Are Liberal Men too Feminized?

Well, as far as I can tell ... Yes

It could be the wimpiness, it could be the dresses, it could be the sex changes, it could be the bitchy attitudes ... but yes..
It's amusing how much MAGAt males protest. :heehee:
Dang, beat me to it.

Then that tells you that the world is in a vice grip controlled by elites. They are showing the Jan. 6 anniversary event and the Progs have made it a Broadway special. The real tragedy is.... are they all keeping a straight face on purpose or are they that serious and gone from reality? Perhaps if we reenact a real D.Day situation and force them on troop carriers to a beach not unlike Normandy and others we will see their true colors. Our priorities are so screwed up.
It's amusing how much MAGAt males protest. :heehee:
still .. hugs for bodecea..

and ... yet not quite as amusing as Biden boobs making excuses for Biden's constant failures and consistent international embarrassments..
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:bigbed: it's been fun .. thanks .. damn, I can't believe I've stayed up all night..
You see conservative gun humpers who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, but feel tough because they are armed.

But in the end, they are pussies, and they know they are pussies. They think their guns will make them safe, and this leads to a very unhealthy obsession with firearms. At the end of the day, gun or no gun, these so called "men" are still the wimpy kids who got their asses kicked growing up and are compensating. Don't ever be afraid of these pussies, they roll over like bitches.

But they don’t think hetero sex is icky.
and ... yet not quite as amusing as Biden boobs making excuses for Biden's constant failures and consistent international embarrassments..
And yet Biden keeps curbstomping you effortlessly, while never losing his calm smile.

If such a supposed weakling can bend you over so easily, what does that make you?

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