Are There Any Conservative Hawks Like Me, Thinking of Voting For Hillary?

If you pull the lever for Hillary, then turn in your Conservative card. Are you serious? You would vote for that Political whore?
Hillary could get 100% of the female vote...and then a lot of conservatives will be screaming about the "voting fraud" that went on because their wives swore they pulled the level for Trump...:lol:

My wife will be CAMPAIGNING for Trump.

:lol: That's what she's telling you she's doing. :lol:
Thinking women will vote for issues that will make us safe. That's Trump.
According to an April 1, 2016 Gallup poll, 70% of American women voters have an unfavorable opinion of Trump and only 23% have a favorable opinion. Even among Republican women voters, only 49% had a favorable opinion. That coupled with the fact that 53% of all votes in the last election was cast by women is not good news for Trump. It sounds like Trump is going have to really "play nice" to women over the next six months and that's going to be really hard. Unless there is a major change, I think there will be a landslide for Clinton.

Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump
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Hillary could get 100% of the female vote...and then a lot of conservatives will be screaming about the "voting fraud" that went on because their wives swore they pulled the level for Trump...:lol:

My wife will be CAMPAIGNING for Trump.

:lol: That's what she's telling you she's doing. :lol:
Thinking women will vote for issues that will make us safe. That's Trump.
According to an April 1, 2016 Gallup poll, 70% of American women voters have an unfavorable opinion of Trump and only 23% have a favorable opinion. Even among Republican women voters, only 49% had a favorable opinion. That coupled with the fact that 53% of all votes in the last election was cast by women is not good news for Trump. It sounds like Trump is going have to really "play nice" to women over the next six months and that's going to be really hard. Unless there is a major change, I think there will be a landslide for Clinton.

Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

Maybe, but what is their opinion of Hillary?

I found the last 20 contenders for President as unfavorable, but that doesn't mean I didn't vote for any of them.

Trying to determine how the women in our country will actually vote is like trying to determine the winner of your Monopoly game after the first roll of the dice. Polls really don't mean anything until October or early November.

But if you want to believe polls, it seems that more and more are saying Trump is zoning in on Hillary. But again, it means nothing at this stage of the game.
A true conservative would want Trump to be trounced in the general election to show that conservatism is actually based on core principles and not saying anything and asinine things just to rise to power by the non-virtue of true conservatives closing their eyes and holding their nose to vote for a clown at best.
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing too.

We're in completely uncharted waters here, as the same people who have been trumpeting (pun intended) "conservative values" for decades have fallen for a guy who has inspired them to throw many of those same values under the bus.

It's almost other-worldly, the way they seem to be under his spell. I'm trying to get it, I think I get it a bit more than before, but still....
No one is attracted to Trump because of his political philosophy because he has none.

There are a couple of rather uncomfortable and universal characteristics of mankind that the political elite have ignored. People like someone who talks big and no one talks bigger than Trump. We like someone to tell us our problems are simple and easy to solve even thou we know they aren't. We want someone to tell us with confidence there's a simple solution to our problems and no one is better at that than Trump. Secondly, we just don't really trust people who are different from us. So when Trump blames illegal immigrants, Muslims, the Chinese, Mexicans, and other foreigners for our problems, it's certainly more appealing than blaming ourselves. Lastly, people have lost faith in the ability of either side to solve our problems so they are willing to try something complete different and Trump is certainly different.

People with strong politician philosophies fail to comprehend that Trump's popularity has nothing to do with being a conservative or progressive.
So when Trump blames illegal immigrants, Muslims, the Chinese, Mexicans, and other foreigners for our problems, it's certainly more appealing than blaming ourselves. Lastly, people have lost faith in the ability of either side to solve our problems so they are willing to try something complete different and Trump is certainly different.

Trump has not preached that it is immigrants that cause all of our problems. It's the fact that our present administration has told ICE and the courts to ignore the illegal aliens and the illegals can cause many problems in this country, even leaving less secure and open to terrorism.

We have laws that protect us from this, but we do not enforce them. And you are right that neither party can solve. They are so immersed in political gain that the common sense approach has escaped them. But they became rich little devils aren't they? Working for the best for this country does not line their pockets.
Nonsense . Trump has blamed illegal immigration for stealing jobs from Americans, crime, disease, and even 911. Just 4 years ago, illegal migration didn't make the top five most important issues with Americans. Despite the fact that the of number illegal immigrants are down nearly a million and illegal immigration is at a 20 year low, Trump's campaign has successfully made it the number two most important problem with Americans.

Illegal immigration is not at a 20 year low. Need articles on the subject, just ask.
OKTexas 14255127
. Only reason I'll vote for Trump is the supreme court, I don't want the hildabitch within a hundred miles of nominating anyone.

More voters specifically women on The Dem side will actively campaign contribute and show up to vote on that issue against Trump because if this:

.Trump went on to say that he favored overturning Roe v. Wade and that, “I will appoint Supreme Court judges who will be pro-life.” His comments, along with hiring a pro-life advocate as his domestic policy director, will go along way to assuring pro-life voters they can consider him in November.

Donald Trump: “I Will Appoint Supreme Court Judges Who Will be Pro-Life”

Your narrow minded issue will help Trump lose more women than he could ever gain and that is another self-inflicted dagger in the GOP hopes to take the White House and hold the Senate.

Trump is winning the female vote. you are living a fantasy.

In what reality?
If it weren't for Hillary Clinton, Osama Bin Laden would still be alive and well today. She is the one that put the pressure on Leon Panetta, and Obama to do the hit. I remember in one news clip, where she got off a plane after meeting with Pakistan officials--and she was pissed,--"and overheard her saying--I know, they know where he is." Remember she got in trouble for that comment from the Obama administration, and no one ever commented about it afterwards. So they did the hit on Osama Bin Laden, when there were others, like Joe Biden who told Obama not to do it. This is the HAWK part about Hillary Clinton. Leon Panetta has a lot of praise for Hillary Clinton in his book.

She also has lots of praise from unlikely sources, Republicans. They tend to like her when they're not campaigning against her. Paul Ryan stated, had she won in 2008, they would have already fixed this fiscal crisis. She is more than able to work across the isle with Republicans to get things done. She has worked with them in the past, and they like her.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure

Yes there will be millions of Republicans that will be voting for Hillary Clinton. Once the nursing home candidate, Bernie Sanders is completely out of this race, she is going to do a hard right to capture even more of the ill affected--"never Trump" Republican vote. Right now Half of Republican women won't cast a vote for Donald Trump and there are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump out of the Oval office. Then you have the woman factor. Right now 73% of women in this country have a very negative opinion about Donald Trump. They are the largest voting block in this country today, and they're not to be taken lightly or insulted and offended, which Trump has been very good at doing.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.


omg, if it wasn't for Hillary Bin laden would still be alive. is that from your Crystal Ball? and when does a SOS have that kind of POWER to command a military to kill ? give us a break . go vote for her, (which says a lot about the person voting for her even with all the crap that has been under investigation and you will still vote for the corrupted MILLIONAIRE.) but stop making up these lies to try and make her into something she isn't.
Hillary could get 100% of the female vote...and then a lot of conservatives will be screaming about the "voting fraud" that went on because their wives swore they pulled the level for Trump...:lol:

My wife will be CAMPAIGNING for Trump.

:lol: That's what she's telling you she's doing. :lol:
Thinking women will vote for issues that will make us safe. That's Trump.

thank you. Sheep will be the ones voting for Hillary and that will be the men and women in the cult of the Democrat party.
Are There Any Conservative Hawks Like Me, Thinking of Voting For Hillary?

If you're thinking about voting for Hillary, then you are in no way conservative.

If it weren't for Hillary Clinton, Osama Bin Laden would still be alive and well today. She is the one that put the pressure on Leon Panetta, and Obama to do the hit. I remember in one news clip, where she got off a plane after meeting with Pakistan officials--and she was pissed,--"and overheard her saying--I know, they know where he is." Remember she got in trouble for that comment from the Obama administration, and no one ever commented about it afterwards. So they did the hit on Osama Bin Laden, when there were others, like Joe Biden who told Obama not to do it. This is the HAWK part about Hillary Clinton. Leon Panetta has a lot of praise for Hillary Clinton in his book.

She also has lots of praise from unlikely sources, Republicans. They tend to like her when they're not campaigning against her. Paul Ryan stated, had she won in 2008, they would have already fixed this fiscal crisis. She is more than able to work across the isle with Republicans to get things done. She has worked with them in the past, and they like her.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure

Yes there will be millions of Republicans that will be voting for Hillary Clinton. Once the nursing home candidate, Bernie Sanders is completely out of this race, she is going to do a hard right to capture even more of the ill affected--"never Trump" Republican vote. Right now Half of Republican women won't cast a vote for Donald Trump and there are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump out of the Oval office. Then you have the woman factor. Right now 73% of women in this country have a very negative opinion about Donald Trump. They are the largest voting block in this country today, and they're not to be taken lightly or insulted and offended, which Trump has been very good at doing.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.


omg, if it wasn't for Hillary Bin laden would still be alive. is that from your Crystal Ball? and when does a SOS have that kind of POWER to command a military to kill ? give us a break . go vote for her, (which says a lot about the person voting for her even with all the crap that has been under investigation and you will still vote for the corrupted MILLIONAIRE.) but stop making up these lies to try and make her into something she isn't.

It's true, it's in Leon Panneta's book. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, as no power to order a hit, but she as an adviser to the POTUS was the one that convinced Obama to do it, while Joe Biden & several others said no.

BTW--the FBI email investigation is over, they found no wrong doing in any of her actions, and if they were going to charge her with anything they would have also had to charge Colin Powell & Condi Rice for the same thing, as they had email problems of their own.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

As far as your other accusations, I didn't know being wealthy was a crime in this country? After all the top 1% in this country pay 50% of the entire Federal tax base. The top 5% pay 85% and the lower 84% only contribute 15%. I guess you'll have to figure out the criminal activity in that---LOL
Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

It's fairly easy to spot a Bernie Sanders supporter.
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OKTexas 14255127
. Only reason I'll vote for Trump is the supreme court, I don't want the hildabitch within a hundred miles of nominating anyone.

More voters specifically women on The Dem side will actively campaign contribute and show up to vote on that issue against Trump because if this:

.Trump went on to say that he favored overturning Roe v. Wade and that, “I will appoint Supreme Court judges who will be pro-life.” His comments, along with hiring a pro-life advocate as his domestic policy director, will go along way to assuring pro-life voters they can consider him in November.

Donald Trump: “I Will Appoint Supreme Court Judges Who Will be Pro-Life”

Your narrow minded issue will help Trump lose more women than he could ever gain and that is another self-inflicted dagger in the GOP hopes to take the White House and hold the Senate.

Trump is winning the female vote. you are living a fantasy.

In what reality?

In the reality where the majority (58%) of women say the don't like the hildabitch.
OKTexas 14255127
. Only reason I'll vote for Trump is the supreme court, I don't want the hildabitch within a hundred miles of nominating anyone.

More voters specifically women on The Dem side will actively campaign contribute and show up to vote on that issue against Trump because if this:

.Trump went on to say that he favored overturning Roe v. Wade and that, “I will appoint Supreme Court judges who will be pro-life.” His comments, along with hiring a pro-life advocate as his domestic policy director, will go along way to assuring pro-life voters they can consider him in November.

Donald Trump: “I Will Appoint Supreme Court Judges Who Will be Pro-Life”

Your narrow minded issue will help Trump lose more women than he could ever gain and that is another self-inflicted dagger in the GOP hopes to take the White House and hold the Senate.

Trump is winning the female vote. you are living a fantasy.

In what reality?

In the reality where the majority (58%) of women say the don't like the hildabitch.

I won't be holding my breath waiting for you to give me a link on that one--LOL.
18 Real Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said About Women
Donald Trump: 15 Nastiest Things He’s Said About Women
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

There's a reason the DNC wanted Donald Trump to be the nominee. And they haven't even released his Howard Stern interviews yet--LOL

OKTexas 14255127
. Only reason I'll vote for Trump is the supreme court, I don't want the hildabitch within a hundred miles of nominating anyone.

More voters specifically women on The Dem side will actively campaign contribute and show up to vote on that issue against Trump because if this:

.Trump went on to say that he favored overturning Roe v. Wade and that, “I will appoint Supreme Court judges who will be pro-life.” His comments, along with hiring a pro-life advocate as his domestic policy director, will go along way to assuring pro-life voters they can consider him in November.

Donald Trump: “I Will Appoint Supreme Court Judges Who Will be Pro-Life”

Your narrow minded issue will help Trump lose more women than he could ever gain and that is another self-inflicted dagger in the GOP hopes to take the White House and hold the Senate.

Trump is winning the female vote. you are living a fantasy.

In what reality?

In the reality where the majority (58%) of women say the don't like the hildabitch.

I won't be holding my breath waiting for you to give me a link on that one--LOL.
18 Real Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said About Women
Donald Trump: 15 Nastiest Things He’s Said About Women
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

There's a reason the DNC wanted Donald Trump to be the nominee. And they haven't even released his Howard Stern interviews yet--LOL


In every region: In the East, 39 percent view her favorably; 53 percent view her unfavorably; in the Midwest, her ratings are 36 percent favorable to 62 percent unfavorable; in the South, 36 percent favorable to 60 percent unfavorable; in the West, 38 percent favorable to 54 percent unfavorable. Among women on the right and in the center: Her ratings among Republican women are 9 percent favorable to 90 percent unfavorable; among independent women, they are 24 percent favorable to 65 percent unfavorable; among conservative women, 10 percent favorable to 88 percent unfavorable; among moderate women, 42 percent favorable to 50 percent unfavorable.

Read more at: Hillary’s Woman Problem: Most Women Don’t Like Her, by John McLaughlin, Jim McLaughlin, National Review
OKTexas 14255127 More voters specifically women on The Dem side will actively campaign contribute and show up to vote on that issue against Trump because if this:

Donald Trump: “I Will Appoint Supreme Court Judges Who Will be Pro-Life”

Your narrow minded issue will help Trump lose more women than he could ever gain and that is another self-inflicted dagger in the GOP hopes to take the White House and hold the Senate.

Trump is winning the female vote. you are living a fantasy.

In what reality?

In the reality where the majority (58%) of women say the don't like the hildabitch.

I won't be holding my breath waiting for you to give me a link on that one--LOL.
18 Real Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said About Women
Donald Trump: 15 Nastiest Things He’s Said About Women
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

There's a reason the DNC wanted Donald Trump to be the nominee. And they haven't even released his Howard Stern interviews yet--LOL


In every region: In the East, 39 percent view her favorably; 53 percent view her unfavorably; in the Midwest, her ratings are 36 percent favorable to 62 percent unfavorable; in the South, 36 percent favorable to 60 percent unfavorable; in the West, 38 percent favorable to 54 percent unfavorable. Among women on the right and in the center: Her ratings among Republican women are 9 percent favorable to 90 percent unfavorable; among independent women, they are 24 percent favorable to 65 percent unfavorable; among conservative women, 10 percent favorable to 88 percent unfavorable; among moderate women, 42 percent favorable to 50 percent unfavorable.

Read more at: Hillary’s Woman Problem: Most Women Don’t Like Her, by John McLaughlin, Jim McLaughlin, National Review

Donald Trump has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history. In fact it's 60%, which is the amount of Republicans that I anticpate won't be voting for Donald Trump.
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded

Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

Then you add in the Latino factor, and it's clear that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

All you Trump supporters were warned time and time again about Donald Trump and you went with him anyway. Frankly, you deserve everything that's coming your way.

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Trump is winning the female vote. you are living a fantasy.

In what reality?

In the reality where the majority (58%) of women say the don't like the hildabitch.

I won't be holding my breath waiting for you to give me a link on that one--LOL.
18 Real Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said About Women
Donald Trump: 15 Nastiest Things He’s Said About Women
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

There's a reason the DNC wanted Donald Trump to be the nominee. And they haven't even released his Howard Stern interviews yet--LOL


In every region: In the East, 39 percent view her favorably; 53 percent view her unfavorably; in the Midwest, her ratings are 36 percent favorable to 62 percent unfavorable; in the South, 36 percent favorable to 60 percent unfavorable; in the West, 38 percent favorable to 54 percent unfavorable. Among women on the right and in the center: Her ratings among Republican women are 9 percent favorable to 90 percent unfavorable; among independent women, they are 24 percent favorable to 65 percent unfavorable; among conservative women, 10 percent favorable to 88 percent unfavorable; among moderate women, 42 percent favorable to 50 percent unfavorable.

Read more at: Hillary’s Woman Problem: Most Women Don’t Like Her, by John McLaughlin, Jim McLaughlin, National Review

Donald Trump has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history.
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded

Excuse me duffas, the subject was the hildabitch. I'm not going to comment on your deflection.
In what reality?

In the reality where the majority (58%) of women say the don't like the hildabitch.

I won't be holding my breath waiting for you to give me a link on that one--LOL.
18 Real Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said About Women
Donald Trump: 15 Nastiest Things He’s Said About Women
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

There's a reason the DNC wanted Donald Trump to be the nominee. And they haven't even released his Howard Stern interviews yet--LOL


In every region: In the East, 39 percent view her favorably; 53 percent view her unfavorably; in the Midwest, her ratings are 36 percent favorable to 62 percent unfavorable; in the South, 36 percent favorable to 60 percent unfavorable; in the West, 38 percent favorable to 54 percent unfavorable. Among women on the right and in the center: Her ratings among Republican women are 9 percent favorable to 90 percent unfavorable; among independent women, they are 24 percent favorable to 65 percent unfavorable; among conservative women, 10 percent favorable to 88 percent unfavorable; among moderate women, 42 percent favorable to 50 percent unfavorable.

Read more at: Hillary’s Woman Problem: Most Women Don’t Like Her, by John McLaughlin, Jim McLaughlin, National Review

Donald Trump has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history.
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded

Excuse me duffas, the subject was the hildabitch. I'm not going to comment on your deflection.

What else have you got to say about Hillary Clinton, that already hasn't collapsed?

BENGHAZI collapsed. It's been investigated 8 times now, and during her last 12 hour congressional testimony she made Republicans look like total idiots. When in her opening statement she went through a long list of other U.S. Embassies that were attacked. Most notably under Reagan when 240 U.S. Marines were killed at a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Of course, that only produced 1 investigation.


EMAILS collapsed. The FBI has announced they found no wrong doing. And if they were going to charge her, they would also have to open up investigations into Colin Powell and Condi Rice's emails has they have the same emails issues with classified information being sent or received through to their private email servers.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts


IOW--you've got NOTHING but Donald Trump. (Good luck with that)


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