Are some issues just too big for modern right wingers to discuss?

Yes. Discussions that cant fit on a bumper sticker are often too much for right wing minds. I rest my case.
No, it's just that you take so long to say absolutely nothing.

Once again....too big, too complex for you. Move on to another thread. Another "They comin fer ya guns" or "Obama-kurr is gurrna stroy Merica!!!" would be just your speed.

Pompous jackass.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

Many issues can’t be discussed by the right in a factual, rational manner because to do so would undermine conservative dogma.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

How is the red highlighted portion a good thing and which of the blue highlighted items are part of the enumerated powers?

Ok. Let's begin.
Are Obama's policies with respect to U.S. resources archaic?

Which policy? And which resource? It is all perspective. Some say we should dig up all our own oil a.s.a.p., which maybe we should, put it all on the market. Would it bring prices down? Who knows. BUT, what if we hold onto all our oil. And one day, when the world is short....we'll be swimming in it. Isn't that the same fiscal discipline principle the right wants the govt to use with money?

If oil is money, why do you all want to spend it so quickly?

Sorry. My bad.

In your first post you state ...Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally.

Assuming that we are "entering a war of global resources", would it not be more prudent to forego such war and entrench ourselves here at home by becoming independent of foreign resources? Come to think of it, you were a little vague yourself as to which resources.

The price paid to "hold onto all our oil" would be 100% imports. Very expensive indeed. Can you picture hundreds of millions of dollars flowing out of our country- even billions of dollars- annualy?

As to fiscal dicipline and money- not quite sure what you mean.

Yes, I can picture hundreds of billions flowing out. For wars. Yet, we keep diving into them. Now, I can see the response being we should drill here, so as to not have to fight those wars. There is a point in that. But, oil is on a global market. If we drill here, it goes right into that same global market. If oil gets cheaper for us, it gets cheaper for everyone else also. Not a bad thing, and in fact, Im ok with drilling our own oil. But I also see validity in the idea of preserving what we have, and should the world run out, well, we'd be rich as fuck!!! OR, we'd get invaded. One of the two haha! Im not one of those who thinks we'll be off oil anytime within 100 years, so, oil is a key resource.

Food is another key resource. And so is labor. Yep. Labor is a resource, and outsourcing for labor is a major problem for America. Thats why education is important. We need American brains to be the elite brains of the global labor market. But we aren't. Why? Many reasons. Parenting is the biggest one. But, with freedom comes...well, freedom, and parents are free to be shitty, asshole parents. Do we fund a quality public education system to try to save as many of those shitty parents' kids as possible? Or defund it and say fuck it? I've said for countless times, Im not a liberal or a Democrat. Im an ex-right winger, because the right wing went absolutely looney. I dont feel I've changed one bit, the right wing did.
ME: We don't need new ideas. What we need is a return to truer capitalism rather than Western European Socialism which is failing in Europe, Japan and ultimately here.

YOU: go back to the Bush policies that got the country and the world for that matter, into such a fuss in the first place.

ME: The Bush policies?? You mean CAPITALISM?? Oh my good help wipe out capitalism in our lifetime!! Meanwhile, Bush wasn't the one who did that Affirmative Action policy known as the community reinvestment act which pressured banks into making idiotic loans. You can thank AA like policies for a lot of the mess. The fact that Wall Street funneled the mess away from themselves once it occurred is not a surprise...

The free market policies and corporatism that have been the trade marks of the Reagan, Bush I and Bush II administrations have lead to stagnant wages, high unemployment, increased poverty, and record corporate profits.

The transfer of wealth to the highest income earners has sapped the working poor and the middle class. Unless the United States increases wages for the lowest paid workers, and the middle class, no one will have money to support the consumer economy.

It's happened in every country where the Chicago School of Economics has held sway, including the US. Friedman and his bunch were wrong and the past 40 years of free market reforms throughout the world have produced the same results in country after country. Americans are waking up to the idea that the free market only benefits the wealthy, and are asking to a return to a fairer economy.

Most of Europe, Canada, Japan, and Scandanavia are all in better shape economically and fiscally than the US and they will continue to thrive because of their mixed economies and strong social safety net. They also have much better public education systems, and cheaper universities, which means they aren't bankrupting the next generation by sending them to college.

Fortunately, Friedman couldn't convince anyone to completely gut the US social safety net, as meager as it is, and so the worst hasn't happened, and it's not too late to reverse the damage done. But it will take time. It took 30 years to get to this point, reverse course won't happen over night.
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I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

How is the red highlighted portion a good thing and which of the blue highlighted items are part of the enumerated powers?


And THAT is my point. The right has become obsessed with "enumerated powers". But we arent in the year 1785 anymore. A city of 1,000,000 people will need a strong, efficient sewer system......or, disease will run rampant. But who does it? Is Home Depot gonna step up and fund/maintain it? No. The government does.

Who is gonna ensure restaurants are filling their food with toxins? Wait until some folks die, then sue or prosecute them?

NO single private company is going to take up the cause of public good alone. As I've had it explained to me, the business world has only one goal: Maximize profit and ensure good dividends. SO, why would 1 company take on a huge, costly issue that all its competitors do not? Good PR? Yeah right. The best, most efficient way is for every member of the society chip in for that common good.

Unless, of course, the 2016 GOP president is going to run on the platform of defunding sewer service, highway safety, clean water, food safety and domestic threat safety (police)??? Well...I wouldnt be shocked if they did.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

These people you speak of are so narrow minded in reality as well as outlook, they often regurgitate stories they claim only the right wing media is reporting on "blah, blah, blah, you won't find on the left wing/ms media" when anyone who is not in their small circle of friends knows very well that is nonsense,. They no longer understand what the rest of the world is up to because they have shut themselves off from the rest of the world.

The above explains why they had such a shock when the 2012 election results came in. The GOP lost the Presidential race and lost seats in both houses of the Congress.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

How is the red highlighted portion a good thing and which of the blue highlighted items are part of the enumerated powers?


And THAT is my point. The right has become obsessed with "enumerated powers". But we arent in the year 1785 anymore. A city of 1,000,000 people will need a strong, efficient sewer system......or, disease will run rampant. But who does it? Is Home Depot gonna step up and fund/maintain it? No. The government does.

Who is gonna ensure restaurants are filling their food with toxins? Wait until some folks die, then sue or prosecute them?

NO single private company is going to take up the cause of public good alone. As I've had it explained to me, the business world has only one goal: Maximize profit and ensure good dividends. SO, why would 1 company take on a huge, costly issue that all its competitors do not? Good PR? Yeah right. The best, most efficient way is for every member of the society chip in for that common good.

While it is the business of business to max profits they do not do so to the exclusion of deeds of public good. Many companies are active members of and contributors to the communities in which they exist. Their profits are shared by those who own stock in them ... something many Americans do. Your simplistic POV smacks of naivete or anti-capitalistic propaganda or both.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

How is the red highlighted portion a good thing and which of the blue highlighted items are part of the enumerated powers?


And THAT is my point. The right has become obsessed with "enumerated powers". But we arent in the year 1785 anymore. A city of 1,000,000 people will need a strong, efficient sewer system......or, disease will run rampant. But who does it? Is Home Depot gonna step up and fund/maintain it? No. The government does.

Who is gonna ensure restaurants are filling their food with toxins? Wait until some folks die, then sue or prosecute them?

NO single private company is going to take up the cause of public good alone. As I've had it explained to me, the business world has only one goal: Maximize profit and ensure good dividends. SO, why would 1 company take on a huge, costly issue that all its competitors do not? Good PR? Yeah right. The best, most efficient way is for every member of the society chip in for that common good.

Unless, of course, the 2016 GOP president is going to run on the platform of defunding sewer service, highway safety, clean water, food safety and domestic threat safety (police)??? Well...I wouldnt be shocked if they did.

The issue is not so much that the right has become obsessed with enumerated powers, but their seemingly willful ignorance of the Constitution and its case law, where it’s long been settled and accepted law that the Constitution affords Congress powers both enumerated and implied – ‘but that’s not in the Constitution’ is a failed and ignorant ‘argument.’
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

How is the red highlighted portion a good thing and which of the blue highlighted items are part of the enumerated powers?


And THAT is my point. The right has become obsessed with "enumerated powers". But we arent in the year 1785 anymore. A city of 1,000,000 people will need a strong, efficient sewer system......or, disease will run rampant. But who does it? Is Home Depot gonna step up and fund/maintain it? No. The government does.

Who is gonna ensure restaurants are filling their food with toxins? Wait until some folks die, then sue or prosecute them?

NO single private company is going to take up the cause of public good alone. As I've had it explained to me, the business world has only one goal: Maximize profit and ensure good dividends. SO, why would 1 company take on a huge, costly issue that all its competitors do not? Good PR? Yeah right. The best, most efficient way is for every member of the society chip in for that common good.

Unless, of course, the 2016 GOP president is going to run on the platform of defunding sewer service, highway safety, clean water, food safety and domestic threat safety (police)??? Well...I wouldnt be shocked if they did.

I'm sorry you feel your state or private industry is inadequate and that the only solution is the federal government.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

Absolutely there are such issues, especially gun culture. I just created this topic and immediately got negged -- not for sone exchange or comment, because we never got to have one. The a-hole negged me for daring to create the topic. Such a gaggle of control freaks, seems they want to control the dialogue at all times and when something slips out of that control they start soiling their diapers. "We can't talk about that. Bury it! Neg it! Get rid of it by any means necessary!"

I'd like to think they're better than that. It seems they get fixated on whatever talking point Grover LaPierrebaugh is instructing them on this week, and then that's it -- the mind slams shut. Maybe a closed mind is a manifestation of "conservatism". I'd like to think not but some sure seem obsessed that way.

Of course we know there are reasonable intelligent conservatives. Question is, why are they allowing this wacko fringe to define them? Anyone who watches politics should know that's not a good plan... :dunno:
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Of course we know there are reasonable intelligent conservatives. Question is, why are they allowing this wacko fringe to define them? Anyone who watches politics should know that's not a good plan... :dunno:

'They' don't, you do.
The left's big issues are free contraception and abortion, amnesty for illegals, more welfare and gun control.

When big issues come up that should make the reasonable people question the integrity of this administration, like Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the worsening economy and unemployment and the oppressive policies, such as Obamacare, the left spouts some lame talking points and then name calls.

You left out the gay stuff....that's a big favorite in the Democrat party.
I think many of us are confusing some of resident TROLLS for real right or left wingers.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally.

Yeah we're in a war for resources but the dimwitcraps don't want us to mine for resources on our own soil. That makes sense.

Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

The USA is addicted to war. Funny for a country that espouses freedom we sure love to invade countries being convinced that we're doing it for the "right" reasons no matter what those reasons are.
Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore.

I don't know anyone saying that legal immigration is bad. The so called war on drugs is a failure and we keep wasting billions on it. It would be cheaper to fund rehab services.
Same with energy. Its all tied together.

Yes and again dimwitcraps ignore a proven source of abundant emission free power for hugely expensive less reliable sources that need huge tax subsidies to work.

A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

For one none of those things are invisible. You pay more in gasoline taxes than you do for gas and that's supposed to be for roads. It's not we the people who have screwed that pooch it's the fucking politicians who allocate our money.

If you have sewer and water provided by the town or city then you get a bill for that. How is that an "invisible" service?

We have trusted education to the government and they are failing as usual.

We can prevent problems by taking power away from corrupt politicians and putting it back in local hands.

Quite frankly we have it backwards. The lion's share of taxes goes to the feds then they puke some of it back to the states with all kinds of strings attached. We should be keeping the bulk of our taxes locally where we have more control over the crooks elected to spend it.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

Both parties are guilty. Hope and change remember?

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

And Obama spent his first 2 years blaming republicans for his failure to pass bills when he owned the house and the senate.

You're too close to the Dimwitcraps to see their faults.
The best part of this thread is where the OP thinks they come off as more intelligent than anyone that does not agree with them...

10 bucks the the two biggest reasons the OP voted for Obama was A: He’s black! B: The letter D next to his name.

Only 16 trillion in debt due to Progressives, progressives like Bush, Clinton and Obama….

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