Are The Teachings Of Buddha Incompatible With The Teachings Of Jesus...?

Does it matter if they are incompatible? I am sure the christians could car less about the buddhists....and the buddhists could care less about the chirstians.

Does it matter if they are incompatible? I am sure the christians could car less about the buddhists....and the buddhists could care less about the chirstians.

you obviously miss the point of the question...
I welcome intelligent informed opinions on this subject...

There are a number of indicators that Jesus may have been exposed to Eastern philosophy during the 20 undocumented years of Christ's life. Christ brought many concepts to the ancient hebrews that were beyond radical. Kharma, empathy, shared experience etc... all coompletely removed from anything that would have been learned or experienced through Jewish custom. Thus many of the teachings of Christianity are not only compatible but nearly identical to those of Buddhism.

That being said, the most basic tenets of each religion, while not necessarily contradictory, are nearly the opposite.
Christians are taught to want to live a godly life and also to spread Christianity. The goal of a Buddhist is to want absolutely nothing as "the root of all pain is desire, thus to want, is to create pain."

To me, Buddhism is the purest of all religions in that there have never been any wars, torture etc... in the name of Buddha. It's just that thing about eliminating everything that makes us human, that I don't like.
There are a number of indicators that Jesus may have been exposed to Eastern philosophy during the 20 undocumented years of Christ's life. Christ brought many concepts to the ancient hebrews that were beyond radical. Kharma, empathy, shared experience etc... all coompletely removed from anything that would have been learned or experienced through Jewish custom. Thus many of the teachings of Christianity are not only compatible but nearly identical to those of Buddhism.

There are no such indicators in existence anywhere on this planet. Jesus never once in his entire existence mentioned the concept of karma, the entire concept of reincarnation doesn't exist in either Judaism or Christianity.

I guess you are right about empathy though, it isn't like God ever cared about what happened to people.

Oh, wait.
"In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old." Isaiah 63:9

If there is no evidence or documentation about what happened to Jesus for 20 years of his life, how can you say that there is evidence that Jesus was exposed to Eastern teachings?

I hereby issue a challenge, why don't you list all the teachings of Christianity that are identical to the teachings of Buddhism so I can point out, exactly, why you have your head up your ass?

That being said, the most basic tenets of each religion, while not necessarily contradictory, are nearly the opposite.
Christians are taught to want to live a godly life and also to spread Christianity. The goal of a Buddhist is to want absolutely nothing as "the root of all pain is desire, thus to want, is to create pain."

Umm, what?

The goal of Buddhism is cessation of conflict and suffering. That might be nothing to you, but I think they consider it to be pretty important. Your assumptions about your own superiority is showing again, better adjust your mask.

To me, Buddhism is the purest of all religions in that there have never been any wars, torture etc... in the name of Buddha. It's just that thing about eliminating everything that makes us human, that I don't like.

Why do people keep saying stupid things? Have you ever heard of Google? I suggest you use it to research Shakyamuni Buddha.
To me, Buddhism is the purest of all religions in that there have never been any wars, torture etc... in the name of Buddha. .

Who told you that?

Well then please correct me. Provide examples of when wars have been started in order to spread buddhism! Or people have been tortured for not being a buddhist!

Now of course, Buddhists have been in wars and / or defended themselves - but unlike Christianity (which is still the reigning champoin of violence) or Islam (which is now catching up), Buddhists haven't invaded countries in order to spread their religion, quash another religion etc...

But hey! I could be wrong and look forward to your specific examples! always up for learning!

I anticipated you might come up with the Tamil Tigers but that would be what is called a "Fail".
I was quite specific. I didn't say Buddhists never fight. I said wars have not been dclared in the name of Buddhism or to promote it.
Muslims have attacked and tortured people simply for being non-Muslims. Christians have done this more than any group or country in history.
Of course, Buddhists have been involved in wars but my statement still holds true: Buddhism is the purest of all religions in one aspect: They have not invaded other countries or started wars in the name of Buddha.
All through history, you can names wars, torture and violence on a local scale, in the name of religion. The Holy Wars, The Spanish Inquisition, Al Qaeda, The Arab-Israeli Wars, the KKK, 9/11, the murder of that abortion doctor and so on. You couldn't begin to count all the times people have been hurt or killed specifically in the nae of Jesus or Mohammed. But in the name of Buddha? While i'm sure you might find something better than the example you came up with, it is simply insignificant, compared with Islam or Christianity.
You didn't go through all the links.

LOL! You're in denial. Let's suppose we take the 500 monks and add more people than inhabit all of Sri Lanka.
Let' s double that.

You have a tiny little fraction of a percentge of the number of people who have been killed and tortured in the name of Christ.

Even then, you still fail. Where exactly are those people killing others because they're not Buddhists? They're not. In all of history and all of the world, you have come up with a couple squabbles among themselves.

Now. Name a century in the last thousand years. Millions were killed in the name of Christianity. Name a continent. Same thing - millions have been killed in the name of Christ wherever you name. I'm a Christian but that doesn't mean I have to find something wrong where it isn't, in order to feel good about my faith. When it comes to wholesale violence and murder, ya just can't beat Christianity - although like I said, Islam seems hell-bent on catching up.
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You didn't go through all the links.

LOL! You're in denial. Let's suppose we take the 500 monks and add more people than inhabit all of Sri Lanka.
Let' s double that.

You have a tiny little fraction of a percentge of the number of people who have been killed and tortured in the name of Christ.

Even then, you still fail. Where exactly are those people killing others because they're not Buddhists? They're not. In all of history and all of the world, you have come up with a couple squabbles among themselves.

Now. Name a century in the last thousand years. Millions were killed in the name of Christianity. Name a continent. Same thing - millions have been killed in the name of Christ wherever you name. I'm a Christian but that doesn't mean I have to find something wrong where it isn't, in order to feel good about my faith. When it comes to wholesale violence and murder, ya just can't beat Christianity - although like I said, Islam seems hell-bent on catching up.

Oh, now you're changing it to 'relative numbers.' You know what it means when you have to move the goalposts like that, right?

And you clearly didn't read all the links.

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