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Are Old People Killing the GOP?

Furthermore, what have they done to attract minority voters?

Funny... I really would not like to be recruited because of being a 'minority' or because of race... I would like to be thought of for wanting my support or vote because of the stances on governmental issues

You are pussyfooting around the truth DD.

I will come out and say it.

Democrats believe that minorities like the freebies.

So they market themselerves as the party of entitlements.

And sadly, it works.

With attitudes like yours I simply cannot understand why minority voters don't flock to the right wing....
Funny... I really would not like to be recruited because of being a 'minority' or because of race... I would like to be thought of for wanting my support or vote because of the stances on governmental issues

You are pussyfooting around the truth DD.

I will come out and say it.

Democrats believe that minorities like the freebies.

So they market themselerves as the party of entitlements.

And sadly, it works.

With attitudes like yours I simply cannot understand why minority voters don't flock to the right wing....

You deny the truth about that?

LMAO. I pity you living in a life of lie. Anyone who deny's that in public is a phony.

Oh yeah, I am an independant voter with conservative values.
Are old people killing the GOP? - The Week

Looks like the former Grand Old Party has become just the Old Party

Support from older voters could be crucial in this year's mid-term elections. But will the aging of the party make it harder for Republicans to win down the road?

Republicans have sold out at their peril: "Elderly voters...have come running back to the GOP in the last year," says Daniel Larison in American Conservative, because the Republicans have painted health reform as a threat to Medicare. Unfortunately, becoming the "defenders" of a gigantic entitlement program for the elderly -- "at the expense of our future" -- is not the way to endear the GOP to tomorrow's voters.
"Losing the future"

If you're going to have a solid voting block, this is the one to have: "You can win an awful lot of elections just by mobilizing the over-65 constituency," says Ross Douthat in The New York Times. They vote, "and there are more of them every day." But the GOP can't just abandon its commitment to limited government. The trick will be figuring out how to keep the elderly happy and rein in Medicare spending -- an economic necessity -- at the same time.
"The party of AARP"

The elderly alone aren't enough to sustain the GOP: "In the long run," says Kevin Drum in Mother Jones, "this is a disaster not just for small-government conservatives but for the GOP as well." Republicans have driven away younger voters, "blacks, Hispanics, and virtually the entire Northeast." They'll find out soon enough that the "white South and the elderly" aren't enough to sustain a national political party.
"An old party getting even older"

The problem is that Republicans (i.e., the spokesmouths) have cleverly manipulated their talking points on Medicare to imply that there will be cuts in the program itself, frightening older people who rely on it.

The truth is it is Medicare ADVANTAGE options that will be cut--that arm of Medicare for which private insurers are subsidized from our payroll taxes to cover procedures NOT covered under standard Medicare. It costs billions a year to service only a small minority of Medicare recipients who choose to pay out of pocket a small premium for Medicare Advantage in addition to the Part B premium. The bulk of those premiums for the private insurance are subsidized, paid for by the rest of us.
wow, this thread is amazing. I guess this is what it is to be a Progressive, talking about your old people in Society as if they are just a bag of skin.

This is PROGRESS folks.

The only one being derogatory is Muddy. But what do you expect?
I wonder how those receiving SS and Medicare feel about efforts by the GOP to 'reform' both by handing them off to Wall Street. A good strategy now for the D's would seem to counter the emotional hysteria which is all the R's have with the cold hard facts of what would have happened to their SS checks if the Bush effort to 'reform' social security had passed?
All their 'security' into the hands of Bernie Madoff or the hedge funds boys, that would have been the last nail in the coffin of the once GOP.

Oh yeah, because the Democrats didn't have a hand in Bankrupting SS.

but remember folks, it's the Democrat-Progressive party who CARES MORE.:lol:

Yes, it is. These days the cons are even cheering on Big Banks, Fat Cat CEOs, Credit Card Crooks and everyone else still screwing them over--all because, hey, aren't they entitled in a free market system to be profitable?
AARP is the largest and most influential street gang in America.
Today, poverty wears a diaper.

True and this demographic is changing.

In a few short years who is in this category will be completely different and have different political motives than the people who are in this category at present.

The GOP is the party of the past generation.

AARP supports the health care bill...so who do they really side with?

For one thing, AARP doesn't just represent the old, creaky, fragile and senile. You can become a member at age 50, an age where many middle-class people fall through the cracks for getting adequate health care or insurance for that care. AARP also knows the truth about where cost savings will be found in the Medicare system.
Its a shrinking party and will continue to shrink until it comes up with NEW ideas that have not already failed and caused massive debt, wars for profit and twice crashed the world economy.

New Ideas guys.

That is the ONLY way your party will survive.

Old failed ideas will not carry you into the future.

Furthermore, what have they done to attract minority voters?

I guess they can do what the democrats do. Offer them a chance to not be like the other people in the US.

You know, make special concessions for them; write laws specifically designed to protect them.

You know what I mean. Make them, dare I say, different than the white folk?

Other than desegregation and the sweeping Civil Rights Law, what laws have been specifically written for blacks and other minorities?
Its a shrinking party and will continue to shrink until it comes up with NEW ideas that have not already failed and caused massive debt, wars for profit and twice crashed the world economy.

New Ideas guys.

That is the ONLY way your party will survive.

Old failed ideas will not carry you into the future.

Furthermore, what have they done to attract minority voters?

Funny... I really would not like to be recruited because of being a 'minority' or because of race... I would like to be thought of for wanting my support or vote because of the stances on governmental issues

Are we talking racial minorities here or minorities in general? Because poverty comes in all colors. When Republicans talk about reducing funding for school lunches, Head Start, LIHEAP, guess who those "minorities" (black, white and sky blue pink) will vote for? Certainly not the party who advocates those kinds of things.
Are old people killing the GOP? - The Week

Looks like the former Grand Old Party has become just the Old Party

Support from older voters could be crucial in this year's mid-term elections. But will the aging of the party make it harder for Republicans to win down the road?

Republicans have sold out at their peril: "Elderly voters...have come running back to the GOP in the last year," says Daniel Larison in American Conservative, because the Republicans have painted health reform as a threat to Medicare. Unfortunately, becoming the "defenders" of a gigantic entitlement program for the elderly -- "at the expense of our future" -- is not the way to endear the GOP to tomorrow's voters.
"Losing the future"

If you're going to have a solid voting block, this is the one to have: "You can win an awful lot of elections just by mobilizing the over-65 constituency," says Ross Douthat in The New York Times. They vote, "and there are more of them every day." But the GOP can't just abandon its commitment to limited government. The trick will be figuring out how to keep the elderly happy and rein in Medicare spending -- an economic necessity -- at the same time.
"The party of AARP"

The elderly alone aren't enough to sustain the GOP: "In the long run," says Kevin Drum in Mother Jones, "this is a disaster not just for small-government conservatives but for the GOP as well." Republicans have driven away younger voters, "blacks, Hispanics, and virtually the entire Northeast." They'll find out soon enough that the "white South and the elderly" aren't enough to sustain a national political party.
"An old party getting even older"

Almost everyone's a liberal when their young and almost everyone's conservative when their old. A real test of intelligence may be how young you were when you became a conservative. The smart ones turn early.

Older, mature people almost always become fiscally conservative and socially liberal because they've had the time for and experience with thinking through issues. Young people normally will choose the party their parents favor until (and if) they start doing their own studying of issues apart from what their parents believe (or whomever is the most significant adult in their lives).

Using your logic, everyone over 50 would be a Republican. Far from it.
Furthermore, what have they done to attract minority voters?

Funny... I really would not like to be recruited because of being a 'minority' or because of race... I would like to be thought of for wanting my support or vote because of the stances on governmental issues

You are pussyfooting around the truth DD.

I will come out and say it.

Democrats believe that minorities like the freebies.

So they market themselerves as the party of entitlements.

And sadly, it works.

Sad to see you have so little respect for minorities by repeating rightwing stereotypes
Funny... I really would not like to be recruited because of being a 'minority' or because of race... I would like to be thought of for wanting my support or vote because of the stances on governmental issues

You are pussyfooting around the truth DD.

I will come out and say it.

Democrats believe that minorities like the freebies.

So they market themselerves as the party of entitlements.

And sadly, it works.

Sad to see you have so little respect for minorities by repeating rightwing stereotypes

So.. you're saying the Dems haven't marketed themselves as the "caretakers" of minorities?

Come on... get real. How do Dems treat minorities that stray from the liberal "plantation"?
How was that "beat down" given to Clarence Thomas? Or the "Aunt Jemimah" names thrown at Dr. Rice? or the savaging of J.C. Watts? The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

You people are full of shit.
Are old people killing the GOP? - The Week

Looks like the former Grand Old Party has become just the Old Party

Support from older voters could be crucial in this year's mid-term elections. But will the aging of the party make it harder for Republicans to win down the road?

Republicans have sold out at their peril: "Elderly voters...have come running back to the GOP in the last year," says Daniel Larison in American Conservative, because the Republicans have painted health reform as a threat to Medicare. Unfortunately, becoming the "defenders" of a gigantic entitlement program for the elderly -- "at the expense of our future" -- is not the way to endear the GOP to tomorrow's voters.
"Losing the future"

If you're going to have a solid voting block, this is the one to have: "You can win an awful lot of elections just by mobilizing the over-65 constituency," says Ross Douthat in The New York Times. They vote, "and there are more of them every day." But the GOP can't just abandon its commitment to limited government. The trick will be figuring out how to keep the elderly happy and rein in Medicare spending -- an economic necessity -- at the same time.
"The party of AARP"

The elderly alone aren't enough to sustain the GOP: "In the long run," says Kevin Drum in Mother Jones, "this is a disaster not just for small-government conservatives but for the GOP as well." Republicans have driven away younger voters, "blacks, Hispanics, and virtually the entire Northeast." They'll find out soon enough that the "white South and the elderly" aren't enough to sustain a national political party.
"An old party getting even older"

Almost everyone's a liberal when their young and almost everyone's conservative when their old. A real test of intelligence may be how young you were when you became a conservative. The smart ones turn early.

Sort of right but mostly wrong.
When I was young I was liberal financially and conservative with my social values. I was a homophobe and distrustful of blacks.
At age 55 I am a fiscal conservative to the MAX but am liberal about respecting and treating all people as equals and liberal about freedom to do as one chooses. Libertarian.
You are pussyfooting around the truth DD.

I will come out and say it.

Democrats believe that minorities like the freebies.

So they market themselerves as the party of entitlements.

And sadly, it works.

Sad to see you have so little respect for minorities by repeating rightwing stereotypes

So.. you're saying the Dems haven't marketed themselves as the "caretakers" of minorities?

Come on... get real. How do Dems treat minorities that stray from the liberal "plantation"?

Why don't you tell us? And define "minority" while you're at it. Color? Race? Seems to me a lot of dems have the utmost respect for Bobby Jindal.

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