Are some issues just too big for modern right wingers to discuss?

I don't know if the issues are too big.........but it sure seems as though the desire to solve them NOW isn't quite big enough.

The issues are complex. The solutions are not simple. In fact, the solutions are more complex exactly because we are fortunate enough to maintain our representative form of government and those with the simple solutions still get to be heard.

In the face of so many complex end of the political spectrum advocates more affordable higher education......and the other advocates killing off public education altogether. Is it any question as to which is more interested in workable solutions?

Typical left wing bullshit. Because we have the facts and history on our side, won't cave anymore, tired of compromising our positions time after time after time and getting nothing in return we are accused of being unable to discuss issues.

The point is, we have discuss most of these issues for years. We have compromised time and time again and the left keeps coming back for more and more and more. They have to end to what they want.

I'm tired of it. I am done compromising on most issues. It's over. No more.

Typical left wing bullshit. Because we have the facts and history on our side, won't cave anymore, tired of compromising our positions time after time after time and getting nothing in return we are accused of being unable to discuss issues.

The point is, we have discuss most of these issues for years. We have compromised time and time again and the left keeps coming back for more and more and more. They have to end to what they want.

I'm tired of it. I am done compromising on most issues. It's over. No more.

You are funny.
I still know a few THINKING CONSERVATIVES as well as a few THINKING LIBERALS

I cherish them because they are reality testers.

They can still make me rethink my POVs and test them in light of their take on the issues.
I still know a few THINKING CONSERVATIVES as well as a few THINKING LIBERALS

I cherish them because they are reality testers.

They can still make me rethink my POVs and test them in light of their take on the issues.

That's great! Glad to know it.
Too funny, moronic projection at its finest :)

I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

The Ludwig von Mises Institute, CATO Institute, Rothbard, Ayn Rand, Hayek, John Locke, type. These people definitely need to be educated. Indeed. Let's all bow down to the intellectual brilliance of Nancy Pelosi, Paul Krugman, Ed Shultz, and Michael Moore.

Even the intellectual Leftists like Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, and Dennis Kucinich reject today's Liberals.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

False. The majority of wars are fought because the globalists Rothschilds and Rockefellers are manipulating nations and funding both sides of war. Other wars are fought due to rebellions against tyranny.

If wars are fought over resources then why are we exporting oil, taking foreign oil, and refusing to drill at home or build the Keystone Pipeline?

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD".

Drugs ought to be legalized. Republicans Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul are leading the effort to legalize hemp. Obama is raiding medical marijuana dispensaries at an unprecedented rate.

Nobody says immigrants are bad. Republicans say secure the border and support legal immigration.

This country has no jobs, therefore legalizing 11 million illegal immigrants means the tax payer has to pay for their welfare. Not because they're lazy, but because Obama ruined the economy and they can't find work.

Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool.

They're not Anarchists. They support government infrastructure. They just want to stop spending our money on F-16s and tanks to Egypt.

They don't oppose education, they support more education choice and increased educational quality by creating competition between schools.

See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

They don't believe government should make personal choices for us, they don't believe in a 1984 big brother nanny state.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

Rand Paul obliterates his Liberal opponents in every debate. Even Romney smashed Obama. Ted Cruz has a professional debate background, Tim Scott eloquently presents his points.

"The free market policies and corporatism that have been the trade marks of the Reagan, Bush I and Bush II administrations have lead to stagnant wages, high unemployment, increased poverty, and record corporate profits.

You're criticizing free markets??!! The very thing that made the U.S. a superpower?? When we had protectionist policies and trade wars during the 1930s the worlds economy was in shambles. Who are you Miss Smoot Hawley Act?? Good grief. Protectionist policies don't work in the long run.. The reason we have economic problems is not because we have capitalism-- it's because we don't have ENOUGH capitalism. Lefties have ruined the free market.

If you and I were running a company why would we stay in the U.S. with high corporate taxese and an unskilled workforce that can't fill our key jobs? Would we want to stay in the U.S. with its litigous nature in which lefties have encouraged demonization of businesses and lauded women and Jesse Jackson for repeatedly suing businesses for not having the quotas they want? A business wants to to make money. If the business had ALL women and all blacks and made a shitload of money and was the number one business in the world like Microsoft and Apple have been, do you think shareholders would give a rat's ass what somebody's background was?? It's about profit!! Jesus, I love how lefties criticize obscene profits and then turn around and forget that's the whole reason people are in business... WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More importantly, many high paying high tech jobs are going unfilled because liberals and feminists have convinced the average women that it's ok to get a Women's Studies degree to celebrate victimhood rather than be world class engineers. We are in a global struggle. You think women's studies and other PC garbage is going to help us compete against 300 million engineers from China? Wake UP!!!!!!!!!!!

People with salable skills in this country are doing fine. The chronically offended and victimmongers with crap degrees are getting nowhere. That's poetic justice...

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