Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

Look it up.
You trace DNA lineage through language.
All the Semitic languages are of Arab origins.
That is what "Semitic" means, "of Arab origins", from Shem, a fabled son of Noah.
All Arabs come from the Canaanites who created the first real metropolis in Jericho, around 8000 BC.
All original Hebrew obviously were Arabs.
All Egyptians except the Pharaohs are Arab.
The Hebrew would not have been allowed refuge in Egypt or been able to converse with Egyptians if they were not all Arabs.

Iranians are not Arabs. They are Persians. Turks are not Arabs, but Mongol, Cimmerian, and Cossack.

Israel purchased less than 10% of Israel, and none of the rest of Palestine, like the West Bank.
Here is a 1937 map.

Shouldn't use so many words,
when you don't know what they mean.

Arabs really overcompensate about being among
the latest arrivals, linguistically and as a nation, in the M. East history.

Jews were God's chosen people to carry the lineage that would ultimately lead to Jesus Christ, the sacrificial Lamb of God. Satan and his minions worked hard to ruin that human thread, but they failed and Jesus was born.

Jesus Christ died on the cross making all Christians Jews, the chosen people of God, in their hearts. All of us who are Christians are Jews. God's chosen people.

The Jewish nation is all over the world now. Israel, however, that everyone believes is now the homeland of the real Jews is not what we think. The "Jews" that hold Israel now are from the Khazarian Mafia. They are Turks, not Jewish at all.

Research and see.

No god would ever have a "Chosen People" as that is inherently evil.
But I agree Netanyahu is an atheist Khazar.
Ironically, all British troops Jews killed are "peacekeepers",
while those killed by Arabs are "foreign invaders"...

And all shoes lost in the mosques,
were stolen by the Mossad...

The native Palestinians were never armed, so killed no one.
All the mass murders were by Zionists who the US illegally armed.
Shouldn't use so many words,
when you don't know what they mean.

Arabs really overcompensate about being among
the latest arrivals, linguistically and as a nation, in the M. East history.


That is just an obvious lie.

The Palestinian Arabs came from the Arab Canaanites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Edomites, Urites, Nabateans. etc. going back over 5000 years before anyone was in Saudi Arabia.
The native Palestinians were never armed, so killed no one.
All the mass murders were by Zionists who the US illegally armed.

And by making absurd generalizations in such pathos
reveals the need to compensate for what?

No Zionist ever shot a single bullet
before the Arab pogroms.
That is just an obvious lie.

The Palestinian Arabs came from the Arab Canaanites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Edomites, Urites, Nabateans. etc. going back over 5000 years before anyone was in Saudi Arabia.

Not so obvious if you have to change the subject.
Didn't you claim choosing a people was evil?

Go on, try to string an original sentence.
What is evil about choosing a people?

There are good and evil individuals, but not tribes.
So picking a tribe means not rewarding being good, but instead being racist, bigoted, discriminatory, elitest, exclusive, etc.
There could hardly be a worse sin, and it is very telling you would even as such an obvious question.
And by making absurd generalizations in such pathos
reveals the need to compensate for what?

No Zionist ever shot a single bullet
before the Arab pogroms.

The 1929 Hebron riots are well documented to have been started by a recent European Zionist immigrant who shot and killed a native strawberry vendor over prices.
There are good and evil individuals, but not tribes.
So picking a tribe means not rewarding being good, but instead being racist, bigoted, discriminatory, elitest, exclusive, etc.
There could hardly be a worse sin, and it is very telling you would even as such an obvious question.

That tells more about what you will choose a people for.
It doesn't actually explain why it's any of that.

Arab nation wasn't chosen for anything?
Not so obvious if you have to change the subject.
Didn't you claim choosing a people was evil?

Go on, try to string an original sentence.

Of course claiming to be a god chosen people is evil.

But the point of the Arab origins of the Canaanites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, Nabateans, etc., is that they are NATIVE, not that they are chosen by god.
A true god accepts all who adhere to values.
The 1929 Hebron riots are well documented to have been started by a recent European Zionist immigrant who shot and killed a native strawberry vendor over prices.

Is that all you can?

Habibti, you can at least try to converse at the level of adults.
Making up stuff on the go doesn't project respect or credibility.
Of course claiming to be a god chosen people is evil.

But the point of the Arab origins of the Canaanites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, Nabateans, etc., is that they are NATIVE, not that they are chosen by god.
A true god accepts all who adhere to values.

And you don't see the contradiction?

Read your first and last sentences.
That tells more about what you will choose a people for.
It doesn't actually explain why it's any of that.

Arab nation wasn't chosen for anything?

No nation is ever "chosen".
Whoever simply get there first and build on it get native rights.
The 1930s illegal Zionist immigrants have no rights at all, and should have either gone elsewhere, or not been so greedy and violent.
Jews have zero rights to any land in the Mideast.
Not only were they invaders in 1000 BC, but they immorally massacred women and children at Jericho, and lost all rights.
The fact they were violent is shown by the fact everyone kicked them out and disliked their behavior.
The Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greek, Seleucids, and Romans can't all be wrong.
The common factor is the Jews, who must have irritated everyone else.
No nation is ever "chosen".
Whoever simply get there first and build on it get native rights.
The 1930s illegal Zionist immigrants have no rights at all, and should have either gone elsewhere, or not been so greedy and violent.
Jews have zero rights to any land in the Mideast.
Not only were they invaders in 1000 BC, but they immorally massacred women and children at Jericho, and lost all rights.
The fact they were violent is shown by the fact everyone kicked them out and disliked their behavior.
The Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greek, Seleucids, and Romans can't all be wrong.
The common factor is the Jews, who must have irritated everyone else.

The Creator gave and took, to and from
whom the Creator saw fit to give or take.

And you already confirmed it only moral,
in the previous post, but don't realize it yet.
Is that all you can?

Habibti, you can at least try to converse at the level of adults.
Making up stuff on the go doesn't project respect or credibility.

It is not only well documented, but obvious.
The immigrating Jews claimed to only want to live in a Jewish homeland inside an Arab Palestine, but they obviously lied.
If they were actually afraid of Arab pogroms, then the last thing they would have done is murder the British peacekeepers who could have protected them.
Clearly they were not the victim, but the perpetrator of ALL the violence.
And we have the facts from Albert Einstein, who not only saw it, but is trustworthy.
He wrote that the Zionists were going from village to village, tossing hand grenades through native windows.
Zionists murdered tens of thousands of natives.
Hundreds of native villages disappeared.
And you don't see the contradiction?

Read your first and last sentences.

There is no contradiction.
The only point of claiming to be god's chosen is to justify murdering others in order to steal their stuff.
No real god would want to allow that.
Look it up.
You trace DNA lineage through language.
All the Semitic languages are of Arab origins.
That is what "Semitic" means, "of Arab origins", from Shem, a fabled son of Noah.
All Arabs come from the Canaanites who created the first real metropolis in Jericho, around 8000 BC.
All original Hebrew obviously were Arabs.
All Egyptians except the Pharaohs are Arab.
The Hebrew would not have been allowed refuge in Egypt or been able to converse with Egyptians if they were not all Arabs.

Iranians are not Arabs. They are Persians. Turks are not Arabs, but Mongol, Cimmerian, and Cossack.

Israel purchased less than 10% of Israel, and none of the rest of Palestine, like the West Bank.
Here is a 1937 map.
Semitic is a language group.
It is not only well documented, but obvious.
The immigrating Jews claimed to only want to live in a Jewish homeland inside an Arab Palestine, but they obviously lied.
If they were actually afraid of Arab pogroms, then the last thing they would have done is murder the British peacekeepers who could have protected them.
Clearly they were not the victim, but the perpetrator of ALL the violence.
And we have the facts from Albert Einstein, who not only saw it, but is trustworthy.
He wrote that the Zionists were going from village to village, tossing hand grenades through native windows.
Zionists murdered tens of thousands of natives.
Hundreds of native villages disappeared.

Historic justice is a beautiful thing,
but it includes some dirty job.
The Creator gave and took, to and from
whom the Creator saw fit to give or take.

And you already confirmed it only moral,
in the previous post, but don't realize it yet.

A real god would not need to ever "take" from anyone, and taking is immoral, unethical, illegal, criminal, etc.

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