Are some issues just too big for modern right wingers to discuss?

Ok. Let's begin.
Are Obama's policies with respect to U.S. resources archaic?

Which policy? And which resource? It is all perspective. Some say we should dig up all our own oil a.s.a.p., which maybe we should, put it all on the market. Would it bring prices down? Who knows. BUT, what if we hold onto all our oil. And one day, when the world is short....we'll be swimming in it. Isn't that the same fiscal discipline principle the right wants the govt to use with money?

If oil is money, why do you all want to spend it so quickly?
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your willingness to share it with the rest of us. Some day, when you learn about the proper functions of local, state, and federal governments, you may realize just how ignorant you are.

We all have complaints about how local governments waste money, and make dumb decisions, but for the most part, right wingers are supportive of their local government and pay the taxes necessary for that local government to function. Those local governments provide the police and fire services needed by their populations, and provide the water and sewer systems, and sometimes the electrical needs of their residents.

Local governments pave most of the local streets, clean those streets and pick up the trash. They build libraries and playgrounds and listen to citizen complaints about potholes and lack of streetlights. And, as long as the people manage to keep liberal nutjobs out of their local governments, fiscal sanity prevails.

Right wingers are also supportive of their state governments, but not to the same extent as local government. State governments contain more liberals, and consequently, more waste and abuse, and less fiscal sanity. But state governments provide the highways and other necessary infrastructure that makes society work well.

If you were reasonably knowledgable about the matter, you would know that almost all of the discussions you have with right wingers concern the federal government and the overreach of that federal government into state and local functions.

I, for one right winger, am perfectly happy with the founding concept of soverign states seeing to the needs of the people in those states, and the federal government sticking to the functions assigned to it by the Constitution.

End of civics 101, lesson one.
I'll say one thing. The mo fo sure is long-winded. I almost fell asleep reading his ramblings.

Yes. Discussions that cant fit on a bumper sticker are often too much for right wing minds. I rest my case.
No, it's just that you take so long to say absolutely nothing.

Once again....too big, too complex for you. Move on to another thread. Another "They comin fer ya guns" or "Obama-kurr is gurrna stroy Merica!!!" would be just your speed.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

You get more and more Nutterish every day.
Yes. Discussions that cant fit on a bumper sticker are often too much for right wing minds. I rest my case.
No, it's just that you take so long to say absolutely nothing.

Once again....too big, too complex for you. Move on to another thread. Another "They comin fer ya guns" or "Obama-kurr is gurrna stroy Merica!!!" would be just your speed.
You're not saying anything we all haven't heard before, just taking forever to say it.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

Insulting and name calling as you have done here and do in most of your post is not discussing a issue zippy bit of advice learn how to do discuss something yourself before claiming other's are not capable of it. By the way in case you have forgot you brilliant left wingers were not able to defeat Bush a man you guy's basically claim is the dumbest person in the history of the planet to date.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your willingness to share it with the rest of us. Some day, when you learn about the proper functions of local, state, and federal governments, you may realize just how ignorant you are.

We all have complaints about how local governments waste money, and make dumb decisions, but for the most part, right wingers are supportive of their local government and pay the taxes necessary for that local government to function. Those local governments provide the police and fire services needed by their populations, and provide the water and sewer systems, and sometimes the electrical needs of their residents.

Local governments pave most of the local streets, clean those streets and pick up the trash. They build libraries and playgrounds and listen to citizen complaints about potholes and lack of streetlights. And, as long as the people manage to keep liberal nutjobs out of their local governments, fiscal sanity prevails.

Right wingers are also supportive of their state governments, but not to the same extent as local government. State governments contain more liberals, and consequently, more waste and abuse, and less fiscal sanity. But state governments provide the highways and other necessary infrastructure that makes society work well.

If you were reasonably knowledgable about the matter, you would know that almost all of the discussions you have with right wingers concern the federal government and the overreach of that federal government into state and local functions.

I, for one right winger, am perfectly happy with the founding concept of soverign states seeing to the needs of the people in those states, and the federal government sticking to the functions assigned to it by the Constitution.

End of civics 101, lesson one.

Why are you trying to argue rationally with someone who thinks anyone who does not agree with him is a RW Nut, and stupid?
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your willingness to share it with the rest of us. Some day, when you learn about the proper functions of local, state, and federal governments, you may realize just how ignorant you are.

We all have complaints about how local governments waste money, and make dumb decisions, but for the most part, right wingers are supportive of their local government and pay the taxes necessary for that local government to function. Those local governments provide the police and fire services needed by their populations, and provide the water and sewer systems, and sometimes the electrical needs of their residents.

Local governments pave most of the local streets, clean those streets and pick up the trash. They build libraries and playgrounds and listen to citizen complaints about potholes and lack of streetlights. And, as long as the people manage to keep liberal nutjobs out of their local governments, fiscal sanity prevails.

Right wingers are also supportive of their state governments, but not to the same extent as local government. State governments contain more liberals, and consequently, more waste and abuse, and less fiscal sanity. But state governments provide the highways and other necessary infrastructure that makes society work well.

If you were reasonably knowledgable about the matter, you would know that almost all of the discussions you have with right wingers concern the federal government and the overreach of that federal government into state and local functions.

I, for one right winger, am perfectly happy with the founding concept of soverign states seeing to the needs of the people in those states, and the federal government sticking to the functions assigned to it by the Constitution.

End of civics 101, lesson one.

Ah, some good points, if they were true. I dont know where you live. But throughout much of the South, local GOP mayors and counclimen are extremely angry/frustrated by the Feds. Yes, you are right about that. But, they are taking out their frustration (and posturing for higher offices) by applying the principles they want at the Fed level to the local government. Slashing PD and FD budgets...even though the city is fine financially. Cutting benefits for employees although the budget already covers it WITHOUT a tax hike, just "to send a message" (Gov. Nikki Haley). What message? "Fuck you government employees"?

I get making cuts for governments that are going broke, like the ones in Cali and Jersey. Morons ran those governments obviously. But, others are just using their anger as a reason to attack local government employees, not out of necessity, but out of ideology and posturing for higher office. Its quite sick.

I believe that YOU feel the way about local govt that you described, and that you believe most local GOP politicians govern that same way. But they dont. Thats my problem.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your willingness to share it with the rest of us. Some day, when you learn about the proper functions of local, state, and federal governments, you may realize just how ignorant you are.

We all have complaints about how local governments waste money, and make dumb decisions, but for the most part, right wingers are supportive of their local government and pay the taxes necessary for that local government to function. Those local governments provide the police and fire services needed by their populations, and provide the water and sewer systems, and sometimes the electrical needs of their residents.

Local governments pave most of the local streets, clean those streets and pick up the trash. They build libraries and playgrounds and listen to citizen complaints about potholes and lack of streetlights. And, as long as the people manage to keep liberal nutjobs out of their local governments, fiscal sanity prevails.

Right wingers are also supportive of their state governments, but not to the same extent as local government. State governments contain more liberals, and consequently, more waste and abuse, and less fiscal sanity. But state governments provide the highways and other necessary infrastructure that makes society work well.

If you were reasonably knowledgable about the matter, you would know that almost all of the discussions you have with right wingers concern the federal government and the overreach of that federal government into state and local functions.

I, for one right winger, am perfectly happy with the founding concept of soverign states seeing to the needs of the people in those states, and the federal government sticking to the functions assigned to it by the Constitution.

End of civics 101, lesson one.

Why are you trying to argue rationally with someone who thinks anyone who does not agree with him is a RW Nut, and stupid?

Just an attempt to educate the uneducated. So many of these left wingers fail to comprehend the differences in the various levels of government and their assigned functions.
Your ignorance is only exceeded by your willingness to share it with the rest of us. Some day, when you learn about the proper functions of local, state, and federal governments, you may realize just how ignorant you are.

We all have complaints about how local governments waste money, and make dumb decisions, but for the most part, right wingers are supportive of their local government and pay the taxes necessary for that local government to function. Those local governments provide the police and fire services needed by their populations, and provide the water and sewer systems, and sometimes the electrical needs of their residents.

Local governments pave most of the local streets, clean those streets and pick up the trash. They build libraries and playgrounds and listen to citizen complaints about potholes and lack of streetlights. And, as long as the people manage to keep liberal nutjobs out of their local governments, fiscal sanity prevails.

Right wingers are also supportive of their state governments, but not to the same extent as local government. State governments contain more liberals, and consequently, more waste and abuse, and less fiscal sanity. But state governments provide the highways and other necessary infrastructure that makes society work well.

If you were reasonably knowledgable about the matter, you would know that almost all of the discussions you have with right wingers concern the federal government and the overreach of that federal government into state and local functions.

I, for one right winger, am perfectly happy with the founding concept of soverign states seeing to the needs of the people in those states, and the federal government sticking to the functions assigned to it by the Constitution.

End of civics 101, lesson one.

Why are you trying to argue rationally with someone who thinks anyone who does not agree with him is a RW Nut, and stupid?

Just an attempt to educate the uneducated. So many of these left wingers fail to comprehend the differences in the various levels of government and their assigned functions.
Nice effort but a waste of time bucks has his head so far up his ass he breathes through his bellybutton.
Ok. Lets begin.

Is "Free money" immoral, regardless of the source?

What the hell is free money and how much can you send me?

It's kind of like free healthcare it's great as long as you can find someone else to pick up the check when that someone else can't afford to pick up the check anymore well that is where denial comes into play.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your willingness to share it with the rest of us. Some day, when you learn about the proper functions of local, state, and federal governments, you may realize just how ignorant you are.

We all have complaints about how local governments waste money, and make dumb decisions, but for the most part, right wingers are supportive of their local government and pay the taxes necessary for that local government to function. Those local governments provide the police and fire services needed by their populations, and provide the water and sewer systems, and sometimes the electrical needs of their residents.

Local governments pave most of the local streets, clean those streets and pick up the trash. They build libraries and playgrounds and listen to citizen complaints about potholes and lack of streetlights. And, as long as the people manage to keep liberal nutjobs out of their local governments, fiscal sanity prevails.

Right wingers are also supportive of their state governments, but not to the same extent as local government. State governments contain more liberals, and consequently, more waste and abuse, and less fiscal sanity. But state governments provide the highways and other necessary infrastructure that makes society work well.

If you were reasonably knowledgable about the matter, you would know that almost all of the discussions you have with right wingers concern the federal government and the overreach of that federal government into state and local functions.

I, for one right winger, am perfectly happy with the founding concept of soverign states seeing to the needs of the people in those states, and the federal government sticking to the functions assigned to it by the Constitution.

End of civics 101, lesson one.

Ah, some good points, if they were true. I dont know where you live. But throughout much of the South, local GOP mayors and counclimen are extremely angry/frustrated by the Feds. Yes, you are right about that. But, they are taking out their frustration (and posturing for higher offices) by applying the principles they want at the Fed level to the local government. Slashing PD and FD budgets...even though the city is fine financially. Cutting benefits for employees although the budget already covers it WITHOUT a tax hike, just "to send a message" (Gov. Nikki Haley). What message? "Fuck you government employees"?

I get making cuts for governments that are going broke, like the ones in Cali and Jersey. Morons ran those governments obviously. But, others are just using their anger as a reason to attack local government employees, not out of necessity, but out of ideology and posturing for higher office. Its quite sick.

I believe that YOU feel the way about local govt that you described, and that you believe most local GOP politicians govern that same way. But they dont. Thats my problem.

Your problem is that you don't know what you are talking about. You are all confused about what one government entity is doing to another government entity or to the employees of those entities. I suspect that you are just regurgitating talking points that you don't fully understand.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your willingness to share it with the rest of us. Some day, when you learn about the proper functions of local, state, and federal governments, you may realize just how ignorant you are.

We all have complaints about how local governments waste money, and make dumb decisions, but for the most part, right wingers are supportive of their local government and pay the taxes necessary for that local government to function. Those local governments provide the police and fire services needed by their populations, and provide the water and sewer systems, and sometimes the electrical needs of their residents.

Local governments pave most of the local streets, clean those streets and pick up the trash. They build libraries and playgrounds and listen to citizen complaints about potholes and lack of streetlights. And, as long as the people manage to keep liberal nutjobs out of their local governments, fiscal sanity prevails.

Right wingers are also supportive of their state governments, but not to the same extent as local government. State governments contain more liberals, and consequently, more waste and abuse, and less fiscal sanity. But state governments provide the highways and other necessary infrastructure that makes society work well.

If you were reasonably knowledgable about the matter, you would know that almost all of the discussions you have with right wingers concern the federal government and the overreach of that federal government into state and local functions.

I, for one right winger, am perfectly happy with the founding concept of soverign states seeing to the needs of the people in those states, and the federal government sticking to the functions assigned to it by the Constitution.

End of civics 101, lesson one.

Why are you trying to argue rationally with someone who thinks anyone who does not agree with him is a RW Nut, and stupid?

I tried to warn everyone earlier, but i guess....

The left's big issues are free contraception and abortion, amnesty for illegals, more welfare and gun control.

When big issues come up that should make the reasonable people question the integrity of this administration, like Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the worsening economy and unemployment and the oppressive policies, such as Obamacare, the left spouts some lame talking points and then name calls.

The left's big issue is the economy, the abject failure of the Republicans to accept the will of the people in regards to taxation, or any other issue for that matter, and dealing with stagnant wages for the working poor.

Women's issues came to the front during the campaign, because the Republicans kept saying the dumbest things about women, rape, and birth control. In part as a distraction from the fact that they had no new ideas for the economy except to go back to the Bush policies that got the country and the world for that matter, into such a fuss in the first place.
The left's big issues are free contraception and abortion, amnesty for illegals, more welfare and gun control.

When big issues come up that should make the reasonable people question the integrity of this administration, like Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the worsening economy and unemployment and the oppressive policies, such as Obamacare, the left spouts some lame talking points and then name calls.

The left's big issue is the economy, the abject failure of the Republicans to accept the will of the people in regards to taxation, or any other issue for that matter, and dealing with stagnant wages for the working poor.

Women's issues came to the front during the campaign, because the Republicans kept saying the dumbest things about women, rape, and birth control. In part as a distraction from the fact that they had no new ideas for the economy except to go back to the Bush policies that got the country and the world for that matter, into such a fuss in the first place.

Exactly right. Just for example, I heard Rush this week talking about police and firemen, saying the Feds dont pay those folks, thus, the ones supporting Obama are unwise. What he, and other right wingers, dont realize is the Feds send a lot of aid to local PD's and FD's. Why? Well, easy. Many poverty stricken cities dont have the tax base to fund a solid police department, but, due to the poverty, have high crime and NEED good cops. So, that city govt needs federal and state aid to attract/retain good cops, otherwise you'd have a shithole that keeps getting worse, and it would become a breeding ground for gangs and criminals that would spread to other places.

Sure, I and others understand the layers of government. But they aren't exclusive. They work together far more than people want to realize.

And surely there will be many right wingers who say the Feds have no business funding police budgets in local American cities...........but in the same breathe will support sending billions of dollars and risking American lives to fund, equip, train the local police in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Ok. Let's begin.
Are Obama's policies with respect to U.S. resources archaic?

Which policy? And which resource? It is all perspective. Some say we should dig up all our own oil a.s.a.p., which maybe we should, put it all on the market. Would it bring prices down? Who knows. BUT, what if we hold onto all our oil. And one day, when the world is short....we'll be swimming in it. Isn't that the same fiscal discipline principle the right wants the govt to use with money?

If oil is money, why do you all want to spend it so quickly?

Sorry. My bad.

In your first post you state ...Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally.

Assuming that we are "entering a war of global resources", would it not be more prudent to forego such war and entrench ourselves here at home by becoming independent of foreign resources? Come to think of it, you were a little vague yourself as to which resources.

The price paid to "hold onto all our oil" would be 100% imports. Very expensive indeed. Can you picture hundreds of millions of dollars flowing out of our country- even billions of dollars- annualy?

As to fiscal dicipline and money- not quite sure what you mean.
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The left's big issues are free contraception and abortion, amnesty for illegals, more welfare and gun control.

When big issues come up that should make the reasonable people question the integrity of this administration, like Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the worsening economy and unemployment and the oppressive policies, such as Obamacare, the left spouts some lame talking points and then name calls.

The left's big issue is the economy, the abject failure of the Republicans to accept the will of the people in regards to taxation, or any other issue for that matter, and dealing with stagnant wages for the working poor.

Women's issues came to the front during the campaign, because the Republicans kept saying the dumbest things about women, rape, and birth control. In part as a distraction from the fact that they had no new ideas for the economy except to go back to the Bush policies that got the country and the world for that matter, into such a fuss in the first place.

YOU: "the abject failure of the Republicans to accept the will of the people in regards to taxation"

ME: What is the will of the people? I would think they want fairness. The progressive tax system is immoral and tends toward socialism. Do you think the average american is a socialist? I hope not...

YOU: the fact that they had no new ideas for the economy

ME: We don't need new ideas. What we need is a return to truer capitalism rather than Western European Socialism which is failing in Europe, Japan and ultimately here.

YOU: go back to the Bush policies that got the country and the world for that matter, into such a fuss in the first place.

ME: The Bush policies?? You mean CAPITALISM?? Oh my good help wipe out capitalism in our lifetime!! Meanwhile, Bush wasn't the one who did that Affirmative Action policy known as the community reinvestment act which pressured banks into making idiotic loans. You can thank AA like policies for a lot of the mess. The fact that Wall Street funneled the mess away from themselves once it occurred is not a surprise...

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