Are PROGS happy they elected this?

Ever think about how many people would be dead if Biden would have been president ? - Scary

Actually, it would be less.

First, Biden wouldn't have called it a hoax.
Biden wouldn't have made Mask Wearing a cultural issue.
Biden would have listened to the Scientists and not been upset Dr. Fauci was getting better press than he was.
Biden would have invoked the Defense Production Act to make PPE before the first case showed up here.
Ever think about how many people would be dead if Biden would have been president ? - Scary

Actually, it would be less.

First, Biden wouldn't have called it a hoax.
Biden wouldn't have made Mask Wearing a cultural issue.
Biden would have listened to the Scientists and not been upset Dr. Fauci was getting better press than he was.
Biden would have invoked the Defense Production Act to make PPE before the first case showed up here.
Wow ! - You already know exactly what Joe would have done under these same circumstances. Interesting.
Ever think about how many people would be dead if Biden would have been president ? - Scary

Actually, it would be less.

First, Biden wouldn't have called it a hoax.
Biden wouldn't have made Mask Wearing a cultural issue.
Biden would have listened to the Scientists and not been upset Dr. Fauci was getting better press than he was.
Biden would have invoked the Defense Production Act to make PPE before the first case showed up here.
Biden can't demand the states to do something they didn't want to do. It wasn't a federal thing and it's still not.
He can't mandate the wearing masks. And you're playing pretty slippery as to what Biden would and wouldn't do.
Trump never called the virus a hoax, but you keep lying about that. Trump closed off travel between China and the US
while Biden was chastising him, So you go ahead and play loose and fast with the actual fact, because that's what your tribe
Ever think about how many people would be dead if Biden would have been president ? - Scary

Actually, it would be less.

First, Biden wouldn't have called it a hoax.
Biden wouldn't have made Mask Wearing a cultural issue.
Biden would have listened to the Scientists and not been upset Dr. Fauci was getting better press than he was.
Biden would have invoked the Defense Production Act to make PPE before the first case showed up here.
I wonder if Joe would have got those ventilators built.
I wonder if Joe would have had two ships on both coasts.
I wonder if Joe would have warp speed a virus.
I wonder - I wonder - what would have Joe, a 47 year career politician done ? - Scary
At this point, I have more faith in Hunter than I do Joe.
Last edited:
Are PROGS happy they rejected the most accomplished POTUS their lifetimes, who clearly is America first too with this?

I am sure that the Dems are happy that they rejected the most accomplished grifter and divisive individual in their lifetime.
If Harris is a liberal, so what? Biden is a moderate. Trump was a liberal Democrat before he ran for president and chose the conservative route for votes. He also was pro-choice all his life. He also is a hypocrite.

What a load of horse shit.

For a grifter Trump did very well for America. Before the Chinese loosed their virus on the world. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. If not for that Chinese virus Trump would have won handily.

Not bad for a hypocritic grifter.
A load of horse shit? Trump was indeed a liberal Democrat and pro-choice all his adult life, and that ain't horse shit.
If that is your take on these facts, you are not making much sense. If trump had acted early we may have had better control of the virus spread. Instead, he spent his time accusing the Dems of creating a hoax when he has admitted to Woodward that he was aware that the pandemic was no hoax. Then he did not close the borders to Europeans and this resulted in an influx of 2 million travelers from Europe. Newark and Kennedy airports were inundated. And that ain't no hoax.
The economy was not great, except for the wealthy who were supposed to put their tax windfall back into the economy and instead invested it in the stock market. The deficit is through the roof. The economy was in recovery when trump took office and his tax reduction for the wealthy and the slashing of environmental controls only
served to goose an already improving economy, and this is already coming back to haunt us. Stop defending the asshole.

He did act early numb nuts. He had those making masks ready to go and ventilators ready to go where needed. He also had a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the Dem idiots running NY City ever used.

He tried to stop flights into the US and got called a racist. You Dem idiots thought it was a hoax. Trump sure didn't.

I like my tax cut. If you don't like yours give it back to the Fed they will take it.

We had a great economy. UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. All that before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. All that with Trump at the helm.

I don't need to defend Trump. His actions are all the defending he needs. Lets see what you have to say about your hero Biden in two years. I'll bet you won't be happy and I'm sure the rest of America won't be.
No he did not act early and admitted that to Bob Woodward in their interview. Masks and vent
Are PROGS happy they rejected the most accomplished POTUS their lifetimes, who clearly is America first too with this?

I am sure that the Dems are happy that they rejected the most accomplished grifter and divisive individual in their lifetime.
If Harris is a liberal, so what? Biden is a moderate. Trump was a liberal Democrat before he ran for president and chose the conservative route for votes. He also was pro-choice all his life. He also is a hypocrite.

What a load of horse shit.

For a grifter Trump did very well for America. Before the Chinese loosed their virus on the world. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. If not for that Chinese virus Trump would have won handily.

Not bad for a hypocritic grifter.
A load of horse shit? Trump was indeed a liberal Democrat and pro-choice all his adult life, and that ain't horse shit.
If that is your take on these facts, you are not making much sense. If trump had acted early we may have had better control of the virus spread. Instead, he spent his time accusing the Dems of creating a hoax when he has admitted to Woodward that he was aware that the pandemic was no hoax. Then he did not close the borders to Europeans and this resulted in an influx of 2 million travelers from Europe. Newark and Kennedy airports were inundated. And that ain't no hoax.
The economy was not great, except for the wealthy who were supposed to put their tax windfall back into the economy and instead invested it in the stock market. The deficit is through the roof. The economy was in recovery when trump took office and his tax reduction for the wealthy and the slashing of environmental controls only
served to goose an already improving economy, and this is already coming back to haunt us. Stop defending the asshole.

He did act early numb nuts. He had those making masks ready to go and ventilators ready to go where needed. He also had a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the Dem idiots running NY City ever used.

He tried to stop flights into the US and got called a racist. You Dem idiots thought it was a hoax. Trump sure didn't.

I like my tax cut. If you don't like yours give it back to the Fed they will take it.

We had a great economy. UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. All that before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. All that with Trump at the helm.

I don't need to defend Trump. His actions are all the defending he needs. Lets see what you have to say about your hero Biden in two years. I'll bet you won't be happy and I'm sure the rest of America won't be.
Are you one of the super-wealthy? Trump did not try to stop flights into the U.S. He stopped the west coast to keep the Chinese out but did nothing about the East Coast because the dummy was convinced that the covid was coming from China. He accused the Dems of perpetrating a hoax about the virus, instead of doing something about it. You are recreating history. You are obviously one of those uninformed simpletons.
Trump inherited an economy that was on the mend and goosed it with tax cuts for the wealthy and by slashing environmental controls for profit. We will pay a price for that as we did after Clinton left office. He should have left the economy alone and let it continue to grow. Try to see the big picture. Trump's actions are indefensible.
Your views on the economy are amusing. You do realize that the economy was already starting to tank BEFORE Clinton took office...right?

As for recreating history? Do you recall the steps the Obama Administration took to combat the Swine Flu? How they made people wear masks? How they increased testing? How they shut down the schools? How they closed non-essential businesses for months?
We had a serious recession when Clinton LEFT office and saddled George Bush with it. Clinton presided over a robust economy that fell apart as he was leaving office. What Obama did is irrelevant, and he had the economy on the right footing when he left office. That is not recreating history--that is history.


Obama's final season was unremarkable supported by an unremarkable GDP and stock market for starts.
Wrong. That was called the 'great recession' for a reason and took years to get there. A recovery was in progress
when trump took office. He goosed it rather than let it recover on its own. A slow and steady recovery for starters that is lasting, rather than bragging rights for a guy who doesn't see the big picture. Huge tax reduction for the wealthy who reinvested it in the stock market and a slashing of 100 environmental rules unnecessarily for profit since industry was adjusting nicely.
The problem with this is that the payback will be painful for we the people as we saw in the Clinton recession.

BS. You telling me after 7-8 years we were still in recovery? That doesn't bold well for O'bummer does it?

GDP growth 2016 = 1.7
DOW last day of 2015 = 17425 & DOW last day of Oct. 2016 = 18,161, that's a net of 736.

And that my friends is unremarkable.
Are PROGS happy they rejected the most accomplished POTUS their lifetimes, who clearly is America first too with this?

I am sure that the Dems are happy that they rejected the most accomplished grifter and divisive individual in their lifetime.
If Harris is a liberal, so what? Biden is a moderate. Trump was a liberal Democrat before he ran for president and chose the conservative route for votes. He also was pro-choice all his life. He also is a hypocrite.

What a load of horse shit.

For a grifter Trump did very well for America. Before the Chinese loosed their virus on the world. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. If not for that Chinese virus Trump would have won handily.

Not bad for a hypocritic grifter.
A load of horse shit? Trump was indeed a liberal Democrat and pro-choice all his adult life, and that ain't horse shit.
If that is your take on these facts, you are not making much sense. If trump had acted early we may have had better control of the virus spread. Instead, he spent his time accusing the Dems of creating a hoax when he has admitted to Woodward that he was aware that the pandemic was no hoax. Then he did not close the borders to Europeans and this resulted in an influx of 2 million travelers from Europe. Newark and Kennedy airports were inundated. And that ain't no hoax.
The economy was not great, except for the wealthy who were supposed to put their tax windfall back into the economy and instead invested it in the stock market. The deficit is through the roof. The economy was in recovery when trump took office and his tax reduction for the wealthy and the slashing of environmental controls only
served to goose an already improving economy, and this is already coming back to haunt us. Stop defending the asshole.

He did act early numb nuts. He had those making masks ready to go and ventilators ready to go where needed. He also had a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the Dem idiots running NY City ever used.

He tried to stop flights into the US and got called a racist. You Dem idiots thought it was a hoax. Trump sure didn't.

I like my tax cut. If you don't like yours give it back to the Fed they will take it.

We had a great economy. UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. All that before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. All that with Trump at the helm.

I don't need to defend Trump. His actions are all the defending he needs. Lets see what you have to say about your hero Biden in two years. I'll bet you won't be happy and I'm sure the rest of America won't be.
No he did not act early and admitted that to Bob Woodward in their interview. Masks and vent
Are PROGS happy they rejected the most accomplished POTUS their lifetimes, who clearly is America first too with this?

I am sure that the Dems are happy that they rejected the most accomplished grifter and divisive individual in their lifetime.
If Harris is a liberal, so what? Biden is a moderate. Trump was a liberal Democrat before he ran for president and chose the conservative route for votes. He also was pro-choice all his life. He also is a hypocrite.

What a load of horse shit.

For a grifter Trump did very well for America. Before the Chinese loosed their virus on the world. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. If not for that Chinese virus Trump would have won handily.

Not bad for a hypocritic grifter.
A load of horse shit? Trump was indeed a liberal Democrat and pro-choice all his adult life, and that ain't horse shit.
If that is your take on these facts, you are not making much sense. If trump had acted early we may have had better control of the virus spread. Instead, he spent his time accusing the Dems of creating a hoax when he has admitted to Woodward that he was aware that the pandemic was no hoax. Then he did not close the borders to Europeans and this resulted in an influx of 2 million travelers from Europe. Newark and Kennedy airports were inundated. And that ain't no hoax.
The economy was not great, except for the wealthy who were supposed to put their tax windfall back into the economy and instead invested it in the stock market. The deficit is through the roof. The economy was in recovery when trump took office and his tax reduction for the wealthy and the slashing of environmental controls only
served to goose an already improving economy, and this is already coming back to haunt us. Stop defending the asshole.

He did act early numb nuts. He had those making masks ready to go and ventilators ready to go where needed. He also had a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the Dem idiots running NY City ever used.

He tried to stop flights into the US and got called a racist. You Dem idiots thought it was a hoax. Trump sure didn't.

I like my tax cut. If you don't like yours give it back to the Fed they will take it.

We had a great economy. UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. All that before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. All that with Trump at the helm.

I don't need to defend Trump. His actions are all the defending he needs. Lets see what you have to say about your hero Biden in two years. I'll bet you won't be happy and I'm sure the rest of America won't be.
Are you one of the super-wealthy? Trump did not try to stop flights into the U.S. He stopped the west coast to keep the Chinese out but did nothing about the East Coast because the dummy was convinced that the covid was coming from China. He accused the Dems of perpetrating a hoax about the virus, instead of doing something about it. You are recreating history. You are obviously one of those uninformed simpletons.
Trump inherited an economy that was on the mend and goosed it with tax cuts for the wealthy and by slashing environmental controls for profit. We will pay a price for that as we did after Clinton left office. He should have left the economy alone and let it continue to grow. Try to see the big picture. Trump's actions are indefensible.
Your views on the economy are amusing. You do realize that the economy was already starting to tank BEFORE Clinton took office...right?

As for recreating history? Do you recall the steps the Obama Administration took to combat the Swine Flu? How they made people wear masks? How they increased testing? How they shut down the schools? How they closed non-essential businesses for months?
We had a serious recession when Clinton LEFT office and saddled George Bush with it. Clinton presided over a robust economy that fell apart as he was leaving office. What Obama did is irrelevant, and he had the economy on the right footing when he left office. That is not recreating history--that is history.


Obama's final season was unremarkable supported by an unremarkable GDP and stock market for starts.
Wrong. That was called the 'great recession' for a reason and took years to get there. A recovery was in progress
when trump took office. He goosed it rather than let it recover on its own. A slow and steady recovery for starters that is lasting, rather than bragging rights for a guy who doesn't see the big picture. Huge tax reduction for the wealthy who reinvested it in the stock market and a slashing of 100 environmental rules unnecessarily for profit since industry was adjusting nicely.
The problem with this is that the payback will be painful for we the people as we saw in the Clinton recession.

BS. You telling me after 7-8 years we were still in recovery? That doesn't bold well for O'bummer does it?

GDP growth 2016 = 1.7
DOW last day of 2015 = 17425 & DOW last day of Oct. 2016 = 18,161, that's a net of 736.

And that my friends is unremarkable.
What you haven't taken into account is how bad Obama's numbers would have been if the GOP hadn't taken back control of Congress in the first midterm! The Democrats were asking for Cap & Trade legislation...something that would have really FUBARED the economy! Or how bad Barry's economy would have been if fracking hadn't produce an energy boom that created tens of thousands of good paying jobs! Obama opposed fracking...just like he opposed drilling permits. The truth is...if Obama had gotten his way...those numbers would have been HISTORICALLY bad!
Why do you constantly call them progressives when in fact they are National Socialists?

Communists for a more direct description.

Come on U 2 are they Nazi Fascist or Soviet Communist. Gotta pick one. Can't be both ya know. Or can they.....?

U like to make shit up huh?

Nazis fascist (National Socialist) are the opposite of the Communist.

Maybe you had better research National Socialism, specifically their structure.

National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus; German pronunciation: [nat͡sjoˈnaːlzot͡sjaˌlɪsmʊs]), commonly known in English as Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsiɪzəm, ˈnæt-/),[1] is the ideology and practices associated with the Nazi Party—officially the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP)—in Nazi Germany, and of other far-right groups with similar ideas and aims. Nazism is a form of fascism,[2][3][4][5] with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. I
Wrong. National Socialism is Leftist and it is Exactly what The DemNazi Party is all about, only they have a Globalist Bent about it.
Biden can't demand the states to do something they didn't want to do. It wasn't a federal thing and it's still not.
He can't mandate the wearing masks. And you're playing pretty slippery as to what Biden would and wouldn't do.

But that was the point. Most of the states WANTED Mask requirements and WANTED social distancing measures. Trump fought them every step of the way, even encouraged armed nuts to show up at the Michigan Capitol.

Trump never called the virus a hoax, but you keep lying about that.

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” Trump said. “They have no clue, they can't even count their votes in Iowa.”

“This is their new hoax,” Trump continued, adding that attacking the White House’s response to the coronavirus had become the Democratic Party’s “single talking point.

Trump closed off travel between China and the US while Biden was chastising him,

Actually, he didn't, but he should have. His travel ban was WORSE than useless. Because it caused thousands of AMERICANS to flee back here when they should have stayed in place until the virus ran its course.

So you go ahead and play loose and fast with the actual fact, because that's what your tribe does.

Uh, your side is the one who came up with the term "Alternative Facts".
I wonder if Joe would have got those ventilators built.
I wonder if Joe would have had two ships on both coasts.
I wonder if Joe would have warp speed a virus.
I wonder - I wonder - what would have Joe, a 47 year career politician done ? - Scary

I don't. Biden would have done all those things without engaging in magical thinking like "The virus will go away when it gets warm" and "one day, it will all be gone."
Biden can't demand the states to do something they didn't want to do. It wasn't a federal thing and it's still not.
He can't mandate the wearing masks. And you're playing pretty slippery as to what Biden would and wouldn't do.

But that was the point. Most of the states WANTED Mask requirements and WANTED social distancing measures. Trump fought them every step of the way, even encouraged armed nuts to show up at the Michigan Capitol.

Trump never called the virus a hoax, but you keep lying about that.

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” Trump said. “They have no clue, they can't even count their votes in Iowa.”

“This is their new hoax,” Trump continued, adding that attacking the White House’s response to the coronavirus had become the Democratic Party’s “single talking point.

Trump closed off travel between China and the US while Biden was chastising him,

Actually, he didn't, but he should have. His travel ban was WORSE than useless. Because it caused thousands of AMERICANS to flee back here when they should have stayed in place until the virus ran its course.

So you go ahead and play loose and fast with the actual fact, because that's what your tribe does.

Uh, your side is the one who came up with the term "Alternative Facts".

Name a State that wanted mask requirements that was prevented from putting them in place by Donald Trump!
Kamala Harris is a weak candidate.

There's a reason why only 2% of Democrats voted for her in the primary.
What the hell did the OP watch? Ms Harris slayed that line of questions. What a leader.
Kamala Harris is a weak candidate.

There's a reason why only 2% of Democrats voted for her in the primary.

Actually, Harris withdrew before any votes were cast, when it was clear that the contest was going to be between Commie Bernie and Biden.

Which means all of nothing for her future plans. She's the Vice President Elect. It means that she will have the inside track on her parties nomination.

By way of comparison, George H Bush only won six primaries/caucuses in 1980... But he was the frontrunner in 1988.

Biden withdrew in 2008 before any votes were cast. He got the Veep nod and we all know where he is now.

Now, I'm not saying I'd vote for Harris in 2024 or 2028. But being a VP is pretty much as close to golden ticket as you can get.

So 2024- Harris vs. Pence. Could totally see that happening.
Name a State that wanted mask requirements that was prevented from putting them in place by Donald Trump!

That wasn't the point. I'd explain the point to you, but you still wouldn't get it.
Can't name a single State...can you, Joey? So your "point" was total usual!

I told you you wouldn't get the point... I'm glad to see the point still goes well over your head.

It wasn't that he prevented any state, it was that he made mask wearing a cultural issue when it never, ever should have been. So he'd hold these superspreader events, and mock people for wearing masks, even when his own CDC was BEGGING people to do so.

And now my state is in it's SECOND lockdown this year because we didn't get this thing under control.
Are PROGS happy they rejected the most accomplished POTUS their lifetimes, who clearly is America first too with this?

I am sure that the Dems are happy that they rejected the most accomplished grifter and divisive individual in their lifetime.
If Harris is a liberal, so what? Biden is a moderate. Trump was a liberal Democrat before he ran for president and chose the conservative route for votes. He also was pro-choice all his life. He also is a hypocrite.

What a load of horse shit.

For a grifter Trump did very well for America. Before the Chinese loosed their virus on the world. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. If not for that Chinese virus Trump would have won handily.

Not bad for a hypocritic grifter.
A load of horse shit? Trump was indeed a liberal Democrat and pro-choice all his adult life, and that ain't horse shit.
If that is your take on these facts, you are not making much sense. If trump had acted early we may have had better control of the virus spread. Instead, he spent his time accusing the Dems of creating a hoax when he has admitted to Woodward that he was aware that the pandemic was no hoax. Then he did not close the borders to Europeans and this resulted in an influx of 2 million travelers from Europe. Newark and Kennedy airports were inundated. And that ain't no hoax.
The economy was not great, except for the wealthy who were supposed to put their tax windfall back into the economy and instead invested it in the stock market. The deficit is through the roof. The economy was in recovery when trump took office and his tax reduction for the wealthy and the slashing of environmental controls only
served to goose an already improving economy, and this is already coming back to haunt us. Stop defending the asshole.

He did act early numb nuts. He had those making masks ready to go and ventilators ready to go where needed. He also had a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the Dem idiots running NY City ever used.

He tried to stop flights into the US and got called a racist. You Dem idiots thought it was a hoax. Trump sure didn't.

I like my tax cut. If you don't like yours give it back to the Fed they will take it.

We had a great economy. UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. All that before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. All that with Trump at the helm.

I don't need to defend Trump. His actions are all the defending he needs. Lets see what you have to say about your hero Biden in two years. I'll bet you won't be happy and I'm sure the rest of America won't be.
No he did not act early and admitted that to Bob Woodward in their interview. Masks and vent
Are PROGS happy they rejected the most accomplished POTUS their lifetimes, who clearly is America first too with this?

I am sure that the Dems are happy that they rejected the most accomplished grifter and divisive individual in their lifetime.
If Harris is a liberal, so what? Biden is a moderate. Trump was a liberal Democrat before he ran for president and chose the conservative route for votes. He also was pro-choice all his life. He also is a hypocrite.

What a load of horse shit.

For a grifter Trump did very well for America. Before the Chinese loosed their virus on the world. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. If not for that Chinese virus Trump would have won handily.

Not bad for a hypocritic grifter.
A load of horse shit? Trump was indeed a liberal Democrat and pro-choice all his adult life, and that ain't horse shit.
If that is your take on these facts, you are not making much sense. If trump had acted early we may have had better control of the virus spread. Instead, he spent his time accusing the Dems of creating a hoax when he has admitted to Woodward that he was aware that the pandemic was no hoax. Then he did not close the borders to Europeans and this resulted in an influx of 2 million travelers from Europe. Newark and Kennedy airports were inundated. And that ain't no hoax.
The economy was not great, except for the wealthy who were supposed to put their tax windfall back into the economy and instead invested it in the stock market. The deficit is through the roof. The economy was in recovery when trump took office and his tax reduction for the wealthy and the slashing of environmental controls only
served to goose an already improving economy, and this is already coming back to haunt us. Stop defending the asshole.

He did act early numb nuts. He had those making masks ready to go and ventilators ready to go where needed. He also had a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the Dem idiots running NY City ever used.

He tried to stop flights into the US and got called a racist. You Dem idiots thought it was a hoax. Trump sure didn't.

I like my tax cut. If you don't like yours give it back to the Fed they will take it.

We had a great economy. UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. All that before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. All that with Trump at the helm.

I don't need to defend Trump. His actions are all the defending he needs. Lets see what you have to say about your hero Biden in two years. I'll bet you won't be happy and I'm sure the rest of America won't be.
Are you one of the super-wealthy? Trump did not try to stop flights into the U.S. He stopped the west coast to keep the Chinese out but did nothing about the East Coast because the dummy was convinced that the covid was coming from China. He accused the Dems of perpetrating a hoax about the virus, instead of doing something about it. You are recreating history. You are obviously one of those uninformed simpletons.
Trump inherited an economy that was on the mend and goosed it with tax cuts for the wealthy and by slashing environmental controls for profit. We will pay a price for that as we did after Clinton left office. He should have left the economy alone and let it continue to grow. Try to see the big picture. Trump's actions are indefensible.
Your views on the economy are amusing. You do realize that the economy was already starting to tank BEFORE Clinton took office...right?

As for recreating history? Do you recall the steps the Obama Administration took to combat the Swine Flu? How they made people wear masks? How they increased testing? How they shut down the schools? How they closed non-essential businesses for months?
We had a serious recession when Clinton LEFT office and saddled George Bush with it. Clinton presided over a robust economy that fell apart as he was leaving office. What Obama did is irrelevant, and he had the economy on the right footing when he left office. That is not recreating history--that is history.


Obama's final season was unremarkable supported by an unremarkable GDP and stock market for starts.
Wrong. That was called the 'great recession' for a reason and took years to get there. A recovery was in progress
when trump took office. He goosed it rather than let it recover on its own. A slow and steady recovery for starters that is lasting, rather than bragging rights for a guy who doesn't see the big picture. Huge tax reduction for the wealthy who reinvested it in the stock market and a slashing of 100 environmental rules unnecessarily for profit since industry was adjusting nicely.
The problem with this is that the payback will be painful for we the people as we saw in the Clinton recession.

BS. You telling me after 7-8 years we were still in recovery? That doesn't bold well for O'bummer does it?

GDP growth 2016 = 1.7
DOW last day of 2015 = 17425 & DOW last day of Oct. 2016 = 18,161, that's a net of 736.

And that my friends is unremarkable.
What you haven't taken into account is how bad Obama's numbers would have been if the GOP hadn't taken back control of Congress in the first midterm! The Democrats were asking for Cap & Trade legislation...something that would have really FUBARED the economy! Or how bad Barry's economy would have been if fracking hadn't produce an energy boom that created tens of thousands of good paying jobs! Obama opposed fracking...just like he opposed drilling permits. The truth is...if Obama had gotten his way...those numbers would have been HISTORICALLY bad!
An energy boom at what cost to the environment? Other energy sources need to be exploited that would also produce good-paying jobs.
Are PROGS happy they rejected the most accomplished POTUS their lifetimes, who clearly is America first too with this?

I am sure that the Dems are happy that they rejected the most accomplished grifter and divisive individual in their lifetime.
If Harris is a liberal, so what? Biden is a moderate. Trump was a liberal Democrat before he ran for president and chose the conservative route for votes. He also was pro-choice all his life. He also is a hypocrite.

What a load of horse shit.

For a grifter Trump did very well for America. Before the Chinese loosed their virus on the world. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. If not for that Chinese virus Trump would have won handily.

Not bad for a hypocritic grifter.
A load of horse shit? Trump was indeed a liberal Democrat and pro-choice all his adult life, and that ain't horse shit.
If that is your take on these facts, you are not making much sense. If trump had acted early we may have had better control of the virus spread. Instead, he spent his time accusing the Dems of creating a hoax when he has admitted to Woodward that he was aware that the pandemic was no hoax. Then he did not close the borders to Europeans and this resulted in an influx of 2 million travelers from Europe. Newark and Kennedy airports were inundated. And that ain't no hoax.
The economy was not great, except for the wealthy who were supposed to put their tax windfall back into the economy and instead invested it in the stock market. The deficit is through the roof. The economy was in recovery when trump took office and his tax reduction for the wealthy and the slashing of environmental controls only
served to goose an already improving economy, and this is already coming back to haunt us. Stop defending the asshole.

He did act early numb nuts. He had those making masks ready to go and ventilators ready to go where needed. He also had a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the Dem idiots running NY City ever used.

He tried to stop flights into the US and got called a racist. You Dem idiots thought it was a hoax. Trump sure didn't.

I like my tax cut. If you don't like yours give it back to the Fed they will take it.

We had a great economy. UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. All that before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. All that with Trump at the helm.

I don't need to defend Trump. His actions are all the defending he needs. Lets see what you have to say about your hero Biden in two years. I'll bet you won't be happy and I'm sure the rest of America won't be.
No he did not act early and admitted that to Bob Woodward in their interview. Masks and vent
Are PROGS happy they rejected the most accomplished POTUS their lifetimes, who clearly is America first too with this?

I am sure that the Dems are happy that they rejected the most accomplished grifter and divisive individual in their lifetime.
If Harris is a liberal, so what? Biden is a moderate. Trump was a liberal Democrat before he ran for president and chose the conservative route for votes. He also was pro-choice all his life. He also is a hypocrite.

What a load of horse shit.

For a grifter Trump did very well for America. Before the Chinese loosed their virus on the world. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. If not for that Chinese virus Trump would have won handily.

Not bad for a hypocritic grifter.
A load of horse shit? Trump was indeed a liberal Democrat and pro-choice all his adult life, and that ain't horse shit.
If that is your take on these facts, you are not making much sense. If trump had acted early we may have had better control of the virus spread. Instead, he spent his time accusing the Dems of creating a hoax when he has admitted to Woodward that he was aware that the pandemic was no hoax. Then he did not close the borders to Europeans and this resulted in an influx of 2 million travelers from Europe. Newark and Kennedy airports were inundated. And that ain't no hoax.
The economy was not great, except for the wealthy who were supposed to put their tax windfall back into the economy and instead invested it in the stock market. The deficit is through the roof. The economy was in recovery when trump took office and his tax reduction for the wealthy and the slashing of environmental controls only
served to goose an already improving economy, and this is already coming back to haunt us. Stop defending the asshole.

He did act early numb nuts. He had those making masks ready to go and ventilators ready to go where needed. He also had a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the Dem idiots running NY City ever used.

He tried to stop flights into the US and got called a racist. You Dem idiots thought it was a hoax. Trump sure didn't.

I like my tax cut. If you don't like yours give it back to the Fed they will take it.

We had a great economy. UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. All that before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. All that with Trump at the helm.

I don't need to defend Trump. His actions are all the defending he needs. Lets see what you have to say about your hero Biden in two years. I'll bet you won't be happy and I'm sure the rest of America won't be.
Are you one of the super-wealthy? Trump did not try to stop flights into the U.S. He stopped the west coast to keep the Chinese out but did nothing about the East Coast because the dummy was convinced that the covid was coming from China. He accused the Dems of perpetrating a hoax about the virus, instead of doing something about it. You are recreating history. You are obviously one of those uninformed simpletons.
Trump inherited an economy that was on the mend and goosed it with tax cuts for the wealthy and by slashing environmental controls for profit. We will pay a price for that as we did after Clinton left office. He should have left the economy alone and let it continue to grow. Try to see the big picture. Trump's actions are indefensible.
Your views on the economy are amusing. You do realize that the economy was already starting to tank BEFORE Clinton took office...right?

As for recreating history? Do you recall the steps the Obama Administration took to combat the Swine Flu? How they made people wear masks? How they increased testing? How they shut down the schools? How they closed non-essential businesses for months?
We had a serious recession when Clinton LEFT office and saddled George Bush with it. Clinton presided over a robust economy that fell apart as he was leaving office. What Obama did is irrelevant, and he had the economy on the right footing when he left office. That is not recreating history--that is history.


Obama's final season was unremarkable supported by an unremarkable GDP and stock market for starts.
Wrong. That was called the 'great recession' for a reason and took years to get there. A recovery was in progress
when trump took office. He goosed it rather than let it recover on its own. A slow and steady recovery for starters that is lasting, rather than bragging rights for a guy who doesn't see the big picture. Huge tax reduction for the wealthy who reinvested it in the stock market and a slashing of 100 environmental rules unnecessarily for profit since industry was adjusting nicely.
The problem with this is that the payback will be painful for we the people as we saw in the Clinton recession.

BS. You telling me after 7-8 years we were still in recovery? That doesn't bold well for O'bummer does it?

GDP growth 2016 = 1.7
DOW last day of 2015 = 17425 & DOW last day of Oct. 2016 = 18,161, that's a net of 736.

And that my friends is unremarkable.
Did I say that? No, I did not say that and the economy was tanking when Obama took office and continued to tank until corrective measures took hold. If you were paying attention during the crisis, you would know this. A recession doesn't go "poof, all gone."
Are PROGS happy they rejected the most accomplished POTUS their lifetimes, who clearly is America first too with this?

I am sure that the Dems are happy that they rejected the most accomplished grifter and divisive individual in their lifetime.
If Harris is a liberal, so what? Biden is a moderate. Trump was a liberal Democrat before he ran for president and chose the conservative route for votes. He also was pro-choice all his life. He also is a hypocrite.

What a load of horse shit.

For a grifter Trump did very well for America. Before the Chinese loosed their virus on the world. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. If not for that Chinese virus Trump would have won handily.

Not bad for a hypocritic grifter.
A load of horse shit? Trump was indeed a liberal Democrat and pro-choice all his adult life, and that ain't horse shit.
If that is your take on these facts, you are not making much sense. If trump had acted early we may have had better control of the virus spread. Instead, he spent his time accusing the Dems of creating a hoax when he has admitted to Woodward that he was aware that the pandemic was no hoax. Then he did not close the borders to Europeans and this resulted in an influx of 2 million travelers from Europe. Newark and Kennedy airports were inundated. And that ain't no hoax.
The economy was not great, except for the wealthy who were supposed to put their tax windfall back into the economy and instead invested it in the stock market. The deficit is through the roof. The economy was in recovery when trump took office and his tax reduction for the wealthy and the slashing of environmental controls only
served to goose an already improving economy, and this is already coming back to haunt us. Stop defending the asshole.

He did act early numb nuts. He had those making masks ready to go and ventilators ready to go where needed. He also had a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the Dem idiots running NY City ever used.

He tried to stop flights into the US and got called a racist. You Dem idiots thought it was a hoax. Trump sure didn't.

I like my tax cut. If you don't like yours give it back to the Fed they will take it.

We had a great economy. UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. All that before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. All that with Trump at the helm.

I don't need to defend Trump. His actions are all the defending he needs. Lets see what you have to say about your hero Biden in two years. I'll bet you won't be happy and I'm sure the rest of America won't be.
No he did not act early and admitted that to Bob Woodward in their interview. Masks and vent
Are PROGS happy they rejected the most accomplished POTUS their lifetimes, who clearly is America first too with this?

I am sure that the Dems are happy that they rejected the most accomplished grifter and divisive individual in their lifetime.
If Harris is a liberal, so what? Biden is a moderate. Trump was a liberal Democrat before he ran for president and chose the conservative route for votes. He also was pro-choice all his life. He also is a hypocrite.

What a load of horse shit.

For a grifter Trump did very well for America. Before the Chinese loosed their virus on the world. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. If not for that Chinese virus Trump would have won handily.

Not bad for a hypocritic grifter.
A load of horse shit? Trump was indeed a liberal Democrat and pro-choice all his adult life, and that ain't horse shit.
If that is your take on these facts, you are not making much sense. If trump had acted early we may have had better control of the virus spread. Instead, he spent his time accusing the Dems of creating a hoax when he has admitted to Woodward that he was aware that the pandemic was no hoax. Then he did not close the borders to Europeans and this resulted in an influx of 2 million travelers from Europe. Newark and Kennedy airports were inundated. And that ain't no hoax.
The economy was not great, except for the wealthy who were supposed to put their tax windfall back into the economy and instead invested it in the stock market. The deficit is through the roof. The economy was in recovery when trump took office and his tax reduction for the wealthy and the slashing of environmental controls only
served to goose an already improving economy, and this is already coming back to haunt us. Stop defending the asshole.

He did act early numb nuts. He had those making masks ready to go and ventilators ready to go where needed. He also had a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the Dem idiots running NY City ever used.

He tried to stop flights into the US and got called a racist. You Dem idiots thought it was a hoax. Trump sure didn't.

I like my tax cut. If you don't like yours give it back to the Fed they will take it.

We had a great economy. UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. All that before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. All that with Trump at the helm.

I don't need to defend Trump. His actions are all the defending he needs. Lets see what you have to say about your hero Biden in two years. I'll bet you won't be happy and I'm sure the rest of America won't be.
Are you one of the super-wealthy? Trump did not try to stop flights into the U.S. He stopped the west coast to keep the Chinese out but did nothing about the East Coast because the dummy was convinced that the covid was coming from China. He accused the Dems of perpetrating a hoax about the virus, instead of doing something about it. You are recreating history. You are obviously one of those uninformed simpletons.
Trump inherited an economy that was on the mend and goosed it with tax cuts for the wealthy and by slashing environmental controls for profit. We will pay a price for that as we did after Clinton left office. He should have left the economy alone and let it continue to grow. Try to see the big picture. Trump's actions are indefensible.
Your views on the economy are amusing. You do realize that the economy was already starting to tank BEFORE Clinton took office...right?

As for recreating history? Do you recall the steps the Obama Administration took to combat the Swine Flu? How they made people wear masks? How they increased testing? How they shut down the schools? How they closed non-essential businesses for months?
We had a serious recession when Clinton LEFT office and saddled George Bush with it. Clinton presided over a robust economy that fell apart as he was leaving office. What Obama did is irrelevant, and he had the economy on the right footing when he left office. That is not recreating history--that is history.


Obama's final season was unremarkable supported by unremarkable growth in GDP and stock market for starts.

Let's show the poster and all the folks at home, just what "unremarkable" looks like.

Hm. No crashes? Yeah I guess that is unremarkable.

That Trump recovery is the fastest ever. Same can't be said about Obama recovery - they chose to bail out the banks instead of sending Americans checks.

Never bail out the people who are the reason for the crisis. No wonder it was one of the slowest recoveries ever.
I have responded to that ridiculous statement in previous posts. Trump took an economy that was already in recovery
and foolishly goosed it when it was already picking up steam.

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