Are the "Free Christian Communities" Protestants in your opinion?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
I have friends, who are Free Christians. They call themselfes Free Christians. When asked, they just say they are Christians. They dont want to say whether they are Protestants? They say "we are nothing but Christians" "Christians". Im confused with them, but I figured out they believe in the saved by grace only not like Catholics and Orthodox who believe in saved by grace and getting grace by doing good works. Thats what they dont like, they say thats a false gospel and I would guess them to be Protestants because of that?

They call themselfes Free Christians. When asked, they just say they are Christians. They dont want to say whether they are Protestants? They say "we are nothing but Christians" "Christians". Im confused with them, but I figured out they believe in the saved by grace only not like Catholics and Orthodox who believe in saved by grace and getting grace by doing good works.
Of course they should call themselves Christians, because being Christian is--as it should be--more vital to them than protesting something else. They should be focused on Christ over being focused on why they broke away from the Catholic Church.

The grace versus works discussion is superfluous--something that takes place out in left field, if indeed, it is even on the playing field at all. Let's go back to Jesus who taught Kingdom living, right here, right now. It is eternal and we follow it into life after death. Kingdom living is not something we get later. It is ours now. Jesus, like every other Jew, was focused on living this life, talking about this life. He taught us that sins ARE forgiven now--not that they WILL BE forgiven in the next life. Present tense.

We have the Kingdom, the eternal Kingdom exists, through the grace of God. One early Church teaching is that we become saints (alive today) in the living Kingdom of God by doing ordinary things in an ordinary way. We love God in ordinary ways; we love each other in ordinary ways.

The break up of the Church is because some (both sides) were not loving one another in ordinary ways. The fact that those who formerly called themselves Protestants now wish to call themselves Free Christians is very good. Catholic Christians and Free Christians are both acknowledging they are centered on Christ who calls for us to love one another. This is the first step in loving in a very ordinary way.

I doubt there is any Christian on the planet who will disagree with doing ordinary things in an ordinary way. The ordinary makes up the greater part of our lives, life in the Kingdom of God. It even prepares us for those rare times when we are faced with the extraordinary. :)
The Kingdom of God spoken of by the Christ is a "spiritual kingdom"..........not a physical kingdom that would require defending it with walls and all type of weapons that are designed to kill and or maim.....with the tenets thereof existing within the hearts of all those who would believe (Luke 17:20-21), not based upon literalism (the letter of the Law) as was the Old Covenant of Moses This kingdom was prophesied/foretold in the Old Testament (Jer. 31-34)

While Jesus was on earth He often preached of a coming Kingdom. He promised His disciples that it would come with power (Mark 9:1) and it would come before some standing there listening to the Christ preach tasted death ...i.e., in that very generation. And that power would come from the Holy Spirit of God (Acts 1:8).

The Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost after the death of Jesus (Acts 2). Pointing out that the Kingdom spoken of by Jesus was established over 2000 years ago. That spiritual kingdom is still active today......only its called the church that Christ constructed in being the chief corner stone (Matthew 16)........I will build My church.......... And as prophesied in the book of Daniel, "that kingdom will never be destroyed...." -- Daniel 2:44

The very mission of Jesus was to teach the truth as delivered from saving the spirits of men instead of being concerned about the physical bodies and its requirements to sustain itself. Jesus declared that the "POOR WILL BE AMONG YOU ALWAYS...." (Matt. 26:11).

Jesus was more concerned about the eternal spirit of those who would hear His message of truth. When the people followed Him after the miracles of the fish and loaves .........He chastised them, declaring they were only following Him in order that they might eat again instead of following Him because of His mission to save the eternal soul......Christianity has always been about Spirituality and salvation of the Human soul. Jesus did not come to earth to feed and cloth anyone. (John 6:26-27).

Each individual is charged with taking care of His own.......especially His family. If you do not work you do not deserve to eat. (2 Thess. 3:10, 1 Tim. 5:8)
The Kingdom of God spoken of by the Christ is a "spiritual kingdom"..........not a physical kingdom that would require defending it with walls and all type of weapons that are designed to kill and or maim.....with the tenets thereof existing within the hearts of all those who would believe (Luke 17:20-21), not based upon literalism (the letter of the Law) as was the Old Covenant of Moses This kingdom was prophesied/foretold in the Old Testament (Jer. 31-34)

While Jesus was on earth He often preached of a coming Kingdom. He promised His disciples that it would come with power (Mark 9:1) and it would come before some standing there listening to the Christ preach tasted death ...i.e., in that very generation. And that power would come from the Holy Spirit of God (Acts 1:8).

The Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost after the death of Jesus (Acts 2). Pointing out that the Kingdom spoken of by Jesus was established over 2000 years ago. That spiritual kingdom is still active today......only its called the church that Christ constructed in being the chief corner stone (Matthew 16)........I will build My church.......... And as prophesied in the book of Daniel, "that kingdom will never be destroyed...." -- Daniel 2:44

The very mission of Jesus was to teach the truth as delivered from saving the spirits of men instead of being concerned about the physical bodies and its requirements to sustain itself. Jesus declared that the "POOR WILL BE AMONG YOU ALWAYS...." (Matt. 26:11).

Jesus was more concerned about the eternal spirit of those who would hear His message of truth. When the people followed Him after the miracles of the fish and loaves .........He chastised them, declaring they were only following Him in order that they might eat again instead of following Him because of His mission to save the eternal soul......Christianity has always been about Spirituality and salvation of the Human soul. Jesus did not come to earth to feed and cloth anyone. (John 6:26-27).

Each individual is charged with taking care of His own.......especially His family. If you do not work you do not deserve to eat. (2 Thess. 3:10, 1 Tim. 5:8)

What is the context of this message? How it relates to what I asked?
Protestant is where I put any Christian who is neither Catholic nor Orthodox.

But that's MY definition.

Many people I consider Protestant don't want to call themselves that.

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