Are There Any Conservative Hawks Like Me, Thinking of Voting For Hillary?

I'm wondering; I feel quite alone, at this point.

Let me put it this way. We all have our ideals, some of those ideals are what made us "conservative." Voting for Hillary would get you no closer to the culmination of your conservative ideals than you are now. Nor would staying home.

Do what you want though.
Please tell me what conservative platform hillary has, and then when you can't find any, list the moderate platforms, and when you can't name any of those, just admit you are not a conservative, not in the slightest bit.
Hossfly 14224731
Appeasing Muslim terrorists, Muttonhead

Well your muttonhead is supposed to be on your shoulders. Yours maybe stuck up your ass.

So you cannot tell me where Obama has appeased Muslim terrorists.

Nice run away though for a third grader.

He gave terrorists our top five prisoners in exchange for a lowly private that was a deserter to this country anyway. He might as well gave them a K-Mart gift card while he was at it.
Please tell me what conservative platform hillary has, and then when you can't find any, list the moderate platforms, and when you can't name any of those, just admit you are not a conservative, not in the slightest bit.

It would be a conservative intelligent move to vote for Hillary based upon it being a conservative principle to know where one has been In the past in order to best plan and forge our way into the future.

The Donald is a great unknown on real policy by his own admission except that he will incite the darkest motivations from one certain group of people to seize his own personal concept of what power is.

No one really can know what the Donald will do if he turns his celebrity into pure political power if his past up to the very last minute is prologue to a Trumpian U.S. Presidency.

Hillary has a record that is not accurately examined or defined by her political foes.

Conservatives would know what to expect and the market world likes to know what to expect and does not rise in anger to tell a woman what to do with her own body and to deport 11 million working people that add the GDP.

Also, conservatives have been predicting an economic collapse and budget nightmare that Obama has already set in place. Just a matter of when. Forecasts are not projecting economic Armageddon prior to November so if a true conservative believes Obama's economic depression is coming within the next four years it would be fatal for the GOP worse than now if the great white hope is steering the economy when we all go down in ruin.

Why take the risk for a high risk unprincipled candidate like the Donald?

On the other hand if Obama/Hillary-aggedon does not materialize then as a conservative you can live happily ever after knowing your precious conservative bigotry and your social demands on the bedrooms and doctors offices of America will not be stained by an unknown Huckster like the Donald that you actually voted for.

A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
I'm wondering; I feel quite alone, at this point.
I'm glad you bring this up, I was wondering about it.

It's a fair question, especially when she's running against a dove non-conservative.

I'm looking forward to seeing the data on cross-voting.
Look--the lessons of our war errors is long, and worthy of many books, but to throw in the towel is wrong. Some have said all we need to do is sow chaos in the Middle East is what out foreign policy needs to be, and I can see why, but that 's not moral.

The error in Libya was to leave Libya prematurely; in reality, we were recapitulating the errors of Afghanistan after a fashion, and we did so with a lot of political support from the victorious rebels. Should've leveraged that into new order, and all we had done to enter that position was to send jets (officially).

We had in a way, a lot more to work with, than when got started in Afghanistan, in 2001, really; and that is the opportunity we have, in the Middle East: to midwife into the world new democracies, and a new order. As is, it is both a duty, and a privilege; let us neither shirk, nor otherwise prove unworthy.

As to Hill, it is good that her foreign policy isn't much discussed, I now realize; the mood isn't right, but then again, articulate leadership does a lot, and just leadership, even if wrong, has big impact. Post September, there's been a pro-Russia shift in the country, and I doubt Obama imagined that happening, but that's what he's done.

Scares me, actually; she's capable of learning from them, and she like to hang with fellas like Gates 'n Petraeus, so it's all to the good in my book.

I'll tell you what scares me: a person like Hillary padding the Supreme Court with other control freak leftists.

The middle-east is one thing, but what goes on within our borders is much more important to me. I don't want to lose my gun rights which could very well happen with a liberal SC. I don't want to empower the federal government anymore than we've empowered them already.

We can all nit-pick on what we like or don't like about the current crop of nominees, but the wrong choice on President will be the wrong choice of the Supreme Court which will not only ruin our lives and freedoms, but quite possibly for many generations to come.

Our children and grandchildren are expecting us to do the responsible thing, and the responsible thing for us to do right now is to make sure to keep Hillary (or Bernie) out of that White House. Our freedom depends on it.
Please tell me what conservative platform hillary has, and then when you can't find any, list the moderate platforms, and when you can't name any of those, just admit you are not a conservative, not in the slightest bit.

It would be a conservative intelligent move to vote for Hillary based upon it being a conservative principle to know where one has been In the past in order to best plan and forge our way into the future.

The Donald is a great unknown on real policy by his own admission except that he will incite the darkest motivations from one certain group of people to seize his own personal concept of what power is.

No one really can know what the Donald will do if he turns his celebrity into pure political power if his past up to the very last minute is prologue to a Trumpian U.S. Presidency.

Hillary has a record that is not accurately examined or defined by her political foes.

Conservatives would know what to expect and the market world likes to know what to expect and does not rise in anger to tell a woman what to do with her own body and to deport 11 million working people that add the GDP.

Also, conservatives have been predicting an economic collapse and budget nightmare that Obama has already set in place. Just a matter of when. Forecasts are not projecting economic Armageddon prior to November so if a true conservative believes Obama's economic depression is coming within the next four years it would be fatal for the GOP worse than now if the great white hope is steering the economy when we all go down in ruin.

Why take the risk for a high risk unprincipled candidate like the Donald?

On the other hand if Obama/Hillary-aggedon does not materialize then as a conservative you can live happily ever after knowing your precious conservative bigotry and your social demands on the bedrooms and doctors offices of America will not be stained by an unknown Huckster like the Donald that you actually voted for.

A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
wow, this is so much tripe I got bored and stopped reading since none of it answered my question.

not eve close
A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....
Hillary could get 100% of the female vote...and then a lot of conservatives will be screaming about the "voting fraud" that went on because their wives swore they pulled the level for Trump...:lol:
If you're thinking of voting for Hillary then you NOT a conservative anything. End of story. stop lying about being one
A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....

I don't see it as conservative vs liberal. I see it as establishment vs the people. The people favor Trump because they are fed up with the lies and corruption of the establishment.

Its really not very complicated.
So you all think we should either vote for an establisment lefty neo-con or an establishment lefty dove, both who should not be president?

A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....

I don't see it as conservative vs liberal. I see it as establishment vs the people. The people favor Trump because they are fed up with the lies and corruption of the establishment.

Its really not very complicated.
I do understand that part. It's just that the priorities have changed so quickly.
A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....

I don't see it as conservative vs liberal. I see it as establishment vs the people. The people favor Trump because they are fed up with the lies and corruption of the establishment.

Its really not very complicated.
I do understand that part. It's just that the priorities have changed so quickly.

the far left, like Japan, has awakened the sleeping giant. The result will be the same, liberalism will be defeated soundly.

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