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Are the wealthy that seek tax havens America's true moochers?

Unless there is a law on the books that states specific people can't achieve specific goals I don't think that is the case.

I deduct my toilet paper, you can't.
I deduct my boat and expenses, you can't.
I can go on, and on, and on.

Fixed game.
Unless there is a law on the books that states specific people can't achieve specific goals I don't think that is the case.

I deduct my toilet paper, you can't.
I deduct my boat and expenses, you can't.
I can go on, and on, and on.

Fixed game.
You know this how? Unless your working for Obama's IRS and targeting my tax returns you know nothing of the kind.
Employees make money for the company using assets that were paid for by the company or individuals that they work for! Yes, UAW workers make cars but they wouldn't be able to do so unless someone built a factory for them to work in and paid suppliers for the parts to build those cars. They wouldn't have the skills to build those cars if someone else didn't pay to train them. This notion that employees make all the money for companies is so ridiculous it's laughable yet you folks on the left keep trotting it out. You must think it "sounds good"...but for anyone who spent more than a few hours in an economics class it's nonsense.

Employers build the platform, employees make all of the money for the company.

LOL...well do the employees do ANYTHING without the platform? Duh?
We are guaranteed equal opportunity not equal outcome.

What if the game is fixed?

Losers always think the game is "fixed". It's their way of ignoring that they weren't as good as the other guy. What you want, 1% is a guarantee that everyone will get the same reward despite their level of performance. It's like giving trophies to everyone whether they win or not that liberal idiots have been pushing with our kids for the last few decades. They grow up thinking they are "winners" and deserve rewards even when they SUCK! Then you put these kids out in the real world and scratch your heads, trying to figure out why they flounder.
They do, they pay about 60% of the taxes, maybe we should drop that to 40%. Wouldn't that be fair?

That's because 1% of $1M is more than 1% of $50K. Effectively we pay the least. Sales tax as a group we pay the least. Federal excise tax as a group we pay the least.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser.

If you'd like to dispel the facts then do so or STFU

what eva! I'm not going to play your word games.
Of course i understand inflation, I also understand people who refuse to do what's necessary to advance themselves and want everyone else to pay their way. Giving them a raise they didn't earn is doing exactly that.

How didn't they earn it? Employees make all the money for the company.

Obviously you have never run a business, equipment makes money employees don't put their money at risk to buy it, raw materials mark ups make money employees don't put their money at risk to buy them, buildings make money once again employees don't risk their money on them. Employees come in at the end, they are trained on how to use the equipment, they are taught how to handle the raw materials and how to produce a finished product, whether it be a hamburger or the space shuttle and all this is done in the comfy environment of the building. BTW the employees are paid while they do all this before the first dollar is earned by the company. So don;t give me this crap that employees make all the money for the company, without all the risk taken by the company from the start there would be no employees.
If you were paying 30%, 40%, 50% or more of your earnings in taxes and regulatory costs, on top of your regular business costs, you'd look for ways to shield your money from taxes too. You clearly have no idea what is involved with running a business--the local property taxes you pay, the facility rental fees you pay, the local business taxes you pay, etc., etc.

It is truly baffling how you liberals can constantly whine about wanting more "jobs, jobs, jobs," and then turn around and demonize the very people who create jobs. How many people do you know who work for a poor person or for a middle-income person? I've never met such an individual.

The more government sucks out of businesses in taxes and regulatory costs, the less money businesses have to open new outlets, to hire more workers, to give bonuses, to give promotions, to invest in R&D, to give pay raises, to pay for matching 401Ks. Do any of you liberals understand this basic bit of reality?
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One reason for that is retiring baby boomers. Another is more people going on disability. The third reason is discouraged workers. Wages are too low. Jobs themselves are sufficient but the wages are too low so people do not accept them. Obama tried fixing this by trying to raise the minimum wage and by installing job training programs in community colleges. Republicans blocked both of these. They are morons.
Excuses..............in a nation of 317 million people only 83 million are working via the IRS data...........show me the data of nearly 7 million less people working in 1 year just because of retirements and COUNTER that with those of age to enter the work force.

The gov't has been feeding us BS by manipulating data for a very long time..........fudging data to make unemployment data look better than it really is in reality.

Job training doesn't mean squat if the jobs aren't there.
Raising the minimum wage would actually decrease the number of jobs as businesses adjust for it.

To the op, look at the data and you'll see that the upper classes pay the LION'S SHARE of INDIVIDUAL RETURNS..............as 40% made less than 25,000.........and are basically not paying taxes anyway by IRS data......LESS THAN 3% make more than the magic number of 200,000 a year and are already paying a high total in overall taxes............

You could take all of their money and it wouldn't fix the debt problem we have today.
The labor participation rate has been declining since the Bush years. A total of 11 million private jobs have been created since Obama took office. The unemployment rate is at 5.6%. These are the facts that matter.

Many jobs are there and people are not taking them. This is for two main reasons 1) Many aren't qualified for certain jobs. 2) The wages are too low. There is a slight shortage but again the unemployment rate speaks for itself.

The jobs lost from raising the minimum wage depends how high it was raised. 10.10 per hour would cause the loss of about 500,000 jobs. However, economic demand would go up. People would be spending more money. That means over time jobs will be created. On a long enough time line, the economy would improve greatly.

No one ever said raising taxes would fix the debt. Raising taxes will limit how much gov debt accumulates.
I would agree that the labor participation rate has been dropping for a long time, BUT the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE IS BS........................

They manipulate that data, because it doesn't include the numbers who simply have stopped looking for work or have decided to go on the welfare pay rolls of the U.S...................

They manipulate that data...........FACT is it's BS and everyone knows it...............

IN A GOVERNMENT OF LIES, TRUTH IS TREASON................and WE THE PEOPLE are tired of their LIES.
Lol if the unemployment rate is manipulated, then it has been forever. It isn't because of Obama.
Did i say that......No I didn't............He is just another Lying Politician in a series of Lying Politician's.........The GOV'T has been changing the way it calculates Unemployment for a very long time. Just as they manipulate the COST OF LIVING indexes................

We have had upper tax rates as high as 90% in this country and it didn't do diddly squat for the REVENUES versus the GDP during those times..............as only a fool would think the ultra rich are going to give up that kind of money............They simply take their money elsewhere...............and it really doesn't do a dang thing.

Our average revenue over time is 18.1% of the GDP..........irregardless of rates of taxation...........and we are spending at a rate of 24% of the GDP.................It's simple math............The Gov't has to go down to 18% of the GDP in SPENDING or the debt has a snow balls chance in hell of ever being paid....................

We are destroying the value of the dollar, which destroys our standard of living as our buying power dies with it................That is the MAIN PROBLEM which we as a nation refuse to address.............Increasing the minimum wages doesn't fix that............and actually makes it even harder to compete in the Global Markets which have MASSIVE ADVANTAGES ON WAGES AND REGULATIONS...................

We are in a downward economic spiral.............and unless we deal with the real problems it will not reverse.
It is that very thing which is the real destroyer of middle class incomes.
Who is better at investing the nations wealth to generate jobs and more wealth businesses or the dumb as government?
Of course i understand inflation, I also understand people who refuse to do what's necessary to advance themselves and want everyone else to pay their way. Giving them a raise they didn't earn is doing exactly that.

How didn't they earn it? Employees make all the money for the company.

Obviously you have never run a business, equipment makes money employees don't put their money at risk to buy it, raw materials mark ups make money employees don't put their money at risk to buy them, buildings make money once again employees don't risk their money on them. Employees come in at the end, they are trained on how to use the equipment, they are taught how to handle the raw materials and how to produce a finished product, whether it be a hamburger or the space shuttle and all this is done in the comfy environment of the building. BTW the employees are paid while they do all this before the first dollar is earned by the company. So don;t give me this crap that employees make all the money for the company, without all the risk taken by the company from the start there would be no employees.
He's never done anything. He makes absurd claims about where he went to school and how wealthy he is. None of it is true. "One Percenter" refers to his brain usage.
Apparently they think the government should pay for all the services it offers them. Highways be damned!

I think it's safe to say. The wealthy should be taxed the most not because it is what's fair, but because it's what's the most realistic. That is where the main source of our government funding comes from (regardless of whether or not the president in charge is over spending). Even if you don't agree with that logic, you should at least agree the greed that keeps wealthy people from paying taxes is flat out wrong.


Americans have a right to protect their wealth and ONLY pay what is CONSTITUTIONALLY owed.

The "graduated income tax" is a socialistic UNCONSTITUTIONAL scam and Americans must find any means to prevent paying the same.

Numerous parasites post here and claim that they have a RIGHT to be fed, insured, educated, clothed and their thirst quench - that the government, ie, the taxpayers owe them a living.

Other parasites demand that we intervene in and invade every country on the face of mother earth.

Apparently they think the government should pay for all the services it offers them. Highways be damned!

I think it's safe to say. The wealthy should be taxed the most not because it is what's fair, but because it's what's the most realistic. That is where the main source of our government funding comes from (regardless of whether or not the president in charge is over spending). Even if you don't agree with that logic, you should at least agree the greed that keeps wealthy people from paying taxes is flat out wrong.

Start with the Secretary of State. He won't dock his $7m yacht in is home state of Massachusetts. You Liberals really need to back off this "do as I say, not as I do" morality. It's old and it really exposes how full of shit you are.

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