Are Obama's approval rating numbers bogus or real?

According to polls 56% or more approve of the job Obama has done.

On the flip-side 65% or more think the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Those two numbers are literally impossible to reconcile when logic is applied. Which begs the question, which number is real and which is manufactured?

Those are not impossible to reconcile. You have to assume that the direction of the country is solely reliant upon the job the president does to say that.

Take a look at congressional approval ratings and rethink whether people can consider Obama to have done a good job yet also think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Or look at social issues which are not the direct responsibility of government, let alone the president.

The president is not the country. It is possible to think he has done a good job and yet the country as a whole is not going in a good direction.

I don't think Obama has done a particularly good or bad job. I also don't give him credit or blame for everything happening around the nation. :dunno:
One congressman in a sea of congressmen. One president in a sea of presidents......err, wait
Look how the polls predicted Clinton would win....there is the answer to Obungle's bogus approval ratings
All it reflects is the effects of the msm, entertainment industry, and educational system.

Yes, fake polling. Sort of like payola.

The left wing voting base shows us over and over again how unwilling they are to deviate from the narrative pushed by those entities.

How many things for instance do they still believe about boooosh. They still believe he lied about WMDs to this day. That is just one example.
Because logic tells us the prez is not responsible for everything.

Well this POTUS is never responsible for anything. Its always the other guys fault. BUUSSHH.

As for his numbers?? Who cares. In three weeks he's gone. Gone to play some more golf.
According to polls 56% or more approve of the job Obama has done.

On the flip-side 65% or more think the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Those two numbers are literally impossible to reconcile when logic is applied. Which begs the question, which number is real and which is manufactured?

Those are not impossible to reconcile. You have to assume that the direction of the country is solely reliant upon the job the president does to say that.

Take a look at congressional approval ratings and rethink whether people can consider Obama to have done a good job yet also think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Or look at social issues which are not the direct responsibility of government, let alone the president.

The president is not the country. It is possible to think he has done a good job and yet the country as a whole is not going in a good direction.

I don't think Obama has done a particularly good or bad job. I also don't give him credit or blame for everything happening around the nation. :dunno:
One congressman in a sea of congressmen. One president in a sea of presidents......err, wait

How does that address my point?

Yes, we have only one president but many congresspeople. Does that mean that the president has sole responsibility for the state of the country? Of course not. Your premise is faulty.
According to polls 56% or more approve of the job Obama has done.

On the flip-side 65% or more think the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Those two numbers are literally impossible to reconcile when logic is applied. Which begs the question, which number is real and which is manufactured?

Those are not impossible to reconcile. You have to assume that the direction of the country is solely reliant upon the job the president does to say that.

Take a look at congressional approval ratings and rethink whether people can consider Obama to have done a good job yet also think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Or look at social issues which are not the direct responsibility of government, let alone the president.

The president is not the country. It is possible to think he has done a good job and yet the country as a whole is not going in a good direction.

I don't think Obama has done a particularly good or bad job. I also don't give him credit or blame for everything happening around the nation. :dunno:
One congressman in a sea of congressmen. One president in a sea of presidents......err, wait

Let me ask this . If people could vote to toss out all of congress at once , do you think that would pass ?
According to polls 56% or more approve of the job Obama has done.

On the flip-side 65% or more think the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Those two numbers are literally impossible to reconcile when logic is applied. Which begs the question, which number is real and which is manufactured?

Those are not impossible to reconcile. You have to assume that the direction of the country is solely reliant upon the job the president does to say that.

Take a look at congressional approval ratings and rethink whether people can consider Obama to have done a good job yet also think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Or look at social issues which are not the direct responsibility of government, let alone the president.

The president is not the country. It is possible to think he has done a good job and yet the country as a whole is not going in a good direction.

I don't think Obama has done a particularly good or bad job. I also don't give him credit or blame for everything happening around the nation. :dunno:
One congressman in a sea of congressmen. One president in a sea of presidents......err, wait

Let me ask this . If people could vote to toss out all of congress at once , do you think that would pass ?

The people did one hell of a job in 2010 and 2012 throwing out members of Congress....unfortunately for the left it was mostly demoquacks
Another example .

Congress approval is literally in like the teens . But when asked to rate ones local congressman. He gets favorable ratings .
That is a very different situation.

No it's not.

You know what's really bogus ? Whenever there's a stat or poll the right doesn't like, they declare it's FALSE!
It is.

Congress has a more local focus that matches the party alignment of their state, city, county or district; so the party in charge LIKES their representative or Senator and HATES the representatives of the other states, cities, counties or districts.
The poll is legit.

Among the multiple things that I can guarantee you is that on 1/20/17, all of the sudden, any poll that is favorable for Trump will be legit, any economic indicator that isn’t will be bogus, and suddenly, presidential golf games won’t matter.
According to polls 56% or more approve of the job Obama has done.

On the flip-side 65% or more think the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Those two numbers are literally impossible to reconcile when logic is applied. Which begs the question, which number is real and which is manufactured?

Those are not impossible to reconcile. You have to assume that the direction of the country is solely reliant upon the job the president does to say that.

Take a look at congressional approval ratings and rethink whether people can consider Obama to have done a good job yet also think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Or look at social issues which are not the direct responsibility of government, let alone the president.

The president is not the country. It is possible to think he has done a good job and yet the country as a whole is not going in a good direction.

I don't think Obama has done a particularly good or bad job. I also don't give him credit or blame for everything happening around the nation. :dunno:
One congressman in a sea of congressmen. One president in a sea of presidents......err, wait

Let me ask this . If people could vote to toss out all of congress at once , do you think that would pass ?

Careful, you’re destroying his false equivalences.
When obummer gained the WH everything was Bush's fault, now as he leaves the WH eight years later everything is the Republicans's fault. Democrats never take responsibility for a damn thing!

Lol!! Righties blame obama for everything. "Thanks obama " has become a viral hit because of the outrageous obama blaming .
Well, he was in charge! Ramming his agenda through!
According to polls 56% or more approve of the job Obama has done.

On the flip-side 65% or more think the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Those two numbers are literally impossible to reconcile when logic is applied. Which begs the question, which number is real and which is manufactured?

Those are not impossible to reconcile. You have to assume that the direction of the country is solely reliant upon the job the president does to say that.

Take a look at congressional approval ratings and rethink whether people can consider Obama to have done a good job yet also think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Or look at social issues which are not the direct responsibility of government, let alone the president.

The president is not the country. It is possible to think he has done a good job and yet the country as a whole is not going in a good direction.

I don't think Obama has done a particularly good or bad job. I also don't give him credit or blame for everything happening around the nation. :dunno:
One congressman in a sea of congressmen. One president in a sea of presidents......err, wait

Let me ask this . If people could vote to toss out all of congress at once , do you think that would pass ?
1,030 Fed and State seats have gone from Dem to Rep since Obama took office. The purge is well underway.
According to polls 56% or more approve of the job Obama has done.

On the flip-side 65% or more think the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Those two numbers are literally impossible to reconcile when logic is applied. Which begs the question, which number is real and which is manufactured?

Those are not impossible to reconcile. You have to assume that the direction of the country is solely reliant upon the job the president does to say that.

Take a look at congressional approval ratings and rethink whether people can consider Obama to have done a good job yet also think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Or look at social issues which are not the direct responsibility of government, let alone the president.

The president is not the country. It is possible to think he has done a good job and yet the country as a whole is not going in a good direction.

I don't think Obama has done a particularly good or bad job. I also don't give him credit or blame for everything happening around the nation. :dunno:
One congressman in a sea of congressmen. One president in a sea of presidents......err, wait

Let me ask this . If people could vote to toss out all of congress at once , do you think that would pass ?
1,030 Fed and State seats have gone from Dem to Rep since Obama took office. The purge is well underway.

And yet the country becomes more and more socially liberal .

Weed is legal in some form in like 1/2 the states, gays more accepted , etc..
According to polls 56% or more approve of the job Obama has done.

On the flip-side 65% or more think the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Those two numbers are literally impossible to reconcile when logic is applied. Which begs the question, which number is real and which is manufactured?
It means they like Obama on a personal level but not his policies.
According to polls 56% or more approve of the job Obama has done.

On the flip-side 65% or more think the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Those two numbers are literally impossible to reconcile when logic is applied. Which begs the question, which number is real and which is manufactured?
It means they like Obama on a personal level but not his policies.
Aka he was a bad president?
I think that African-Americans may explain the apparent inconsistency in the two polls presented by the O. P.

90% or more of Blacks are going to approve of Obama, or say so to a pollster....that's worth about 10% popularity points.

But, 70% or more of Blacks will feel things are going in the wrong direction because they are hurting the most from the Obama Economy...being the least educated...with so many concentrated in cities run by the Democratic Party for decades and so the education system has collapsed...but the Teachers Unions are doing fine.

That's what I get out of it.

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