Are the Democrats Finished?


Guy, do you really think you are fooling anyone with that shit.

The point is, both parties were pretty cool with Jim Crow until 1964. And while the democrats were willing to lose the South for a couple generations to do the right thing, the Republicans were happy to give all the Cleetuses a home.
Willing to lose the South and bragging "******* will be voting democrat for the next 200 years"? ala LBJ? That's not racist is it? Another liberal democrat being his natural racist self.

Got any examples of prominent republicans saying racist shit like that? Any photos of republicans hanging blacks by the neck? Accept your party's heritage and acknowledge it.
Joey never gives up on the lies he spreads for the Democrat party

Not an once of honor left in him when it comes to THE PARTY
You have any facts or statistics at all to back up that swill.

. . . . .that party's unwillingness to accept people who are not White and ultra-conservative, but neither party is "finished".

Your thread, as usual, is trash. And lacking in any real substance.

Now, go play with your tonka-toys.

Check the bolded text in your comment. It applies to you. You have no facts to back up your claim that the Republican Party is unwilling to accept voters who are not white.

That's such a moronic statement.

Now, do play with your tonka-trucks. Oh sorry, that's a gender-specific toy. Go play with some liberal-approved, gender-neutral toy like a yo-yo.

Are you not the stupid shit. The Repubs would "accept" anyone that would vote for them you dummy It's the fact that it's just about only white people who believe the stupid bull shit the Republican party preaches. And votes for it.

Now what was the percentage of the black and Latino vote your last Presidential candidate pulled in?
How many Republican districts were gerrymandered to remove blacks from the district?

You really are full of sh it.
Nope, they're not dead. The GOP will likely eek out a few additional seats this election, mainly due to the proximity of seats that are up for re-election.
Let's face it though, more and more people every day expect more government programs, and they know which party works to keep them always looking for more.

For now though, we have a great chance to keep Obama neutered for his last two years, so it's important to get out and vote to end his presidency.
More horseshit coming from the democrats. You can try to deny your party's heritage, but history is history and you haven't changed anything but your methods to keep the black man enslaved. Blacks are wising up. You won't be helped in this election, nor the next one in 2016.

It's not "my party". I voted Republican far more often than Democrats, until the whacks took over the party.

The only reason you guys will do well is because you are fighting in red states. You really haven't won anyone over or changed any minds. You are winning because NY and CA are largely sitting this one out.

IN 2016, Teabaggers in PA, WI, IL and other blue states are going to be up, and it won't be pretty.

Based on your posts throughout this board, I doubt you've ever voted for a Republican in your life.
The Democrats are so much better at messaging than the Republicans at this point that they're really not even in the same league.

And the Republicans don't even see it. How can that be?

Because once again, it's not the message- it's the Product.

"Hey, we want you wage slaves to work harder for less money so a few rich assholes can have mansions and dressage horses!"

No amount of messaging in the world is going to make that sound good.

The real problem the GOP has is the "Shiny Things" like gays and abortion to get stupid white people like Rabbid to vote against their own economic interests don't work anymore either.

We do know that the Rs have no message and the dems are toxic and have failed miserably over the last six years. If the dems continue to exploit blacks, hispanics, minorities, and ethnicities, they may find themselves wandering in the desert for a few years.
The Democrats are so much better at messaging than the Republicans at this point that they're really not even in the same league.

And the Republicans don't even see it. How can that be?

Because once again, it's not the message- it's the Product.

"Hey, we want you wage slaves to work harder for less money so a few rich assholes can have mansions and dressage horses!"

No amount of messaging in the world is going to make that sound good.

The real problem the GOP has is the "Shiny Things" like gays and abortion to get stupid white people like Rabbid to vote against their own economic interests don't work anymore either.

We do know that the Rs have no message and the dems are toxic and have failed miserably over the last six years. If the dems continue to exploit blacks, hispanics, minorities, and ethnicities, they may find themselves wandering in the desert for a few years.

It's worked pretty damn well for them so far.

What are the Republicans gonna do about it? Specifically?

You have any facts or statistics at all to back up that swill.

Because the membership rolls of the Democratic Party, the voter registration stats in the 31 states that do them according to party affiliation, mid-term polling for the Senate horseraces, key HOR races and the generic meter do not back up your strange claims at all.

Were the Democratic Party finished, then Tillis would be swamping Hagan in North Carolina, a traditionally deep Red state that Mitt Romney reclaimed for the GOP in 2012. And yet, Hagan is still ahead and likely to win re-election.

Were the Democratic Party finished, then why must the RNC all of a sudden have to dump money into the South Dakota race?

We hear this meaningless crap from political hacks like you all the time and the swill never comes to fruition.

You are just frustrated because not everyone thinks like you think and this makes you angry like a 2nd grader who just lost his favorite toy.

The GOP is VERY likely to take the Senate, because electoral history patterns for mid-terms point clearly to the opposition party having the upper-hand in mid-terms, totally irregardless of the popularity of the sitting president (see: Eisenhower 1954, 1958. see: Reagan 1986. see: Clinton 1994. see Bush: 2006. see: LBJ 1966. See: Truman 1946 and 1950. See: FDR 1938 and 1942. See: Hoover 1930. See: Wilson 1918. See: Taft 1910. The list goes on and one and on).

Neither major political party is finished. One of the two major political parties is in danger of being shut out of presidential victories for a good long time due to demographic shifts across our great Union and that party's unwillingness to accept people who are not White and ultra-conservative, but neither party is "finished".

Your thread, as usual, is trash. And lacking in any real substance.

Now, go play with your tonka-toys.
. This is rich. You as a member of the party who founded the KKK sayIng the GOP is "unwilling to accept people who are not white" is laughable coming from the party who wrote Jim Crowe laws. Hell, even uber-liberal FDR put Klansman Hugo Black on the Supreme Court. Who really doesn't accept non-whites? It's not the GOP.

The facts are the GOP never enslaved a black, never hung one from a tree, never prevented him from voting. That is your party's heritage. And if you think times have changed, the only difference now is your methods have changed to keep blacks on the plantation.

The Dixiecrats left the Democrats along time ago.. The reminisce of their ideology is the GOP now...

The truth is demographics are against the GOP in its present form and the GOP is just going further to the right not trying to win the middle.

The GOP is on the wrong side of a lot of issues from the majority, strangely I think they are doing well considering that.. You can only rely on getting people to voting against there own interests for so long.
The Democrats are so much better at messaging than the Republicans at this point that they're really not even in the same league.

And the Republicans don't even see it. How can that be?

Because once again, it's not the message- it's the Product.

"Hey, we want you wage slaves to work harder for less money so a few rich assholes can have mansions and dressage horses!"

No amount of messaging in the world is going to make that sound good.

The real problem the GOP has is the "Shiny Things" like gays and abortion to get stupid white people like Rabbid to vote against their own economic interests don't work anymore either.

We do know that the Rs have no message and the dems are toxic and have failed miserably over the last six years. If the dems continue to exploit blacks, hispanics, minorities, and ethnicities, they may find themselves wandering in the desert for a few years.

It's worked pretty damn well for them so far.

What are the Republicans gonna do about it? Specifically?


I would say nothing. They'll serve out their six years, sit on the committees, control the purse strings, and then go away.
You love how it's always the Gop that is on the "wrong side of the issues"?

As if this whole country is liberal/Democrats. that's the people and party whose nose is in air telling others how they are on the wrong side of the issues

so tiring

While the Democrats are talking about income inequality, more affordable access to health care, more control over corporations, evening the playing field, etc. etc. -- regardless of whether one thinks they are right or wrong on these issues -- the main message from the GOP appears to be:

"Obama is Kenyan! Obama plays too much golf! Cut taxes! Get rid of Social Security, Medicare and other government programs! Cut taxes! Cut taxes! Freedom! Liberty! Obama is a communist! AAUUUGGHHH"

There is no way to truly know what the public thinks of the conservative message if conservatives refuse to provide it in a clear, rational, inspirational way.

This is just bizarre. I don't know why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

If the Senate goes GOP,

then the argument the RWnuts used after the 2006 election becomes fair game, and that argument was, everything bad that happened from 2007 on was the fault of the Democrats winning a majority in Congress.

bon appetite, RWnuts, because that will be on the menu every day.
The Democrats are so much better at messaging than the Republicans at this point that they're really not even in the same league.

And the Republicans don't even see it. How can that be?

Because once again, it's not the message- it's the Product.

"Hey, we want you wage slaves to work harder for less money so a few rich assholes can have mansions and dressage horses!"

No amount of messaging in the world is going to make that sound good.

The real problem the GOP has is the "Shiny Things" like gays and abortion to get stupid white people like Rabbid to vote against their own economic interests don't work anymore either.

We do know that the Rs have no message and the dems are toxic and have failed miserably over the last six years. If the dems continue to exploit blacks, hispanics, minorities, and ethnicities, they may find themselves wandering in the desert for a few years.
Another minorities are too stupid to know what is good for them post.
This seems to go in cycles. For years the Democrats couldn't get out of their own way. They were the party of nutjobs, fruitcakes, and guilty white men. The GOP reigned supreme as the party that defeated the Soviet Union, gave us the peace divididend and about 20 years of economic growth and prosperity.
Then the GOP screwed up and tried to out-Dem the Dems. That didnt work.
SO the Dems came in on fairness, equality, and other issues that appeal to their not very bright base.
The results have been, um, sub-par to say the least. Stagnation. Poverty. Dependence. Debt.
So the GOP looks like it will kick butt in the midterms and if 2006 is any indication will go on to take the presidency as well. Democrat policies and programs look to be thoroughly discredited for the failuires they are.
But can the Dems come back? What can they do to junk the special interest gravy train, the whack jobs, the nutcases, the Stalinists that have taken over their party? Do the Dems need to stage the equivalent of the Beer Hall Putsch to cleanse the party of the toxic elements that are costing them elections?

You people really are deluded, with the demographic shift there is NO way the white christian party can survive, there just aren't enough bitter white people, the white christer party is a regional party and have been rightly marginalized to the uneducated bible thumping states also known as jesusland, The christer party cannot win national elections without the latino vote, the womens vote and the educated whites vote
Exhibit No. 1.

Why the Democrats fail is because of hate.

Just look at what a typical, run of the mill progressive looks like in 2014.
This thread is probably a response to all of the Are the Republucans Dead threads. Nothing to actually back it up.

It is a response to all those troll threads. Kudos to you for noticing. I didn't think you had it in you.
If the Senate goes GOP,

then the argument the RWnuts used after the 2006 election becomes fair game, and that argument was, everything bad that happened from 2007 on was the fault of the Democrats winning a majority in Congress.

bon appetite, RWnuts, because that will be on the menu every day.
It seems you were not paying attention at all.

What a surprise.

It wasn't the Dems winning the Congress. Its what they did with that congress.

I have little doubt the GOP will fuck it too.
If the Senate goes GOP,

then the argument the RWnuts used after the 2006 election becomes fair game, and that argument was, everything bad that happened from 2007 on was the fault of the Democrats winning a majority in Congress.

bon appetite, RWnuts, because that will be on the menu every day.
It seems you were not paying attention at all.

What a surprise.

It wasn't the Dems winning the Congress. Its what they did with that congress.

I have little doubt the GOP will fuck it too.

Really? And what did they do, while Bush was president?

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