Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

no doubt----the land called JUDEA by the Roman invaders was HILLY
and still is-----but 'HILLY" actually does not characterize all of that which
was once referred to as "CANAAN" ----and does characterize lots of which
has nothing to do with the erstwhile "CANAAN"-- That which is today
"the negev" was Canaan to Abraham

This central area is known as 'the Central Hill Country' by historians studying the Bronze Age and early Iron Age, and corresponds to regions later known as Judea and Samaria. In the Middle Bronze Age, i.e. between 2000 and 1550 BCE, Canaan was made up of a number of small city-states.May 16, 2023
The map as history: a multimedia atlas › ...
Canaan, a small territory surrounded by great empires - The map as History
I always understood traditional catholic/orthodox/lutheran(?) theology to say that jews were once choosen, but they killed christ, so the blood of christ "is upon them and their children" and the choosen people or the people of God are not by circumisation anymore but by faith in Christ "in christ we are one, be it woman or man or slave or free or jew or greek" i think the choosen is the church now. But I think even the catholic church made adjustments, giving again more credit to christian zionism and such, that jews are still choosen people. I think the first pope say that was pope john paul the second, he apologised to jews as first pope and declared jews are still choosen people, i think the catholic church didnt fully broke with their traditional doctrine, but this where they made compromises.
Simple answer .......... NO
This central area is known as 'the Central Hill Country' by historians studying the Bronze Age and early Iron Age, and corresponds to regions later known as Judea and Samaria. In the Middle Bronze Age, i.e. between 2000 and 1550 BCE, Canaan was made up of a number of small city-states.May 16, 2023
The map as history: a multimedia atlas › ...
Canaan, a small territory surrounded by great empires - The map as History
good source---your very own Progressive Magazine ---

This didn’t happen overnight, it took many generations until the original identities of these peoples were wiped from their psyche. This campaign started with the Arab-Islamic conquests of neighbouring nations, through these invasions nations were made to submit to the new religion, Islam, as well as submitting to a whole new identity, the identity of the invader. Languages were banned, new generations opened their eyes to one language, Arabic, albeit Arabic dialects which carry much of the regional languages to this day. In fact, it’s almost impossible for an ‘Arab’ from Iraq to understand an ‘Arab’ from Morocco, and vice versa.

^^^^^^ On orders from Allah
good source---your very own Progressive Magazine ---

This didn’t happen overnight, it took many generations until the original identities of these peoples were wiped from their psyche. This campaign started with the Arab-Islamic conquests of neighbouring nations, through these invasions nations were made to submit to the new religion, Islam, as well as submitting to a whole new identity, the identity of the invader. Languages were banned, new generations opened their eyes to one language, Arabic, albeit Arabic dialects which carry much of the regional languages to this day. In fact, it’s almost impossible for an ‘Arab’ from Iraq to understand an ‘Arab’ from Morocco, and vice versa.

^^^^^^ On orders from Allah

By the time Islam arrived the Jews were a tiny minority.. Christianity dominated after the second century. Arabs had been there since the Akkadians.. Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile.

Gulf Arabic is different from classical Arabic but they don't have any trouble understanding each other.
your dense pack for a brain serves you poorly -

the paradisians represent the heavenly religion of antiquity granted a&e at their request for their admission to the everlasting, the heavens by accomplishing their own self determination for judgement - than living in servitude to a deity or the unknown.

- interrupted by the fallacy of hereditary idolatry begun by abraham.
YAWN… No substance 👍
By the time Islam arrived the Jews were a tiny minority.. Christianity dominated after the second century. Arabs had been there since the Akkadians.. Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile.

Gulf Arabic is different from classical Arabic but they don't have any trouble understanding each other.
"By the time" what? ----the bloody invasion of the Levant by Christian (crusader) imperialists and Muslim Imperialists in the seventh centuries
and countin--- decimated the jews. Murdered and Robbed.
Of course the jews were a tiny minority------genocide will accomplish
that which allah and Jesus ORDER.
I often wonder how any jews or even zoroastrians survived the
aggression of christians and muslims---nothing short of miraculous.
So many other cultures simply became EXTINCT---like the
Mayans and Aztecs on the orders of Jesus
Because you do not believe in god.

So you are no Jew, challenger. A Jew would know that challenger means Satan.
So anytime you challenge someone about a statement you are referring to Satan? Inform Webster’s dictionary ASAP
"By the time" what? ----the bloody invasion of the Levant by Christian (crusader) imperialists and Muslim Imperialists in the seventh centuries
and countin--- decimated the jews. Murdered and Robbed.
Of course the jews were a tiny minority------genocide will accomplish
that which allah and Jesus ORDER.
I often wonder how any jews or even zoroastrians survived the
aggression of christians and muslims---nothing short of miraculous.
So many other cultures simply became EXTINCT---like the
Mayans and Aztecs on the orders of Jesus

Most Jews lived outside Palestine by the birth of Christ. After killing the Canaanites they moved to Damascus, Persia, Aleppo, Alexandria, Elephantine Island, Rome...
Most Jews lived outside Palestine by the birth of Christ. After killing the Canaanites they moved to Damascus, Persia, Aleppo, Alexandria, Elephantine Island, Rome...
SO? it is the nature (hard wired in the human brain) to wander---and
provide hybrid vigor for the species. That's how the islands of the South
Pacific got populated ----that's why there are so many varieties of capsaicin.
Even the unwashed, unlettered, nomadic, caravan robbers and slave
trader Ishmaelites wandered----think Somalia and Sudan
SO? it is the nature (hard wired in the human brain) to wander---and
provide hybrid vigor for the species. That's how the islands of the South
Pacific got populated ----that's why there are so many varieties of capsaicin.
Even the unwashed, unlettered, nomadic, caravan robbers and slave
trader Ishmaelites wandered----think Somalia and Sudan

But, you all claim rights under God to kill people and steal their land. What did you think of the damned Nazis?
But, you all claim rights under God to kill people and steal their land. What did you think of the damned Nazis?
who is "YOU ALL"? the people who historically and even now claim the rights to KILL PEOPLE AND STEAL THEIR LAND---are the christian and muslim imperialists-----even in biblical times and SINCE---jews have PURCHASED LAND-----did you ever read the OT, NT, or Koran?-----did they teach you any
history in your FANCY WANCY "private school"? Abraham BOUGHT---
Hebron. David bought Jerusalem, ----the zionists bought land in Israel,
Samaria repeatedly and VIGOROUSLY since the beginning of the 19th century.
How much did the muslims PAY FOR JERUSALEM----or Jenin? Did Muhummad ever buy land?----or that vile dog ABU BAKR---or
did Barbur BUY the Hindu temple of RAMA in Ayodthyaya. For the record---
the ARMENIAN CHURCH also bought the land it OWNs in Jerusalem. I bought my house in the USA----My grandparents paid the rent on the apartment in NYC. They did not murder, rape or behead babies to get it. ----Barbur did that.
Surely you can see the correlation between atheism, liberalism and secular humanism.

there is no correlation between the above 3 distinct isms - only in the perverted personifications of contrived conclusions by the illiterate - for nefarious purposes.

the three above can be correlated w/ higher education ... the bane of the desert dwellers. bing.
Bedford Forest was a Democrat.

so what ...


if it quacks - waddles - screams - like a maga - it is a pug, known by some as a republican - the grand cyclops - bing.
who is "YOU ALL"? the people who historically and even now claim the rights to KILL PEOPLE AND STEAL THEIR LAND---are the christian and muslim imperialists-----even in biblical times and SINCE---jews have PURCHASED LAND-----did you ever read the OT, NT, or Koran?-----did they teach you any
history in your FANCY WANCY "private school"? Abraham BOUGHT---
Hebron. David bought Jerusalem, ----the zionists bought land in Israel,
Samaria repeatedly and VIGOROUSLY since the beginning of the 19th century.
How much did the muslims PAY FOR JERUSALEM----or Jenin? Did Muhummad ever buy land?----or that vile dog ABU BAKR---or
did Barbur BUY the Hindu temple of RAMA in Ayodthyaya. For the record---
the ARMENIAN CHURCH also bought the land it OWNs in Jerusalem. I bought my house in the USA----My grandparents paid the rent on the apartment in NYC. They did not murder, rape or behead babies to get it. ----Barbur did that.

By 1948 the Zionists owned 8% of the land. Why destroy over 300 Arab villages in 1947-48? Why bomb the King David hotel or the oil refinery in Haifa in 1947?

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