Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

USAF 2023

You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews, isn't it? But your ancestors - or you on your own - are from Europe, isn't it? Why do you not say "I" or "my ancestors" persecuted Jews?

USAF 2023

You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews, isn't it? But your ancestors - or you on your own - are from Europe, isn't it? Why do you not say "I" or "my ancestors" persecuted Jews?
Refer to post I think 723? That should answer your question
Again; you make rambling statements that you can’t back up . Please tell us how Moses lied The forth century? Christian had been persecuting Jews for 400 years 🇮🇱✡️
provide the claimed heavenly tablets by the liar moses w/ 10 commandments ...

you are a disingenuous religious zealot ... or provide what is claimed.


Mary WAS a whore
Christian had been persecuting Jews for 400 years 🇮🇱✡️

you speak of those in the 1st century, the paradisians - the jews used the romans (christians) to have them crucified, mary the whore ... as those being the same as 4th century christians.

too bad for the jews, they are responsible for their own fate at the same hands, the romans they used for their crimes they committed - including because of them what evolved in the 4th century.

the 1st century events is then and the same today a refutation of judaism and their false heavenly personifications they use to enrich themselves at the expense of all others, abraham - hereditary idolatry - to persecute and victimize the innocent in one way or another.

View attachment 897437

maybe the grand cyclops needs a breather - and a new bible.
There are 13 Congressional Volumes which detail how the KKK was formed as the terrorist wing of the Democratic Party for the express purpose of taking back their statehouses from BLACK REPUBLICANS through force and intimidation.

Full text of "Report of the Joint select committee appointed to inquire in to the condition of affairs in the late insurrectionary states : so far as regards the execution of the laws, and the safety of the lives and property of the citizens of the United States and Testimony taken"

you are a disingenuous religious zealot ... or provide what is claimed.

View attachment 897417

you speak of those in the 1st century, the paradisians - the jews used the romans (christians) to have them crucified, mary the whore ... as those being the same as 4th century christians.

too bad for the jews, they are responsible for their own fate at the same hands, the romans they used for their crimes they committed - including because of them what evolved in the 4th century.

the 1st century events is then and the same today a refutation of judaism and their false heavenly personifications they use to enrich themselves at the expense of all others, abraham - hereditary idolatry - to persecute and victimize the innocent in one way or another.
Keep speaking of the first century; MAYBE you should start before that time. Keep babbling about Moses and his “ crimes” without any proof 👍✡️
Why should someone call Buddhists or Hinduists anti-Semites? So if someone is not doing so - what says this?
My post was to USAF 2023 about Breezewood. USAF 2023 is saying Breezewood is antisemitic. USAF 2023 isn't saying Breezwood is a Buddhist or Hindu. I was saying no one knows what Breezewood is because Breezewood is secretive about his religion. I was merely commenting that Breezewood is primarily attacking Christians and to a lesser degree Judaism. I've never seen him criticize Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism. The only thing Breezewood is consistent in is attacking religion in general. Which is why I believe he is a secular humanist and socialist. Because socialism has always sought to subordinate religion.
I didn't say religion was a gun.

You compared religion with a gun.

I said religion is a tool like a gun is a tool.

So you compared religion with a gun.

Now do you understand?

I understood very well that you said "guns do not kill" - but this is wrong and the Christian religion is not able to be an excuse for anyone to say such an anti-Christian bullshit and nonsense.
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Is he? - or better to say: "Was he?", anti-Semite?

moses and abraham live in torment for their crimes against the heaves, false personifications - those working to repair their damage do so with the hope to free them from their crimes.

zaan - the 1st century events by jesus, the paradisians was first and foremost a repudiation of judaism and their false heavenly personifications ... now you know.

oh, and the cyclops surreptitiously claims they were formed by a political party ... try - bedford forest - confederate general.


its not a political party, liar - it is a christian only organization that associates w/ either political party that will pander to the their c-bible and bible belt issues.
My post was to USAF 2023 about Breezewood. USAF 2023 is saying Breezewood is antisemitic. USAF 2023 isn't saying Breezwood is a Buddhist or Hindu. I was saying no one knows what Breezewood is because Breezewood is secretive about his religion. I was merely commenting that Breezewood is primarily attacking Christians and to a lesser degree Judaism. I've never seen him criticize Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism. The only thing Breezewood is consistent in is attacking religion in general. Which is why I believe he is a secular humanist and socialist. Because socialism has always sought to subordinate religion.

This was also a question how your logic works. You say Breezewood attacks Christians and Jews. This you seem to know. So why do you think he is attacking "religion in general"? From which point of view in which areligious position?
oh, and the cyclops surreptitiously claims they were formed by a political party ... try - bedford forest - confederate general.

View attachment 897471

its not a political party, liar - it is a christian only organization that associates w/ either political party that will pander to the their c-bible and bible belt issues.

The KKK has absolutelly nothing to do with Christians. Most simple example how to see this: Christians do not burn crosses.

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