Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

Archeology is really important in Arabia these days. They have made wonderful finds ... Are you familiar with Madain Saleh or the treasure trove of artifacts in Jeddah. I know you think Jews are the center of the universe, but they are just another Canaanite tribe that happens to have a gift for storytelling and literature. You have constantly ridiculed the Arabs as inferior to you. Why don't you just go home?
please cite my putative statement "arabs are inferior to me" I can EASILY cite statements from islamo nazi and even the koran claiming MUZZIES ARE
SUPERIOR TO DIRTY JEWS and christians and zoroastrians and hindus etc etc.
please cite my putative statement "arabs are inferior to me" I can EASILY cite statements from islamo nazi and even the koran claiming MUZZIES ARE
SUPERIOR TO DIRTY JEWS and christians and zoroastrians and hindus etc etc.

Read your posts, Rosie.
Like what?

Tell, as someone who assumes to
be an ambassador to the Semitic heritage.

I spent two decades in the Middle East. I have an opinion of tolerant, kind ,family oriented, hospitable people.
Read your posts, Rosie.
I wrote them and have no recollection of writing "arabs are
inferior to me"----read the koran and some writings of koranic
scholars and review SHARIAH LAW and DHIMMIA. I do not
consider Germans to be inferior to me----but I do have a negative
opinion of nazism. I do not consider persons from Atlanta Georgia
to be inferior to me----but do consider their politics of 1860 in
a negative light
I spent two decades in the Middle East. I have an opinion of tolerant, kind ,family oriented, hospitable people.
ok---you have a limited experience under special circumstances.
My mother spent time in Florida during world war II because
my father was in the Navy. She had a room in the home of
a very pleasant lady and her doctor husband. They were
polite and hospitable but she was horrified at the very
SUBSERVIENT demeanor of their "colored" maid and really
horrified at the "BACK OF THE BUS" policy for "colored
people" to the point of contemplating a PUBLIC OBJECTION---
but my father said---"YOU CAN'T" "I am the only jew on the
ship" <<< a very abbreviated version of the situation---she
vowed to NEVER RETURN TO FLORIDA. You may have missed
details. My son was on a ship--OVER THERE and they put
ashore at the various EMIRATES. His observation---"ma---
over there HINDUS do all the work. If all the Hindus sat
on the ground and STOPPED doing the work---GANDHI
style---the arabs would starve to death" << a detail
he noticed.
Just like heaven. What you intend for evil, God is using for good.

the desert dwellers believe there is evil in the heavens ...

- at least according to the jew moses in the garden of eden a serpent - setting the stage from the very beginning till jesus rose in repudiation of judaism only for it to fall again in the 4th century and roman christianity to remake the fallacy in their own image as sin - bing.
the desert dwellers believe there is evil in the heavens ...

- at least according to the jew moses in the garden of eden a serpent...
Do they? How do you know that that is how he interpreted that? Got a link?
the desert dwellers believe there is evil in the heavens ...

- at least according to the jew moses in the garden of eden a serpent -
Do they? How do you know that that is how he interpreted that? Got a link?

a link to what, the judean bible all three desert religions ... the paradisian, religion of antiquity that of jesus is spoken not written - a 10000 page document is neither required nor needed ...

the judean inclusion of a serpent is for them their timely diversion for their own purposes that of moses or the conclave that wrote in their name for their own purposes than those of the inclusive heavens.

as illustrated by jesus and that of moses ...

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

Then they said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

the heavenly inclusion, all living beings to pursue remission to the everlasting is the reiteration made in the 1st century taught by jesus as among the refutation of judaism he and those others were willing to give their lives than live vainly for insular and selfish purposes.
a link to what, the judean bible all three desert religions ... the paradisian, religion of antiquity that of jesus is spoken not written - a 10000 page document is neither required nor needed ...

the judean inclusion of a serpent is for them their timely diversion for their own purposes that of moses or the conclave that wrote in their name for their own purposes than those of the inclusive heavens.

as illustrated by jesus and that of moses ...

the heavenly inclusion, all living beings to pursue remission to the everlasting is the reiteration made in the 1st century taught by jesus as among the refutation of judaism he and those others were willing to give their lives than live vainly for insular and selfish purposes.
A link to what Moses believed, dummy.
ok---you have a limited experience under special circumstances.
My mother spent time in Florida during world war II because
my father was in the Navy. She had a room in the home of
a very pleasant lady and her doctor husband. They were
polite and hospitable but she was horrified at the very
SUBSERVIENT demeanor of their "colored" maid and really
horrified at the "BACK OF THE BUS" policy for "colored
people" to the point of contemplating a PUBLIC OBJECTION---
but my father said---"YOU CAN'T" "I am the only jew on the
ship" <<< a very abbreviated version of the situation---she
vowed to NEVER RETURN TO FLORIDA. You may have missed
details. My son was on a ship--OVER THERE and they put
ashore at the various EMIRATES. His observation---"ma---
over there HINDUS do all the work. If all the Hindus sat
on the ground and STOPPED doing the work---GANDHI
style---the arabs would starve to death" << a detail
he noticed.
Interesting are the Muslims going to give back the land they pillaged and stole and raped from the Hindus over the years like the Hindu Kush or are they going to still insist it is now Dar Al Islam.. I think the Hindus should learn from Islam and do unto others by claiming the emirates land as their own .. I wonder if that would go over well in those countries …
Interesting are the Muslims going to give back the land they pillaged and stole and raped from the Hindus over the years like the Hindu Kush or are they going to still insist it is now Dar Al Islam.. I think the Hindus should learn from Islam and do unto others by claiming the emirates land as their own .. I wonder if that would go over well in those countries …
I can answer that one because I have been acquainted with lots of muslims.
Muslim land is Muslim land----ANY land that was ever invaded by or
controlled by muslims is MUSLIM LAND---any land upon which a mosque
has been built is ALSO "MUSLIM LAND" The whole world should learn
about islam ----Oct 7 was a lesson in islam as was the response thereto---
to wit, both IMMEDIATE JUSTIFICATION AND DENIAL---a lesson in islamic
please cite my putative statement "arabs are inferior to me" I can EASILY cite statements from islamo nazi and even the koran claiming MUZZIES ARE
SUPERIOR TO DIRTY JEWS and christians and zoroastrians and hindus etc etc.
Still waiting for Surada to justify the moronic lies that she posted
about me----GOEBBELS STYLE---very islamo-nazi technique---an
expert APED
but they (jews) are just another Canaanite tribe that happens to have a gift for storytelling and literature. oh gee---surada claims that jesus and the morons said to have (sic) written DA "GOSPELS" just have a gift for TELLING STORIES and they and all the other jews should "go home" to the land once called CANAAN. I wonder if her handlers know


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