Are the cops COWARDS?

Do you think police active shooter policy needs to change?

  • Yes, allowing an active shooter more time to kill is cowardly

  • No

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Still doesn't explain how he bought the guns and the tactical gear he used in the attack.
Nobody working at Wendy's could afford two ARs worth $4000.00 and vests that cost over $2000.00....not to mention the ammo that cost over $500.00.
Agree, we still know nothing on it yet.... Seems like it would have been purchased on credit, if it were an online purchase as I had read..... But nothing has been confirmed, it is all still an unknown.....though I haven't had the news on today to see if there has been any new, news on it.
People seem to ignore this was more than an active shooter, it was also a hostage situation. The cops going in guns blazing would put more people at risk. Proper planning takes time, an hour is not unreasonable when considering all factors.

You don't limit your tactics based on what you think someone "might" do.
Who would be a cop in the US ? The population is deranged.You need to help them by making society safer.
Not interested in your social judgements, dumbass libtard. You fuck up everything you touch, why would I listen to your silly ass?
Dont say “the cops” as if everyone was wrong

There is a commander who will have to answer for his decision not to go in immediately
And a bunch of DUMB FUCKTARD COPS who stood around doing nothing.

Anyone with half a brain and a tenth of a heart would have turned off the goddamn radio and jumped in.
As the REAL facts are slowly trickling out we now know the cops left that nut in the classroom with those kids for an hour before going in. That is just unacceptable cowardly acting/policy imo. No wonder those parents were screaming at the cops.

If you're a cop you signed up to SERVE AND PROTECT so do your fucking job. There is no policy or possible excuse for leaving a lunatic child with a gun in a classroom for an hour.
Your question is loaded and misleading. "Are cops cowards" your question requires a more dissected answer. Maybe they were waiting on the social service worker to go in and talk the shooter down. Maybe they stop to catch their breath because they can't breathe, maybe they were waiting on those SJW chanting hands up don't shoot me school shooter. But No all cops are not cowards.
These certainly are.
First we don't know that. Maybe they were told to wait by the command staff to get everything in place. To access if it's one shooter or multiple shooters.
I blame the command staff and the teacher who left the door open. Who ever that person is should pay imprisonment or death.
And a bunch of DUMB FUCKTARD COPS who stood around doing nothing.

Anyone with half a brain and a tenth of a heart would have turned off the goddamn radio and jumped in.
Dont be an internet tough guy

The police have a chain of command and have to follow orders like everyone else
More and more I am thinking these creatures are being allowed to wreak their havoc. So, not a false flag, but the authorities are doing nothing to prevent the attacks.
Nothing I agree. Like putting strong gun control in place, banning AR-15s.
No you said you were coming to steal what doesn't belong to you. I challenged you to try it.
No. Because you are a scaredy cat everything is an attempt to attack you. You live in fear and it manifests itself in your daily life, political views, and apparently reading comprehension.

There will be a push to ban assault weapons again like we did under Clinton when the mass murder rate plummeted.
No. Because you are a scaredy cat everything is an attempt to attack you. You live in fear an it manifests it’s myself in your daily life, political views, and apparently reading comprehension.

There will be a push to ban assault weapons again like we did under Clinton when the mass murder rate plummeted.
One way to find out tough guy bring it on. You're just a silhouette to me
You might want to check your stats on mass murders during the Clinton ban. Also any ban will be ruled unconstitutional in common use.
No. Because you are a scaredy cat everything is an attempt to attack you. You live in fear and it manifests itself in your daily life, political views, and apparently reading comprehension.

There will be a push to ban assault weapons again like we did under Clinton when the mass murder rate plummeted.

You're gonna have trouble with your own people I hope you understand. As crime rates are out of control in Blue cities and states guess who is buying up the guns?
One way to find out tough guy bring it on. You're just a silhouette to me
Your online bravery is noted with the appropriate level of consideration by me. Regardless, buckle up because an assault weapons ban proposal is on its way. Nothing you can do.
You're gonna have trouble with your own people I hope you understand. As crime rates are out of control in Blue cities and states guess who is buying up the guns?
Blue cities are safer than red states statistically speaking. You are safer in NYC than Louisiana. You are safer in Chicago than Louisiana.
Your online bravery is noted with the appropriate level of consideration by me. Regardless, buckle up because an assault weapons ban proposal is on its way. Nothing you can do.


Right. Will go the way of all Dem "proposals"

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