Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

That’s what mentally illl people do when they can’t face reality ; they lie

Dietrich Bonhöfer and others - for example my Jewish grandpa - faced reality. Today many peope in the world face reality. What you are doing is to throw sand into a virtual air and to expect the sand will build a palace in reality. But you are not the fairy tale king who really did do so before he faced a murderer and the reality of this stupid idiot - whoever this had been.

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both, live on 8th ave and have a 9 acre farm in the country ... difference being, the paradisians have always known the difference between managing the garden for all to prosper and the desert thugs that uses it for their own self interest.
Horseshit. The only difference between you and everybody else is your false sense of moral superiority.
What about to learn to read and to try to understand what others say?
The only thing of value to learn from your insults is I don't want to be like you. I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me.
The Jews of Yemen are definitely Arab, not Russian or Polish etc. Remember. The Torah teaches that Isaac, Ishmael and the six sons of Keturah were half brothers.
your catechism slut lied.-----oh---another islamo-nazi meme---DA JOOOS IS RUSSIANS----uhm ---no KHAZARS!!!!!!!! "arabs" of arabia carry the stain or their linguistic background. The Jews of Yemen just don't have that problem. They were literate in Hebrew even before they got to Yemen
and continued to be so literate during their sojourn which extends back
to at least 1000 years before the rapist of arabia was born. ----and never actually got into arabic except for an hebraized form of arabic---ie judeo-arabic which some of them still manage to remember. They have their
own literature just as the jews that landed in "Ashkenaz" have their
own literature----written long before arabic had an alphabet. They also
still do aramaic which is not arabic----back in the days of Babylon.
Muhummad spoke arabic---neither hebrew nor aramaic. The solution
to your confusion lies in the sands of Yathrib-----all will be solved when
the old synagogues and genizahs get dug up
🥱 No substance; just a lot of rambling and incoherent nonsense Keep it up 👍
provide the heavenly tablets claimed by the liar moses - you worship - or continue as a deceiver and liar the same as has been recorded throughout history for which judaism is rightfully brought to justice as no other option exists for their unrepentant crime against the heavens.

you can run to your book of forgeries and fallacies and as a result never know the heavens above ...

as those you worship live in their own self administered torment who the desert dwellers are themselves responsible for their indeterminate confinement.
The only thing of value to learn from your insults is I don't want to be like you. I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me.

oh, you claim you died to yourself ...


* how did that turn out for you - maybe you can try again ... (maybe not).
your catechism slut lied.-----oh---another islamo-nazi meme---DA JOOOS IS RUSSIANS----uhm ---no KHAZARS!!!!!!!! "arabs" of arabia carry the stain or their linguistic background. The Jews of Yemen just don't have that problem. They were literate in Hebrew even before they got to Yemen
and continued to be so literate during their sojourn which extends back
to at least 1000 years before the rapist of arabia was born. ----and never actually got into arabic except for an hebraized form of arabic---ie judeo-arabic which some of them still manage to remember. They have their
own literature just as the jews that landed in "Ashkenaz" have their
own literature----written long before arabic had an alphabet. They also
still do aramaic which is not arabic----back in the days of Babylon.
Muhummad spoke arabic---neither hebrew nor aramaic. The solution
to your confusion lies in the sands of Yathrib-----all will be solved when
the old synagogues and genizahs get dug up
Are you planning on digging in Arabia?
Are you planning on digging in Arabia?
of course not----the muslims would go nuts if anyone disturbed the
burial place of the rapist----looking for buried synagogues NO LESS.
They're going nuts in India because the HINDUS dug out the temple
of RAMA in Ayodhya under the mosque that the invading slob BARBUR
your catechism slut lied.-----oh---another islamo-nazi meme---DA JOOOS IS RUSSIANS----uhm ---no KHAZARS!!!!!!!! "arabs" of arabia carry the stain or their linguistic background. The Jews of Yemen just don't have that problem. They were literate in Hebrew even before they got to Yemen
and continued to be so literate during their sojourn which extends back
to at least 1000 years before the rapist of arabia was born. ----and never actually got into arabic except for an hebraized form of arabic---ie judeo-arabic which some of them still manage to remember. They have their
own literature just as the jews that landed in "Ashkenaz" have their
own literature----written long before arabic had an alphabet. They also
still do aramaic which is not arabic----back in the days of Babylon.
Muhummad spoke arabic---neither hebrew nor aramaic. The solution
to your confusion lies in the sands of Yathrib-----all will be solved when
the old synagogues and genizahs get dug up
suradie laughed----she has no idea who EZRA was----and the fact that
he communicated with the Yemenite jews 1000 years before the rapist was
born----IN HEBREW AND ARAMAIC---not arabic---SHEEEESH surada--READ
you can run to your book of forgeries and fallacies and as a result never know the heavens above ...

as those you worship live in their own self administered torment who the desert dwellers are themselves responsible for their indeterminate confinement.
You can run to your therapist and ask him why you are unable to express yourself accurately with specific examples. He may order a CT Scan or MRI
You can run to your therapist and ask him why you are unable to express yourself accurately with specific examples. He may order a CT Scan or MRI
VDRL is my test of choice----but it is a fact that HIV always
lodges in the brain.
of course not----the muslims would go nuts if anyone disturbed the
burial place of the rapist----looking for buried synagogues NO LESS.
They're going nuts in India because the HINDUS dug out the temple
of RAMA in Ayodhya under the mosque that the invading slob BARBUR
oh gee----Surada laughed----I got more for her---there are buried
synagogues in Pakistan. How about you and I GO ON A DIG???
of course not----the muslims would go nuts if anyone disturbed the
burial place of the rapist----looking for buried synagogues NO LESS.
They're going nuts in India because the HINDUS dug out the temple
of RAMA in Ayodhya under the mosque that the invading slob BARBUR

Archeology is really important in Arabia these days. They have made wonderful finds ... Are you familiar with Madain Saleh or the treasure trove of artifacts in Jeddah. I know you think Jews are the center of the universe, but they are just another Canaanite tribe that happens to have a gift for storytelling and literature. You have constantly ridiculed the Arabs as inferior to you. Why don't you just go home?

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