Are Republicans Ultimately To Blame For The Current Trans Epidemic & Teen Suicides?

Can you name me a single prominent Republican you currently support who does not have these feet of clay?

Can you name me a single one who will oppose fags with the same passion and vigor that yall oppose trannies?

I mean, there would be no trannies if we hadn't have gotten weak on eliminating the fags, right?

Now due to wokeness, even radical right-wingers gotta pretend this guy isn't a fag, just because he was married to a Republican presidential candidate

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I dont know what you are talking about

Now due to wokeness, even radical right-wingers gotta pretend this guy isn't a fag, just because he was married to a Republican presidential candidate
I dont know you that person is

But to answer your first question republicans come in all shapes and sizes

And some are more couragous than others

But elected repubs are the most unreliable
So, you are saying if gays would just stay in the closet, there would not be trans people?

Only thing I really seen the "left" do is insist that gay people and yes, even trans people be treated with dignity and respect, and not demonized and scapegoated.....why does that trigger you so?

But I hear this a lot from right wingers, this insistence that people who are not like you, should remain quiet and absent from the public space.....and how doing that will make "problems" go away......that isn't true......unless you think trans people just started existing a few years ago.....or unless you think people just started dressing in drag a few years ago.....I mean, "America's Mayor" was a well known drag Queen...

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but at the time, you right-wingers were more focused on demonizing gay people in why not return to that and stop pretending like you suddenly don't have a problem with the same folks you were just demonizing a few years ago?
I think everyone should stay in the closet. All people should keep their private lives private. I'm hetero and I don't tell people what my wife and I do in our sex lives and I don't want to hear what others do either. If they want to be hetero or gay I don't really give a damn but, damn, keep it to yourself and don't rub any of it in my face or teach my children what you do.
I think everyone should stay in the closet. All people should keep their private lives private. I'm hetero and I don't tell people what my wife and I do in our sex lives and I don't want to hear what others do either. If they want to be hetero or gay I don't really give a damn but, damn, keep it to yourself and don't rub any of it in my face or teach my children what you do.
I find it interesting that the pron industry doesn't hold parades in front of children to advertise their products and lifestyles (and thank God for that), but these guys do. That should give pause. Act with dignity and respect, get it in return.
We should not be making it easier for women to be raped by placing men in cells with them where they cannot escape from a larger, stronger predator. We're adding to an already existing problem.
First of all, this doesn't make it easier....Second of all, you folks have demonstrated thru POLICY that you HAVE NOT GIVEN A FUCK ABOUT the safety of inmates in prison....

I am willing to bet that you haven't even brought up the entire subject of rape in prisons until you morons decided to use it as a way to scapegoat trans people...until then, you idiots could give a fuck about the conditions of prisons......and the whole prospect of rapes in prison was nothing more than a, don't drop the soap...

"There are institutional authorities that meet this culture with indifference or outright support. And we file the poor souls of this system under the heading: deserving victims. We joke in ways that suggest that if these rape victims did not want it, they should never have put on a prison uniform."

And to go even further; we can talk stats...since you pretend to care so much about prison rape....From the Bureau of Justice Statistics:

"Roughly 200,000 men, women, and children reported being sexually abused in detention facilities - for prisons, whites reported inmate-on-inmate sexual victimization at twice the rate of blacks. Black and Hispanic inmates reported higher rates of staff sexual misconduct. Persons of two or more races reported by far the highest rates for both inmate-on-inmate (4 percent) and staff sexual misconduct (3.9 percent). And of the more than 600 correctional facilities surveyed that year, the Oglala Sioux facility in Pine Ridge, South Dakota, reported the highest rate of staff sexual misconduct (10.8 percent)*"

But now suddenly, you care about the safety of women in prison? get the fuck out of here...
I think everyone should stay in the closet. All people should keep their private lives private. I'm hetero and I don't tell people what my wife and I do in our sex lives and I don't want to hear what others do either. If they want to be hetero or gay I don't really give a damn but, damn, keep it to yourself and don't rub any of it in my face or teach my children what you do.
So if 2 women are married and they don't hide in shame and keep it from you because you are a hypersensitive pretention little prick; that means they are rubbing it in your face?

Cool...can you tell me a time in the history of this country where a heterosexual white male has ever had his sexual orientation criminalized by the state?

I'll wait while you continue on babbling bullshit....
I dont know what you are talking about


I dont know you that person is

But to answer your first question republicans come in all shapes and sizes

And some are more couragous than others

But elected repubs are the most unreliable
The courageous folks are the ones who are not afraid to be who they are --- which is not something right-wingers are very capable of.....which is why most of the closeted, self-hating gays are Republicans.....

This is also why folks like you can't answer a question because you are too afraid to admit, your anti-gay crusade failed because the majority of the country rejected you....

So trying to hide behind "protecting children" is just more bullshit to mask the real reason you are doing what you are doing....because yall are still butthurt about losing that anti-gay culture war....
So trying to hide behind "protecting children" is just more bullshit to mask the real reason you are doing what you are doing....because yall are still butthurt about losing that anti-gay culture war....
We are trying to protect children

And consequently you are exposing helpless children to the agenda of sexual perverts

Shame on you

I think more people agree with me

But to our shame conservatives are not as well organized as the lefty groomers
So if 2 women are married and they don't hide in shame and keep it from you because you are a hypersensitive pretention little prick; that means they are rubbing it in your face?

Cool...can you tell me a time in the history of this country where a heterosexual white male has ever had his sexual orientation criminalized by the state?

I'll wait while you continue on babbling bullshit....
They are rubbing in my face if they have a parade or try to indoctrinate my children to their lifestyle. What part of keeping everyone's sexuality to themselves don't you understand?
It is Republicans who play with words like Woman or Woke .

Those extreme Republicans like yourself, do not give a darn about women, and never have.

Your opinion is what is driving so many sane Republicans to vote for Democratic candidates since 2018.


Define woman.
First of all, this doesn't make it easier....Second of all, you folks have demonstrated thru POLICY that you HAVE NOT GIVEN A FUCK ABOUT the safety of inmates in prison....

I am willing to bet that you haven't even brought up the entire subject of rape in prisons until you morons decided to use it as a way to scapegoat trans people...until then, you idiots could give a fuck about the conditions of prisons......and the whole prospect of rapes in prison was nothing more than a, don't drop the soap...

"There are institutional authorities that meet this culture with indifference or outright support. And we file the poor souls of this system under the heading: deserving victims. We joke in ways that suggest that if these rape victims did not want it, they should never have put on a prison uniform."

And to go even further; we can talk stats...since you pretend to care so much about prison rape....From the Bureau of Justice Statistics:

"Roughly 200,000 men, women, and children reported being sexually abused in detention facilities - for prisons, whites reported inmate-on-inmate sexual victimization at twice the rate of blacks. Black and Hispanic inmates reported higher rates of staff sexual misconduct. Persons of two or more races reported by far the highest rates for both inmate-on-inmate (4 percent) and staff sexual misconduct (3.9 percent). And of the more than 600 correctional facilities surveyed that year, the Oglala Sioux facility in Pine Ridge, South Dakota, reported the highest rate of staff sexual misconduct (10.8 percent)*"

But now suddenly, you care about the safety of women in prison? get the fuck out of here...
Hmmm, so I'm to be criticized because I don't want to make women getting raped in prison EASIER? How messed up can you be?
Hmmm, so I'm to be criticized because I don't want to make women getting raped in prison EASIER? How messed up can you be?
I am calling you full of shit because you have not given a fuck about women being raped in prison, dic suckers don't give a fuck about rape or sexual abuse in general, according to your own yes, you pretending to care about prison rape as a vehicle to demonize trans people is just that....bullshit
Girls who train hard to become world class athletes are no longer guaranteed a shot because they have to compete with biological men. Young girls are traumatized every day by creepy confused boys lurking in their locker rooms and showers. Somehow the left blames republicans for this state of affairs. Anything is possible when the media becomes the propaganda arm of an administration that hates women and apparently is ignorant of biology.
This thread is a perfect example of what is wrong in this country, Right vs Left, Dem vs Rep, as if all of these issues are black and white. They are not.
Context in how I lean:
  • Fiscally Conservative
  • Limited gov't
  • Limited taxes
  • Individual rights and freedoms
  • States rights are defined state constitutions and those not defined by the Constitution, the voters can decide
  • The Constitution is the law of the land, not emotions
  • I support the 2A because I believe the gov't needs reigns.
  • Support healthcare reform to the point that if universal healthcare can be done, and done right so be it.
  • Support education reform that could allow subsidized higher education if it can be done right
  • I support the LGB community
  • I believe in same sex marriage
  • I believe the "Trans" issue is currently being leveraged as a social political tool to divide.
    • Because this country has people of all belief systems, whether derived from faith, religion or their own personal moral compass, have a right to discuss their concerns. Because parents don't want drag queens reading to their kids doesn't make them transphobic, homophobic, etc. These parents have a right to protest.
    • Because public schools consist of families with a belief systems derived (as previously stated), public school systems should not adopt any education that could go against these systems and should strictly stick to scientific education, however, they can teach social ethics and diversity and or inclusion. Anything that plants a seed in a child that would cause them to question their own biological sex, should not occur so that accommodation to all families can happen and allow each family to decide and teach their own set of values and morals.
So based on what I said... I can't vote Dem or Republican. But here you all are trying to place everything into two boxes.
I am calling you full of shit because you have not given a fuck about women being raped in prison, dic suckers don't give a fuck about rape or sexual abuse in general, according to your own yes, you pretending to care about prison rape as a vehicle to demonize trans people is just that....bullshit
And there it is, exactly what I was talking about. You definitely seem willing to sacrifice the safety and well-being of female prisoners in order for male predators to have a captive audience (locked in a prison cell makes for nowhere to go). But go ahead, keep waxing indignant about protecting women from female predators, that's real convincing. They're just prisoners, after all.

"Republican presidential candidates like Nikki Haley clearly see transgender youthas political targets – chum for an easily fearmongered voting base addicted to cruelty. The former South Carolina governor, during a CNN town hall Sunday, made a fact-free and vile connection between the existence of transgender youth and the rise in suicides among teenage girls: “How are we supposed to get our girls used to the fact that biological boys are in their locker rooms? And then they wonder why a third of our teenage girls seriously contemplated suicide last year.” With that comment, Haley showed she doesn’t care enough about high rates of suicide among teenage girls to take the matter seriously, and she’s more than willing to stigmatize transgender youth, who face even higher rates of suicide."

While the mainstream-woke media tries to claim that only less than one half of one percent of the entire population are trans youth; that is still a large enough number to cause hundreds of thousands of teenage girls to commit suicide and while ultimately, we can lay much of the blame on the left, the fags and these trans kids themselves, we need to talk about how none of this would be possible if it wasn't for the right-wing caving and raising the white flag in the war against the gays...if Conservatives had fought as hard against the fags as they seem to be doing against the trannies, there would not be trannies.

And Conservatives are really fighting hard against the trannies.....including one elected Republican congressman calling them mutants and demons during a Congressional hearing:

And then the guy apologized just because there was a backlash....That is how the right lost to the fags not that long ago....Remember? We called them demonic satanic parasites; we even had laws against them, we called them mentally ill, we said most of them are pedophiles and we justified all of this under the shield of "we are just protecting the children" -- and what happened, Conservatives became weak and now not only do we have gay marriage, we have transgender toddlers.. Now these same Conservatives are electing fags and pretending that isn't a problem...We even gotta pretend these fags aren't fags, like really? Lindsey Graham is a fag....just because he is a self-hating fag doesn't mean we should elect him...we need a true Conservative who will fight back against the fags the same way the great Pastor Phelps did or else we are lost as a nation....

Dunno about suicides. But reps are pusses in a fight and if you look at it that way, then yes, reps are to blame for going along to get along with the trans mania.

new vagina.jpg
I am calling you full of shit because you have not given a fuck about women being raped in prison, dic suckers don't give a fuck about rape or sexual abuse in general, according to your own yes, you pretending to care about prison rape as a vehicle to demonize trans people is just that....bullshit

First of all, you can't define what a woman is.

Second, you are actively advocating for locking women in cells with men.

Third, the left uses rape as a means to control people, and you're fully on board with that.
Reps have proven they can't fight the new school dems in any meaningful way at all. If they don't break a Conservative Union of States is all over.

First of all, you can't define what a woman is.

Second, you are actively advocating for locking women in cells with men.

Third, the left uses rape as a means to control people, and you're fully on board with that.
A woman is anyone who was born a woman....if a transgender person wants to live their life as a woman, I won't cry about it like a bitch...

In fact, folks like you have more bitch in you than a trans person could ever hope to achieve.....

The existence of trans people poses no issues at all on my ability to be a man....however, I guess when it comes to a fragile minded pussy like you, a trans person is an existential threat to your mediocre existence....

My advice, grow a pair......if you were able to survive gay people existing outside the can handle tran people, pussy...
if a transgender person wants to live their life as a woman, I won't cry about it like a bitch...

Yes you will, especially since you can't even define what a woman is.

All you do here is cry like a bitch, and dupe your fellow dumb DemoKKKrats into falling for your fake posts.

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