Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

The resolution of the ideologues vs the climatologists squabble over who had a better grasp of climate was always silly.

"I don’t know about you guys, but I think climate change is...


...‘By the way, it is!"

[Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to Republican luncheon that climate change is ‘bullsh—’]

Knowledge respects reality. Ignorance must have reality forced upon it. When ignorance is sustained by ideological dogma, it's a bitch to overcome, particularly in especially resistant cases.

The predictions are being validated. The theoretical is becoming blatant. The forecasts are being realized. Denial is becoming an increasingly costly ideological self-indulgence - agricultural failures, wildfires, flooding, soaring energy costs, droughts, mass starvation, relentless human migrations, etc., etc., etc.

By midcentury, if greenhouse gas emissions are not significantly curtailed, the coldest and warmest daily temperatures are expected to increase by at least 5 degrees F in most areas by mid-century rising to 10 degrees F by late century. The National Climate Assessment estimates 20-30 more days over 90 degrees F in most areas by mid-century. A recent study projects that the annual number of days with a heat index above 100 degrees F will double, and days with a heat index above 105 degrees F will triple, nationwide, when compared to the end of the 20th century.
Extreme heat can increase the risk of other types of disasters. Heat can exacerbate drought, and hot dry conditions can in turn create wildfire conditions. In cities, buildings roads and infrastructure can be heated to 50 to 90 degrees hotter than the air while natural surfaces remain closer to air temperatures. The heat island effect is most intense during the day, but the slow release of heat from the infrastructure overnight (or an atmospheric heat island) can keep cities much hotter than surrounding areas. Rising temperatures across the country poses a threat to people, ecosystems and the economy...
An early summer heatwave across the western United States broke all-time records in multiple states, with temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for days on end in some places. This event marked yet another climate extreme for residents of a region already suffering through a devastating drought and with memories of last year’s horrific wildfire season likely still fresh on people’s minds.
Truth not only endures. It has an irresistible way of imposing itself upon even the most willfully obtuse:

Expect Americans to demand their elected representatives confront reality.

Some may be a bit slow, but eventually, everybody will get it, one way or another.

View attachment 511009
"If there is one thing that really burns my ass, it's

Climate change has occurred every single day for the past 1 billion years. Why get excited about it now? :rolleyes-41:
And they've been buying more cars/EVs than Tesla can make.
ALL the auto cos are moving electric.

When California cannot produce enough electricity to run all its automobiles and homes, then and only then will the Democrat party blame all its errors on the Republicans.

See how that works? The Democrats need to wake up to reality. For every electric car they force the no-longer-free-American-citizens to buy, they are going to have to spend four times the amount of fossil fuels at the electric generation plants per auto than the alleged gas-guzzlers use (of fossil fuels). IOW, 1/4 of the fossil fuel cost for cars is enjoyed by those who use gasoline.

So when California kicks itself in the butt with electric generation plants that cannot possibly fulfill the population demands for their all-electric car usage, I told them so. I lived in the state back in the mid sixties for five years. If it weren't for the horrible smog, it would have been one of the prettiest states I'd ever seen. Perfect beaches, Ortega Mountains, Capistrano, will no longer have birds because with all the bird-killing wind fans and more bird-killing solar panels, the state will lose its birds. That will end the free fertilizer the forests used to get, and the forests will die down to the last tree so you can produce enough solar and wind dodads not to mention the fleet of nuclear power plants it would be necessary to build while you generate a simple way for California enemies to wipe out a few hundred square miles that surrounds each of the plants, so you will be afraid of North Korea, China, and Russia, and any other hangers-on they take over by weak Democrat Presidents like Joe the Extortionist Biden, and his elderly successors you can push around by greedy-for-money-and-power oligarchs who will turn the masses into pisanos with lies and obfuscation.

Today I am voting all Republican because Democrats have pledged themselves to de debil of picking pockets out of easy money they get from investing in the environment-gone-mad. Ugh!

As for me, if I get rich, I'm gonna buy a gas-powered boat and go pick plastic out of the ocean so we can get the fish back to feed the masses who live on the shore. I'm not made fearful by the doom-and-gloom boom the Democrats are so skilled out of cheating the masses fooled into shades of misspent belief in their Marxist-birthed mischief.
Nothing about that is draconian you idiot. Cars get better gas mileage because the customers want it.

Not only that, but the electricity at the power plant level will increase four-fold use of fossil fuels because electricity is that way. It takes more fossil fuel from plant to homesite to produce than if people had to burn wood, coal, propane, or other forms of gasoline. Democrats are taking the public for a bumpy ride when they have to increase fossil fuel four-fold so they can profit from investing in electric cars. It's so easy to create a false narrative. It's not so easy for regular people to understand the ride the Democrats are putting them on that leads to having no fossil fuel to use at all after a few years of quadrupling its present day usage if the population does not increase. It will, because the Democrats in one administration's time have increased by 6,000,000 immigrants crossing at the border states that people in Martha's Vineyard want the border to accept full responsibility for while they indulge themselves in paying maximum prices for British maids and butlers who speak perfect English.

The Democrat Party no longer favors the American common man. They favor only their own pocketbooks expropriated from the United States Treasury when they win an election.

Thanks for trying to educate a few idiots. They, unfortunately, are immersed in party penny-ante, who get special treatment from the DOJ which concentrates on Democrat enemies lately, and ignores equal rights. It's a national disgrace.
Stupid? If the situation were as dire as your experts claim, then draconian measures would be called for.

But they don't.


And they've been buying more cars/EVs than Tesla can make.
ALL the auto cos are moving electric.


Thanks to government mandates for the most part. That and hefty government handouts that are paid for by families who could never afford an EV.

It takes a special kind of stupid to constantly repeat the same crapola, over and over and over again.

Hello stupid....
Thanks to government mandates for the most part. That and hefty government handouts that are paid for by families who could never afford an EV.

It takes a special kind of stupid to constantly repeat the same crapola, over and over and over again.

Hello stupid....
Next thing you know, the Democrats will be handing out $80,000 electric cars to illegal immigrants on crossing the border. This will give the comers a good excuse for going back to Mexico, crossing the border, get free stuff; going back to Mexico, crossing the border again, get free stuff: going back to Mexico, crossing the border again, get free stuff; going back to Mexico, crossing the border, get free stuff; going back to Mexico, crossing the border, get free stuff; going back to Mexico, crossing the border, get free stuff; going back to Mexico, crossing the border, get free stuff; going back to Mexico, crossing the border, get free stuff; Oh, and did I mention? Going back to Mexico, crossing the border, get free stuff!
And the Democrats will blame the Republicans for the whole megatrillion dollar border kerfluffle they created.:puke:
Who cares what they say. All they want is power and money.
The ideologues who fantasize that they can poop into the heavens with impunity have witnessed even their fellow propaganda-spewing dirty fuel cartel conspirators grudgingly acknowledging the irrefutable reality as they desperately try to perpetuate their obscene profiteering:

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As long as you're not helping them perpetuate their obscene profiteering, eh?
When did you use your last bit of evil, planet-killing carbon fuel?
As long as you're not helping them perpetuate their obscene profiteering, eh?
When did you use your last bit of evil, planet-killing carbon fuel?
The applicable standard is not the total abstinence you require.

They are only token gestures toward acknowledging reality, but I have incorporated solar generation into my household requirements, replaced all electrical appliances with more efficient ones, and entirely abandoned gasoline-fueled vehicles for travel.

Nothing about that is draconian you idiot. Cars get better gas mileage because the customers want it.


When California cannot produce enough electricity to run all its automobiles and homes, then and only then will the Democrat party blame all its errors on the Republicans.

See how that works? The Democrats need to wake up to reality. For every electric car they force the no-longer-free-American-citizens to buy, they are going to have to spend four times the amount of fossil fuels at the electric generation plants per auto than the alleged gas-guzzlers use (of fossil fuels). IOW, 1/4 of the fossil fuel cost for cars is enjoyed by those who use gasoline.

So when California kicks itself in the butt with electric generation plants that cannot possibly fulfill the population demands for their all-electric car usage, I told them so. I lived in the state back in the mid sixties for five years. If it weren't for the horrible smog, it would have been one of the prettiest states I'd ever seen. Perfect beaches, Ortega Mountains, Capistrano, will no longer have birds because with all the bird-killing wind fans and more bird-killing solar panels, the state will lose its birds. That will end the free fertilizer the forests used to get, and the forests will die down to the last tree so you can produce enough solar and wind dodads not to mention the fleet of nuclear power plants it would be necessary to build while you generate a simple way for California enemies to wipe out a few hundred square miles that surrounds each of the plants, so you will be afraid of North Korea, China, and Russia, and any other hangers-on they take over by weak Democrat Presidents like Joe the Extortionist Biden, and his elderly successors you can push around by greedy-for-money-and-power oligarchs who will turn the masses into pisanos with lies and obfuscation.

Today I am voting all Republican because Democrats have pledged themselves to de debil of picking pockets out of easy money they get from investing in the environment-gone-mad. Ugh!

As for me, if I get rich, I'm gonna buy a gas-powered boat and go pick plastic out of the ocean so we can get the fish back to feed the masses who live on the shore. I'm not made fearful by the doom-and-gloom boom the Democrats are so skilled out of cheating the masses fooled into shades of misspent belief in their Marxist-birthed mischief.
""...For every electric car they force the no-longer-free-American-citizens to buy, they are going to have to spend four times the amount of fossil fuels at the electric generation plants per auto than the alleged gas-guzzlers use (of fossil fuels). IOW, 1/4 of the fossil fuel cost for cars is enjoyed by those who use gasoline.".."

Renewables are as net plus and now cheaper and more efficient than burning FFs.
And they get better every year.
85% of new energy generation spending was renewable last year.
Wind especially hot in the Farm states where they get paid for dotting their fields with wind turbines. Texas #1 in adding new renewable power, TRIPLING California in 2021.
Abbot just signed a bill protecting NG from renewables.

So no matter how you do the equation the economy comes out better for all.
Your idiotic rant was a waste of space.
People WANT EVs and everyone is in the game. Tesla can't keep up: Record sales again in September.
See my other threads in this section.
Shove your Marxism up your low IQ.... navel.

On the International arena/scale it means the world is less beholden to OPEC+Ru.
(in case you've missed the last 50 years or 6 months)

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The applicable standard is not the total abstinence you require.

They are only token gestures toward acknowledging reality, but I have incorporated solar generation into my household requirements, replaced all electrical appliances with more efficient ones, and entirely abandoned gasoline-fueled vehicles for travel.

CO2 is going to end our civilization but using fossil fuels is still okay?

They are only token gestures toward acknowledging reality,

Token gestures will save us?
CO2 is going to end our civilization but using fossil fuels is still okay?

They are only token gestures toward acknowledging reality,

Token gestures will save us?
So you practice fossil fuel abstinence? Do tell what powers your high (Trojan) horse, El Demando? Fart gas, from the smell of it.
Nothing about that is draconian you idiot. Cars get better gas mileage because the customers want it.
And that's the same reason they want and are buying EVs much faster than they can be produced Dementia boy.
So you practice fossil fuel abstinence? Do tell what powers your high (Trojan) horse, El Demando? Fart gas, from the smell of it.

Why would I? Fossil fuels allow our high tech economy to function.

If I wanted more expensive, less reliable "green" energy, I'd buy it.
You are a demented crackpot conspiracist with no real answer
Thus the above.

How's your senior diaper holding up?

Better than your drool cup.
You are a demented crackpot conspiracist with no real answer.
Thus the above.

How's your senior diaper holding up?

Like I said, better than your drool cup.

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