Are The Founding Fathers Still Dear to the Right?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I have often found those who claim to love the Constitution have an amazing lack of knowledge about it. Some have clearly never even read it.

I also hear adoration of the "Founding Fathers" and are spoken of as if they had a monolithic belief system, which they most assuredly did not.

For instance, Hamilton disagreed strongly with Jefferson and Madison on the amount of power the central government should have. Jefferson and Madison believed in a decentralized agrarian economy while Hamilton believed in a strong central government with a central bank and the assumption of all the states' debts from the Revolutionary War.

So I am wondering if the Right still worships Thomas Jefferson, for example. He used to be often cited by the Right, but I hardly ever hear his name mentioned any more.

My personal favorite Founding Father was James Madison. His clarity of thinking in the letters he wrote for the Federalist Papers demonstrates a clarity of thinking which reminds me of Paul in the New Testament.

So what are your thoughts on Thomas Jefferson (author of the Declaration of Independence), Thomas Paine (author of Common Sense), James Madison (father of the Constitution), et. al.?

Please try to avoid speaking of them as a group and discuss your thoughts on specific men.

Thank you.
A lack of knowledge or an understanding that is different from your own. If you are going to claim some kind of expert knowledge, I'd ask for your credentials. Otherwise, what you are saying is you think those who don't see the Constitution the way you are stupid or have not read it. This is called an opinion in case you need help understanding.

Hamilton lost the debate on a powerful, centralized government until the progressives manage to get a foothold in the halls of government early last century. We have been moving steadily toward an authoritarian government ever since.

As of right now, we are very close to a Marxist government.
I have often found those who claim to love the Constitution have an amazing lack of knowledge about it. Some have clearly never even read it.

I also hear adoration of the "Founding Fathers" and are spoken of as if they had a monolithic belief system, which they most assuredly did not.

For instance, Hamilton disagreed strongly with Jefferson and Madison on the amount of power the central government should have. Jefferson and Madison believed in a decentralized agrarian economy while Hamilton believed in a strong central government with a central bank and the assumption of all the states' debts from the Revolutionary War.

So I am wondering if the Right still worships Thomas Jefferson, for example. He used to be often cited by the Right, but I hardly ever hear his name mentioned any more.

My personal favorite Founding Father was James Madison. His clarity of thinking in the letters he wrote for the Federalist Papers demonstrates a clarity of thinking which reminds me of Paul in the New Testament.

So what are your thoughts on Thomas Jefferson (author of the Declaration of Independence), Thomas Paine (author of Common Sense), James Madison (father of the Constitution), et. al.?

Please try to avoid speaking of them as a group and discuss your thoughts on specific men.

Thank you.

Lame flame attempt.

There was a lot of debate at the Founding over the role of the Federal government.

I'm sorry, were you trying to make some point?
g5000 Your thread title does not coincide with your OP. Any true American has the utmost respect, if not awe, for the Founding Fathers. Of course they disagreed, that is the very nature of this country. At least it was until the Leftist Horde took over our government and Media.
I have often found those who claim to love the Constitution have an amazing lack of knowledge about it. Some have clearly never even read it.

I also hear adoration of the "Founding Fathers" and are spoken of as if they had a monolithic belief system, which they most assuredly did not.

For instance, Hamilton disagreed strongly with Jefferson and Madison on the amount of power the central government should have. Jefferson and Madison believed in a decentralized agrarian economy while Hamilton believed in a strong central government with a central bank and the assumption of all the states' debts from the Revolutionary War.

So I am wondering if the Right still worships Thomas Jefferson, for example. He used to be often cited by the Right, but I hardly ever hear his name mentioned any more.

My personal favorite Founding Father was James Madison. His clarity of thinking in the letters he wrote for the Federalist Papers demonstrates a clarity of thinking which reminds me of Paul in the New Testament.

So what are your thoughts on Thomas Jefferson (author of the Declaration of Independence), Thomas Paine (author of Common Sense), James Madison (father of the Constitution), et. al.?

Please try to avoid speaking of them as a group and discuss your thoughts on specific men.

Thank you.
I don't know about today's republicans quoting Jefferson. I'm sure there must be allusions to his notion of belief of inherent rights (at least for white land owning males). But all people are "victims" of the mores and social codes of when they lived.

The federalist papers are interesting, but I've never been sure of how much they are really worth. Sure, it's interesting to consider what a founder might have thought of today's population distribution, but the reality they could never possibly have envisioned it. Citizens United? Not hardly. LOL

Madison came to embrace some Hamiltonian views on banks and institutions. For my money(-: Hamilton was the guy, although he had like seven duels, and his personal life was part of a musical play. LOL
I forgot to add a link for reference. There are many lists of who the Founding Fathers were, and they differ.

So let's use this one: Founding Fathers
A lack of knowledge or an understanding that is different from your own. If you are going to claim some kind of expert knowledge, I'd ask for your credentials. Otherwise, what you are saying is you think those who don't see the Constitution the way you are stupid or have not read it. This is called an opinion in case you need help understanding.

Hamilton lost the debate on a powerful, centralized government until the progressives manage to get a foothold in the halls of government early last century. We have been moving steadily toward an authoritarian government ever since.

As of right now, we are very close to a Marxist government.
Credentials? Well, I have read the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, Common Sense, The Rights of Man, the Age of Reason, Agrarian Justice, letters written by Jefferson and Madison, Miracle at Philadelphia, Founding Brothers, and many other books on the Constitution.

How's that for starters?

So who is your favorite FF?
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Lame flame attempt.

There was a lot of debate at the Founding over the role of the Federal government.

I'm sorry, were you trying to make some point?
I'm just curious who your favorite founder was, and what policies or ideas of his you like.
I don't know about today's republicans quoting Jefferson. I'm sure there must be allusions to his notion of belief of inherent rights (at least for white land owning males).
I think you would be very surprised at Jefferson's thoughts about that.
I have nothing but respect for the FF's. They were very smart men and well ahead of their time.

The Constitution is to always be respected. Doesn't matter if you are left or right.
Which FF do you particularly admire?
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” -- Samuel Adams

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” -- John Adams

“A government of laws, and not of men.” -- John Adams

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” -- Ben Franklin

“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.” -- Thomas Jefferson

"If you're ever dumb enough to allow anti-American Progressives, who seek to 'fundamentally transform' America into the Presidency and Congress, hit Ctrl Alt Del Twice and reboot the fucker" -- CrusaderFrank
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” -- Samuel Adams

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” -- John Adams

“A government of laws, and not of men.” -- John Adams

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” -- Ben Franklin

“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.” -- Thomas Jefferson

"If you're ever dumb enough to allow anti-American Progressives, who seek to 'fundamentally transform' America into the Presidency and Congress, hit Ctrl Alt Del Twice and reboot the fucker" -- CrusaderFrank
Well, we know you are great at copying and pasting.

That Ben Franklin quote is fake. It makes me wonder if you have ever read a book by or about any of the Founders, or just copy and paste stuff that sounds cool.

Do you have any original words about the Founders?
It’s pretty clear that Madison’s Bill of Rights has become to mean almost nothing. Our government breeches it everyday without consequence. Where are Americans concerned about civil rights? Where is the judiciary to stop these unconstitutional actions by government?

It seems not only is the right unwilling to stop this tyranny, but so are most of the left.
It’s pretty clear that Madison’s Bill of Rights has become to mean almost nothing. Our government breeches it everyday without consequence. Where are Americans concerned about civil rights? Where is the judiciary to stop these unconstitutional actions by government?

It seems not only is the right unwilling to stop this tyranny, but so are most of the left.
The Patriot Act bent the Bill of Rights over and raped it up the ass.
Well, we know you are great at copying and pasting.

That Ben Franklin quote is fake. It makes me wonder if you have ever read a book by or about any of the Founders, or just copy and paste stuff that sounds cool.

Do you have any original words about the Founders?

Hamilton would have been a Founding Member of the Deep State
Well, we know you are great at copying and pasting.

That Ben Franklin quote is fake. It makes me wonder if you have ever read a book by or about any of the Founders, or just copy and paste stuff that sounds cool.

Do you have any original words about the Founders?

"Fart proudly" -- Ben Franklin

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