Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

It's not weird. It's reality. Secular humanism fills the void of Christianity with a socialist government. It was for good reason that Marx said communism is naturalized humanism. Surely you can see the correlation between atheism, liberalism and secular humanism.

I provided the logic for my belief that Breezwood is a secular humanist in post # 749.
Because I haven't seen one he doesn't attack.


No comment
You try to provoke me because I say "no comment" so you know I read what you wrote but I do not say something to it? What do you prefer? Not to be taken serios and to get no answer at all? It this the normal US-American life style?

Do you not doubt a little when you say words like "Nazi Israeli" that something could perhaps be wrong with your own Russian Nazi propaganda machine? Or are you only an AS, an artificial stupidity program?
Who steals also murders - so it's better to hang every American who stole something. If you will survive, Adam, then I will perhaps be able to convince god to make you an Eve.
Good thing I never stole anything, huh?
You obviously did if you can accuse me of being a atheist 😜
I never did. Use the quote feature to show me where I did.

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Good thing I never stole anything, huh?

Wonderful, Adam.

PS. Did you ever try to think about who owned the life of the content of your Hamburger before you ate it? Are you really sure you are no thief?
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right---by 1948 DA ZIONISTS owned by PURCHASE about 8% of the land--
arabs OWNED virtually none. In 1947 arab in kafir oil refinery projects
were into killing Jewish workers----nothing new. The British "cops"
entertained themselve by whistling HAIL BRITANNIA---nothing new.
In the same ere----concentration camp survivors were desperate to
get into "palestine"-----the british anglicans fought them (it is said that
a great uncle of mine went down that way)---the Irgun stepped in and
bombed their headquarters-----which HAD BEEN the KING DAVID HOTEL
Islamo nazis like to claim that the act was the bombing of a HOTEL--
because that makes it sound "CIVILIAN" "Destroy villages"---means
any shanty town of arab squatters gets called a "VILLAGE"----the
number of jewish enclaves in lands invaded by muslims that got
destroyed------are not an issue---nor are their cemeteries, schools,
synagogues or "holy sites" ----THOUSANDS. There was a shanty town
of arab huts near the city in which hubby grew up----he avoided it because
---as he told me----he could not tolerate the screams of the women being
beaten by their husbands ---AND because as a crippled child----he was
very vulnerable to arab attack. In any case---in 1948 they decided to pack
up ---fold up their crap and walk away----without so much as a jew with a
rock in hand. They left wild dogs which became a problem

Rosie, there was NEVER been a single incident in Haifa. Not one.

The Zionists were attacking Arabs since the 1920s. They were no better than the Nazis.
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no worries, the heavenly tablets claimed by moses, as judaism - never existed, you needn't pretend they will ever be found.
That’s what mentally illl people do when they can’t face reality ; they lie

well, they do not need to lie about what they do not know exist, ask ellen, who is my partner ... you on the otherhand claim a fallacy used to persecute and victimize the innocent - then you cry and whimper when your own dishonesty is used against you ...

dare you accuse mary, a whore ... that is a word of moses and your - religion - your explanation might work for a round trip - if your lucky. test the heavens only so many times there are too many of you already.
well, they do not need to lie about what they do not know exist, ask ellen, who is my partner ... you on the otherhand claim a fallacy used to persecute and victimize the innocent - then you cry and whimper when your own dishonesty is used against you ...

dare you accuse mary, a whore ... that is a word of moses and your - religion - your explanation might work for a round trip - if your lucky. test the heavens only so many times there are too many of you already.
YOU are the one who called Mary a whore; I just agreed with you You claim the Jews persecuted and victimized the innocent without threads; that’s called paranoia and outright lying. Don’t think they allow Psychopaths in Heaven
Wonderful, Adam.

PS. Did you ever try to think about who owned the life of the content of your Hamburger before you ate it? Are you really sure you are no thief?

Positive. All life must consume. You are effectively saying life is wrong. Take that up with God.
Rosie, there was NEVER been a single incident in Haifa. Not one.

The Zionists were attacking Arabs since the 1920s. They were no better than the Nazis.
I read the islamo nazi propaganda since the late 1950s---I KNOW
YOUR STORY. I also know the family histories of lots of people---
and the written history-----Arabs have been murdering jews for
the past 1400 years---including in Palestine. In fact, you and yours
particularly like to slit the throats of infants. There is no need to
focus on the history of jews and arabs or people and muslims. For
intellectual curiosity, talk to Hindus, Zoroastrians, and Christian
Nigerians----or Armenians. You might even find a candid Bangla
Deshi muslim-----or a Pakistani Shiite. I have encountered examples
of all right here in the USA. Have you noticed that "OCT 7 really did
not happen"? or do you intend to DENY THAT GROSS DENIAL --too?
YOU are the one who called Mary a whore; I just agreed with you You claim the Jews persecuted and victimized the innocent without threads; that’s called paranoia and outright lying. Don’t think they allow Psychopaths in Heaven

never - provide your evidence ... liar.

that's why judaism refers to abraham and moses and most of those others, they are deceivers their followers choose to use to fulfill their needs as a distinct religion than from the beginning to remain true to course.
Positive. All life must consume. You are effectively saying life is wrong. Take that up with God.

there is an issue there whether meant or not ...


what christian or desert dweller has ever fought the asphalt catastrophe ... yes, that life is wrong. as so much else ruled by the desert.

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