Are suburban people in blue states more likely to be paranoid and introverted?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Lived in Oregon for a few years. People in my suburb seem to like keeping to themselves.

99.9 percent of the time my suburb is a ghost town.

Most of the older black people seem paranoid all the time.

Are blue states more likely to be introverted?

Are suburbs in red states more community oriented?
With most families having both parents working, and most kids glued to various screens (ie not playing outside) it’s no wonder most suburbs are like ghost towns.

Small towns and Urban neighborhoods seem to have more pedestrians out and about.

I’ve lived in suburban neighborhoods where people are actively suspicious of you if you like to walk places rather than drive. Apparently the only walking they approve of is from your door to your car.

Not sure what “blue state” has to do with it. Suburbs are suburbs whether they’re in Oregon or Mississippi.

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