Are There Any Conservative Hawks Like Me, Thinking of Voting For Hillary?

OKTexas 14257551
So you're saying there are a lot of pro-death females out there? What's that say about our country and the party they support?

It's not murder so it's not pro-death. Your trump screwed up when he said a woman should be punished if she has an abortion. He took it back so he admits it's not murder. You should to. Because it would be murder in cases of rape and incest and that goes nowhere.

They want the government out of decisions made between a woman and her doctor. You should too.

First he answered a hypothetical question, if a woman broke the law should she be punished, because in the set up to the question, abortion would be illegal. What do you think should happen to people who break the law? Should they be punished, that's a yes/no question.

Also your play on semantics is total BS because an abortion causes death to a living organism, an organism if left alone would become a person. So by the legal meaning it may not be murder, but it is death nonetheless. Hence they are pro-death of a potential person.
Please tell me what conservative platform hillary has, and then when you can't find any, list the moderate platforms, and when you can't name any of those, just admit you are not a conservative, not in the slightest bit.

It would be a conservative intelligent move to vote for Hillary based upon it being a conservative principle to know where one has been In the past in order to best plan and forge our way into the future.

The Donald is a great unknown on real policy by his own admission except that he will incite the darkest motivations from one certain group of people to seize his own personal concept of what power is.

No one really can know what the Donald will do if he turns his celebrity into pure political power if his past up to the very last minute is prologue to a Trumpian U.S. Presidency.

Hillary has a record that is not accurately examined or defined by her political foes.

Conservatives would know what to expect and the market world likes to know what to expect and does not rise in anger to tell a woman what to do with her own body and to deport 11 million working people that add the GDP.

Also, conservatives have been predicting an economic collapse and budget nightmare that Obama has already set in place. Just a matter of when. Forecasts are not projecting economic Armageddon prior to November so if a true conservative believes Obama's economic depression is coming within the next four years it would be fatal for the GOP worse than now if the great white hope is steering the economy when we all go down in ruin.

Why take the risk for a high risk unprincipled candidate like the Donald?

On the other hand if Obama/Hillary-aggedon does not materialize then as a conservative you can live happily ever after knowing your precious conservative bigotry and your social demands on the bedrooms and doctors offices of America will not be stained by an unknown Huckster like the Donald that you actually voted for.

A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.

been beaten to death- go for the known far leftist that all but decides Americas future by appointing leftist hack SC judges vs voting for borders, language, culture and a very GOOD chance Trump nominates solid to very solid constitutionalists; besides I bet thats the main issue of why Ryan is talking to Trump- to make sure he promises to nominate Cruz or other good solid right SC justices in these next 4 or 8 years.

I would be surprised if Cruz would accept a nomination to the court. Don't get me wrong, I think he could make a great justice, but I think he has other plans at this point in time.
Please tell me what conservative platform hillary has, and then when you can't find any, list the moderate platforms, and when you can't name any of those, just admit you are not a conservative, not in the slightest bit.

It would be a conservative intelligent move to vote for Hillary based upon it being a conservative principle to know where one has been In the past in order to best plan and forge our way into the future.

The Donald is a great unknown on real policy by his own admission except that he will incite the darkest motivations from one certain group of people to seize his own personal concept of what power is.

No one really can know what the Donald will do if he turns his celebrity into pure political power if his past up to the very last minute is prologue to a Trumpian U.S. Presidency.

Hillary has a record that is not accurately examined or defined by her political foes.

Conservatives would know what to expect and the market world likes to know what to expect and does not rise in anger to tell a woman what to do with her own body and to deport 11 million working people that add the GDP.

Also, conservatives have been predicting an economic collapse and budget nightmare that Obama has already set in place. Just a matter of when. Forecasts are not projecting economic Armageddon prior to November so if a true conservative believes Obama's economic depression is coming within the next four years it would be fatal for the GOP worse than now if the great white hope is steering the economy when we all go down in ruin.

Why take the risk for a high risk unprincipled candidate like the Donald?

On the other hand if Obama/Hillary-aggedon does not materialize then as a conservative you can live happily ever after knowing your precious conservative bigotry and your social demands on the bedrooms and doctors offices of America will not be stained by an unknown Huckster like the Donald that you actually voted for.

A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.

been beaten to death- go for the known far leftist that all but decides Americas future by appointing leftist hack SC judges vs voting for borders, language, culture and a very GOOD chance Trump nominates solid to very solid constitutionalists; besides I bet thats the main issue of why Ryan is talking to Trump- to make sure he promises to nominate Cruz or other good solid right SC justices in these next 4 or 8 years.

I would be surprised if Cruz would accept a nomination to the court. Don't get me wrong, I think he could make a great justice, but I think he has other plans at this point in time.

Somebody posted an article of FB about him saying he wouldn't consider it, but I didn't bother to read the article.

Many believe that if Trump gets in, he will only serve one term. He wants to get some things done and that's all. He's not running for President as a career move or for the great retirement benefits.

Cruz will be front and center no matter when our next primary is. If not for Donald Trump, Cruz would be our nominee today. I would love to see him on the SC as well, but he's a young guy that wants to play double or nothing, and I can't blame him.
OKTexas 14255127
. Only reason I'll vote for Trump is the supreme court, I don't want the hildabitch within a hundred miles of nominating anyone.

More voters specifically women on The Dem side will actively campaign contribute and show up to vote on that issue against Trump because if this:

.Trump went on to say that he favored overturning Roe v. Wade and that, “I will appoint Supreme Court judges who will be pro-life.” His comments, along with hiring a pro-life advocate as his domestic policy director, will go along way to assuring pro-life voters they can consider him in November.

Donald Trump: “I Will Appoint Supreme Court Judges Who Will be Pro-Life”

Your narrow minded issue will help Trump lose more women than he could ever gain and that is another self-inflicted dagger in the GOP hopes to take the White House and hold the Senate.

Trump is winning the female vote. you are living a fantasy.
Are There Any Conservative Hawks Like Me, Thinking of Voting For Hillary?

Well, between the two candidates, only one has come out recently and vocally for men using women's bathrooms; even with a reiteration about how dangerous economically it would be for states if they don't play along.. so...I know Hillary and Bill were both strongly against gay marriage until their party put them in a headlock like they did everyone else...

Never thought I'd see the day when the republican party stood for men invading women's bathrooms. I guess they don't want to "be on the wrong side of history". The side of history they're going to be on if they don't get loud and vocal opposing this shit really quick is the Dodo Bird and the Woolly Mammoth..

A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....
No one is attracted to Trump because of his political philosophy because he has none.

There are a couple of rather uncomfortable and universal characteristics of mankind that the political elite have ignored. People like someone who talks big and no one talks bigger than Trump. We like someone to tell us our problems are simple and easy to solve even thou we know they aren't. We want someone to tell us with confidence there's a simple solution to our problems and no one is better at that than Trump. Secondly, we just don't really trust people who are different from us. So when Trump blames illegal immigrants, Muslims, the Chinese, Mexicans, and other foreigners for our problems, it's certainly more appealing than blaming ourselves. Lastly, people have lost faith in the ability of either side to solve our problems so they are willing to try something complete different and Trump is certainly different.

People with strong politician philosophies fail to comprehend that Trump's popularity has nothing to do with being a conservative or progressive. Lack of experience and knowledge of the political system, communications skills, empathy for others, and civility would normally dash the hopes of any candidate but Trump supporters see these as characteristics of a good president.
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I'm a conservative dove who is glad a hawk is feeling lonely.
A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....
No one is attracted to Trump because of his political philosophy because he has none.

There are a couple of rather uncomfortable and universal characteristics of mankind that the political elite have ignored. People like someone who talks big and no one talks bigger than Trump. We like someone to tell us our problems are simple and easy to solve even thou we know they aren't. We want someone to tell us with confidence there's a simple solution to our problems and no one is better at that than Trump. Secondly, we just don't really trust people who are different from us. So when Trump blames illegal immigrants, Muslims, the Chinese, Mexicans, and other foreigners for our problems, it's certainly more appealing than blaming ourselves. Lastly, people have lost faith in the ability of either side to solve our problems so they are willing to try something complete different and Trump is certainly different.

People with strong politician philosophies fail to comprehend that Trump's popularity has nothing to do with being a conservative or progressive.
So when Trump blames illegal immigrants, Muslims, the Chinese, Mexicans, and other foreigners for our problems, it's certainly more appealing than blaming ourselves. Lastly, people have lost faith in the ability of either side to solve our problems so they are willing to try something complete different and Trump is certainly different.

Trump has not preached that it is immigrants that cause all of our problems. It's the fact that our present administration has told ICE and the courts to ignore the illegal aliens and the illegals can cause many problems in this country, even leaving less secure and open to terrorism.

We have laws that protect us from this, but we do not enforce them. And you are right that neither party can solve. They are so immersed in political gain that the common sense approach has escaped them. But they became rich little devils aren't they? Working for the best for this country does not line their pockets.
Hillary could get 100% of the female vote...and then a lot of conservatives will be screaming about the "voting fraud" that went on because their wives swore they pulled the level for Trump...:lol:

My wife will be CAMPAIGNING for Trump.
A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....
No one is attracted to Trump because of his political philosophy because he has none.

There are a couple of rather uncomfortable and universal characteristics of mankind that the political elite have ignored. People like someone who talks big and no one talks bigger than Trump. We like someone to tell us our problems are simple and easy to solve even thou we know they aren't. We want someone to tell us with confidence there's a simple solution to our problems and no one is better at that than Trump. Secondly, we just don't really trust people who are different from us. So when Trump blames illegal immigrants, Muslims, the Chinese, Mexicans, and other foreigners for our problems, it's certainly more appealing than blaming ourselves. Lastly, people have lost faith in the ability of either side to solve our problems so they are willing to try something complete different and Trump is certainly different.

People with strong politician philosophies fail to comprehend that Trump's popularity has nothing to do with being a conservative or progressive.
So when Trump blames illegal immigrants, Muslims, the Chinese, Mexicans, and other foreigners for our problems, it's certainly more appealing than blaming ourselves. Lastly, people have lost faith in the ability of either side to solve our problems so they are willing to try something complete different and Trump is certainly different.

Trump has not preached that it is immigrants that cause all of our problems. It's the fact that our present administration has told ICE and the courts to ignore the illegal aliens and the illegals can cause many problems in this country, even leaving less secure and open to terrorism.

We have laws that protect us from this, but we do not enforce them. And you are right that neither party can solve. They are so immersed in political gain that the common sense approach has escaped them. But they became rich little devils aren't they? Working for the best for this country does not line their pockets.
Nonsense . Trump has blamed illegal immigration for stealing jobs from Americans, crime, disease, and even 911. Just 4 years ago, illegal migration didn't make the top five most important issues with Americans. Despite the fact that the of number illegal immigrants are down nearly a million and illegal immigration is at a 20 year low, Trump's campaign has successfully made it the number two most important problem with Americans.
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A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....

Only reason I'll vote for Trump is the supreme court, I don't want the hildabitch within a hundred miles of nominating anyone.

He's not Jeb Bush, he's not Hillary. That is enough for me to vote for him in November.
A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....
No one is attracted to Trump because of his political philosophy because he has none.

There are a couple of rather uncomfortable and universal characteristics of mankind that the political elite have ignored. People like someone who talks big and no one talks bigger than Trump. We like someone to tell us our problems are simple and easy to solve even thou we know they aren't. We want someone to tell us with confidence there's a simple solution to our problems and no one is better at that than Trump. Secondly, we just don't really trust people who are different from us. So when Trump blames illegal immigrants, Muslims, the Chinese, Mexicans, and other foreigners for our problems, it's certainly more appealing than blaming ourselves. Lastly, people have lost faith in the ability of either side to solve our problems so they are willing to try something complete different and Trump is certainly different.

People with strong politician philosophies fail to comprehend that Trump's popularity has nothing to do with being a conservative or progressive.
So when Trump blames illegal immigrants, Muslims, the Chinese, Mexicans, and other foreigners for our problems, it's certainly more appealing than blaming ourselves. Lastly, people have lost faith in the ability of either side to solve our problems so they are willing to try something complete different and Trump is certainly different.

Trump has not preached that it is immigrants that cause all of our problems. It's the fact that our present administration has told ICE and the courts to ignore the illegal aliens and the illegals can cause many problems in this country, even leaving less secure and open to terrorism.

We have laws that protect us from this, but we do not enforce them. And you are right that neither party can solve. They are so immersed in political gain that the common sense approach has escaped them. But they became rich little devils aren't they? Working for the best for this country does not line their pockets.
Nonsense . Trump has blamed illegal immigration for stealing jobs from Americans, crime, disease, and even 911.
I said "all" of our problems. I also said that aggressive enforcement of the immigration laws would resolve some of our problems with crime, disease and terrorism, but not all of it.
Hillary could get 100% of the female vote...and then a lot of conservatives will be screaming about the "voting fraud" that went on because their wives swore they pulled the level for Trump...:lol:
Not all women think a vagina makes anyone competent. If any woman is voting for Hillary because she is a woman, they are a black mark against suffrage!

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