Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

Name a poster who justifies slavery. Many Turkic people converted to Judaism because Jews could not be inslaved.
Jews and christians could be enslaved and were. Did anyone suggest
that "a poster" justified slavery? Slavery is still done in muslim Mauritania,
and Sudan. It has never been removed as a legality from Shariah law. Oil
rich MUSLIM countries depend on the work of impoverished Indian hindus
and Filopino Christians who work under utterly deplorable conditions-----
and often have their passports confiscated. My kid ran into virtually enslaved
Indian Hindus when he was in the Navy ---in various Oil Rich Emirates---they
lived in fear but were delighted to talk to an american kid who seemed
to understand----but surada had happy muslim saudi citizens doing the laundry when she lived in Saudi arabia----NO DOUBT
PS---in shariah law---a jew or christian could not enslave a muslim and the muslim slave of a muslim has rights denied a non-muslim slave.
Christians and jews could be and were enslaved by Muslims. Sheesh---
Sharian law is NO MYSTERY
Jews and christians could be enslaved and were. Did anyone suggest
that "a poster" justified slavery? Slavery is still done in muslim Mauritania,
and Sudan. It has never been removed as a legality from Shariah law. Oil
rich MUSLIM countries depend on the work of impoverished Indian hindus
and Filopino Christians who work under utterly deplorable conditions-----
and often have their passports confiscated. My kid ran into virtually enslaved
Indian Hindus when he was in the Navy ---in various Oil Rich Emirates---they
lived in fear but were delighted to talk to an american kid who seemed
to understand----but surada had happy muslim saudi citizens doing the laundry when she lived in Saudi arabia----NO DOUBT

They pay the highest wages in the region... That's why there's a waiting list for jobs.

Your kid is probably a lot like you.
They pay the highest wages in the region... That's why there's a waiting list for jobs.

Your kid is probably a lot like you.
OH---you had paid muslims doing the housework? Well---he is like
me in that people of all kinds are willing to be candid with him---including
muslim school mates
OH---you had paid muslims doing the housework? Well---he is like
me in that people of all kinds are willing to be candid with him---including
muslim school mates
Some were Muslims from Pakistan.. others were Palestinian Catholics. One was Sudanese.

Your son was in the navy. I assure you he knows very little about the Arabs or the region.
Name a poster who justifies slavery.

Do you agree with the "Free Palestine" demand for-
exclusive Arab domination over the entire
Middle East and N. Africa?

Why should non-Muslims
remain under the yoke
of Arab imperialism?
Some were Muslims from Pakistan.. others were Palestinian Catholics. One was Sudanese.

Your son was in the navy. I assure you he knows very little about the Arabs or the region.
because he was in the Navy? What else do you "KNOW" about people who
did a stint in the Navy? Jimmy Carter was in the Navy too.
Do you agree with the "Free Palestine" demand for-
exclusive Arab domination over the entire
Middle East and N. Africa?

Why should non-Muslims
remain under the yoke
of Arab imperialism?
No. I think the Zionists should withdraw to the land they were given and leave Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank and East Jerusalem alone.

Where have you been in the middle-east and North Africa ?
No link as to what the Psycho posted 👍🇮🇱
... the paradisian, religion of antiquity that of jesus is spoken not written - a 10000 page document is neither required nor needed ...

a link to - their forgeries and fallacies ... the desert wastelands. sure, right away.

truth be told, what is lacking the jew 2023 and those others - the 1st century repudiation of judaism (christianity - islam ... to follow) from that beginning to the present was heavenly ordained and remains the reason those people wander aimlessly in lite of their future prosperity - as having none.
No. I think the Zionists should withdraw to the land they were given and leave Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank and East Jerusalem alone.
what land was jews "given"? ----and by whom? How about HADJIS and
arabian imperalist invaders leave jews alone and stay in arabia where they BELONG? Jerusalem is the Capital of the LAND OF THE JEWS--it was
purchased by the King of Judea---David, and never sold. The "west bank"
includes the hometown of King David---arabs do not belong there
No. I think the Zionists should withdraw to the land they were given and leave Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank and East Jerusalem alone.

Where have you been in the middle-east and North Africa ?

So let's sum it up - you asked who on this forum supports slavery.

But don't actually oppose the "Free Palestine" demand for
exclusive Arab domination over the entire MENA,
and all its non-Muslim minorities?

Do clarify.
a link to - their forgeries and fallacies ... the desert wastelands. sure, right away.

truth be told, what is lacking the jew 2023 and those others - the 1st century repudiation of judaism (christianity - islam ... to follow) from that beginning to the present was heavenly ordained and remains the reason those people wander aimlessly in lite of their future prosperity - as having none.
another wet dream ^^^^^
I read the koran more than 50 years ago ...

is that not the book and religion based on the abrahamic deity - using the same text per the preamble ... first impressions are often the ones to remember, the affinity no longer remains ...
what land was jews "given"? ----and by whom? How about HADJIS and
arabian imperalist invaders leave jews alone and stay in arabia where they BELONG? Jerusalem is the Capital of the LAND OF THE JEWS--it was
purchased by the King of Judea---David, and never sold. The "west bank"
includes the hometown of King David---arabs do not belong there
The British mandate. You remember, the Zionists killed over 600 British peacekeepers.
The British mandate. You remember, the Zionists killed over 600 British peacekeepers.

Ironically, all British troops Jews killed are "peacekeepers",
while those killed by Arabs are "foreign invaders"...

And all shoes lost in the mosques,
were stolen by the Mossad...

my husband was Born in ARABIA----tell him he is an "arab" and he might
SPIT. I have never met a single jew from an arab land who considered
himself an Arab. I have relatives from Iran who refuse to EVER speak
Farsi-----Those from Turkey---speak spanish or hebrew---not even turkish
although they claim to know it. Israelis stole nothing----Jews purchased
land----sometimes the same land repeatedly. Arabs are squatters----
muhummad never purchased Jerusalem, He just decided he owned it because his magical flying horse took a dump as he flew over the city. Learn some
real history

Look it up.
You trace DNA lineage through language.
All the Semitic languages are of Arab origins.
That is what "Semitic" means, "of Arab origins", from Shem, a fabled son of Noah.
All Arabs come from the Canaanites who created the first real metropolis in Jericho, around 8000 BC.
All original Hebrew obviously were Arabs.
All Egyptians except the Pharaohs are Arab.
The Hebrew would not have been allowed refuge in Egypt or been able to converse with Egyptians if they were not all Arabs.

Iranians are not Arabs. They are Persians. Turks are not Arabs, but Mongol, Cimmerian, and Cossack.

Israel purchased less than 10% of Israel, and none of the rest of Palestine, like the West Bank.
Here is a 1937 map.
You have no Shame Imam-Suarada with that Rothschild-Canard orilginating by the 1930s.

All the violence was started by Jews in Palestine.
Like murdering all the British peacekeepers, by blowing up the King David hotel.
Like gunning down Folke Bernadotte,
So they could then start massacring native villages like Deir Yassin.

Read Albert Einstein's letter on his experience there,
The public avowals of Begin's party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.

Attack on Arab Village
A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES), terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants (240 men, women, and children) and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin.
The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the Freedom Party.
Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority. Like other Fascist parties they have been used to break strikes, and have themselves pressed for the destruction of free trade unions. In their stead they have proposed corporate unions on the Italian Fascist model.

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