Are Slavery/Holocaust comparisons fair?

That is how it works. You deny evidence shown to you so do the research. We already know, you're the one saying it ain't so.

Dumbass. Asslips claimed to have evidence. I asked him to show it. He fled like a bitch.
No free work can be even remotely compared to Slavery.
There's Nothing Free About an "Heiristocratic" Command Economy Over Employment and Wages

LIke all other insistent and narrow-minded elitists, you don't qualify your sanctimonious preaching by distinguishing between slavery as punishment and slavery as control over those who are ruled by plutocratic parasites of the same gene pool who claim they own the other White people's work.

People who act like wild animals need to be tamed; so slavery was justifiable in that case only. Most White employees were capable of taking their boss's place; no Africans were.

Again, dismissing the horrors of sweatshops shows an upper-class contempt for those who didn't inherit all their money, property, and power. Read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle; there's no way Afram slavery was worse than that.

Whites who are born rich hate and fear all other White people. Starting with the Kennedys, they elevated inferior races just to destroy White pride. It had nothing to do with helping Blacks, who deserve everything that was done to them before the radical reverse direction in American destiny when, under orders from the birth-class supremacists, everything was done for that non-productive race by taking away opportunities only deserved by Whites who weren't born rich. Class mobility is what the Preppies fear most; their Civil Rights for the Uncivilized laws were directed at destroying White class mobility.
Many people compare minor to moderate unfairness to Holocaust and Slavery. Is it fair?

In my opinion, in some cases, it is unfair. Work under a mean boss is not Slavery. What is a Grammar Nazi?

In some cases it is fair. Incarceration is a form of Slavery for people who have been convicted of offenses. This is a part of XIIIth Amendment. Being incarcerated means enormous suffering.
We could only wish that incarcerated means enormous suffering--maybe the criminals would stop committing crimes then.
Many people compare minor to moderate unfairness to Holocaust and Slavery. Is it fair?

In my opinion, in some cases, it is unfair. Work under a mean boss is not Slavery. What is a Grammar Nazi?

In some cases it is fair. Incarceration is a form of Slavery for people who have been convicted of offenses. This is a part of XIIIth Amendment. Being incarcerated means enormous suffering.

Well slavery happened. The holocaust didn't. So how do you compare them.

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