Are Slavery/Holocaust comparisons fair?

In USSR, most Jews stood for Freedom, Equality, and Positive Rights. They were for Lenin and Trotsky. USSR became Totalitarian only when Jews were expelled from the top Party positions.
White Nationalists have inflicted the worst genocide on Jews -- we do not support White Nationalism.

White FASCISTS did the deed. They used nationalism as a tool. Nothing more. It's the same as when secular leaders, of whatever ilk, invoke religion to whip up the masses for the benefit of that secular leader. The religion is not the driver, it is merely the tool of the demagogue.
Both Slavery and Holocaust are unique atrocities in History.

In modern language many people compare minor inconveniences to the worst atrocities in History. For example, what is a grammar Nazi?
I don't think you can say that slavery was a "unique atrocity". For thousands of years slavery was the accepted norm in every society across the world It's only recently (since the eighteenth century) been viewed as evil.
American Slavery was one of the worst forms of Slavery in History. For instance, work obligations of American Slaves were three times higher then those of Russian Serfs.
Are you fucking crazy?! You dont know history to even make such a claim. If anything, slavery in the US was the best case scenario as far as being a slave is concerned.
Not really -- that in a modern legend.

I have studied Russian Serfdom extensively and other systems for comparison.

Then you didn't study it very well. Serfs were treated even more poorly than American slaves. That's one of the reasons why communism was able to abuse them for so long. They had never experienced anything even close to freedom.
Both Slavery and Holocaust are unique atrocities in History.

In modern language many people compare minor inconveniences to the worst atrocities in History. For example, what is a grammar Nazi?
That's a good point RE. I have found myself calling people grammar nazi. Being obtuse or anal about grammar and spelling when you have no rebuttal is a long way from being a nazi.
Blue-State America Is a Coliseum Desperately in Need of Lion Hunters

Slavery was punishment for a race that throughout its history has behaved like wild jungle animals. Society's primary duty is to protect itself from such proven predators. Liberals are misfits who want to wreck the healthy society that rejected them. Don't believe that they really believe what they preach about civil rights. Deep down inside, they know perfectly well what they have turned loose on us. Urban chaos is an enjoyable spectator sport to them. They are the ferals' fanboys.
And here is white dumbness. You might want to check european histoey son, because dungeons were real and so was the raping and pillaging of the Anglo, Saxons, Celtics, Huns. And the Norsemen. The trans atlantic slave trade was just a continuance of the feral animalistc behavor of the white europen tribes.
And here is white dumbness. You might want to check european histoey son, because dungeons were real and so was the raping and pillaging of the Anglo, Saxons, Celtics, Huns. And the Norsemen. The trans atlantic slave trade was just a continuance of the feral animalistc behavor of the white europen tribes.

The African slave trade began millenia before whitey ever set foot in Europe.
In USA, about 2 million people are imprisoned -- they are Slaves of the State. USA has the highest Incarceration Rate in the World.
Whats the unsolved crime rate in Africa? If they had an effective police force with competent detectives, Africa would have the highest incarceration rate.

Our incarceration rate is a good thing, not bad.
White FASCISTS did the deed. They used nationalism as a tool. Nothing more. It's the same as when secular leaders, of whatever ilk, invoke religion to whip up the masses for the benefit of that secular leader. The religion is not the driver, it is merely the tool of the demagogue.
Political Puritanism

Sissified and simple-minded Liberal weaklings are inferior in everything else, so they make up things that give them the illusion of moral superiority. The race card is a Joker; losers play it to make themselves feel like winners.
Whats the unsolved crime rate in Africa? If they had an effective police force with competent detectives, Africa would have the highest incarceration rate.

Our incarceration rate is a good thing.
Don't Incarcerate; Incinerate Instead

Criminals are enemies of the human race and need to be eliminated. We don't need more prisons; we need more morgues. Prison is just a shelter for these psychotic subhumans. Our vicious ruling class knows this; they need to harass us with these agents in order to distract us from our socio-economic and political tyranny.
So here we have whites using the Arab Trader excuse. People see the word slavery and automatically associate it with Trans Atlantic chattel slavery. People might want to study the differences because in Africa a slave could earn their freedom and in a least one case, Jaga of Opobo, a person who was a slave, became King. No slave in the chattel system was able to earn freedom, much less escape. Furthermore there were various slave laws made in America that did not exist with Arab traders. So trans Atlantic chattel slavery and the holacaust can be compared. But the combined deaths and atrocities during, the Ma'afa, American aparthied and continuing white racism in America is far worse than the holocaust.
Wrong. As usual.
Thats just one slave holder.
In USSR, most Jews stood for Freedom, Equality, and Positive Rights. They were for Lenin and Trotsky. USSR became Totalitarian only when Jews were expelled from the top Party positions.
Relative Ethics a ridiculous question....not even close
I guess, the wording was ridiculous. Slavery and Holocaust are unique atrocities of their own kind -- they should not be compared.

My question was about those who compare their lives to Slavery and Holocaust. Some people compare working for a mean boss to Slavery. Someone just compared Covid response to Holocaust. That is ridiculous.

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