Are Republicans for less government or more government interference in our lives?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Are Republicans for less government or more government interference in our lives?
Are Republicans for less government or more government interference in our lives?
View attachment 722191

They claim to be for less government, but it's a lie.
As you Lefties recruit and harvest more and more filth in America….sadly more and more government is needed to harness your degenerates. This nation couldn’t stay safe, prosperous, civil, decent and first world if you Change America / Hate America weirdos went unimpeded. Look at ALL of your Democrat run multicultural shitholes….now extrapolate the data and TA-DA!

Golfing Gator
As you Lefties recruit and harvest more and more filth in America….sadly more and more government is needed to harness your degenerates. This nation couldn’t stay safe, prosperous, civil, decent and first world if you Change America / Hate America weirdos went unimpeded. Look at ALL of your Democrat run multicultural shitholes….now extrapolate the data and TA-DA!

See what I mean? BL represents the new wave of Trumpster Republicans. Authoritarian to the bone.
Are Republicans for less government or more government interference in our lives?
View attachment 722191

They claim to be for less government, but it's a lie.

The only difference between the Repubs and the Dems is what they want to control, not the desire to control.

That was so 20th century. The didn't really mean it then either, but now they've stopped pretending.

Both sides see government as their weapon to win the culture wars.
All good real core Americans are for less government in a mostly white, mostly christian America….that ship sailed long ago.…let it go.
I keep asking myself and everyone else why the hell we even need a federal government, and nobody can give me a straight answer.

The only reason we would need a federal government this point is to take money away from people and redirected to pet causes of the elite and oligarchy. Also, to siphon off our rights.
Of course both sides want to control certain things. That's why it's called "govern"ment. Regardless, government is a necessary evil, so it's a fine idea to examine what you'd like to see it govern. I'd prefer not to be told what I can say, what I can eat, what kind of fuel I use in my transportation, and what "vaccines" I have to take to participate in society. Choose wisely.
See what I mean? BL represents the new wave of Trumpster Republicans. Authoritarian to the bone.
See what I mean….DB is stuck thinking America is still a Little House On The Prairie episode.
Using government the Left has made good people equity holders in bad people, the Left has forced tens of millions of disgusting taxpayer dependent thirdworlders down our throats, the Left has shoved faggots and chicks with dicks down our throats….the Left will continue to manifest and foster degradation and the demise of America….I’m all for an “at all costs” approach with the Left….I’d volunteer to run concentration camps full of them….I’d volunteer to be the gasser.
….I’m all for an “at all costs” approach with the Left….I’d volunteer to run concentration camps full of them….I’d volunteer to be the gasser.

Rs should lead with this in their campaigning. Put your ugly sickness right out there!

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