Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

I spent two decades in the Middle East. I have an opinion of tolerant, kind ,family oriented, hospitable people.

Remember your bragging about having servants
as a rich oil executive, that's what you call "tolerance"?

As to family orientation,
the infant girls buried alive in the desert,
with the women killed for "honor" tell otherwise.
And that's where all that posing "hospitality" abruptly ends.
a link to what, the judean bible all three desert religions ... the paradisian, religion of antiquity that of jesus is spoken not written - a 10000 page document is neither required nor needed ...

the judean inclusion of a serpent is for them their timely diversion for their own purposes that of moses or the conclave that wrote in their name for their own purposes than those of the inclusive heavens.

as illustrated by jesus and that of moses ...

the heavenly inclusion, all living beings to pursue remission to the everlasting is the reiteration made in the 1st century taught by jesus as among the refutation of judaism he and those others were willing to give their lives than live vainly for insular and selfish purposes.
No link as to what the Psycho posted 👍🇮🇱
I spent two decades in the Middle East. I have an opinion of tolerant, kind ,family oriented, hospitable people.
Winifred Wagner----the wife of Siegfried Wagner---a grandson of
THE Richard Wagner had even nicer things to say about Adolf Hitler---
his kindness and generosity and humanity leading her to choose to
leave the England of her birth to live in the gracious hospitality of
Adolf et al and the German people during World II and for MANY
decades thereafter until her death, continually testifying as to the
kindness and humaneness of Adolf --even the dogs and
her many children loved 'uncle Adolf' I saw a televised
interview in which the interviewer, very gently, alluded to the
killing of millions of jews to which the elderly Winifred
hand-waved a dismissive gesture and declared
'oh, that was Himmler's idea'
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Dietrich Bonhöfer and others - for example my Jewish grandpa - faced reality. Today many peope in the world face reality. What you are doing is to throw sand into a virtual air and to expect the sand will build a palace in reality. But you are not the fairy tale king who really did do so before he faced a murderer and the reality of this stupid idiot - whoever this had been.

Really? Tell me what posts you agree with him on Maybe you should join him 😝
Really? Tell me what posts you agree with him on Maybe you should join him 😝

Maybe I should kill you - so you are not able on your own to kill such unborn and/or living noble and holy human beings.

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I spent two decades in the Middle East. I have an opinion of tolerant, kind ,family oriented, hospitable people.
I spent 50 years working closely with muslims from MANY MANY
different parts of the world and socializing in the homes of many
---and was even invited to visit mosques. I also worked closely
with non muslims from muslim controlled countries or those
adjacent to muslim lands (eg Kenya, India, Iran, Morocco, Lebanon,
Syria, Iraq---and ---others) I am married to a man who
was born a "dhimmi" I read the koran more than 50 years ago
at a time when most kids of my age at that time in the USA never
heard of it. All of the people I knew well were hospitable and
family oriented. ----so are all the Mexican immigrants of my
acquaintance----etc etc etc. There have been lots of migrants
from muslim lands in my area of the USA since my childhood
(long long ago)
Winifred Wagner----the wife of Siegfried Wagner---a grandson of
THE Richard Wagner had even nicer things to say about Adolf Hitler---
his kindness and generosity and humanity leading her to choose to
leave the England of her birth to live in the gracious hospitality of
Adolf et al and the German people during World II and for MANY
decades thereafter until her death, continually testifying as to the
kindness and humaneness of Adolf --even the dogs and
her many children loved 'uncle Adolf' I saw a televised
interview in which the interviewer, very gently, alluded to the
killing of millions of jews to which the elderly Winifred
hand-waved a dismissive gesture and declared
'oh, that was Himmler's idea'

What a bullshit. Richard Wagner was born in 1813 and died in 1883. Hitler was born in 1889 - years after the death of Richard Wagner. The antipathies on Jews of Wagner (Wagner felt in love with a Jewish lady who did not take him very serios as far as I heard) is absolutelly not comparable with the anti-Semitism of Hitler. Hitler used Wagner for his "German" (Aryan) propaganda - that's all. No German ever had been an "Aryan"! Indeed Wagner had been a Frankonian and made his music in very most cases for the king of Bavaria. Germans? No Germans? Depends how to see this. For sure no Prussians. The later family members of this king of Bavaria had been arrested from the Nazis. The later members of his composer's family were appropriated by the Nazis. And Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford had been US-American Nazis on their own free will without any pressure or influence to have to be such idiots. So what do you think is anyone really able to learn out of all this lifes and stories?

By the way: Indeed the Hitler which most people think to know was born in World War 1 and grew to a monster in World War 2.

And here a march from composer Richard Wagner for his king Ludwig II. Do you see soldiers marching when you hear this music? ...

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I wrote them and have no recollection of writing "arabs are
inferior to me"----read the koran and some writings of koranic
scholars and review SHARIAH LAW and DHIMMIA. I do not
consider Germans to be inferior to me----but I do have a negative
opinion of nazism. I do not consider persons from Atlanta Georgia
to be inferior to me----but do consider their politics of 1860 in
a negative light

The Khazars were big slavers.
What a bullshit. Richard Wagner was born in 1813 and died in 1883. Hitler was born in 1889 - years after the death of Richard Wagner. The antipathies on Jews of Wagner (Wagner felt in love with a Jewish lady who did not take him very serios as farv as I heard) is absolutelly not comparable with the anti-Semitism of Hitler. Hitler uded Wagner for his "German" propaganda - that's all. Indeed Wagner had been a Frankonian and made his music in very most cases for the king of Bavaria. Germans? No Germans? Depends how to see this. The later family memerbs of this king of Bavaria had been arrested from the Nazis. The later members of his composer's family were appropriated by the Nazis. And Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford had been US-American Nazis on their own free will without any pressure or influence to have to be such idiots. So what do you think is anyone really able to learn out of all this lifes and stories?

By the way: Indeed the Hitler which most people think to know was born in World War 1 and grew to a monster in World War 2.

Here by the way a march from composer Wagner for king Ludwig II.

the discussion was about WINIFRED WAGNER----it was she who was very
attracted to Adolf and Nazism before she married Siegfried. She was born
in England but somehow the family had german connections and she ended up married to Siegfried by some sort of arrangement to cure him of
his homosexuality?----she seems to have been a widow for the bulk of her
public career. As far as I can make out---her relatives and her children
rejected nazism-----but she did not---which makes her ""interesting""
In the televised interview she was OLD uhm ----like me but I look much younger
Remember your bragging about having servants
as a rich oil executive, that's what you call "tolerance"?

As to family orientation,
the infant girls buried alive in the desert,
with the women killed for "honor" tell otherwise.
And that's where all that posing "hospitality" abruptly ends.

Of course we had servants.. that doesn't mean I was an oil executive.

Muhammad forbid the exposure of infants.

Honor killings are rare, treated like murder. You must watch a lot of television.

The Khazars were big slavers.
Khazeria was muslim. The KUZARIE is a poem by Judah haLevi
in which he uses a legend of the conversion to Judaism of some
noblemen of Khazeria to present a scholarly discussion
of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. That the legend is actually true---
or that the WHOLE COUNTRY became jewish is highly questionable.
So sorry to bust your bubble
Of course we had servants.. that doesn't mean I was an oil executive.

Muhammad forbid the exposure of infants.

Honor killings are rare, treated like murder. You must watch a lot of television.

Did you notice, took only 2 posts for to go from Arab "tolerance", hospitality,
to justifying modern slavery, forbidding burying infants alive,
and minimizing the culture of "honor" killing in the family.

That's a good emissary for the Semitic heritage?

Islam clearly needs reformation.
Did you notice, took only 2 posts for to go from Arab "tolerance", hospitality,
to justifying modern slavery, forbidding burying infants alive,
and minimizing the culture of "honor" killing in the family.

That's a good emissary for the Semitic heritage?

Islam clearly needs reformation.

Just try reading the thread.

Nobody is justifying modern slavery.

House boys, gardeners and ironing boys are paid employees, stupid.
Maybe I should kill you - so you are not able on your own to kill such unborn and/or living noble and holy human beings.

Please tell us who those “ holy human beings” were? “ Maybe I should kill you?” Sounds like something a “ Good Catholic “ would say 👿
Just try reading the thread.

Nobody is justifying modern slavery.

House boys, gardeners and ironing boys are paid employees, stupid.

Except spoiled Arabian princess...

calling slavery "tolerance"?

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