Are only black kids allowed to trick or treat as Pres. Obama?

He's 4 assclown...Each day is something different he wants to be...see so far have gone from cop to tow truck driver to cowboy to batman...etc etc etc...he's 4...So please go fuck yourself.

You were going to dress a four year old up as Hitler and expose him to the ridicule, over something he doesn't even understand? Is that supposed to make you look better?
I wanted my son to go as Hitler but he wanted to be a cop ,so he is a bacon eater for Halloween,1 daughter is dinosaur,other is vampire cheerleader lol. I will get something tomorrow maybe just a mask and carry my home made axe/hammer.

This is so wrong ... and yet, I'm posting it anyways. :D


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He's 4 assclown...Each day is something different he wants to be...see so far have gone from cop to tow truck driver to cowboy to batman...etc etc etc...he's 4...So please go fuck yourself.

You were going to dress a four year old up as Hitler and expose him to the ridicule, over something he doesn't even understand? Is that supposed to make you look better?
Lol it's a costume assclown. Its a fun night to dress up and act silly. Damn you really are a liberal. No sense of humor...maybe I will dress up as Hitler then. :D I scare people with my size and height so if they say something I won't hear it more than likely..not like I care anyways...oh and I am not trying to "look good" for anyone I am me and I like it that way.

LMAO is that a Negro that actually managed to graduate college or HS? Or did he just complete drug rehab? :lol:

Oh hes more successful than you'll ever be in your pathetic life, don't worry about it.
Yep drug rehab it was.
Good answer, Emily.

I don't think Julianne Hough did it disrespectfully. It looks like she was in a group of people who took different parts from a television show, and her part was a character who happened to be black.

I don't think she did either . I think she went with a group of friends and in that group had no black ones . They did a group costume and she picked the black lady. I bet if they did the same group costume and they left out the black actress she would have gotten the same flack..
I don't do halloween, but this makes me want to go thumb my nose at maybe I will put on black face just for funzies.
Oh...and wear a hoodie. With my pants down around my knees and boxer shorts up past my waist.
That outta piss a few off.
No offense intended, HG. Just peeved that kids can't do dress up without someone getting all unglued over stupid pc stuff. Makes me wanna go piss 'em off more.
If something like this is considered a 'problem' then the US really doesn't have any problems. Seriously.
the problem with political correctness is that we're currently overcompensating for the slavery and discrimination eras

I read an article on a liberal website (I don't have the link on me at the moment), but it basically said that anything that could either (a) had blackface, (b) had a swastika, (c) has the name of the race in it [wut], or (d) you have to ask whether it's racist or not, which is dumb oversensitivity at its finest

I mean the entire idea of Halloween is to dress up, and there's such a thing as actual lack of taste, but you don't need to go around saying anyone who wears a costume of a different race is racist, that's ridiculous, ESPECIALLY if they're going as an actual character
People who are yelling about this really, seriously need to grow a thicker skin.


Yes, and much of the vocal protest *IS* a step in the process
of getting these issues out in the open and resolved to this effect.

Here are guidelines from a nonprofit that trains people safely how to talk about these racial issues openly where it has a healing effect for the group, and avoids the shouting matches:

Instead of trying to criticize or change what "other people" do or say, there are ways to express our beliefs and feelings where we don't have to criticize anybody and we can still be perfectly honest and not censor ourselves either.

This group even addresses the reverse racism that White people feel and can't express without getting jumped on. The same methods work for all situations, no matter what side you feel you are on with the issues of racism and media perception. We've all been hurt and we all need freedom to heal without someone taking what we say and jumping on it.
the problem with political correctness is that we're currently overcompensating for the slavery and discrimination eras

I read an article on a liberal website (I don't have the link on me at the moment), but it basically said that anything that could either (a) had blackface, (b) had a swastika, (c) has the name of the race in it [wut], or (d) you have to ask whether it's racist or not, which is dumb oversensitivity at its finest

I mean the entire idea of Halloween is to dress up, and there's such a thing as actual lack of taste, but you don't need to go around saying anyone who wears a costume of a different race is racist, that's ridiculous, ESPECIALLY if they're going as an actual character

Something I noticed also. A lot of the blame on both sides is projection of what they do themselves.

Compare people like the Dalai Lama or Mother Teresa who would have compassion for anyone, right or wrong, of any race religion or political creed, even ones they strongly disagree with as dangerous and deadly to humanity.

How much yelling and screaming and protesting did you ever see these people do?

The people who are LEAST biased, the ones with the greater ability and wisdom to see and judge right or wrong tend to keep their mouths shut and speak gently when offering corrections. They don't need to protest with insults and ugliness to amplify their points -- that kind of emotional response is obviously projection.

Clearly they are in a higher place with their response to injustice, and don't project themselves to add to the problem.

Until we all get to that level, we cry out when we feel stepped on.
While we step on someone else we either don't notice, or think they deserved it anyway.

The day we learn to have equal compassion for others as we expect to be forgiven when we say something out of line or hurtful, maybe we will be in a better position to judge.
We will know when we are there, because we will be humbled and won't be yelling and screaming at each other.
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Oh...and wear a hoodie. With my pants down around my knees and boxer shorts up past my waist.
That outta piss a few off.

Oh Dear, Gracie. Can you imagine the history books with costumes and cultural fads over the years. And seeing this stuff with all the others? I thought the wild 80s and 90s hair was crazy. I even bought some "mullet wigs" for Halloween (and used one to make fun of my bf since that is the inside joke with him and his buddies). But the falling pants, oh my!

PS is it true that this came from prison culture where the men would sodomize each other?
Is that real, or just a rumor to try to discourage young men from doing this as a way of advertising if they are available or not?

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