNC helped fund Trump dossier research, report says - CNNPolitics

As CNN has previously reported, the Fusion efforts researching Trump were first funded by Republican foes of Trump, and Democrats began paying the research firm later on, after Trump became the presumptive nominee. The identity of the Republican client or clients has not yet been publicly revealed. Without noting the party affiliation, Gehringer calls for other Fusion presidential campaign clients to step forward as well.

You are really missing something. All Deplorables are dying to find out who first funded this mess. And the time line. I want to see a Never Trumper's head on the freaking wall. I also can't wait for John McCain to testify in the two defamation lawsuits in two countries for his part in running the dossier to the FBI.

Seriously the talking point tactic that a GOP Never Trumper started this doesn't make any difference. We're rejoicing that we're getting close to finding out who the scumbuckets were..

The rumors at the time were Jeb

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