Are Slavery/Holocaust comparisons fair?

Its not an argument it is fact. You made a claim and i corrected it. Ignoring reality is on you. Not me.
It's very weak Harley. The fact is you pointed aut 4 slaves out of 600. Then you want to argue because he freed those 4 slaves while he was alive because I said his slaves were freed after he died. Than man owned 600 slaves, he bred them like cattle and he sold them for profit. These are facts.
It's very weak Harley. The fact is you pointed aut 4 slaves out of 600. Then you want to argue because he freed those 4 slaves while he was alive because I said his slaves were freed after he died. Than man owned 600 slaves, he bred them like cattle and he sold them for profit. These are facts.
You are making weak argument Harley. My literacy is not a problem. 4 slaves being freed does not represent an argument against the permanence of chattel slavery for the enslaved Harley. You don't seem to get that.
You are making weak argument Harley. My literacy is not a problem. 4 slaves being freed does not represent an argument against the permanence of chattel slavery for the enslaved Harley. You don't seem to get that.
No it doesnt. All it does it prove that your claim is incorrect.
Goddamn, you are one dense mother fucker.
People want to argue about 3-4 slaves being freed like that's supposed to mean something.

How many people did Thomas Jefferson own?​

Thomas Jefferson enslaved over 600 human beings throughout the course of his life. 400 people were enslaved at Monticello; the other 200 people were held in bondage on Jefferson’s other properties. At any given time, around 130 people were enslaved at Monticello.

Was Thomas Jefferson a “Good Slave Holder?”​

Though it surprises many, one of the most common questions guides are asked at Monticello is some form of: “was Jefferson a good slave owner?” It seems many people asking this question are struggling to understand how Jefferson treated the people he held in bondage. Some are trying to understand how he could profess to love liberty and yet own human beings. The reality at Monticello is that treatment of the people Jefferson enslaved was typical for the time and region. Jefferson wrote that he wished to ameliorate the conditions of slavery and treat people less harshly than other violent slaveholders, but he still forced people to labor for the wealth and luxury of his white family. This force was upheld through violence, the threat of violence, family separation, and emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse. Even at the home of Thomas Jefferson, a man who professed to abhor slavery and love liberty, there is no such thing as a “good” slaveholder.

Were people at Monticello physical beaten?​

Yes. People at Monticello were physically beaten. Several overseers had a reputation for cruelty and violence: Gabriel Lilly, William Page, and William McGeehee. There are no documents of Thomas Jefferson personally beating a slave, but such actions were uncommon for slaveholders. Most slaveholders would consider such physical labor beneath them, and hired overseers to perform the actual administration of violence. Thomas Jefferson did order physical punishment.

I am showing what whites did. You are an example of the modern white racist.
No I’m not. I don’t favor any race over any other. I judge people on their individual actions. There are good in all races and trash in all races. Unfortunately, you are trash as shown by your constant anti-white and very biased threads and posts.
You are making weak argument Harley. My literacy is not a problem. 4 slaves being freed does not represent an argument against the permanence of chattel slavery for the enslaved Harley. You don't seem to get that.
When you make a claim like “no slaves were ever freed” even one freed slave makes your argument either a mistake or a lie. If you admit that it was wrong, it was a mistake, if you refuse to do that it was a deliberate lie.
The racists here will only make excuses and gaslight Relative Ethics. They aren't here to discuss facts. The only exist to post thread after thread of racist bullshit they want to express loud and in public without facing consequences.
Hey, make mine a double cheeseburger and don't burn the fries, McDummy.
Many people compare minor to moderate unfairness to Holocaust and Slavery. Is it fair?

In my opinion, in some cases, it is unfair. Work under a mean boss is not Slavery. What is a Grammar Nazi?

In some cases it is fair. Incarceration is a form of Slavery for people who have been convicted of offenses. This is a part of XIIIth Amendment. Being incarcerated means enormous suffering.
The Maangamizi (African Holocaust) and the Jewish Holocaust can't be compared. As a matter of fact Germany perfected the methods used in the Jewish Holocaust in Africa long before they employed them in their country. Both were terrible but the Maangamizi killed more, affected more, and still affects more than any other event in our planets history.
No I’m not. I don’t favor any race over any other. I judge people on their individual actions. There are good in all races and trash in all races. Unfortunately, you are trash as shown by your constant anti-white and very biased threads and posts.
Yes you are. Your comments speak for themselves.
When you make a claim like “no slaves were ever freed” even one freed slave makes your argument either a mistake or a lie. If you admit that it was wrong, it was a mistake, if you refuse to do that it was a deliberate lie.
Trying to find 1 freed slave to dismiss something shows how disingenuous whites like many of you here are. And given that everything you and others say about us as blacks is a lie that you have been shown is untrue but you keep repeating them, it means by your own standards that you are telling deliberate lies.
No it doesnt. All it does it prove that your claim is incorrect.
Goddamn, you are one dense mother fucker.
In total, of the more than six hundred people Jefferson enslaved, he freed only ten people – all members of the same family.

But since that's not zero we'll argue and tell somebody how wrong they are.
The African slave trade was not like whiteys slave trade. In African slave trade you could earn freedom. Most of Africans were enslaved as punishment for crimes. So slavery was basically like our system of jmprisonment. Also African prisoners of war were enslaved. You really need to study these things because you look really stupid trying to compare the slavery whites pun on Africans with how Africans used slavery.

How the hell do you know! There was NO written history!

All you silly people have are fantasy stories written within the last 100 years!

Far more logical is to look at the slavery endemic to Agrica today.

Aaaaaaannnns it's the same as slavery all over the world throughout all of time.
In total, of the more than six hundred people Jefferson enslaved, he freed only ten people – all members of the same family.

But since that's not zero we'll argue and tell somebody how wrong they are.
Thats just ONE slave owner, dumbass.
You do understand words have meaning right? So why choose to lie? You could have still made your point by not lying and saying "most slaves werent freed by their owners" or something like that.
I guess that requires decency, though. Something you dont have.
I guess, the wording was ridiculous. Slavery and Holocaust are unique atrocities of their own kind -- they should not be compared.

My question was about those who compare their lives to Slavery and Holocaust. Some people compare working for a mean boss to Slavery. Someone just compared Covid response to Holocaust. That is ridiculous.
Their Contempt for Working People Proves That Race Traitors Are Upper-Class Snobs

The South had slavery; the North had sweatshops. The North had no moral superiority in that war.
The White workers got a lower percentage of what they produced than the African slaves did. The well-hidden reason behind that owners-supremacy Republican war was to use the freed Africans as scab labor. But because of the poor work habits of the jungle force, that scam didn't work out for the union-busting businessmen. It was just as much of a failure as when baseball used minor-leaguers as strikebreakers.

However, the plutocratic parasites' scam was tried again a hundred years later, when Martin Luther King was assigned by the ruling class to mix up the working class by forcing incompatible groups together. That destroyed union solidarity. Sometimes history repeats itself with different results.
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