Are the Democrats Finished?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
This seems to go in cycles. For years the Democrats couldn't get out of their own way. They were the party of nutjobs, fruitcakes, and guilty white men. The GOP reigned supreme as the party that defeated the Soviet Union, gave us the peace divididend and about 20 years of economic growth and prosperity.
Then the GOP screwed up and tried to out-Dem the Dems. That didnt work.
SO the Dems came in on fairness, equality, and other issues that appeal to their not very bright base.
The results have been, um, sub-par to say the least. Stagnation. Poverty. Dependence. Debt.
So the GOP looks like it will kick butt in the midterms and if 2006 is any indication will go on to take the presidency as well. Democrat policies and programs look to be thoroughly discredited for the failuires they are.
But can the Dems come back? What can they do to junk the special interest gravy train, the whack jobs, the nutcases, the Stalinists that have taken over their party? Do the Dems need to stage the equivalent of the Beer Hall Putsch to cleanse the party of the toxic elements that are costing them elections?
Can anyone name a Reagan, ie Conservative Democrat, Moderate??
The moderates have been either drummed out of the party, like Lierberman, or so marginalized they can't speak. Seeing Sam Nunn on the campaign trail is a sad reminder of what they used to be.
Can anyone name a Reagan, ie Conservative Democrat, Moderate??
The moderates have been either drummed out of the party, like Lierberman, or so marginalized they can't speak. Seeing Sam Nunn on the campaign trail is a sad reminder of what they used to be.

I honestly can't say I know who he is.. I've heard the term Reagan Democrat and did follow Lieberman but I don't really remember too many other moderates..
Here's my belief.. the RINO's are those moderates who left the Democratic Plantation when the hardcore Stalinist's took over.
But can the Dems come back? What can they do to junk the special interest gravy train, the whack jobs, the nutcases, the Stalinists that have taken over their party? Do the Dems need to stage the equivalent of the Beer Hall Putsch to cleanse the party of the toxic elements that are costing them elections?

This is the equivalent of Democrats always telling Republicans to lose their social conservative faction in order to make headway into new territory.

The Democrats are not finished and never will be because their base doesn't look to them for competence or innovative or principled policy ideas, the Democrats are a party of racial identity.

The issue is classic - Who, Whom? The Democrats are the essential vehicle by which wealth can be extracted from whites and transferred to minorities. There's simply no other way to achieve that goal, hence Democrats are an essential element and the Party shall have support from their various identity factions.

Those toxic elements that should be purged are the very core elements of the party.
You have any facts or statistics at all to back up that swill.

Because the membership rolls of the Democratic Party, the voter registration stats in the 31 states that do them according to party affiliation, mid-term polling for the Senate horseraces, key HOR races and the generic meter do not back up your strange claims at all.

Were the Democratic Party finished, then Tillis would be swamping Hagan in North Carolina, a traditionally deep Red state that Mitt Romney reclaimed for the GOP in 2012. And yet, Hagan is still ahead and likely to win re-election.

Were the Democratic Party finished, then why must the RNC all of a sudden have to dump money into the South Dakota race?

We hear this meaningless crap from political hacks like you all the time and the swill never comes to fruition.

You are just frustrated because not everyone thinks like you think and this makes you angry like a 2nd grader who just lost his favorite toy.

The GOP is VERY likely to take the Senate, because electoral history patterns for mid-terms point clearly to the opposition party having the upper-hand in mid-terms, totally irregardless of the popularity of the sitting president (see: Eisenhower 1954, 1958. see: Reagan 1986. see: Clinton 1994. see Bush: 2006. see: LBJ 1966. See: Truman 1946 and 1950. See: FDR 1938 and 1942. See: Hoover 1930. See: Wilson 1918. See: Taft 1910. The list goes on and one and on).

Neither major political party is finished. One of the two major political parties is in danger of being shut out of presidential victories for a good long time due to demographic shifts across our great Union and that party's unwillingness to accept people who are not White and ultra-conservative, but neither party is "finished".

Your thread, as usual, is trash. And lacking in any real substance.

Now, go play with your tonka-toys.
You have any facts or statistics at all to back up that swill.

. . . . .that party's unwillingness to accept people who are not White and ultra-conservative, but neither party is "finished".

Your thread, as usual, is trash. And lacking in any real substance.

Now, go play with your tonka-toys.

Check the bolded text in your comment. It applies to you. You have no facts to back up your claim that the Republican Party is unwilling to accept voters who are not white.

That's such a moronic statement.

Now, do play with your tonka-trucks. Oh sorry, that's a gender-specific toy. Go play with some liberal-approved, gender-neutral toy like a yo-yo.
They'll be finished when they run out of other people's money.
This seems to go in cycles. For years the Democrats couldn't get out of their own way. They were the party of nutjobs, fruitcakes, and guilty white men. The GOP reigned supreme as the party that defeated the Soviet Union, gave us the peace divididend and about 20 years of economic growth and prosperity.
Then the GOP screwed up and tried to out-Dem the Dems. That didnt work.
SO the Dems came in on fairness, equality, and other issues that appeal to their not very bright base.
The results have been, um, sub-par to say the least. Stagnation. Poverty. Dependence. Debt.
So the GOP looks like it will kick butt in the midterms and if 2006 is any indication will go on to take the presidency as well. Democrat policies and programs look to be thoroughly discredited for the failuires they are.
But can the Dems come back? What can they do to junk the special interest gravy train, the whack jobs, the nutcases, the Stalinists that have taken over their party? Do the Dems need to stage the equivalent of the Beer Hall Putsch to cleanse the party of the toxic elements that are costing them elections?

Are liberals finished????

Not by a long shot. We are reaping 100 years of their societal destruction now. Their "progressive" march is strong, and will continue, fairness and freedom be damned!!

Want proof? Even Thatcher talked about the ratcheting effect, that the trend is always in one direction, never a reversal. Today we have endless piling on and exponential growth of government, the state, Statism. Are Republicans making any effort to reverse course? No. At best, sometimes, they slow it down and call it a victory. But the progression never ends. Never stops. Never goes in the other direction. Republicans are feckless. Our nation: too dependent, despite all the facts that support our own unsustainability. We're bankrupt, both financially and morally. It is becoming "okay" to take from those that have and give to those who have not, the U.S. Constitution be damned. Radicals have taken over, and you ask if "dems are finished?" Sir, while the ebb and flow of party politics may result in the occasional victory for republicans, there isn't a conservative amongst them to turn the tide of the dangerous path on which we long ago embarked. We're doomed.
This seems to go in cycles. For years the Democrats couldn't get out of their own way. They were the party of nutjobs, fruitcakes, and guilty white men. The GOP reigned supreme as the party that defeated the Soviet Union, gave us the peace divididend and about 20 years of economic growth and prosperity.
Then the GOP screwed up and tried to out-Dem the Dems. That didnt work.
SO the Dems came in on fairness, equality, and other issues that appeal to their not very bright base.
The results have been, um, sub-par to say the least. Stagnation. Poverty. Dependence. Debt.
So the GOP looks like it will kick butt in the midterms and if 2006 is any indication will go on to take the presidency as well. Democrat policies and programs look to be thoroughly discredited for the failuires they are.
But can the Dems come back? What can they do to junk the special interest gravy train, the whack jobs, the nutcases, the Stalinists that have taken over their party? Do the Dems need to stage the equivalent of the Beer Hall Putsch to cleanse the party of the toxic elements that are costing them elections?

No, the Dems are not dead. But I think they need a bit of house cleaning. The problem is, with the moderate Reps getting beat up pretty bad by their own party and overlooked, we are headed for some rough years with them in charge. The Radicals are driving both parties.
Are the Democrats finished, not even close, at the very least we will live with all their burdensome policies for years.

At the least there are tens of millions of democrat liberals working in government, screwing up our lives.

And then there are the Republicans, outspending every democrat once the Republirats takes office.

No, we are far from done with a tyrannical government, I think it need to completely collapse before it ever gets to where it should of been years and years ago.

besides, there are no leaders out there, who speaks of building industry and ending all these ridiculous taxes, nobody!
This seems to go in cycles. For years the Democrats couldn't get out of their own way. They were the party of nutjobs, fruitcakes, and guilty white men. The GOP reigned supreme as the party that defeated the Soviet Union, gave us the peace divididend and about 20 years of economic growth and prosperity.
Then the GOP screwed up and tried to out-Dem the Dems. That didnt work.
SO the Dems came in on fairness, equality, and other issues that appeal to their not very bright base.
The results have been, um, sub-par to say the least. Stagnation. Poverty. Dependence. Debt.
So the GOP looks like it will kick butt in the midterms and if 2006 is any indication will go on to take the presidency as well. Democrat policies and programs look to be thoroughly discredited for the failuires they are.
But can the Dems come back? What can they do to junk the special interest gravy train, the whack jobs, the nutcases, the Stalinists that have taken over their party? Do the Dems need to stage the equivalent of the Beer Hall Putsch to cleanse the party of the toxic elements that are costing them elections?

Are liberals finished????

Not by a long shot. We are reaping 100 years of their societal destruction now. Their "progressive" march is strong, and will continue, fairness and freedom be damned!!

Want proof? Even Thatcher talked about the ratcheting effect, that the trend is always in one direction, never a reversal. Today we have endless piling on and exponential growth of government, the state, Statism. Are Republicans making any effort to reverse course? No. At best, sometimes, they slow it down and call it a victory. But the progression never ends. Never stops. Never goes in the other direction. Republicans are feckless. Our nation: too dependent, despite all the facts that support our own unsustainability. We're bankrupt, both financially and morally. It is becoming "okay" to take from those that have and give to those who have not, the U.S. Constitution be damned. Radicals have taken over, and you ask if "dems are finished?" Sir, while the ebb and flow of party politics may result in the occasional victory for republicans, there isn't a conservative amongst them to turn the tide of the dangerous path on which we long ago embarked. We're doomed.

Oh, yes they are.
This seems to go in cycles. For years the Democrats couldn't get out of their own way. They were the party of nutjobs, fruitcakes, and guilty white men. The GOP reigned supreme as the party that defeated the Soviet Union, gave us the peace divididend and about 20 years of economic growth and prosperity.
Then the GOP screwed up and tried to out-Dem the Dems. That didnt work.
SO the Dems came in on fairness, equality, and other issues that appeal to their not very bright base.
The results have been, um, sub-par to say the least. Stagnation. Poverty. Dependence. Debt.
So the GOP looks like it will kick butt in the midterms and if 2006 is any indication will go on to take the presidency as well. Democrat policies and programs look to be thoroughly discredited for the failuires they are.
But can the Dems come back? What can they do to junk the special interest gravy train, the whack jobs, the nutcases, the Stalinists that have taken over their party? Do the Dems need to stage the equivalent of the Beer Hall Putsch to cleanse the party of the toxic elements that are costing them elections?

After foisting that POS the ACA act on the american taxpayers those assholes should be done.

After letting all those disease ridden kids from South America into the US at taxpayer expense the Dems should be done.

Unfortunately I doubt they are. I do, however, hope they get kicked to the curb this Nov.

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