Are rising gun sales the reason for declining crime?

More criminals are getting caught, the prison population has increased as the crime-rate has gone down – there are simply fewer criminals on the streets to commit crimes.

I'm not going to agree you on this point for one simple reason. Violent crime rate has gone down as the prison population has increased due to the War on Drugs. If anything, the prison population should have been decreasing over time as the violent crime has gone down.
Provide for us a list of the laws he sponsored or supported that have lead to a decrease in crime.

Quite simple......

1. Obama became president
2. Violent crime rate has declined

Therefore, the election of Obama caused the crime rate to decline. Simple cause and effect relationship. Same logic as the OP

Wrong as usual, but you keep proving just how fucking stupid you are.

You don't get it... If everything is Obama's fault... then he obviously must get credit for the good as well as the bad.

Besides... the OP was speculation.... Just like Rightwinger's.
Ok..since you opened the door. The USPS is bleeding money. And it's gotten much worse in the last three years.
The St Louis Cardinals won the World Fucking Series.....Obama again?

Has as much of a correlation as your increased gun ownership theory
By that you admit you just made up what you stated.
Once again..We're discussing reality now, so pay attention.
Criminals will think twice before attacking someone if they know there is a chance their potential prey might be packing heat.
Obama doesn't have shit to do with it.
Cut the bullshit.

Yep... you're opinion is beyond questioning... once again... Quite the ego.
It could be that with more people on food stamps than ever before, they do not have to commit as many crimes in order to eat. Therefore the crime rate goes down.

And who says that Welfare is evil... see? It's reducing the crime rate!
No... You keep paying the ransom... I'm a Progressive, remember... that means I have no job, and drug addled, kids wearing other people's clothes and I live in a Major city and am probably a lazy good for nothing according to you guys, I'm not paying anyway... right?

Well, you'd be wrong... but that never stopped you guys from saying that shit anyway.
Logic is not your forte

There is a direct correlation between the election of Barack Obama and the decline in the violent crime rate. Statistics do not lie
Ok..since you opened the door. The USPS is bleeding money. And it's gotten much worse in the last three years.
The St Louis Cardinals won the World Fucking Series.....Obama again?

The Cardinals won the World Series because they have wicked smart fans.

That much is certain.
Dang steelplate jumping to some conclusions about me aren't you. My comment was completely sarcastic and merely pointed out that the increase of welfare is comparable to paying off crooks holding a child hostage.

And call ol Ben what you want but he was right.
By that you admit you just made up what you stated.
Once again..We're discussing reality now, so pay attention.
Criminals will think twice before attacking someone if they know there is a chance their potential prey might be packing heat.
Obama doesn't have shit to do with it.
Cut the bullshit.

Once again, my Obama hypothesis has as much validity as your increased gun sales hypothesis.

To prove your hypothesis, you would have to demonstrate an increase in the number of crimes stopped by gun owners. A gun owner who increased his gun collection from six to ten guns has done nothing to stop crime. There is no data showing a significant increase in the number of gun owners

There is always a chance someone may be packing heat. Criminals do not read up on gun sales statistics before they decide to rob a gas station. If there was story after story of criminals being shot by gas station owners.....they would think twice

What there are stories of is dumb criminals caught on surveillance cameras and having their pictures on the six o'clock news

The fact is, violent crime has been on the decrease for twenty years. Mostly due to improved police tactics and modern technology. For NRA types to claim it is because of increased private gun ownership is just as silly as me claiming it is because of Obama

And there have been at least 2 studies that link declines in crimes to increased access to weapons and less restrictive laws on guns. But you just ignore that. Dumb ass.

Yea....NRA is good at that.
I guess you get what you pay for

The premise that criminals are afraid to commit crimes because they read gun sales statistics is simplistic pablum for gun nuts
Provide for us a list of the laws he sponsored or supported that have lead to a decrease in crime.

Quite simple......

1. Obama became president
2. Violent crime rate has declined

Therefore, the election of Obama caused the crime rate to decline. Simple cause and effect relationship. Same logic as the OP

Wrong as usual, but you keep proving just how fucking stupid you are.

Actually, you're the one who doesn't seem to be smart enough to see that he is mocking you. :cool:
No... You keep paying the ransom... I'm a Progressive, remember... that means I have no job, and drug addled, kids wearing other people's clothes and I live in a Major city and am probably a lazy good for nothing according to you guys, I'm not paying anyway... right?

Well, you'd be wrong... but that never stopped you guys from saying that shit anyway.


Once again, my Obama hypothesis has as much validity as your increased gun sales hypothesis.

To prove your hypothesis, you would have to demonstrate an increase in the number of crimes stopped by gun owners. A gun owner who increased his gun collection from six to ten guns has done nothing to stop crime. There is no data showing a significant increase in the number of gun owners

There is always a chance someone may be packing heat. Criminals do not read up on gun sales statistics before they decide to rob a gas station. If there was story after story of criminals being shot by gas station owners.....they would think twice

What there are stories of is dumb criminals caught on surveillance cameras and having their pictures on the six o'clock news

The fact is, violent crime has been on the decrease for twenty years. Mostly due to improved police tactics and modern technology. For NRA types to claim it is because of increased private gun ownership is just as silly as me claiming it is because of Obama

And there have been at least 2 studies that link declines in crimes to increased access to weapons and less restrictive laws on guns. But you just ignore that. Dumb ass.

Yea....NRA is good at that.
I guess you get what you pay for

The premise that criminals are afraid to commit crimes because they read gun sales statistics is simplistic pablum for gun nuts
Let's look at the logic of the Left.
Ok...Guns possession and ownership is outlawed. Government officials insist that if people are prohibited weapons, crime will be virtually nil.
Are so fucking stupid to believe that criminals will obey such a law?
If gun ownership were made illegal here, it would be open season on law abiding people. Crime would sky rocket.
Ever hear of the term "mutually assured destruction"?
Having certain weapons is a deterrent to any aggressor in that the aggressor knows in the back of their mind that if they attack they too may be destroyed.
The same thing applies to an armed citizenry. If criminals know they may be faced with a person who is carrying, they will hesitate to commit an otherwise easy crime.
Take away that concern and criminals have nothing to fear. They already are laughing at the criminal justice system.
When government cannot do the job of protecting the sheep from the wolf, the sheep have to protect themselves.
If that offends you in some way or leads you to believe that anyone who does carry or wishes to carry a firearm is a "gun nut" then you'll just have to be pissed off about it.
In the mean time when a crook decides to take me on, he's going to take a dirt nap and there aren't 12 people in this area who'd convict me of anything. Why? Because they don't want to be next.
As a matter of fact, the DA here would not even bring charges.
Example, two brothers who own a store here faced two armed robbers in their store. The one brother went into the back room of the storre to call 9-1-1, the other took out his .40cal Sig Sauer and sent these two pricks to their eternal home. The best part...The DA not only refused to bring charges, he referred to the brothers as "heroes". So there.
Has as much of a correlation as your increased gun ownership theory
By that you admit you just made up what you stated.
Once again..We're discussing reality now, so pay attention.
Criminals will think twice before attacking someone if they know there is a chance their potential prey might be packing heat.
Obama doesn't have shit to do with it.
Cut the bullshit.

Yep... you're opinion is beyond questioning... once again... Quite the ego.
Non responsive reply.
What I stated above is FACT.
And there have been at least 2 studies that link declines in crimes to increased access to weapons and less restrictive laws on guns. But you just ignore that. Dumb ass.

Yea....NRA is good at that.
I guess you get what you pay for

The premise that criminals are afraid to commit crimes because they read gun sales statistics is simplistic pablum for gun nuts
Let's look at the logic of the Left.
Ok...Guns possession and ownership is outlawed. Government officials insist that if people are prohibited weapons, crime will be virtually nil.
Are so fucking stupid to believe that criminals will obey such a law?
If gun ownership were made illegal here, it would be open season on law abiding people. Crime would sky rocket.
Ever hear of the term "mutually assured destruction"?
Having certain weapons is a deterrent to any aggressor in that the aggressor knows in the back of their mind that if they attack they too may be destroyed.
The same thing applies to an armed citizenry. If criminals know they may be faced with a person who is carrying, they will hesitate to commit an otherwise easy crime.
Take away that concern and criminals have nothing to fear. They already are laughing at the criminal justice system.
When government cannot do the job of protecting the sheep from the wolf, the sheep have to protect themselves.
If that offends you in some way or leads you to believe that anyone who does carry or wishes to carry a firearm is a "gun nut" then you'll just have to be pissed off about it.
In the mean time when a crook decides to take me on, he's going to take a dirt nap and there aren't 12 people in this area who'd convict me of anything. Why? Because they don't want to be next.
As a matter of fact, the DA here would not even bring charges.
Example, two brothers who own a store here faced two armed robbers in their store. The one brother went into the back room of the storre to call 9-1-1, the other took out his .40cal Sig Sauer and sent these two pricks to their eternal home. The best part...The DA not only refused to bring charges, he referred to the brothers as "heroes". So there.

Oh yes......the Dodge City solution to fighting crime

How often do you see criminals caught because some citizen had a gun vs some citizen had a surveillance camera?

Violent crime is not just armed robbery, it is murder, it is rape

Most murders are domestic violence or someone you know. Arming more women and encouraging family shootouts will not reduce the murder rate. 75% of murders are the result of guns. What has reduced domestic violence murders? It's those liberal, tree hugging anti domestic violence laws
Yea....NRA is good at that.
I guess you get what you pay for

The premise that criminals are afraid to commit crimes because they read gun sales statistics is simplistic pablum for gun nuts
Let's look at the logic of the Left.
Ok...Guns possession and ownership is outlawed. Government officials insist that if people are prohibited weapons, crime will be virtually nil.
Are so fucking stupid to believe that criminals will obey such a law?
If gun ownership were made illegal here, it would be open season on law abiding people. Crime would sky rocket.
Ever hear of the term "mutually assured destruction"?
Having certain weapons is a deterrent to any aggressor in that the aggressor knows in the back of their mind that if they attack they too may be destroyed.
The same thing applies to an armed citizenry. If criminals know they may be faced with a person who is carrying, they will hesitate to commit an otherwise easy crime.
Take away that concern and criminals have nothing to fear. They already are laughing at the criminal justice system.
When government cannot do the job of protecting the sheep from the wolf, the sheep have to protect themselves.
If that offends you in some way or leads you to believe that anyone who does carry or wishes to carry a firearm is a "gun nut" then you'll just have to be pissed off about it.
In the mean time when a crook decides to take me on, he's going to take a dirt nap and there aren't 12 people in this area who'd convict me of anything. Why? Because they don't want to be next.
As a matter of fact, the DA here would not even bring charges.
Example, two brothers who own a store here faced two armed robbers in their store. The one brother went into the back room of the storre to call 9-1-1, the other took out his .40cal Sig Sauer and sent these two pricks to their eternal home. The best part...The DA not only refused to bring charges, he referred to the brothers as "heroes". So there.

Oh yes......the Dodge City solution to fighting crime

How often do you see criminals caught because some citizen had a gun vs some citizen had a surveillance camera?

Violent crime is not just armed robbery, it is murder, it is rape

Most murders are domestic violence or someone you know. Arming more women and encouraging family shootouts will not reduce the murder rate. 75% of murders are the result of guns. What has reduced domestic violence murders? It's those liberal, tree hugging anti domestic violence laws
Ahh yes...We can always count on a liberal weenie to trot out the all or nothing straw man card.
Tell me genius, in states where concealed carry is permitted, where are your "Dodge City" shoot outs?
Surveillance? Hey sunshine, that for AFTER they take the victim to the morgue....
The right to bear arms levels the playing field in that the criminal may be the one parallel to the ground. Or would deter the attempt at the crime altogether.
You will have to post a link proving your premise that "most murders are domestic violence"..
What does the type of violent crime have to do with anything?
States that permit concealed carry also have "Castle" laws and imminent danger of physical harm laws which allow the use of deadly force as long as the victim has a "reasonable" belief he or she is about to be attacked. Interpretation of those laws are very broad in that DA's do not tend to prosecute and if they do, juries tend to acquit.
Some states, including New York have preemptive strike laws which allows a person who reasonably believes another is about to commit a violent crime to use deadly force to prevent such crime.
Article 35 - Penal Law - Defense of Justification
S 35.10 Justification; use of physical force generally.
The use of physical force upon another person which would otherwise
constitute an offense is justifiable and not criminal under any of the
following circumstances:

6. A person may, pursuant to the ensuing provisions of this article,
use physical force upon another person in defense of himself or a third
person, or in defense of premises, or in order to prevent larceny of or
criminal mischief to property, or in order to effect an arrest or
prevent an escape from custody. Whenever a person is authorized by any
such provision to use deadly physical force in any given circumstance,
nothing contained in any other such provision may be deemed to negate or
qualify such authorization.
2. A person may not use deadly physical force upon another person
under circumstances specified in subdivision one unless:
(a) He reasonably believes that such other person is using or about to
use deadly physical force. Even in such case, however, the actor may not
use deadly physical force if he knows that he can with complete safety
as to himself and others avoid the necessity of so doing by retreating;
except that he is under no duty to retreat if he is:
(i) in his dwelling and not the initial aggressor; or
(ii) a police officer or peace officer or a person assisting a police
officer or a peace officer at the latter`s direction, acting pursuant to
section 35.30; or
(b) He reasonably believes that such other person is committing or
attempting to commit a kidnapping, forcible rape, forcible sodomy or
robbery; or
(c) He reasonably believes that such other person is committing or
attempting to commit a burglary, and the circumstances are such that the
use of deadly physical force is authorized by subdivision three of
section 35.20.
Your view is one of the many which you libs are famous for..That view is looking to government to protect you.
Reality....The police are not there to prevent crime. They are there to investigate and then go catch the bad actors.
If the opposite were true, there would indeed be a cop on every street corner. That is not practical. Therefore the law permits citizens the right of self preservation.
Weapons allow us to have a better shot at deterring and preventing crime. And in the case of a criminal act, the right and ability to fight back.
IMO Dodge City would be an unarmed citizenry where only criminals have weapons and they prey on the rest of us.

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