Are There Any Conservative Hawks Like Me, Thinking of Voting For Hillary?

A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....

I don't see it as conservative vs liberal. I see it as establishment vs the people. The people favor Trump because they are fed up with the lies and corruption of the establishment.

Its really not very complicated.
I do understand that part. It's just that the priorities have changed so quickly.

the far left, like Japan, has awakened the sleeping giant. The result will be the same, liberalism will be defeated soundly.
Yet you are voting for a lefty in Trump.

If he is elected, there will be no change in ACA, no wall, no new trade deals, no return of manufacturing, and so forth.
A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....

I don't see it as conservative vs liberal. I see it as establishment vs the people. The people favor Trump because they are fed up with the lies and corruption of the establishment.

Its really not very complicated.
I do understand that part. It's just that the priorities have changed so quickly.

the far left, like Japan, has awakened the sleeping giant. The result will be the same, liberalism will be defeated soundly.
Yet you are voting for a lefty in Trump.

If he is elected, there will be no change in ACA, no wall, no new trade deals, no return of manufacturing, and so forth.

But there will with Hillary??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....

I don't see it as conservative vs liberal. I see it as establishment vs the people. The people favor Trump because they are fed up with the lies and corruption of the establishment.

Its really not very complicated.

It's more than that. I see it as the politically correct vs the non-politically correct. The non-politically correct never had a representative before.
A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....

I don't see it as conservative vs liberal. I see it as establishment vs the people. The people favor Trump because they are fed up with the lies and corruption of the establishment.

Its really not very complicated.
I do understand that part. It's just that the priorities have changed so quickly.

the far left, like Japan, has awakened the sleeping giant. The result will be the same, liberalism will be defeated soundly.
Yet you are voting for a lefty in Trump.

If he is elected, there will be no change in ACA, no wall, no new trade deals, no return of manufacturing, and so forth.

How exactly do you know that? have your programmers just inserted those thoughts into you feeble brain?

You have the credibility of a dried up slug on a hot sidewalk in the summer sun.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....

I don't see it as conservative vs liberal. I see it as establishment vs the people. The people favor Trump because they are fed up with the lies and corruption of the establishment.

Its really not very complicated.
I do understand that part. It's just that the priorities have changed so quickly.

the far left, like Japan, has awakened the sleeping giant. The result will be the same, liberalism will be defeated soundly.
Yet you are voting for a lefty in Trump.

If he is elected, there will be no change in ACA, no wall, no new trade deals, no return of manufacturing, and so forth.

How exactly do you know that? have your programmers just inserted those thoughts into you feeble brain?

You have the credibility of a dried up slug on a hot sidewalk in the summer sun.
My cred far exceeds yours, little buddy. :) Read everything, which you refuse to do. He wants to get elected, and once he is, he wants to be admired, so he will go with the path that leads to that. It's the center, not the far right and not the far left. Do you not get that?
I don't see it as conservative vs liberal. I see it as establishment vs the people. The people favor Trump because they are fed up with the lies and corruption of the establishment.

Its really not very complicated.
I do understand that part. It's just that the priorities have changed so quickly.

the far left, like Japan, has awakened the sleeping giant. The result will be the same, liberalism will be defeated soundly.
Yet you are voting for a lefty in Trump.

If he is elected, there will be no change in ACA, no wall, no new trade deals, no return of manufacturing, and so forth.

How exactly do you know that? have your programmers just inserted those thoughts into you feeble brain?

You have the credibility of a dried up slug on a hot sidewalk in the summer sun.
My cred far exceeds yours, little buddy. :) Read everything, which you refuse to do. He wants to get elected, and once he is, he wants to be admired, so he will go with the path that leads to that. It's the center, not the far right and not the far left. Do you not get that?

I wish I had a crystal ball like you do so I too could see the future.
Noitartust 14224699
Don't worry, Obama's neo-appeasement's bad enough--I congratulate you on the failure of Bernie, too; there's hope for you all, yet.

What Obama appeasements are you referring to?
Syria; I've got a whole board about it, up on Pinterest, talking about it; I'd link to it, but I'm not up to 15 posts, yet.

Look--the Russian reset made sense, once; didn't work. I used to be quite sympathetic to Putin, but well, he's clearly a bully, now. We're whistling past the graveyard when we say we're not in a new cold war, or something like; that dishonesty galls me.

Irony is, I'm not voting Trump, but at the same time, with some of his ideas, like boosting minimum wage, make sense, to me; I'm no Randian economic purist.

Foreign affairs are key to me, and that's why I'm shifting. Were it just Trump 'n Bernie, I'd really be in a quandary.

So what great accomplishments did the hildabitch have as SOS?
Hossfly 14224731
Appeasing Muslim terrorists, Muttonhead

Well your muttonhead is supposed to be on your shoulders. Yours maybe stuck up your ass.

So you cannot tell me where Obama has appeased Muslim terrorists.

Nice run away though for a third grader.

Supported the muslim brotherhood in Egypt, gave Iran a sweetheart deal that will allow them to get nuclear weapons, said Israel should withdraw the the 67 borders, should I go on?
If it weren't for Hillary Clinton, Osama Bin Laden would still be alive and well today. She is the one that put the pressure on Leon Panetta, and Obama to do the hit. I remember in one news clip, where she got off a plane after meeting with Pakistan officials--and she was pissed,--"and overheard her saying--I know, they know where he is." Remember she got in trouble for that comment from the Obama administration, and no one ever commented about it afterwards. So they did the hit on Osama Bin Laden, when there were others, like Joe Biden who told Obama not to do it. This is the HAWK part about Hillary Clinton. Leon Panetta has a lot of praise for Hillary Clinton in his book.

She also has lots of praise from unlikely sources, Republicans. They tend to like her when they're not campaigning against her. Paul Ryan stated, had she won in 2008, they would have already fixed this fiscal crisis. She is more than able to work across the isle with Republicans to get things done. She has worked with them in the past, and they like her.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure

Yes there will be millions of Republicans that will be voting for Hillary Clinton. Once the nursing home candidate, Bernie Sanders is completely out of this race, she is going to do a hard right to capture even more of the ill affected--"never Trump" Republican vote. Right now Half of Republican women won't cast a vote for Donald Trump and there are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump out of the Oval office. Then you have the woman factor. Right now 73% of women in this country have a very negative opinion about Donald Trump. They are the largest voting block in this country today, and they're not to be taken lightly or insulted and offended, which Trump has been very good at doing.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.

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A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....

Only reason I'll vote for Trump is the supreme court, I don't want the hildabitch within a hundred miles of nominating anyone.
OKTexas 14255127
. Only reason I'll vote for Trump is the supreme court, I don't want the hildabitch within a hundred miles of nominating anyone.

More voters specifically women on The Dem side will actively campaign contribute and show up to vote on that issue against Trump because if this:

.Trump went on to say that he favored overturning Roe v. Wade and that, “I will appoint Supreme Court judges who will be pro-life.” His comments, along with hiring a pro-life advocate as his domestic policy director, will go along way to assuring pro-life voters they can consider him in November.

Donald Trump: “I Will Appoint Supreme Court Judges Who Will be Pro-Life”

Your narrow minded issue will help Trump lose more women than he could ever gain and that is another self-inflicted dagger in the GOP hopes to take the White House and hold the Senate.
Our children and grandchildren are expecting us to do the responsible thing, and the responsible thing for us to do right now is to make sure to keep Hillary (or Bernie) out of that White House. Our freedom depends on it.

Most Young people are flocking to Bernie. Do you think they will raise children to agree with right wing religious extremists and gun nuts won't allow sensible gun laws to be passed while protecting the Second Amendment.

Young people are not falling for a right wing 'freedom' agenda.

You are voting for a doomed cause because it is wrong.
OKTexas 14255127
. Only reason I'll vote for Trump is the supreme court, I don't want the hildabitch within a hundred miles of nominating anyone.

More voters specifically women on The Dem side will actively campaign contribute and show up to vote on that issue against Trump because if this:

.Trump went on to say that he favored overturning Roe v. Wade and that, “I will appoint Supreme Court judges who will be pro-life.” His comments, along with hiring a pro-life advocate as his domestic policy director, will go along way to assuring pro-life voters they can consider him in November.

Donald Trump: “I Will Appoint Supreme Court Judges Who Will be Pro-Life”

Your narrow minded issue will help Trump lose more women than he could ever gain and that is another self-inflicted dagger in the GOP hopes to take the White House and hold the Senate.

So you're saying there are a lot of pro-death females out there? What's that say about our country and the party they support?
OKTexas 14257551
So you're saying there are a lot of pro-death females out there? What's that say about our country and the party they support?

It's not murder so it's not pro-death. Your trump screwed up when he said a woman should be punished if she has an abortion. He took it back so he admits it's not murder. You should to. Because it would be murder in cases of rape and incest and that goes nowhere.

They want the government out of decisions made between a woman and her doctor. You should too.
Please tell me what conservative platform hillary has, and then when you can't find any, list the moderate platforms, and when you can't name any of those, just admit you are not a conservative, not in the slightest bit.

It would be a conservative intelligent move to vote for Hillary based upon it being a conservative principle to know where one has been In the past in order to best plan and forge our way into the future.

The Donald is a great unknown on real policy by his own admission except that he will incite the darkest motivations from one certain group of people to seize his own personal concept of what power is.

No one really can know what the Donald will do if he turns his celebrity into pure political power if his past up to the very last minute is prologue to a Trumpian U.S. Presidency.

Hillary has a record that is not accurately examined or defined by her political foes.

Conservatives would know what to expect and the market world likes to know what to expect and does not rise in anger to tell a woman what to do with her own body and to deport 11 million working people that add the GDP.

Also, conservatives have been predicting an economic collapse and budget nightmare that Obama has already set in place. Just a matter of when. Forecasts are not projecting economic Armageddon prior to November so if a true conservative believes Obama's economic depression is coming within the next four years it would be fatal for the GOP worse than now if the great white hope is steering the economy when we all go down in ruin.

Why take the risk for a high risk unprincipled candidate like the Donald?

On the other hand if Obama/Hillary-aggedon does not materialize then as a conservative you can live happily ever after knowing your precious conservative bigotry and your social demands on the bedrooms and doctors offices of America will not be stained by an unknown Huckster like the Donald that you actually voted for.

A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.

been beaten to death- go for the known far leftist that all but decides Americas future by appointing leftist hack SC judges vs voting for borders, language, culture and a very GOOD chance Trump nominates solid to very solid constitutionalists; besides I bet thats the main issue of why Ryan is talking to Trump- to make sure he promises to nominate Cruz or other good solid right SC justices in these next 4 or 8 years.

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