Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

never - provide your evidence ... liar.

that's why judaism refers to abraham and moses and most of those others, they are deceivers their followers choose to use to fulfill their needs as a distinct religion than from the beginning to remain true to course.
You refer to them as deceivers without any substance. Anyone can do that. Just keep rambling; liar 🤥
I always understood traditional catholic/orthodox/lutheran(?) theology to say that jews were once choosen, but they killed christ, so the blood of christ "is upon them and their children" and the choosen people or the people of God are not by circumisation anymore but by faith in Christ "in christ we are one, be it woman or man or slave or free or jew or greek" i think the choosen is the church now. But I think even the catholic church made adjustments, giving again more credit to christian zionism and such, that jews are still choosen people. I think the first pope say that was pope john paul the second, he apologised to jews as first pope and declared jews are still choosen people, i think the catholic church didnt fully broke with their traditional doctrine, but this where they made compromises.

There can NEVER be a "chosen people", and any sort of favoritism like that would mean it was not a real god.
beautress I think the bible says that only the ones who follow christ are children of God the others are only creatures of God but not children of God is that true or I remember that wrong if it is true why would there be a exception for jews who still believe that Jesus was a bastard but not lets say for muslims or buddhists ?

Since Christ did not present himself to Muslims or Buddhists, they are not guilty of rejecting him.
And in fact, you seem to have totally missed the fact Islam is just a slight reformation of Judaism, and otherwise uses the same Old Testament.

The official writings say that all 3 Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are all equal paths to heaven.
That is not true.

Yes it is true.
The people of churches who claim it is not true say that because they want followers and their contributions.
But that does not change the fact that those who never have been contacted can still be without sin and be a child of God.
It is those who claim you have to have been officially "saved" by a religion who clearly are lying.
John Paul II was not one of the worst of the fake popes that came after Pius XII died but he was wrong to say much of what he said... and he kissed the Koran! He always seemed to want to send the msg that Jesus was optional for getting to Heaven, one of the absolute worst heresies ever, if not Number One Heresy. Actually, it looks like objectively it IS the worst

Non-Catholics took over the Vatican after Pius XII died. I don't trust ANY pope who came after Pius.

So there's that.

The Jews were the first Chosen people. The Catholics are now, as they accept the Promised Messiah. Non-Catholics who essentially believe the fundamental truths that the Catholic Church teaches (officially) are also followers of Christ. "He who is not against Me is for Me."

Never can a real God ever have a "chosen people".
That would be inherently unfair, arbitrary, selfish, discriminatory, etc.
I read the islamo nazi propaganda since the late 1950s---I KNOW
YOUR STORY. I also know the family histories of lots of people---
and the written history-----Arabs have been murdering jews for
the past 1400 years---including in Palestine. In fact, you and yours
particularly like to slit the throats of infants. There is no need to
focus on the history of jews and arabs or people and muslims. For
intellectual curiosity, talk to Hindus, Zoroastrians, and Christian
Nigerians----or Armenians. You might even find a candid Bangla
Deshi muslim-----or a Pakistani Shiite. I have encountered examples
of all right here in the USA. Have you noticed that "OCT 7 really did
not happen"? or do you intend to DENY THAT GROSS DENIAL --too?

It is not at all true to claim, "Arabs have been murdering Jews for the past 1400 years".
First of all, Jews ARE Arabs, so the statement makes no sense at all.
Second is that history shows Jews living better under Islam than any other time or place.
Jews frequently were appointed as Viziers by Islamic rules, like in the Iberian Peninsula.
Jews followed the Moslems where ever they went.
And the proof is there are still over 20k Jews living in Tehran even now.

The Haifa riots were caused by the British.
The 1933 Palestine riots (Hebrew: מאורעות תרצ"ד, Me'oraot Tartsad) were a series of violent riots in Mandatory Palestine, as part of the intercommunal conflict in Mandatory Palestine. The riots erupted on 13 October 1933 when the police broke up a banned demonstration organized by the Arab Executive Committee.[1] The riots came as the culmination of Arab resentment at Jewish migration after it surged to new heights following the rise of Nazi Germany, and at the British Mandate authorities for allegedly facilitating Jewish land purchases.[1] The second mass demonstration, at Jaffa in October, turned into a bloodbath when police fired on the thousands-strong crowd, killing 19 and injuring some 70. The "Jaffa massacre", as Palestinians called it, quickly triggered further unrest, including a week-long general strike and urban insurrections that resulted in police killing 7 more Arabs and wounding another 130 with gunfire.[2]
The events of October 1933 had five phases:[6]
  • Jerusalem, 13 October
  • Jaffa, 27 October
  • Haifa, 27–28 October
  • Nablus, 27 October
  • Jerusalem, 28–29 October

Oct. 7 was caused by the Israelis stealing 85% of Palestine, barricading the natives into a space so small that they cannot survive.
So Oct 7 was justified reprisal.
It is not at all true to claim, "Arabs have been murdering Jews for the past 1400 years".
First of all, Jews ARE Arabs, so the statement makes no sense at all.
Second is that history shows Jews living better under Islam than any other time or place.
Jews frequently were appointed as Viziers by Islamic rules, like in the Iberian Peninsula.
Jews followed the Moslems where ever they went.
And the proof is there are still over 20k Jews living in Tehran even now.

The Haifa riots were caused by the British.
The 1933 Palestine riots (Hebrew: מאורעות תרצ"ד, Me'oraot Tartsad) were a series of violent riots in Mandatory Palestine, as part of the intercommunal conflict in Mandatory Palestine. The riots erupted on 13 October 1933 when the police broke up a banned demonstration organized by the Arab Executive Committee.[1] The riots came as the culmination of Arab resentment at Jewish migration after it surged to new heights following the rise of Nazi Germany, and at the British Mandate authorities for allegedly facilitating Jewish land purchases.[1] The second mass demonstration, at Jaffa in October, turned into a bloodbath when police fired on the thousands-strong crowd, killing 19 and injuring some 70. The "Jaffa massacre", as Palestinians called it, quickly triggered further unrest, including a week-long general strike and urban insurrections that resulted in police killing 7 more Arabs and wounding another 130 with gunfire.[2]
The events of October 1933 had five phases:[6]
  • Jerusalem, 13 October
  • Jaffa, 27 October
  • Haifa, 27–28 October
  • Nablus, 27 October
  • Jerusalem, 28–29 October

Oct. 7 was caused by the Israelis stealing 85% of Palestine, barricading the natives into a space so small that they cannot survive.
So Oct 7 was justified reprisal.
my husband was Born in ARABIA----tell him he is an "arab" and he might
SPIT. I have never met a single jew from an arab land who considered
himself an Arab. I have relatives from Iran who refuse to EVER speak
Farsi-----Those from Turkey---speak spanish or hebrew---not even turkish
although they claim to know it. Israelis stole nothing----Jews purchased
land----sometimes the same land repeatedly. Arabs are squatters----
muhummad never purchased Jerusalem, He just decided he owned it because his magical flying horse took a dump as he flew over the city. Learn some
real history
It is not at all true to claim, "Arabs have been murdering Jews for the past 1400 years".
First of all, Jews ARE Arabs, so the statement makes no sense at all.
Second is that history shows Jews living better under Islam than any other time or place.
Jews frequently were appointed as Viziers by Islamic rules, like in the Iberian Peninsula.
Jews followed the Moslems where ever they went.
And the proof is there are still over 20k Jews living in Tehran even now.

The Haifa riots were caused by the British.
The 1933 Palestine riots (Hebrew: מאורעות תרצ"ד, Me'oraot Tartsad) were a series of violent riots in Mandatory Palestine, as part of the intercommunal conflict in Mandatory Palestine. The riots erupted on 13 October 1933 when the police broke up a banned demonstration organized by the Arab Executive Committee.[1] The riots came as the culmination of Arab resentment at Jewish migration after it surged to new heights following the rise of Nazi Germany, and at the British Mandate authorities for allegedly facilitating Jewish land purchases.[1] The second mass demonstration, at Jaffa in October, turned into a bloodbath when police fired on the thousands-strong crowd, killing 19 and injuring some 70. The "Jaffa massacre", as Palestinians called it, quickly triggered further unrest, including a week-long general strike and urban insurrections that resulted in police killing 7 more Arabs and wounding another 130 with gunfire.[2]
The events of October 1933 had five phases:[6]
  • Jerusalem, 13 October
  • Jaffa, 27 October
  • Haifa, 27–28 October
  • Nablus, 27 October
  • Jerusalem, 28–29 October

Oct. 7 was caused by the Israelis stealing 85% of Palestine, barricading the natives into a space so small that they cannot survive.
So Oct 7 was justified reprisal.
Impossible. According to another user, in a post you "liked," there was no violence in Haifa before 1947.
Impossible. According to another user, in a post you "liked," there was no violence in Haifa before 1947.
for those who do not know----muslims consider PURCHASE OF LAND
by jews---"THEFT" <<< that is law in most arab countries now---
muslim sellers can be executed for the crime-----because islam has
You refer to them as deceivers without any substance. Anyone can do that. Just keep rambling; liar 🤥

provide the heavenly tablets claimed by the liar moses - you worship - or continue as a deceiver and liar the same as has been recorded throughout history for which judaism is rightfully brought to justice as no other option exists for their unrepentant crime against the heavens.

as are the forgeries and fallacies of the other desert religions similarly used in the persecution and victimization of the innocent using an association with the heavens that has never existed.
Do you live in a jungle or the woods?

both, live on 8th ave and have a 9 acre farm in the country ... difference being, the paradisians have always known the difference between managing the garden for all to prosper and the desert thugs that uses it for their own self interest.
I always understood traditional catholic/orthodox/lutheran(?) theology to say that jews were once choosen, but they killed christ, so the blood of christ "is upon them and their children" and the choosen people or the people of God are not by circumisation anymore but by faith in Christ "in christ we are one, be it woman or man or slave or free or jew or greek" i think the choosen is the church now. But I think even the catholic church made adjustments, giving again more credit to christian zionism and such, that jews are still choosen people. I think the first pope say that was pope john paul the second, he apologised to jews as first pope and declared jews are still choosen people, i think the catholic church didnt fully broke with their traditional doctrine, but this where they made compromises.
Jews were God's chosen people to carry the lineage that would ultimately lead to Jesus Christ, the sacrificial Lamb of God. Satan and his minions worked hard to ruin that human thread, but they failed and Jesus was born.

Jesus Christ died on the cross making all Christians Jews, the chosen people of God, in their hearts. All of us who are Christians are Jews. God's chosen people.

The Jewish nation is all over the world now. Israel, however, that everyone believes is now the homeland of the real Jews is not what we think. The "Jews" that hold Israel now are from the Khazarian Mafia. They are Turks, not Jewish at all.

Research and see.
Positive. All life must consume. You are effectively saying life is wrong. Take that up with God.
Please do me the favor not to use the words "god" or "bible" in any future conversation with me, anti-Christian and anti-philosopher.
my husband was Born in ARABIA----tell him he is an "arab" and he might
SPIT. I have never met a single jew from an arab land who considered
himself an Arab. I have relatives from Iran who refuse to EVER speak
Farsi-----Those from Turkey---speak spanish or hebrew---not even turkish
although they claim to know it. Israelis stole nothing----Jews purchased
land----sometimes the same land repeatedly. Arabs are squatters----
muhummad never purchased Jerusalem, He just decided he owned it because his magical flying horse took a dump as he flew over the city. Learn some
real history

The Jews of Yemen are definitely Arab, not Russian or Polish etc. Remember. The Torah teaches that Isaac, Ishmael and the six sons of Keturah were half brothers.
provide the heavenly tablets claimed by the liar moses - you worship - or continue as a deceiver and liar the same as has been recorded throughout history for which judaism is rightfully brought to justice as no other option exists for their unrepentant crime against the heavens.

as are the forgeries and fallacies of the other desert religions similarly used in the persecution and victimization of the innocent using an association with the heavens that has never DAW
🥱 No substance; just a lot of rambling and incoherent nonsense Keep it up 👍


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