Are Slavery/Holocaust comparisons fair?

You do that white boy. Because it was your ancestors who ran away from shitholes where they we debtors, serfs, and in general, white trash, to come to America.
And blacks today are running to white countries black boy. Get on your knees.
Many people compare minor to moderate unfairness to Holocaust and Slavery. Is it fair?

In my opinion, in some cases, it is unfair. Work under a mean boss is not Slavery. What is a Grammar Nazi?

In some cases it is fair. Incarceration is a form of Slavery for people who have been convicted of offenses. This is a part of XIIIth Amendment. Being incarcerated means enormous sufferabuts.

No. Slavery is slavery. The holocaust was a GOVERNMENT intent on murdering its own citizens.

Comparing the two is moronic.
You lying scumbag your stupid ass, what a waste of tax payer funded K-12, lots of blacks in what would become the USA became free. You are the biggest fucking cry baby on Earth.
No they didn't and the fact they had to become free when to constitution supposedly granted everyone here automatic freedom, shows what kind of disingenuous crap you're trying to argue.
And blacks today are running to white countries black boy. Get on your knees.
Whites today live in black countries whites wsnted so bably they tried to permanetly colonize them. So get on your knees.
No. Slavery is slavery. The holocaust was a GOVERNMENT intent on murdering its own citizens.

Comparing the two is moronic.
Slavery was government murdering human beings they considered non human propeety.
slavery is over, why is it being debated?
Because you racists are too scared to discuss the continuin system of racism by whites since slavery ended. You want to keep saying slavery is over to dismiss the truth or you do like Wesrvall and claim slavery is still in Africa when it's actually all over the world. But we aren't talking about the rest of the world, we are talking about 2021 America and the systemic racism in this country.
Not exactly all over Africa but it is also still prevalent in Europe.

Why must you lie all the damn time?

It is all over the World and it goes on in Africa, Middle-East, Asia, Central and South American, Mexico, Canada and even the U.S. but you only believe Slavery happens to blacks only, so you are very ignorant!
Because you racists are too scared to discuss the continuin system of racism by whites since slavery ended. You want to keep saying slavery is over to dismiss the truth or you do like Wesrvall and claim slavery is still in Africa when it's actually all over the world. But we aren't talking about the rest of the world, we are talking about 2021 America and the systemic racism in this country.
You see racism when you see a newborn white kid, so everything is racist to you including when clouds are white!
Slavery was government murdering human beings they considered non human propeety.

Bullshit, you sniveling twat. Slaves were property. VALUABLE property. They weren't allowed to work on the railroads because they might get hurt.

They weren't allowed to work in the mines because they WOULD get sick.

There were absutely cruel owners who abused and in some cases murdered their slaves, but they were the minority.

The Holocaust was not just the government sanctioned, but the government DIRECTED murder of an entire sect of people.

Your bitch ass claim that the two are similar is more evidence of what a whiney assed bitch you are.

Get to work.

So here we have whites using the Arab Trader excuse. People see the word slavery and automatically associate it with Trans Atlantic chattel slavery. People might want to study the differences because in Africa a slave could earn their freedom and in a least one case, Jaga of Opobo, a person who was a slave, became King. No slave in the chattel system was able to earn freedom, much less escape. Furthermore there were various slave laws made in America that did not exist with Arab traders. So trans Atlantic chattel slavery and the holacaust can be compared. But the combined deaths and atrocities during, the Ma'afa, American aparthied and continuing white racism in America is far worse than the holocaust.
Both Slavery and Holocaust are unique atrocities in History.

In modern language many people compare minor inconveniences to the worst atrocities in History. For example, what is a grammar Nazi?
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No. Slavery is slavery. The holocaust was a GOVERNMENT intent on murdering its own citizens.

Comparing the two is moronic.

My original question was not about comparing Slavery to Holocaust -- both were unique atrocities in History.

My question was about the fact that many people compare their own inconveniences in life to the worst atrocities. Like a mean boss is viewed as a "Nazi".
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My original question was not about comparing Slavery to Holocaust -- both were unique atrocities in History.

My question was about the fact that many people compare their own inconveniences in life to the worst atrocities. Like a mean boss is viewed as a "Nazi".

That's because most people are ignorant of history, and lack a vocabulary rich enough to enable them to not have to use gross over generalizations.
Incarceration is defined as Slavery by the XIIth Amendment of US Constitution. These people are mostly guilty, but they are in fact slaves of the State.
Blue-State America Is a Coliseum Desperately in Need of Lion Hunters

Slavery was punishment for a race that throughout its history has behaved like wild jungle animals. Society's primary duty is to protect itself from such proven predators. Liberals are misfits who want to wreck the healthy society that rejected them. Don't believe that they really believe what they preach about civil rights. Deep down inside, they know perfectly well what they have turned loose on us. Urban chaos is an enjoyable spectator sport to them. They are the ferals' fanboys.
Both Slavery and Holocaust are unique atrocities in History.

In modern language many people compare minor inconveniences to the worst atrocities in History. For example, what is a grammar Nazi?
I'd Rather Have Diploma Dumbos Call Me a "Grammar Nazi" Than Not See Grammar. Their Own Low-IQ Grammar Proves That College Is a Fraud and Should Not Be Rewarded.

Ignorant and dysfunctional language lead to ignorant and dysfunctional thought. A nation has to be pre-conditioned, crippling its minds first, in order to become unthinking believers in something like Naziism. Under orders from the ruling class, teachers in New Age America have been told to treat grammar as irrelevant.

Whoever controls language controls thought. So those who are called "Grammar Nazis" want to stop this dumbing down, which enables fascists. It's typical of the ungrammatical to call people the exact opposite of what they are.

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